Tuesday, December 30, 2014

All It Takes is a Phone & A Pen

12/23/2014 - Victor Davis Hanson Townhall.com

Until now there were two types of peaceful American change. One was a president, like Franklin D. Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan, working with Congress to alter American life from the top down by passing a new agenda. The other was popular reform pressure, as happened in the 1890s or 1960s, to change public opinion and force government to make new laws or change existing ones.

Barack Obama has introduced a quite different, third sort of revolution. He seeks to enact change that both the majority of Americans and their representatives oppose. And he tries to do it by bypassing Congress through executive orders and presidential memoranda of dubious legality.

Take so-called climate change. Even when Obama enjoyed a Democratically controlled Congress, he could not ram through unpopular cap-and-trade legislation. Now he promises to reduce carbon emissions through executive orders. He just signed a climate change "accord" with China, bypassing the U.S. Senate, which by law must approve treaties with foreign powers.

Polls show that a majority of Americans oppose amnesties and want immigration laws enforced. The 2014 midterm elections were a reminder of those realities. No matter. Obama just did what for six years he warned was illegal: bypass immigration law and grant millions exemptions from enforcement through what he once called "a pen and a phone."

For over a half-century, both Democratic and Republican administrations and Congresses have excluded Cuba from normal U.S. relations. The Castro regime once hosted nuclear missiles pointed at the U.S. It sent expeditionary forces around the globe to spread Communism. It executed opponents, and it still locks up tens of thousands of political prisoners. It drove more than a million refugees to U.S. shores.

Obama knew there was neither popular nor congressional support to re-establish normal ties, especially given that the elderly dictators the Castro brothers are soon to pass on. The traditional props for Cuba's failed Cuban economy -- Russia and Venezuela -- now have failed economies of their own.

Easing up on Cuba makes about as much sense as if Reagan had given up on the Cold War in 1981, on the principle that prior opposition to Communism for over a half-century had failed to collapse the tottering Soviet Union.

Obama is said to feel liberated in his revolutionary mode, without worry of either midterm elections or his own re-election. He promises in his "fourth quarter" to enact more executive orders that will radically transform America, despite potential opposition from voters and the Congress.

In part the Obama revolution is linguistic. Words have been reinvented to mask unpleasant reality. Executive orders are "presidential memoranda" to disguise their ubiquity. Costly Obamacare is an "Affordable Care Act." Treaties are mere "accords" that do not need to be ratified by the Senate. Deportations are redefined to create a false sense that immigration law is enforced. Terrorism is disassociated from its Islamic roots through euphemisms like "man-caused disaster."

In part the Obama revolution is bureaucratic. Old agencies are reinvented for new progressive missions. The NASA director promised to pursue Muslim outreach. The IRS went after political opponents. The actions of Immigration and Customs Enforcement are selective, and predicated on politics that are deemed favorable to the long-term Obama agenda. Whether the Department of Justice under Eric Holder intervened in a case was predicated on race, class and gender criteria rather than just the legal merits.

In part the Obama revolution is a war to divvy up the nation by race, class and gender. Differences are all stoked through various made-up wars. Incendiary presidential advisers like Al Sharpton, inflammatory rhetoric such "nation of cowards" and "punish our enemies," and presidential commentary on controversies such as the Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown cases inflame and divide.

After six years of Obama's tenure, the president's approval rating is just above 40 percent. He has lost more congressional seats during his administration than has any president in over a half-century. His party is in shambles, with historic midterm losses in state legislatures and governorships.

Obama's promised new legislation -- gun control, climate change, Obamacare -- was either rejected by Congress, or passed but found to be both unpopular and nearly unworkable. Positive changes -- such as lower gas prices brought on by new American oil and gas discoveries and innovative new methods of extraction -- came despite, not because of, Obama.

Yet the president presses on with his unpopular agenda, believing, as did Napoleon, that he alone is the revolution -- intent to ignore popular opinion, the rule of law and Congress. He assumes that his mastery of the teleprompter and iconic status as the first black president exempt him from congressional censure or outright public revolt.

In the next two years, we will see presidential overreach that we have not witnessed in modern memory.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Federal Bureaucracy Subverts Immigration Laws

Conservative Daily December 27, 2014 Fellow American,

The Federal government is spending MILLIONS of dollars growing Barack Obama’s amnesty bureaucracy!

The Department of Homeland Security, specifically Citizenship and Immigration Services, has secured a building for Obama’s amnesty establishment. The picture above is the building the government just leased. This new office building in Arlington, VA will cost American taxpayers just under $8 million every year.

On top of that, Obama’s amnesty bureaucracy is expected to pay out over $40 million in salaries each year.

Remember when the GOP said there was nothing they could do to stop Barack Obama’s amnesty agenda? They lied.

They had the power to defund this entire scheme, but they chose not to because they were afraid of shutting down the government.

Well, Republicans are taking over the Senate in a few days. Then, they will have to approve a new budget for the Department of Homeland Security.

They can stop this amnesty by passing a simple bill that prohibits spending on Obama’s amnesty bureaucracy!

The only way that the Obama administration can spend $8 million on a building, $40 million on new salaries, and countless millions of dollars on supplies and new illegal alien IDs is if Congress gives Obama the money!

Every single cent that the Obama administration spends must first be approved by Congress (with the exception of a few discretionary purchases).

We are watching in real time while the Obama White House creates a new bureaucracy to subvert our immigration laws and extend working permits to millions of illegal aliens.

The government is hiring 1000 new employees to process illegal aliens’ paperwork. There is supposed to be a hiring freeze but the administration lifted the freeze this year in order to hire new amnesty employees.

Homeland Security isn’t allowed to hire one employee, let alone a thousand employees, unless Congress gives them permission to.

Congress refused to defund Obama’s amnesty because the GOP said it wasn’t possible. They said there was nothing they could do.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration is spending money left and right to establish its amnesty bureaucracy. Your tax dollars are being used to cement this amnesty program for years to come.

The American people do not want this. All the polls show that the public hates the idea of Barack Obama implementing illegal alien amnesty by executive action.

As a citizen of these United States, it is your duty to oppose this lawless president and the only way to do that is to force your legislators to defund Obama’s amnesty and, if necessary, impeach him!

The Constitution and the Founders provide We the People with a number of mechanisms to put a stop to executive tyranny. Some are peaceful (like lobbying an elected official) while others are more violent (like open revolution).

It is up to you to exhaust one of those peaceful mechanisms right now. Draw your line in the sand and demand that Congress put a stop to this lawlessness.

Our Congressmen and Senators need to understand that they have two options: Either defund Obama’s amnesty or We the People will remove them from office and replace them with people who will.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Illegal Immigration a Silent Invasion of the USA

11/14/2014 - David Limbaugh Townhall.com

It's hard to conceive of a presidential administration more cynical than one that would delay putting off issuing a lawless executive order on immigration until right after the congressional elections, but President Obama is doing just that.

If he were sure the American public would support his unilateral action, he would not have hesitated to issue it prior to the elections, but he knew it wouldn't. Even if many people agree with the substance of his policy, which is hardly a foregone conclusion, he knows they don't agree with his method of thwarting the Congress, the Constitution and the rule of law.

But this defiant ideologue clearly doesn't care. He not only is unapologetic about brazenly going forward with his quasi-amnesty plan but also will do it with a spirit of moral indignation, an attitude that he, in his sovereign power, is tired of waiting on those in the coequal legislative branch to accede to his executive demands and to surrender their will -- and that of the people they represent -- to him.

Fox News reports that President Obama is planning to unveil, as early as Nov. 21, a 10-part plan for overhauling U.S. immigration policy through executive action -- action that would include suspending deportation for millions of people living in the United States illegally.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest denied that Obama had made a final decision on taking these unilateral steps and said he will wait to announce his plans until after he returns to Washington from his Asia-Pacific trip. But Americans are well aware of what it means when Obama says he hasn't quite made up his mind, such as with his "evolving" charade on same-sex marriage. Not having made up his mind doesn't mean he remains undecided; it means that he doesn't believe it's quite the right time to admit his decision to the American people and that he will do so when it is most beneficial to him and his policy goals.

Based on preliminary reports about Obama's impending executive order, it will seek to expand deferred action for immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children and also for the parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. The order involving these parents alone could include as many as 4.5 million people, making them free from deportation action. These people would receive work authorization in this country, Social Security numbers and government-issued IDs.

As for the younger people included in the order, it would expand on a previous illegal action Obama took in June 2012, after admitting he had no authority to act without Congress. At that time, he announced he wouldn't deport immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as children, provided they entered before June 2007 and would be younger than 31 as of June 2012. With his planned order, he will look to expand that to cover people who entered before they were 16 and amend the cutoff date from June 2007 to Jan. 1, 2010. This would make an estimated 300,000 more people eligible for deferred action.

I don't care how singularly compassionate President Obama and his Democratic friends mistakenly believe they are being; he has no right to take this action without congressional approval. It is lawless and inexcusable. Democrats would be outraged if the shoe were on the other foot. Lucky for them, Republicans, believing in the rule of law, will not reciprocate with similarly outrageous usurpations of congressional authority should they win the White House in 2016. Comparisons to past GOP presidential executive orders are disingenuous, and Democrats know it. Obama's proposed executive order is on a massive scale and would effect a change to substantive law over an issue that Congress has not been silent on but expressly rejected. It would affect millions of people who came here illegally and denigrate the democratic rights of all Americans.

Republicans, for a welcome change, don't plan on taking this sitting down. In an op-ed in Politico, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said that Congress will try to prevent Obama from taking this executive action by adding language that would expressly prohibit money from being allocated to implement his order. "Congress," wrote Sessions, "has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it." Sessions noted that similar prohibitions prevented Obama from closing down the Guantanamo Bay prison camp.

Other conservative congressmen are calling for a series of short-term bills (continuing resolutions) to fund the government -- bills that would prevent a showdown and a government shutdown but would preserve leverage for Republicans to stop Obama's policies. They would agree to short-term funding resolutions until they take over the majority in the Senate early next year and can take more permanent action. They believe they can prohibit funding for implementing Obama's unlawful immigration order and still keep the government running.

It is gratifying that Republicans are thinking more creatively and planning on engaging Obama in a proactive manner. This is a welcome change from their past practice of surrendering or announcing inevitable defeat without a fight.

Obama's planned order is unambiguously and inarguably out of line, and it is on the heels of a stinging rebuke by the voters of his agenda. When he attempts to proceed despite these things, members of Congress will be right to vigorously oppose him, and the people will back them.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

It Was Just A Coincidence

12/16/2014 - Chuck Norris Townhall.com

Democrats are the masters of deceptive persuasion, meaning they will take our attention off something they have really screwed up and put it on something that's not quite so bad. And chief among those masters is he who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C.

For example, let's look at the bumbling idiot Jonathan Gruber, who has repeatedly said that the key for passing Obamacare was the stupidity of the American people.

When Gruber was called before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to explain himself, he ducked and weaved questions, to the point that even Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., couldn't take it anymore. He told Gruber he had just handed the Republicans "a public relations gift."

I was shocked when Cummings said that, because he was more concerned about the production of a Democratic nightmare than he was about getting at the truth of what Gruber had said. That is politics at its very lowest!

So what did the Democrats do to take the people's mind off this PR nightmare? (I can just see the White House and leading Democrats desperately trying to come up with something to distract the American people. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall as the panicked Democrats tried to find a solution!)

Voila! Let's release the Senate Intelligence Committee's report about how the CIA misled Congress and was illegally torturing detainees in the war on terror on the very same day as Gruber's congressional grilling!

For those who are living on a political island, it's called wag the dog, a strategy in which a leader diverts negative attention away from a politically damaging issue to an issue of allegedly greater significance, which often builds up his character and reputation while tearing down his opponents. The goal is for the attention to the latter to drown out the negative press of the former event.

The classic example happened in 1997, when Tinseltown produced a movie by the same name, "Wag the Dog," about an American president who started a war in the Balkans to distract people from his sex scandal. A little more than a year after its release, then-President Bill Clinton, while facing a sex scandal, actually entered us in a war in the Balkans.

There's no better tail-wagging Washington weasel than the current president himself. Or do you think strokes of deflective luck just keep coming Barack Obama's way as his administration fumbles and tumbles in its cesspool of ineptness?

You think the Democrats just happened to release a report shredding the CIA and Bush administration (again) on the same day as Gruber's garbage testimony?

And I'm sure it was a coincidence in December 2009 -- at the very moment when Obamacare's passing seemed to be in jeopardy in the Senate -- that Obama ordered the mission for the U.S. to attack an alleged al-Qaida camp in Yemen that allegedly caused the deaths of civilians, including women and children.

And I'm sure it was just a coincidence a few years into Obama's presidency -- when he was being hit hard from Main Street to Wall Street about the skyrocketing price of oil and the failure of his economic stimulus and policies -- that he unilaterally decided it was a good time to start dropping bombs on Libya.

And I'm sure it was just a coincidence that when National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden prompted Obama's scandal about electronic spying on the private lives of almost every voter in America, the president thrust our attention oversees with his surprise decision to provide weapons, ammunition and air power to the Syrian rebels.

And I'm sure it was just a coincidence that when Obama and his Department of Veterans Affairs started to nosedive over the debacle in the veterans hospital, Obama again lured our eyes abroad by deciding to trade five Guantanamo Bay detainees for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

And I'm sure it was just a coincidence that when the select committee formed to investigate what really happened in Benghazi, Libya, Obama and his cronies drew the world's attention to how much they were concerned for the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls. (All that heartfelt concern, yet then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to declare Boko Haram a terrorist organization.)

And I'm sure it was just a coincidence that when the Islamic State group was hacking the heads off Americans in the Middle East, Obama put people's attention over in Africa, sending 3,000 military personnel to Liberia to help combat Ebola, the Pentagon's No. 1 priority. (Remember Ebola, the virus the White House initially said would never reach the U.S.?)

And I'm sure it is just a coincidence, too, that Obama has utilized the recent riots and protests over police brutality for his political expediency. (He actually prefers to have others create the wag for him!) As the media and nation focus their attention on race baiting, Obama's executive order about illegal immigration has been pushed out of their minds.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who would make an exceptional secretary of homeland security, even said about Obama: "He built this racial divide. It was a wound that had been healing for a number of years -- a number of decades, I should say -- and he reopened it with his divisive politics ... (a) divide-and-conquer strategy (that has been) very destructive for America."

Obama has taken past presidents' periodic political manipulation to a new level; all we see is his tail. His foreign policy has been built largely upon wagging the dog to get attention off his failed domestic leadership and policies, including Obamacare. That is what started this recent "wag the dog" show. He wanted to divert the American public's focus from Gruber's testimony about Obamacare, so now there's the Senate report about the CIA.

That is one more reason I believe that Obama deserves an Oscar for his role as "Master of Deceptive Persuasion"!

Franklin D. Roosevelt hit the political nail on the head when he said decades ago: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Even In The Face of Sheer Disaster - Will We Survive?

12/11/2014 - Victor Davis Hanson Townhall.com

Germany's first chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, supposedly once said that there was "a special providence for drunkards, fools and the United States of America." 

Apparently, late 19th century observers could not quite explain how the U.S. thrived when by logic it should not. That paradox has never been more true than today. 

The U.S. government now owes more than $18 trillion in long-term debt. Even after recent income tax hikes for the very wealthy and huge cuts in the defense budget, the Obama administration will still run an annual budget deficit of nearly $500 billion. 

No government official dares to trim Social Security or Medicare. Everyone knows that both programs are fiscally unsustainable. 

More than 11 million undocumented immigrants are residing in the U.S. as federal immigration law is reduced to a bothersome irritant. A record 92 million American citizens 16 and older are not working. 

Red-state and blue-state animosities reveal a nation more divided than at any time since the 1960s -- or perhaps the pre-Civil War 1850s. 

The permanent bureaucracy is awash in serial scandals. The IRS, VA, GSA, NSA, ICE and Secret Service have all deservedly lost the public trust. 

Congress suffers from overwhelming public disapproval. President Obama's approval rating hovers just above 40 percent. 

Our new foreign policy could be characterized as managed decline. Three defense secretaries have retired or resigned under Obama. Two of them, Robert Gates and Leon Panetta, wrote memoirs in which they blasted the administration. From Russia to the Pacific to the Middle East, the world seems to be descending into the law of the jungle as the U.S. withdraws from its traditional role as a global overseer of the postwar order. 

The Michael Brown shooting illustrates seemingly irreconcilable racial divides not seen in 50 years. Al Sharpton once was seen as a social arsonist and tax delinquent. Now he appears to be the White House's most influential advisor on racial matters. 

Student-loan debt has surpassed $1 trillion. Six years of college has become the new normal. Even then, more than a third of the students who enter college never graduate. 

In such a depressing American landscape, why is the United States doing pretty well? 

Put simply, millions of quiet, determined Americans get up every morning and tune out the incompetence and corruption of their government. They simply ignore destructive fads of popular culture. They have no time for the demagoguery of their politicians and the divisive rhetoric of social activists. Instead, these quiet Americans simply go to work, pursue their own talents, excel at what they do, and seek to take care of their families. 

The result of their singular expertise is that even in America's current illness, the nation still soars above the global competition. 

Only in America can you find the sort of innovation, talent, legal framework and can-do attitude needed to invent and refine hydraulic fracking and horizontal drilling. Just a few hundred thousand scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, oil riggers and skilled craftsman have revived the once-ossified oil industry for 320 million Americans. 

The United States is not running out of fuels -- as was predicted over the last 20 years. It instead has become the largest gas-and-oil producer in the world. 

The epitaph for Silicon Valley is written each year. Its tech industry is copied the world over. Yet seemingly each year a new American technical innovation -- the laptop, Google, Facebook, the iPad, the iPhone -- sweeps the world. Apparently, American informality, meritocracy and top-flight engineering still draw global talent into Northern California, which sends back out the latest gadgets to be gobbled up by billions. 

Neither drought, nor needlessly cumbersome regulations, nor unfair trade practices have stalled American agriculture. The farms of the United States -- where less than 2 percent of the population resides -- have never turned out so much safe, nutritious and cheap food that is feeding the world and earning America hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign exchange. 

The U.S. military -- in which fewer than 1 in 100 Americans serve -- is facing record cuts. The Navy will have fewer ships than the American fleet of World War I. The Air Force and the Marine Corps are shrinking. Yet superb American forces continue to ensure that the United States and its allies remain safe. Neither Vladimir Putin's Russia, nor the communist Chinese hierarchy, nor the Iranian theocrats are quite ready to take the on the U.S. military. All are rightly worried that to do so would be suicidal. 

America is not saved by our elected officials, bureaucrats, celebrities and partisan activists. Instead, just a few million hardworking Americans in key areas -- a natural meritocracy of all races, classes and backgrounds -- ignore the daily hype and chaos, remain innovative and productive, and dazzle the world. 

The silent few of a forgotten America have given the entire country an astonishing standard of living that is quite inexplicable.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Urgent! Omnibus Amendment - Call Your Representative

Conservative Daily December 11, 2014 Fellow Conservative,

We did it! Thousands of patriots across the country raised their voices after learning that the GOP’s budget was going to fund Barack Obama’s amnesty executive action.

We blew up the Congressional phone lines and melted the Congressional fax machines.

Yesterday, the CR-Omnibus funding bill made no mention of Obama’s illegal alien amnesty. Today, there is an amendment on the table that would cut off funding to it entirely!

This new amendment was introduced by Representatives Matt Salmon (R-AZ), Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) and Dave Brat (R-VA). As you might remember, Dave Brat unseated former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in this year’s primary election.

It is short and sweet: “None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available, including any funds or fees collected or otherwise made available for expenditure, by this division or any other Act, or otherwise available to the Secretary of Homeland Security, for any fiscal year may be used to implement, administer, carry out, or enforce the [amnesty] policies.”

The amendment has been written and introduced… now it is up to YOU to get loud and DEMAND that the GOP leadership allow a vote on it!

Do you want to know what one Capitol Hill GOP aide has said? He says that the reason GOP leadership has opposed the anti-amnesty amendment is that they think it could actually work!

If Boehner and McConnell allow this language into the spending bill – stripping Obama’s amnesty of any funding – then that would hurt their own plans to introduce amnesty in 2015!

Think about that for a second…

This is something we have been hearing for a while. GOP leaders don’t plan on stopping Obama’s lawless amnesty… they want to codify it in law as soon as they take over the Senate!

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) is the Chairman of the House Rules Committee. He will ultimately have a say over whether the anti-amnesty amendment is put up for a vote.

Rep. Sessions met with Democrat lawmakers recently and outlined his plan to give amnesty to illegals. “I’m going to use my assets and resources in the new year to work with this Congress,” Sessions said, “to have a well-understood agreement about what the law should be, and how we as communities, and farm communities, and tech communities, create circumstances where we can have people be in this country and work, and where not one person is quote ‘thrown out’ or ‘deported,’”

He doesn’t care about helping Americans get jobs. He wants to provide cheap labor for the corporations that have been lining his bank accounts.

To call Rep. Sessions a RINO would be an understatement. But one man cannot be allowed to silence the majority of Americans who want this amnesty halted immediately!

One Congressman cannot be allowed to stop this anti-amnesty amendment! We must rise up and DEMAND that this anti-amnesty amendment be added to the budget bill!

If this amendment is put into the spending bill, Senate Democrats will have to pass it. There simply won’t be enough time to rewrite the bill before the government runs out of money.

This is why the founders gave Congress – specifically the House of Representatives – the power of the purse. They knew that a day would come when Congress would need to rein in an out-of-control President.

The founders could have given the Senate this responsibility but they chose the House of Representatives. Do you know why? Because Congressmen are elected every 2-years, they have to listen to their constituents and public opinion, otherwise they lose their election.

The Founding Fathers gave YOU the power to stop this lawless President. But the only way that happens is if you raise your voice now and force your Representative and Senators to vote to defund Obama’s amnesty!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's Called Lying by Omission

By Kenneth Blackwell rollcall.com  Dec. 9, 2014

Work permits for millions of illegal aliens is just the beginning of President Barack Obama’s unlawful attack on American workers at every skill level.

He “can’t wait” to impose new immigration regulations in order to expand the pool of people looking for work — despite stagnant wages and record low labor participation rates signaling the foolishness of doing so — he’s just not going to tell you about it.

A funny thing was missing from Obama’s address. Not once did he acknowledge he was granting work permits and Social Security numbers to people in the country illegally. Nor will you find any mention of on the White House’s “Share the Facts” page about the executive action.

Yet the Los Angeles Times reports: “In the most consequential change to the administration’s policy on deportation, the program will invite parents of either U.S. citizens or long-term permanent residents to apply for a work permit and a three-year protection from deportation.”

Why was “the most consequential change” missing from both the White House’s facts page and Obama’s speech? The president of the United States is no fool. He knows handing out work permits to illegal aliens before lifting a finger to secure the workplace for citizens and legal immigrant workers is deeply unpopular. Obama saw support for his immigration bill fall apart last year, once voters became aware the only thing it guaranteed was work permits for legalized aliens up front. As hard as they tried, pollsters never could word a survey in such a way to find majority support for an amnesty-first plan.

That’s why the president delayed his announcement until after the elections; why the details of the plan were kept from the public; and why, when it came time to make the public case for executive action, the president looked directly through the camera lens at the American people and said: “All we’re saying is we’re not going to deport you.”

For all the moralizing in his speech, the president couldn’t bring himself to be completely honest with the American people.

Obama took great care not to alarm middle-class voters, describing the beneficiaries of this plan as “workers who pick our fruit and make our beds.” (Translation: These amnestied workers won’t be competing for your jobs.) Even if that were so, are the Americans who rely on those jobs to put food on the table not as deserving of less competition from foreign workers as law professors or community organizers? Are they not as deserving of the protections that immigration law is meant to provide? Of course they are.

And despite Obama’s attempt to persuade otherwise, middle-class voters have their own stake in opposing his executive action. The White House has long courted the backing of corporations that lobby for greater access to foreign workers, even as they lay off Americans. And according to Politico, one of the first things the White House did as it shifted into “sales mode” was to call tech companies and assure them of provisions “that would make it easier for them to retain foreign workers.”

But when it came time to sell the provisions to the public, Obama spoke as if foreign workers wouldn’t need existing jobs at all because they would be creating new “jobs, businesses, and industries right here in America.”

The reality is that, entrepreneurial as some of these foreign workers are, they are going to be competing with American workers, including recent graduates whose families worked and saved and sacrificed so they could get a fair shot at good paying jobs and fulfilling careers.

There is nothing wrong with demanding an immigration policy that puts the interests of citizens first, and exit polling from the midterm elections indicate that 4 out of every 5 Americans who voted want to see new U.S. jobs go to American workers and legal immigrants who are already here. Only 6 percent thought new immigrants should be brought in to take those jobs. No wonder Obama skated around the issue.

The U.S. already issues a million permanent work permits to immigrants every year, plus another 700,000 or so temporary permits to guest workers. Immigration has tripled since the 1970s, the last time we saw consistent increases in real wages for all skill levels. Jobs that 30 years ago paid middle-class wages now keep workers at near poverty levels and drive them into the welfare system.

We have a shortage of jobs, not workers. College graduates are working in jobs that don’t require a degree, leaving workers who lack a college education fewer opportunities to make a life of dignity for themselves. More and more of our veterans are returning home to a “shot to the gut” when they discover how difficult it will be for them to find work to support their families. It is impossible to reconcile their future and promise with this president’s determination to make U.S. jobs available to anyone in the world who wants one.

And that’s why, over the next few days, it is my hope the Republican leadership in the House will seriously consider the implications of the president’s executive order before they push through a bill that funds it.

Kenneth Blackwell is a former mayor of Cincinnati and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Again - Government Lawlessness Creates MORE Lawlessness

12/5/2014 - David Limbaugh Townhall.com

Evidence mounts that President Obama is reacting with greater defiance and lawlessness despite Americans' repudiation of his agenda in the November elections, and the word is that Republican leaders in Congress are relaxing their resistance.

Isn't it axiomatic that if you reward bad behavior you'll get more of it and that if you punish it you'll deter it? Then why would certain Republicans choose to reward behavior they are on record condemning?

I'm talking about not the president's making policy choices we disagree with but which he has constitutional authority to implement. Increasingly, he has become a law unto himself, rewriting substantive provisions of laws Congress not only opposes but has expressly rejected.

His recent executive actions on immigration and health care are breathtaking in their scope and unprecedented in their overt illegality.

Why would Obama stop? He certainly has no respect for the United States Constitution, so there is no chance he will rein himself in. Nor will he listen to dissenting voices. As the public's disapproval of his policies and behavior increases, his self-imposed isolation bubble hardens. One wonders whether he listens to anyone outside of his own narcissistic voice, White House consigliore Valerie Jarrett and first lady Michelle Obama.

Even The Washington Post's editorial board has come down squarely against Obama's action on immigration, in its editorial titled "President Obama's unilateral action on immigration has no precedent."

The writers dispute the White House's claim that Obama's unilateral action to legalize the presence of millions of immigrants is consistent with actions of previous presidents, saying, "In fact, it is increasingly clear that the sweeping magnitude of Mr. Obama's order is unprecedented."

In the first place, there is no small deception in the White House's comparing of Obama's order to that of President George H.W. Bush's 1990 order because it affected about the same percentage of immigrants (1.5 million of the 3.5 million immigrants at the time). The Post says, "The actual number affected by the 1990 order was clearly a fraction -- perhaps a couple of hundred thousand people, at most -- of the 1.5 million that Obama administration officials have cited."

In addition, Bush's action was consistent with legislation recently and subsequently enacted by Congress, whereas "Obama's move flies in the face of congressional intent -- no matter how indefensible that intent looks."

The Post wrongly castigates Republicans for failing to pass an immigration reform bill but admits, "Republicans' failure to address immigration ... does not justify Mr. Obama's massive unilateral act."

The Post doesn't mention certain other hugely damning facts. President Obama's order isn't just an exercise of "prosecutorial discretion." His order won't just stop deportations; it will grant tentative status and work permits to illegal immigrants, as if he has the power to pass positive law without congressional approval and in defiance of Congress' express wishes.

If a mere discretionary act were all that is involved, why would Obama be planning for an amnesty processing facility with 1,000 new immigration agents in northern Virginia, as incoming Senate Budget Committee Chairman Jeff Sessions just discovered and reported?

Sessions said in a statement that this facility will "quickly approve applications for the President's illegal amnesty, which will provide work permits, photo IDs, Social Security, and Medicare to illegal immigrants -- all benefits rejected by Congress. This action will mean that American workers, their sons, their daughters, their parents, will now have to compete directly for jobs, wages, and benefits with millions of illegal immigrants."

In the meantime, health care policy expert Betsy McCaughey reports that among the 3,415 federal regulations the Obama administration quietly imposed immediately before Thanksgiving, Obama has unilaterally made significant changes to the Affordable Care Act again. He is redefining what health plans will be deemed "adequate" for large employers under the law, and he's "asking" insurers to subsidize new benefits and warning that if they were to refuse, they might be forced to do so.

President Obama acts lawlessly so often and so egregiously that it seems some have grown numb to it. Sen. Sessions, to his great credit, is strongly recommending that Congress block federal dollars to implement his executive amnesty action. We need similar resistance on his many Obamacare overreaches.

Yet we hear the Republican leadership isn't on board with plans to actively challenge Obama. The Daily Caller is reporting, "House Speaker John Boehner will ask Rep. Nancy Pelosi to help him overcome 'snowballing' GOP opposition to the GOP leadership's draft 2015 government budget bill." Also, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer has indicated that Boehner's aides have asked him to deliver Democratic votes to ensure passage of the amnesty-funding bill.

I don't know yet whether or to what extent these reports are true, but if there is a smidgen of truth to them, people must rise up in one voice against these ongoing outrages. Obama's lawlessness has to be stopped, and we won't stop it if the opposition party refuses to fight back and its leaders get in bed with Obama's Democratic enablers.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Obama Executive Action is Unconstitutional

The president dismantles immigration law that he finds incompatible with his own larger agenda.

By Victor Davis Hanson December 1, 2014

There is a humane, transparent, truthful — and constitutional — way to address illegal immigration. Unfortunately, President Obama’s unilateral plan to exempt millions of residents from federal immigration law is none of those things.

Obama said he had to move now because of a dawdling Congress. He forgot to mention that there were Democratic majorities in Congress in 2009 and 2010, yet he did nothing, in fear of punishment at the polls.

Nor did Obama push amnesty in 2011 or 2012, afraid of hurting his own re-election chances.

Worries over sabotaging Democratic chances in the 2014 midterms explain his inaction from 2012 until now. He certainly wouldn’t have waited until 2015 to act, because Republicans will then control Congress.

Given that he has no more elections and can claim no lasting achievements, Obama now sees amnesty as his last desperate chance at establishing some sort of legacy.

Obama cited empathy for undocumented immigrants. But he expressed no such worry about the hundreds of thousands of applicants who wait for years in line rather than simply illegally cross the border.

Any would-be immigrant would have been far wiser to have broken rather than abided by federal laws. Citizens who knowingly offer false information on federal affidavits or provide false Social Security numbers would not receive the sort of amnesties likely to be given to undocumented immigrants.

Obama has downplayed Americans’ worries about social costs and competition for jobs, but studies show illegal immigration has depressed the wages of entry-level American workers while making social services costly for states and burdensome for U.S. citizens. 

Obama says he has the legal authority to rewrite immigration law without working with Congress. Yet on more than twenty occasions when it was politically inexpedient to grant amnesties, Obama insisted that he would not — or that such a move was prohibited by the Constitution.

Obama not long ago warned us about the dangers of granting amnesties by fiat. “The problem is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States,” he said. On another occasion, he lamented, “Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. . . . But that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written.”

By setting aside settled immigration policy and ignoring statutes he finds inconvenient, Obama has set a new precedent that a president can arbitrarily declare what is valid and what is not valid immigration law. Should his successors make up their own versions of any federal statutes they choose, in areas ranging from abortion and gun control to drug enforcement and environmental protection?

Obama claims he has the legal authority to grant amnesty because Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush did it. But again, Obama predictably misleads. Both of those presidents worked with Congress to ensure that new immigration legislation would not split apart families. The amnesties they granted were in accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and had only a fraction of the impact that Obama’s executive order would have.

More importantly, even those congressionally sanctioned and narrow amnesties were largely seen as failures. Past non-enforcement of immigration law helped lead to the explosion in illegal immigration of recent years.

Obama says Congress is stalling. But his characterization of congressional inaction simply means that the Congress does not wish to pass Obama’s version of immigration reform. In 2015, if the Republican Congress submits an immigration bill to Obama, he will likely veto it. Would he then term his own opposition “obstructionism”?

Obama has claimed that under his administration, deportations have increased. That, too, is untrue.

The fraudulent statistics used to make this claim redefine how deportation is measured — in much the same manner that other federal statistics like unemployment rates and GDP growth were recalibrated for partisan purposes. Under Obama, Mexican citizens who are apprehended after crossing the border and returned to Mexico are classified as having been deported.

Obama carefully omitted key details about qualifications for amnesty. He cited a criminal background check, but does that mean immigrants convicted of crimes such as driving under the influence or other serious misdemeanors will be deported? What about filing false federal affidavits or Social Security numbers — crimes that are usually felonies?

The president suggested that all undocumented immigrants are here to work. Most are. But recent statistics still suggest that almost 40 percent of undocumented immigrants rely on some sort of state or federal welfare assistance.

Obama will immediately reward millions of undocumented immigrants with exemption from immigration law. But does that mean those who do not qualify — those who committed felonies or serious misdemeanors, who have no sustained record of work, or who have been in the United States for only a year or two — will now face deportation that is as rapidly applied as amnesty?

Because Obama has serially misled the American people on key issues such as Obamacare, the Benghazi attacks, and his own prior constitutional inability to grant amnesty, there is no reason to believe him on the details of his new immigration move. Assume instead that Obama sees his executive order simply as a first step in a continual unilateral effort to dismantle immigration law that he finds incompatible with his own larger agenda.

For Obama, federal law is inconvenient — and therefore irrelevant.