Tuesday, October 15, 2024

If only government would do the right thing -Take Away illegal alien benefits, entitlements, welfare and pass E-Verify - this national tragedy would take care of itself!


Managing Initial Mass Deportation

By Anony Mee www.americanthinker.com

Based on my experience, I guess that, by January 2025, over the preceding four years, we will have admitted 20 million more folks in this country than law and good sense would have allowed. Most Americans strongly favor deporting these illegal aliens. How do we (i.e., the next Trump Administration) fix this? A few simple, immediate steps will address the problem without the ugly round-ups that Democrats promise, ensuring a stark reduction in the number of illegal aliens. All these steps should apply to all illegals in the country without exception.

What about the children?

Each illegal foreign child should be DNAed and fingerprinted. Abandoned children need to be tracked and eventually reunited with family if feasible. Otherwise, put them up for adoption. Any minor claiming to be 14 years or older should be processed as an adult, which I’d be willing to bet most of them are.

DREAMers should be processed for temporary legal residence with no possibility of becoming an American citizen. If they keep their noses clean and stay off public assistance, let them stay. By the way, if they say they can’t speak their parents’ native language, that’s simply not true. They grew up speaking with their parents, after all.

Long-term residents under Temporary Protected Status (TPS) should also be processed for temporary legal residence with no possibility of naturalization.


Image: Illegal aliens at Boston’s Logan Airport. YouTube screen grab.

Finish the wall

The March 2024 ruling in favor of Texas and Missouri should have taken care of that, but completion may take time which takes us into the Trump administration. If costs have increased, there are FY-24 DHS infrastructure funds. DHS should also reimburse states, counties, and municipalities that have already blocked or are willing to block border crossers. That quickens the process and lowers the cost as well. The 119th Congress can appropriate the rest of the funding required. Then, secure that wall with harsh enforcement.

Halt admissions

Historically, two-thirds of all illegals in the country have been overstays. Have each consular section at our embassies analyze those who did not return and stop issuing visas to folks in similar circumstances.

Stop all nonimmigrant visa issuances to and admissions from countries that are under TPS. Cancel the faux “humanitarian entry” program and stop flying folks to the US. Roll back all of Biden’s extensions of TPS and advise these folks that they have 60 days to depart.

Halt all illegal entry. Turn every single one of them away. If they want to apply for asylum, advise them to find a UNHCR office elsewhere in the world. Do not accept applications for asylum from individuals who are already in a third country (Mexico) or from Mexicans. Their governments are not persecuting them.

Tighten the asylum application process

No pleas for asylum should be processed from an airline passenger without proper travel documentation. Require airlines to present, along with the passenger and crew manifest, a screenshot of everyone’s passport page with identifying information and photo. Anyone ditching their documents should be denied entry and flown out immediately.

Cut off funds

Cancel all federal contracts with organizations assisting illegals and those abroad assisting those who intend to enter illegally. Cut off reimbursements to states that provide assistance to illegals. If a state wants to provide a service to someone on its soil, that’s on the voters in that state, not the rest of us in other states. Cut off federal funds for state and local law enforcement to all sanctuary states, cities, etc.

Cancel all US assistance to Ecuador, Panama, Mexico, and any other country that fosters the movement of those intended to enter the US illegally. Remove USAID staff from those countries. Send it back once the migrant hordes are gone and they’ve properly secured their borders.

Stop all federal payments of any sort (medical, housing, food, miscellaneous) to illegals. Immediately cancel all but $1000 on any EBT card issued to illegals. Tell them they have two months to get out of the country before detention, prosecution, and life-long ineligibility ever to enter the US again kick in. How do they prove they left? They apply for a nonimmigrant visa at a US embassy or consulate abroad within 60 days.

Prohibit residence and employment

Provide two months’ notice that all temporary residence and work authorization under the “humanitarian parole” and CPB1 programs will be canceled. Same for asylum applicants since January 20, 2021. Since Biden/Harris paid to fly many in, they should be offered free flights home.

Prohibit change of status

Require those who are seeking to change to a legal status (student, marriage to an American, etc.) to wait abroad for processing. Give them two months to appear at a US embassy in person to register to continue processing their application.

Stop processing asylum applications

Require those who applied for asylum/refugee status to wait abroad. Give them two months to show up in person (entire family) at a US embassy or consulate, where they can make a no-cost application for a visitor visa that will be denied. That application process should include capturing fingerprints (even of minors), photographs, a copy of the DHS documentation of their asylum application, and contact information abroad. If they fail to make such an application, their asylum application should be denied.

Prosecute employers of illegals

Put out a public service announcement that the new 87,000 IRS agents will be following up on any reports of a company employing illegals, and those that have done so will have their work permission revoked. Set up a tip line. Any company found to be employing those ineligible for employment will be IRS audited, and OSHA inspected to within an inch of their lives. Crooked in uno, crooked in omnibus, I say.

Incarcerate illegals

States and localities should be reimbursed for detaining illegals until they can be passed over to federal authorities and processed for deportation. If a routine traffic stop can result in detention and deportation, this will also force folks to reevaluate the benefits of being in the United States. Such detention doesn’t have to be expensive. Sheriff Joe Arpaio showed the way with his adequate but barebones facilities. Those apprehended should never have the ability to wander freely in our society.

Force their hand

Deporting illegals should be one of our highest national priorities. If a country refuses to accept its citizens being returned or refuses to document its citizens for international travel, the United States should start revoking visas issued to that country’s senior officials and their families, including their kids in school in the United States. If that doesn’t work, then refuse to grant admission to the United States for any citizen from that country. They’ll cave.

A great many of those who should not be here will self-deport if faced with dire consequences otherwise. Loss of money, loss of free housing, free food, free medical care, and access to employment will be enough to send most of the recent and some of the long-term illegals away. Rounding up the rest will then be less onerous.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

NYC a sanctuary city in a sanctuary state spending billions of taxpayer money to provide benefits, entitlements and welfare to an invading illegal alien horde. This is total insanity!


NYC to shutter violent immigrant shelter — and house immigrants with tourists in hotels instead

Candace Hathaway October 10, 2024 theblaze.com

Mayor Adams credits reduced capacity for the shelter’s scheduled closure.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) announced Wednesday that the city plans to shut down the sprawling Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Center located on Randall's Island, which, at its peak, was able to house 3,000 immigrants.

The tent shelter, which is slated to close down at the end of February, and the surrounding area have become a hotbed for violence since it opened last August.

'Large scale commercial hotels and hotel management services to help address the current emergency.'

Adams noted that the city has already reduced its capacity by dismantling the largest residential tent structure, which was used to hold 750 cots. One of the athletic fields, a site previously utilized as shelter space, will be returned to community use after it undergoes restorations.

 “Over the coming months, the city will continue to gradually reduce the population on-site. Following the site’s closure in February, the city will invest in restoring the remaining impacted athletic fields and parkland,” the city reported.

Adams noted that New York City, which has seen a massive increase in illegal alien arrivals under the Biden-Harris administration, is “not out of the woods yet.”

He credits his office’s “smart management strategies and successful advocacy” for helping the city “turn[] the corner on the crisis.” Specifically, Adams noted that his 30-day shelter limits for individuals and 60-day limits for families have helped reduce capacity.

“We’re not scrambling every day to open new shelters — we’re talking about closing them. We’re not talking about how much we’re spending — we’re talking about how much we’ve saved,” Adams stated. “And thanks to today’s announcement, in a few months, we’ll be talking about how much we’re investing in restoring Randall’s Island’s incredible fields and parks for community use. I want to thank the Randall’s Island Park Alliance and every New Yorker who has partnered with us to manage this unprecedented influx of asylum seekers and make sure that our newest arrivals have the same opportunity that we all have to pursue the American dream.”

According to Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Anne Williams-Isom, nearly a quarter-million immigrants were funneled through the city’s shelter system since spring 2022.

“Roughly seven in 10 of those seeking asylum have moved on to the next part of their journey, and today’s announcement is another step on our path through our humanitarian response. With 14 straight weeks of lower numbers of new arrivals seeking asylum, we are now able to transition from this large humanitarian relief center, which is a step in the right direction,” Williams-Isom said.

However, a New York Post report also released on Wednesday revealed that the city’s Department of Homeless Services is seeking a massive 14,000-room hotel contract with properties around the city.

The news outlet noted that roughly 150 New York City hotels are already providing rooms to immigrants. The cost of those accommodations combined with spending on immigrant services over a three-year period is estimated to reach $5.76 billion for local taxpayers.

The city’s current three contracts with the New York City Hotel Association cost taxpayers $352 per night per room.

The Department of Homeless Services wrote in its solicitation for proposals that it “is seeking to continue the City Sanctuary Facility program by procuring a vendor who can assist in acquiring the use of large scale commercial hotels and hotel management services to help address the current emergency.”

Hotel Association President Vijay Dandapani told the Post, “We will be filling in the RFP [request for proposal].”

He stated that the association’s foundation receives roughly $100,000 monthly to fulfill the existing three contracts with the city.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Have you ever heard of 'the Pelosi Wrap Up Smear' label? Here is a perfect example of how the lawless Democrats use it to further their agenda!


The Harris-NBC ‘Wrap-Up Smear’ Against DeSantis

Nate Jackson @NatriotJackson 10-11-24 patriotpost.us

Harris’s campaign seeded a story about a rejected phone call and got several days of misleading news out of it.

Hurricanes are a fact of life in Florida. Some 110 of them have hit the state since recordkeeping began in 1851. That said, when a Category 3 storm hits, it’s still a big deal and requires a massive recovery effort.

As Hurricane Milton drifts off into the Atlantic, millions of Floridians are once again left to put life back together. As of this morning, at least four people were killed, while wind damage is widespread and storm surge has flooded many cities along the state’s Gulf Coast. Again, that’s after Hurricane Helene hit the state’s Big Bend region on September 26 as a Category 4, killing 20 Floridians and destroying a huge swath of the Southeast (the death toll is well over 230).

“We will better understand the extent of the damage as the day progresses,” Governor Ron DeSantis said of Milton this morning. “The storm was significant, but thankfully, this was not the worst-case scenario.”

As I’ve written before, DeSantis has a good record dealing with multiple hurricanes during his tenure. He has provided the management model, and it’s a safe bet that he’ll continue demonstrating that leadership.

The contrast he provides with President in Absentia Joe Biden and Vice President of DEI Kamala Harris is precisely why Leftmedia outlets are so vigorously attacking DeSantis, even as he deals with the aftermath of two hurricanes.

The Leftmedia’s job is to make Kamala Harris look like a serious leader (spoiler alert: she’s not) so as to help her win November’s election. The flip side of the coin is the media’s goal of making Republicans look like they’re just playing politics with lies and misinformation to win the election.

So, as multiple states struggle to turn the power back on, repair damaged and ruined infrastructure, and even recover bodies swept away by flash floods, the Leftmedia is laser-focused on — wait for it — whether Harris called DeSantis and if he rejected her call.

NBC News began the fiasco by portraying the governor as obtuse and needlessly political. “Ron DeSantis is refusing to take Harris’ call on Hurricane Helene” read its headline Monday. The story quotes an unnamed DeSantis aide saying, “Kamala was trying to reach out, and we didn’t answer” because the calls “seemed political.”

Early this morning, after Biden praised DeSantis yesterday, NBC churned the story with this headline: “Biden didn’t know Ron DeSantis had refused to take Harris’ call when he praised him as ‘gracious.’”

The governor denied the episode. “I didn’t know that she had called,” DeSantis said. “I’m not sure who they called. They didn’t call me. Their characterization of it was something that they did. It wasn’t anything that anybody in my office did in terms of saying it was political.”

Given the opportunity to weigh in, Harris played not the leader but the victim. “People are in desperate need of support right now, and playing political games at this moment in these crisis situations … is just utterly irresponsible, and it is selfish,” she lectured. “It is about political gamesmanship, instead of doing the job that you took an oath to do, which is to put the people first.” And how, exactly, would it “put the people first” to take a political phone call from a campaigning Harris? I also note that she was careful not to say she called and DeSantis didn’t answer. She just laid into him as if NBC’s report was established fact.

DeSantis, who had already spoken with Biden and was ably dealing with the crises without Harris’s “help,” responded accordingly. “For Kamala Harris to try to say that my sole focus on the people of Florida is somehow selfish is delusional,” he said. “She has no role in this. In fact, she’s been vice president for three and a half years. I’ve dealt with a number of storms under this administration. She has never contributed anything to any of these efforts, and so what I think is selfish is her trying to blunder into this.”

“She’s the first one who’s trying to politicize the storm, and she’s doing that just because of her campaign,” he added. “I don’t have time for political games.”

Not only that, but DeSantis isn’t waiting around for FEMA to get its act together. “Just let me be clear,” he said. “In Florida, we run the show. FEMA’s not running the show. We will utilize them to support some of the things we’re doing, but you are not going to see FEMA running amok in Florida. I’m the sheriff that’s in charge here, and we will make sure to protect you.”

The man’s a leader, no question.

The only reason he’s had anything to say about Harris is because her campaign seeded the story about him not answering her call. It seems she had an aide dial an aide precisely so that she couldn’t get through to the governor. Then, she could complain through her aides to the media that DeSantis wouldn’t answer. White Republican man snubs black Democrat woman. The media would then dutifully ask her about it, which would provide a great campaign moment for her to project high-minded ideas of bipartisanship while making Republicans seem cold and callous.

It’s a perfect example of what Nancy Pelosi dubbed the “wrap-up smear.” The hilarious thing about her claim is that she wants you to think Republicans are the ones who collude with the media to do this.

Remind me, who controls the media? Who made sure Harris got exactly what she wanted out of this story?

It's obvious that illegal aliens have been voting is our Elections for a long time. Lawlessness destroys national sovereignty. Our once great Republic has been destroyed. Wake up America, get educated, inspired, involved and participate to restore our Republic!


Exclusive: Records Show Votes Cast Under Names of Non-Citizens in Multiple Maine Elections Since 2016

By Steve Robinson October 10, 2024 themainewire.com

An investigation by the Maine Wire has found multiple votes cast in the names of Maine Democrats who are described in Medicaid records as legal or illegal immigrants.

Whistleblower records obtained by the Maine Wire, along with voter registration records from the Maine Secretary of State’s office, show that multiple votes have been cast in Maine under the names of legal and illegal aliens who should be ineligible to vote in U.S. federal, state, and local Maine elections.

The records include state-managed Medicaid billing profiles showing the names, addresses, social security numbers, dates of birth, phone numbers, and immigration statuses of legal aliens and illegal aliens.

The records show the legal and illegal aliens billing Medicaid, known in Maine as MaineCare, for hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses. They were provided to the Maine Wire by a whistleblower concerned about potentially fraudulent billing practices at a healthcare provider in Maine.

When the identities of the 18 legal and illegal aliens named in the records were cross-referenced with voting records from the Maine Secretary of State, six of the individuals were registered to vote, five had voted in elections since 2016, and all were registered Democrats.

If their immigration statuses have been correctly recorded in Maine’s MaineCare system, then none of the individuals should be legally allowed to register to vote or vote in U.S. federal, state, or local Maine elections.

The Maine Wire is withholding the records themselves as well as unique identifying information about the individuals in order to protect sensitive health information of the immigrants as well as the source’s identity.

Three of the illegally registered voters are described in Maine’s state-managed Medicaid portal as “2-Legal Alien,” and three are described in the system as “3-Other.”

None are listed as “1-U.S. Citizen,” which is the other available option.

None of the individuals received social security numbers in the years in which they were born, indicating that they were only given social security numbers — or the equivalent identifier given to immigrants — after coming to the U.S.

The individuals range in age from 35 to 74. According to SSN-Check.org, they received their social security numbers at ages ranging from 16 to 58. Four of the individuals received their social security numbers in Maine, while one received their number in Georgia and another received theirs in California.

Two of the individuals who are over the age of 65 are described in the records as ineligible for Medicare, which is another indication that these individuals are not U.S. citizens. Illegal aliens are ineligible for the federal health care program regardless of their age, and only certain legal aliens are eligible for Medicare if they’ve worked legally for long enough within the U.S.

One of those individuals, a 68-year-old female whose Alien Status is listed as “3-Other” in the records, was registered to vote in May 2019 and, in the 2020 election, an absentee ballot was cast in her name.

The other, a 74-year-old female listed in the records as “2-Legal Alien,” was registered to vote in Oct. 2016. Ballots were cast in that individual’s name in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022.

In 2016 and 2020, those votes were cast by absentee ballot.

The records offer no indication as to whether the individuals intentionally registered to vote and cast the ballots themselves or were registered to vote by another party and had ballots cast in their name without their knowledge or permission.

Several of the medical records indicate that the registered Democratic voters have severe intellectual or developmental disabilities and cognitive impairment.

One voter, who has not voted but was registered to vote as a Democrat in June, is described in the medical records as having “no cognitive capacity.”

All but one of the individuals has an address that corresponds with taxpayer-subsidized public housing.

The records for all six registered Maine voters indicate that they require interpreters when receiving medical care, as English is not their primary language. Several are recorded as speaking no English.

Any interpreter services would also be paid for by MaineCare.

Although non-citizens are generally ineligible for health care coverage under federal Medicaid rules, Maine is one of a handful of states that will nonetheless cover certain non-citizens via the state-administered program.

Maine’s MaineCare/Medicaid rules shed light on what it means for these six registered Democrats to be classified as either “2-Legal Alien” or “3-Other” in the MaineCare system.

The “2-Legal Alien” category includes individuals who are legal permanent residents (green card holders), refugees, asylees, and asylum applicants who have been paroled.

The “3-Other” category includes people who may be undocumented or have an uncertain immigration status, such as those who have not begun or completed the asylum process.

Green card holders, legal permanent residents, asylum recipients, asylum applicants, aspiring asylum applicants, and illegal immigrants are prohibited from voting in U.S. federal, state, and local Maine elections.

It’s unclear how or why these six individuals — despite not being U.S. citizens — have become registered to vote as Democrats and, in several cases, have had votes cast in their names in U.S. elections.

However, Maine does not affirmatively verify citizenship when an individual attempts to register to vote, and instead relies only on the individual’s attestation that they are, in fact, eligible to vote as proof that they are eligible to vote.

Maine is also not among the states that requires voters to present photo identification in order to obtain an absentee ballot or cast a ballot on Election Day.

For the past four years, Maine Gov. Janet Mills (D) and the Democrat-controlled legislature have shot down several attempts at implementing election integrity reforms that would prevent non-citizens from voting, including proposed voter ID laws.

The sample of records obtained by the Maine Wire is a tiny portion of the population of legal and illegal aliens currently residing in Maine.

Immigrant advocacy groups estimate that anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 legal and illegal immigrants currently reside in Maine, but it is unclear how many of them are also registered to vote and voting in U.S. elections — or having votes cast in their names by other parties.

Individuals with additional information about suspected MaineCare fraud or non-citizen voting can contact this reporter at Robinson@themainewire.com or @BigSteve207 on X.com