When I heard that the Omnibus spending bill that President Obama
signed a week before Christmas includes a provision allowing more foreign guest
workers, my first reaction was disbelief. We were repeatedly told by Republican
leaders that the must-pass spending bill contained only what was absolutely
necessary to pay our troops, bondholders, and Social Security recipients, and
we couldn’t risk shutting down the government with provisions to defund Planned
Parenthood or prohibit Obama’s executive actions.
Guest-worker visas became a national scandal this year when
the Walt Disney Company and Southern California Edison fired 250 and
400 employees respectively, and both companies required their laid-off workers
to train replacements brought in from India to do the same job. The 2016
presidential campaign has been fired up by candidates who promise not only to
crack down on illegal immigration, but also to reduce legal immigration which
most Americans think is too high.
Speaker Paul Ryan gave written assurances to his conservative
colleagues, such as Rep. Steve King and Rep. Mo Brooks, that he would not
“bring up any immigration legislation so long as Barack Obama is president.”
Yet there it was, on page 701 of the 2,009-page bill that members of Congress
had only one full day to read and study before voting:
“Section 214(g)(9)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act is
amended by striking ‘2004, 2005, or 2006 shall not again be counted toward such
limitation during fiscal year 2007’ and inserting ‘2013, 2014, or 2015 shall
not again be counted toward such limitation during fiscal year 2016’.” What that
convoluted language means, in other words, is that employers can import up to
264,000 new H-2B workers next year because the 198,000 people allowed to come
in the last three years would “not again be counted” toward the annual cap of
Like the better-known H-1B visas for college-educated technical
workers, H-2B visas for temporary blue-collar jobs are supposed to be issued
only if and when “unemployed workers capable of performing the relevant service
or labor cannot be found” anywhere in the United States. That limitation is
easily circumvented by employers, whose task is made easier by another
provision on page 888 of the Omnibus: “In the determination of prevailing wage
for the purposes of the H–2B program, the Secretary shall accept private wage surveys”
in lieu of official ones.
H-2B visas allow foreign workers to do jobs that are temporary or
seasonal but not agricultural – categories that would make a great summer job
for any high-school or college student. Prime examples include canning or
packing seafood during the surge when the catch comes in, all sorts of jobs at
summer resorts and amusement parks, and outdoor jobs in construction,
landscaping and grounds keeping in places where that type of work can’t be done
all year round.
The H-2B language looks like a special-interest provision that
must have been written and inserted by high-priced lobbyists, so you’d think
members of Congress would have enough shame to deny knowledge and disclaim
responsibility for how it got into the bill. On the contrary, House leaders and
their minions have issued statements, written letters and given interviews
trying to defend the indefensible.
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise claimed “there are not
sufficient American workers to fill job vacancies for temporary and seasonal
positions.” While the labor participation rate keeps falling to new lows every
month, Scalise thinks America has a “worker shortage” forcing “many small and
seasonal businesses ... to shut their doors.”House Speaker Paul Ryan lashed back at critics for “making a mountain out of a molehill” over a provision that he says would bring “only about 8,000 additional workers.” However, a 410-page report issued in April by USCIS, the agency in charge of H-2B visas, predicted that 115,500 additional visas would be issued under the revised language.
Speaking on Bill Bennett’s radio program, Ryan complained that
summer resorts in Wisconsin “can’t find local workers” to staff tourist
attractions because “kids are already in college.” A letter to his constituents
on Ryan’s behalf claimed that “Wisconsin industries such as dairy, nurseries,
agriculture and tourism” need more foreign workers to “perform work that
employers cannot find American workers to perform,” although dairy and
agriculture workers are not eligible for H-2B visas.
Paul Ryan is a true believer in the idea that, as he wrote in
2013, “immigration helps us get the labor force that we need so that we can
have the kind of growth we want.” But economists have shown that virtually all
of the economic “growth” from immigration is captured by the immigrants
themselves, leaving no net benefit to American citizens already here.Beyond the question of what to do with illegal aliens, it’s important to reduce the flow of replacement workers into the U.S. Guest worker programs have become a racket that should be suspended or terminated.