Obama Executive Order Means Open Door Amnesty
When Barack Obama delivered his June 15 speech in the White House Rose Garden where he provided amnesty to more than 800K illegal aliens through an executive order (EO), he failed to mention one crucial point: The parents of these future citizens would also not be deported.
The announcement was part of a shrewd political move on the part of Obama to bypass Congress and enact the DREAM Act, a major piece of legislation that legalizes the children of illegal aliens, known as “DREAMers,” who came to the United States as minors.
During a June 15 interview, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, “Should the parents [of amnestied DREAMers] be concerned that they could be deported?”
Napolitano replied: “No. We are not going to do that. We have internally set it up that parents are not referred for immigration enforcement if the young person comes in for deferred action.”
On July 5, this writer spoke with illegal immigration activist Glenn Spencer, who founded American Border Patrol over a decade ago.
When asked what impact Obama’s EO will have on America , Spencer explained, “We’re importing poverty into this nation, and it’s bankrupting states like California . Demographics are destiny, and it won’t get any better in the future. We’re erasing our tax base and facing huge pension problems. At some point the feds will have to bail out California .”
Spencer continued to use California as a microcosm of a much larger problem.
“California is a basket case because of illegal immigration,” he said. “Some 60% of all the uninsured are Hispanics, and they’re in California because the feds won’t enforce our laws. In fact, these uninsured were one of the reasons given as to why we needed Obamacare. Where did these uninsured people come from? Mexico .”
In terms of estimates given as to how many DREAMers will receive amnesty, Spencer commented, “I spoke with a chief border patrol agent, and he said there’s so much fraud in the system that they have no ability to check everyone’s status. So they’ll pretty much have to accept their word for it, especially when this administration is so biased in favor of illegal aliens. What we’re going to see is a spike in the number of illegal aliens that will be much larger than anyone imagined. It’s a slap in the face to all of us who are here legally.”
When AMERICAN FREE PRESS inquired as to Obama’s ultimate goal, Spencer didn’t hesitate: “It’s the same agenda as the European Union—globalism. Very powerful people decided after WWII that there would be no borders. They’d put the whole globe under one rule. Mexico will retake the Southwest and put it under its flag.”
To convince doubters, Spencer referenced a quote by Mario Obledo of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund. “California will be a Hispanic state,” said Obledo, “and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave.”
As further evidence, Spencer spoke of another nefarious individual. “Do you know who’s the chairman of this year’s Democratic National Convention?” asked Spencer. “It’s Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. This guy joined with the president of Mexico and engineered the killing of California ’s anti-illegal immigration bill. He subverted our laws in favor of Mexico , yet this traitor to the U.S. is coordinating the Democratic National Convention.”
Moving from the concept of Mexican allegiance, Spencer illustrated why Hispanics favor Obama’s EO, even if it costs them jobs.
“Ethnicity trumps the dollar,” he said. “As they say, once a Mexican, always a Mexican. The nationalistic glue of these people is very strong. They’re unified and tribalistic. Their culture trumps everything.”
Sadly, by selling out our country via his DREAM Act EO, Obama vividly showed that he doesn’t possess this same sense of nationalistic pride in America .
If Obama’s decision isn’t reversed, Spencer envisions a horror story in the future.
“With the system now in place, it’s illogical to think that Obama’s people want anything other than open door amnesty,” he said. “They’ll rubber stamp everyone claiming to be a DREAMer, keep this information secret, and then in four or five years we’ll have given amnesty to 5M illegal aliens.”
Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and the author of over 30 books.