15, 2014 By Alan Caruba - Tpnn.com
It no doubt strikes a lot of Americans as odd that a U.S. Marine
reservist, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, a 25 year old California native who had
served two tours of duty in Afghanistan, was arrested in March for illegally
entering Mexico when he made a wrong turn in Tijuana. Being in possession of
registered firearms, about which he informed the customs officials, didn’t
help. He is still in jail while awaiting a court judgment.
The fact is that Mexico’s illegal immigration laws are a lot
tougher than those of the U.S. Under Mexican law, illegal immigration is a
felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported
and attempt to re-enter can be jailed for ten years. Visa violators can be
sentenced for six-year terms and Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are
considered to be criminals.
It doesn’t end there. Under Mexican law, foreigners can be
deported if they are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests”,
violate Mexican law, are not “physically or mentally healthy”, or lack the
“necessary funds for their sustenance.” This applies to their dependents as
Somehow, though, thousands of “migrants” from nations to the south
of Mexico are passing through to get to our border and are, in the process, no
less illegal in Mexico than here. That has changed, however. On July 9,
the Examiner reported that
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto had met with Guatemalan president Otto
Perez Molina and they held a joint press conference to “officially announce an agreement
to make it easier for those making the illegal journey to the United States
from Central American, to cross into Mexico.” They will be issued a “Regional
Visitor’s Card” that allows them to stay in Mexico for 72 hours, just long
enough to make it to the U.S. border. The arrangement will include Belize as
well. No doubt it will be extended to San Salvador and Honduras.
I have no doubt this has the blessing of the White House. The
result is a deliberate program to alter the demographic map of America,
increasing the number of Hispanics. It is an illegal assault on the nation, a
“transformation” few Americans could ever imagine.
The popular notion is that it has been
Mexico’s rural poor that have been eager to come here. The fifth largest
country in the Americas, it has a population of more than 113 million and one
of the world’s largest economies as the tenth largest oil producer in the world
and the largest producer of silver. Mexico is home to the sixth largest
electronics industry in the world and it produces the most automobiles of any
North American nation. General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler have had plants in
Mexico since the 1930s and Nissan and Volkswagen built plants there in the
Mexico is regarded as a firmly
established upper middle-income nation, but somewhere between 35% to 46% of the
population, about 52 million persons, are regarded to be living in extreme to
moderate poverty. It is that population that represents the bulk of the illegal
aliens who enter the U.S. They send remittances back to Mexico estimated to be
$25 billion, but that represents 0.2% of its GDP.
In 2004 the Center for Immigration
Studies released a study that found that illegal alien households were estimated
to use $2,700 in services than they pay in taxes, creating a fiscal burden of
nearly $10.4 billion on the 2002 federal budget. That, no doubt, has increased
over the past decade. Among the federal costs are Medicaid, treatment for the
uninsured, food assistance programs, the federal prison and court systems, and
federal aid to schools. Illegals generally lack a level of education and hold
jobs that represent low levels of skill.
To put it mildly, Mexico is happy to
export its own citizens to become illegal aliens in the United States and now,
thanks to President Obama’s policies, so do Honduras, San Salvador, and
Guatemala. It’s worth noting that the children of illegals are awarded American
citizenship at birth under current law.
In 2005, writing in The Washington
Times on “Border policy perplexities, Stephen Johnson, a senior policy analyst
for Latin America at the Heritage Foundation, noted that “Mexican oligarchs see
free movement northward as a safety valve to relieve pressure from a million
workers entering Mexico’s labor force with no job prospects. Rather than
liberalize their economy to end corrupt monopolies, strengthen property rights
and establish the rule of law, they would rather keep things as they are and
merely ship their jobless, poorly educated throngs north.”
With 92 million Americans out of work
or who have ceased looking, it is little wonder that there is little sympathy
for Mexicans and others who illegally enter the nation. Even so, there is
outrage that so many are now children and that President Obama could not stir
himself from a schedule of fund raisers to visit the border or one of the
detention centers to house them.
According to a 2012 estimate of the
Homeland Security Department, there were approximately 11.5 million illegal
immigrants in the U.S. by the end of 2011. As reported in The Washington Times
in March 2012, “Of the current illegal population, only 14% have entered the
U.S. since 2005. That means the vast majority have been in the country for
years, putting down the kind of roots that immigrant-rights advocates say
should earn them the change to achieve citizenship. Those favoring stricter
enforcement balk at that, saying it amounts to rewarding those who have broken
the law the longest.”
Mexicans still account for most of the
illegal aliens at 6.8 million or 59%. If they were living illegally in Mexico,
they would be deported. Moreover, illegals from other nations such as China and
from the Mideast are also passing through without the Mexican legal system
taking any notice of them.
The current “humanitarian crisis” has
sharpened the political divisions between those who want to build a big wall to
keep out all illegals and those who want to extend amnesty to those who have
been living here for several years. The recent defeat of the House Minority
Leader, Eric Cantor, (R-VA) has signaled the growing opposition to policies
that facilitate illegal immigration.
What is clear, however, is that Mexico,
in addition to its double standard regarding aliens who enter it, is now
actively engaging what should be called an act of war.
America is already in deep financial
debt. It cannot afford to absorb and pay for thousands of illegal aliens. Laws
have to be changed. Fences need to be built and the border needs aggressive
patrol. The alternative is to begin referring to the United States of America
as the Estados Unidos.