Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Final Play of the Game Approaching

Conservative Daily April 29, 2015 Dear Conservative,

This blows the lid off of the entire amnesty movement within the Obama administration.
For years, we’ve known that the President’s amnesty agenda was nothing but an attempt to pad voter rolls with Democrat voters. Until now, we never had the proof.

The Department of Homeland Security is calling it the “Task Force on New Americans.” The goal? Get 9 million resident aliens their American citizenship in time to vote by the 2016 election.

This is nothing but a liberal attempt to desperately hold onto power for as long as possible.
We all knew that amnesty was just the beginning. The Left sees every foreigner who enters this country as a potential Democrat voter. And now, they are trying to get as many of these alien residents naturalized as possible naturalized before the 2016 election!

Here’s what’s even worse: of the 20 states with the highest populations of green card holders, 14 of them are holding Senate elections in 2016. Seven of them are incumbent Republican Senators. These include battleground states like Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. 

Add in Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and it is clear why DHS is pushing so hard to get as many “New Americans” as possible naturalized before 2016. A couple hundred thousand new Democrats in Ohio and Florida means it's game over for the Republicans.

Let’s be clear. That is exactly what is happening. Whistleblowers have called attention to the fact that DHS funds are being redirected to make this liberal pipe dream a reality. Congress didn’t appropriate money for this. The Department of Homeland Security is just making it up as they go along.
f we don’t put a stop to this now, then it is over. It’s one thing for people to naturally go through the process of getting their citizenship. It is an entirely different situation to have the Federal government pushing the issue with an election year deadline.

If you don’t fight back against this one, then be prepared to lose on every other issue you care about. Abortion, gun control… you name it. It’s all on the chopping block if the Obama administration is allowed to naturalize 9 million new voters.

We’re a nation of immigrants, there’s no debating that at all. But never before has the Federal government played politics to this scale with naturalization to achieve a political objective.

As I said, this is it. Nine million new voters in these swing states in such a short time frame would irreversibly swing the tides.

This fight is the gateway to all other policy fights. We need to win this one first before we can secure any others.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Deliberate Ploy Changing America Demographics

WorldNetDaily 04/25/2015
Only eight short years from now, immigrants will make up a record-high 14.8 percent of the total U.S. population, and longtime conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly views the rising tide of newcomers as a purposeful attack on the country.

By the nation’s own president. “It’s deliberate,” Schlafly told WND in an interview. “It’s not any accident. It’s because Obama and his friends are letting all these people in who don’t want to be Americans, who don’t want to speak English.”

The Census Bureau projected last month that the U.S. immigrant population, legal and illegal, will total a record 51 million in 2023. At that point, one in seven U.S. residents will be an immigrant. By 2060, nearly one in five U.S. residents will be an immigrant, and the total U.S. population will be 417 million – 108 million more than in 2010.

Conservative activist Richard Viguerie, author of “Takeover: The 100-Year War For The Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It,” noted that most of today’s immigrants come from nations more politically and culturally liberal than the United States. Therefore, he expects the growing immigrant population to make the entire country more liberal.

“It’s going to pull America to the left, for sure,” Viguerie told WND in an interview. “America will become closer to the European model of state control of our country.” Of course, if America moves to the left, it will naturally gravitate toward the Democratic Party, the party of big government. Schlafly, author of “Who Killed the American Family?” worries about the future of the GOP.

"I think one of the reasons Obama and his friends are so eager to open the gates to more and more immigrants is they think it’s going to defeat the conservative movement and the Republican Party,” Schlafly said. “Of course, they all come from countries that are not used to the idea of limited government. They’re used to countries where the government makes all the decisions, and they don’t know anything different.

“They don’t understand what Americans mean when we talk about limited government, so I think one of their motives clearly is death to the conservative movement and the Republican Party.” Viguerie agreed if all the new immigrants vote, it would spell the death of the Republican Party. But he also worries about another way the party might be destroyed.

“The Republican Party, if it were to nominate a pro-amnesty candidate, would self-destruct and not be able to politically survive having a political candidate that is pro-amnesty,” Viguerie said. “It would just drive a stake in the hearts of the grassroots Republican voters, and there would be almost no chance the Republican nominee could win the election.”

Regarding the field of likely 2016 GOP presidential contenders, Viguerie believes Jeb Bush is completely on the wrong side of the immigration issue. He said Marco Rubio and Scott Walker are suspect on the issue, even though Walker recently talked about the need to reform legal immigration.
“But a Bobby Jindal, a Ted Cruz are solidly anti-amnesty,” Viguerie said. “They’re in sync with the majority of the Republican voters and the majority of Americans.”

Schlafly agreed that Cruz is a good anti-illegal immigration candidate, and she praised Walker for his comments on legal immigration. Nevertheless, she believes any Republican who wants to limit immigration is swimming upstream.

“The powers-that-be, the propagandists, big media, and the big donors in the Republican Party are all pushing this massive immigration,” she said. “And of course that’s the view of big business – they want the cheap labor.”

The Census Bureau projects that the U.S. immigrant population will grow nearly four times faster than the native population. It will reach 15.8 percent by 2030 and 18.8 percent by 2060, at which time there will be 78 million immigrants in the country. By contrast, there were only 20 million immigrants in the U.S. in 1990, accounting for 7.9 percent of the population.

Schlafly and Viguerie say the GOP could decline under a flood of new immigrants, but so could the country. “We may be at a breaking point already, I don’t know,” Schlafly said. However, she noted that she remains a Reagan optimist and doesn’t believe America will totally collapse.

Viguerie thinks the breaking point might not be that distant. “We may be closer to that than we suspect, because Obama is on a fast track to change the voting demographics of this country by importing tens of millions of Democrat voters from South America, and so we could reach a tipping point within a few years,” he said.

“We’ve got a large percentage of people here who are not Americans, they don’t want to be Americans, they’re not assimilating, they want to keep their culture, they want to keep their language, they don’t know our history.”

Viguerie specifically referenced radical Muslims as one group that should not be let into the country. “We need a different vetting system,” Viguerie declared. “We need to vet these people. We need to keep out radical Muslims. If you’re a radical Muslim, you should not be coming to this country, and we don’t have a proper vetting system for people who are interested in our destruction.”

Ultimately, Viguerie believes it will take strong leadership to stem the tide of immigration and preserve a uniquely American culture. However, the veteran fundraiser is not entirely optimistic.

“We don’t have the leadership in the Congress, we don’t have the leadership certainly in the executive branch, and we don’t have it in the Republican Party,” he said. Viguerie said it will be up to voters to demand that their leaders solve the immigration crisis. He hopes some of the newer tea party-affiliated congressmen will provide real leadership on the immigration issue.

“Right now, most of the people who are thought to be leaders on the Republican side are intimidated by mainstream media and hesitant to step out, but it’s time to say we need to call a halt to mass immigration into this country here,” he said.

Schlafly, for her part, feels the American people are already on her side when it comes to immigration control. Indeed, a Gallup poll taken last June found a plurality of Americans, 41 percent, thought current immigration levels should be decreased. Only 22 percent thought they should be increased.

“I think the public opinion polls are showing that the majority of Americans agree with the views that I’ve been expressing,” Schlafly contended. “However, major media doesn’t put it out that way.”
She said ordinary people just need to keep talking about how immigration is harming them, and eventually politicians and the media will no longer be able to ignore them.

Viguerie said immigration should be slowed down. “Let us catch our breath here and figure out, because the world is changing in front of our eyes,” Viguerie said. “Much of the world is moving toward a virulently anti-American, anti-Western values belief system. And we need to take a look at who’s coming into this country, and what are their views and values.”

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Please Wake Up America!

4/17/2015 - David Limbaugh

We live in a constitutional republic in which our elected officials are bound by the constraints of the Constitution, which means they don't have a license to do whatever they please, even if they think it would be best for the country.

That President Barack Obama so flagrantly violates this enshrined legal principle and much of his Democratic Party supports him in doing so is why so many other people are outraged and, at times, fear for their country.

Under past presidents in my lifetime (I was born after FDR), Republican and Democratic, we have not had to live in fear that the party controlling the executive branch would become a law unto itself. Mockers will cite President Richard Nixon's transgressions, but they don't register a blip on the radar compared with the colossal abuses of power this president and his party routinely engage in.

Many of us -- and I'm not talking about the type inclined toward conspiracy theories, which I most definitely am not -- truly wonder what these people will do next. How will they act outside the scope of their constitutional authority to take action they claim will be beneficial? 

It doesn't matter if their planned actions will be beneficial. Illegal actions are not permitted, even if for ostensibly benign purposes, lest we descend into tyranny and lose our liberties.
Leftists, who own and control the Democratic Party, subscribe to the axiom that the ends justify the means, so it is hardly surprising that they are so casual about the limitations on government institutionally imposed by the Constitution. They believe -- and daily demonstrate, in general terms -- that if a policy is desirable, they will find a way to implement it, irrespective of whether they have the constitutional authority to do so. It's such an antiquated document, after all.

This is such a dangerous mindset and one that will inevitably lead to the end of the republic as we know it if we don't get control of it.

Under no other president, for example, would I have worried that we might find the executive branch attempting to enter into an agreement with a foreign country involving something as monumentally important as nuclear weapons without acknowledging the obvious truth of its being a treaty and requiring the Senate's approval. Indeed, it is so clear that Obama has no authority to do this I am almost surprised that even he has had the audacity to attempt it. But nothing from this man should surprise me or anyone else anymore.

Intellectually dishonest leftists can play semantic games and engage in legal sophistry all day long about such an agreement's not falling within the legal parameters of a treaty, but every last one of them knows better.

Thank goodness that some Democrats have taken the honorable position and forced Obama to confer with the Senate, but it is deplorable that we would ever get to the point that the Senate needs to be voting on a matter validating its own unambiguous authority and duty under the Constitution. This is disgraceful.

Given that Obama told a group he had no authority under the Constitution to grant amnesty on his own when Congress had affirmatively rejected the DREAM Act, we know he intellectually comprehends the constraints on his executive power. When he reneged on his statement within a short period of time and took unilateral action anyway, we had further confirmation that he is not only disingenuous and insincere but also an opportunistically rogue president.

People think they know the difference between a democracy and a republic. But some of them don't appear to understand that for our republic to work, the rule of law has to be honored. This means that we are a nation of laws, not men, such that all people, even our president and all other elected officials, are bound by the law.

Our constitutional republic has a major democratic element: The people elect their representatives, and they are also the ones with the vested interest in ensuring that these representatives act within the law. When elected officials thumb their noses at the law and do what they please, they are disenfranchising the voters and systematically dismantling the very system that ensures our liberties.

Obama, with his faux compassion and tolerance, has, with the sinister stroke of his poison pen, not only granted legal status to millions of immigrants in wanton violation of the Constitution but also bestowed major substantive benefits on them that affect the rest of us. He has granted some 541,000 people Social Security numbers, which, according to Sen. Jeff Sessions, will enable them to draw federal tax credits and Social Security retirement and disability benefits.

If this is anywhere close to accurate, people should be utterly outraged and appalled. The people, through their elected representatives, are supposed to have a say in these matters, and they've already spoken legislatively against Obama's action, which, along with so many of his other ones, shows he has no respect for the rights of the people and that he has cynical contempt for the Constitution.

If you think I'm being too harsh, then I think you are being too complacent. This is our nation unraveling before our eyes. When will more people speak up against these abuses? When will Obama's party, including its rank and file, demand law and order from the highest elected official in the land?

Saturday, April 18, 2015

And The Beat Goes On!

Conservative Daily April 18, 2015 Fellow Conservative,

Here’s a question for you: did any Republican run for office promising to compromise with Obama? The answer is no. All across the board, from Mitch McConnell to John Boehner, every Republican promised that a GOP-controlled Congress would be one that stood up to Obama.

Is that what we got? Has Congress fulfilled its promises? Well, let’s see…The GOP caved and funded Obamacare, they did the same for Obama’s amnesty bureaucracy, and leadership plans to bring Loretta Lynch’s nomination up for a vote… the list goes on and on.

Now, in this past week alone, Congress has caved on TWO issues that will give the President unprecedented power! The first issue is the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran. For weeks, we have been pressuring Congress to assert its Constitutional authority to ratify any treaty. Under the Constitution, Congress has the power to ratify treaties. They are giving up that authority right now!

When Republicans and Democrats announced that they had reached a compromise, it appeared that was exactly what was happening. The agreement shortens the Congressional review period from 60 to 52 days (after which Obama can act unilaterally again), does NOTHING to stop Iran from funding terrorism, and it still allows Obama to use the United Nations to implement the agreement and nullify sanctions without Congress.

The compromise sounds tough, but it isn’t. The GOP caved once again. While it gives Congress 52 days to review the deal, Obama only would have to wait 30-days before acting unilaterally and dismantling Congressionally-imposed sanctions against Iran.

Congress actually thinks that we’re stupid. Suppose they actually vote against the Iran deal. All Obama has to do is veto it and get 1/3 of the Senate to side with him to prevent an override. So you see, the only thing Congress is doing is fighting to surrender another day! 

This compromise shifts power from Congress to the White House.

But that’s not all. This week, Republicans and Democrats also reached a deal to allow Barack Obama to fast-track negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Treaty. Now, if you don’t know what the TPP is, that’s not surprising. It is being negotiated in complete secret and Congress is poised to keep it that way.

The TPP is a trade agreement between the United States and Asian countries. Like all the trade agreements that came before, this is bad for American businesses and bad for American workers. It is time to stop entering into trade agreements designed to hurt Americans.

But the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty is so much worse. It also contains provisions that would open the door for extreme Internet censorship. These measures would undermine Democracy and national sovereignty both here and around the globe.

Right now, the Obama administration is negotiating this treaty behind closed doors. All together, it includes 40% of all global trade. The White House wants Congress to allow them to “fast-track” the treaty. Congress approving such a fast-track would cede its Constitutional authority to the Executive branch. This would allow them continue working on the treaty, and even sign it, without ever revealing its contents to the public.

Just from what has leaked to the public, the TPP contains so many horrible provisions. The Founding Fathers gave Congress the power to ratify treaties for a reason. The fate of the country is too important to give one man the power to enter into treaties with other countries.

But after all the talk of stopping Obama, Congress apparently doesn’t want to intervene. Instead of asserting its legislative authority on the Iran deal, Congress is voting on a resolution so watered down it is comical. And instead of putting a stop to the dangerous and secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty, Congress is giving the White House the green light to fast-track it. It’s just so ludicrous!

Over the course of one week, Congress has caved on two major issues and relinquished their legislative authority to the Imperial President they swore to resist. I’m not sure whether to laugh or to cry.

At the end of the day, Congress still works for you. And when you speak out, they listen. If you care about the Constitution’s separation of powers and you care about stopping this President’s radical agenda, then you MUST raise your voice now and demand that Congress stop surrendering immediately!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Amnesty Buys Votes - Plain & Simple

by Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum March 4, 2015

The Obama Democrats have an audacious scheme for winning future elections. They just plan to import 5,000,000 non-citizens and credential them as voters who will, in gratitude, vote Democratic.

The way this devious formula works is stunningly simple. Just get the new Republican Congress (under Speaker John Boehner and Senator Mitch McConnell) to pass a full-funding bill for Homeland Security without any exception for the funding of Obama’s illegal executive amnesty, which will allow Obama to give work permits, Social Security numbers, and driver’s licenses to five million illegal aliens.

Once the five million so-called undocumented persons are given those valuable documents, there is no way to stop them from voting. That conclusion is drawn from the testimony of voting experts such as Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach who told the U.S. House Oversight Committee on Feb. 12, “It’s a guarantee it will happen.”

Kobach’s warning was reinforced by testimony before the same committee by Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, who noted that the five million non-citizens would receive the “same documents that federal law requires the states to recognize as valid forms of identification for voter registration.” And once an alien registers to vote, Secretary Kobach said, it is “virtually impossible” to remove him from the voter rolls.

A third witness, Hans von Spakovsky, suggested that Social Security numbers issued to the five million illegal aliens should contain a code (such as “N” for non-citizen) that would instantly reveal their ineligibility to vote. But that simple fix would happen only if the Obama administration sincerely wants to keep them from voting, which I doubt.

In case the illegal aliens need spending money, they can collect a special handout from the U.S. taxpayers called EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit), which was designed to help parents who are working to support their families. IRS Commissioner, John Koskinen, told the Senate Finance Committee on Feb. 3 that as soon as the illegal aliens receive their Social Security numbers, they will be allowed to go back and claim the EITC for up to three previous years in which they worked illegally.

What about the employers who illegally hired these people? They will get off scot-free, even though documentation clearly exists to prosecute and punish them.

Opponents of amnesty were cheered by the news that a federal judge issued an injunction against Barack Obama’s unconstitutional and illegal executive amnesty. The judge ruled in favor of the lawsuit filed by the new Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, along with 25 other states.

Obama’s outgoing Attorney General, Eric Holder, has promised to appeal, and don’t expect any help from Holder’s replacement. His designated successor, Loretta Lynch, has already testified that she thinks Obama’s executive actions are perfectly legal.

Meanwhile, Obama’s 5,000,000 amnestied illegal aliens allowed to remain in our country can cash in on free health care plus schooling for their kids, including free lunch, breakfast and even dinner. I heard one public school superintendent complaining on television that he now has 40 languages spoken in his school, and nobody has yet added up the costs that this burden imposes on the taxpayers.

Of course, these illegal aliens will become eligible for all sorts of America’s generous welfare benefits. This includes food stamps, Obamaphones, Medicaid, WIC, Social Security disability, and dozens of other handouts.

Most important is that the illegal aliens take jobs from American citizens. The Obama Administration brags that the official unemployment rate is only 5.6 percent, but that number is misleading because it doesn’t include anyone who stopped looking for work four weeks ago.

As many as 30 million Americans are either out of work or extremely underemployed. If you work just one hour per week for a payment of at least $20, you can’t be counted as unemployed in the official government statistics.

The 5 million beneficiaries of Obama’s executive action would be added to the already high number of foreigners who enter our labor force each year. They include 1.1 million legal immigrants, 700,000 guest workers on temporary visas, plus roughly a half million work permits which the Obama administration has been handing out each year to various categories of non-citizens who are not eligible for employment under the law.

It’s no wonder that the Center for Immigration Studies could report last year that literally 100 percent of all net new jobs in the past decade have gone to immigrants and foreign workers. Fewer working-age Americans are employed today than in 2000.

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Course Correction is Needed

America's Decay Is Accelerating…

By Dennis Prager . Apr. 7, 2015

As one who loves America - not only because I am American, but even more so because I know (not believe, know) that the American experiment in forming a decent society has been the most successful in history - I write the following words in sadness: With few exceptions, every aspect of American life is in decline. "Decay" is the word.‎The Decline of the Family: Nearly half (48 percent) of American children are born to a mother who is not married. Forty-three percent of American children live without a father in the home. About 50 percent of Americans over 18 are married, compared to 72 percent in 1960. Americans are having so few children that the fertility rate fell to a record low 62.9 births per‎1,000 women in 2013. And in an increasing number of states, there are now more deaths than births.
The Decline of Education: Compared to nearly all of American history, the average American school teaches much less about important subjects such as American history, English grammar, literature, music and art. Instead, schools are teaching much more about "social justice," environmentalism and sex. Any of us who receive emails from large numbers of Americans can attest to the deteriorating education - including among those who attended college - in written English.
In sophisticated commentary on websites as well as in email, one encounters the most basic errors: "it's" instead of "its;" "their" instead of "there;" "then" instead of "than," etc. Most universities have become secular seminaries for the dissemination of Leftism. Moreover, aside from indoctrination, students usually learn little. One can earn a BA in English at UCLA, for example, without having read a single Shakespeare play.
To the extent that American history is taught, beginning in high school and often earlier, American history is presented as the history of an immoral nation characterized by slavery, racism, colonialism, imperialism, economic exploitation, and militarism - not of a country that, more than any other, ‎has been the beacon of freedom to mankind, and the country that has spent more treasure and spilled more blood to liberate other peoples than any other nation.
 The End of Male and Female: Whatever one's position on same-sex marriage, one must acknowledge that at the core of the argument for this redefinition ‎of marriage is that gender doesn't matter. Marriage is marriage, and gender means nothing, the argument goes. So, too, whether children are raised by mother and father or two mothers or two father's doesn't matter.A father has nothing unique to offer a child that a mother can't provide and vice versa. Why? Because - for the first time in recorded history - gender is regarded as meaningless. Indeed, increasingly gender doesn't even exist; it's merely a social construct imposed on children by parents and society based on the biological happenstance of their genitalia. When signing up for Facebook, one is offered nearly 60 options under "gender." In various high schools across the country, boys are elected homecoming queen. A woman was recently kicked out of Planet Fitness for objecting to a man in the women's locker room. She was accused of intolerance because the man said he felt that he was a woman.
The End of Right and Wrong: At least two generations of American young people have been taught that moral categories are nothing more than personal (or societal) preferences. Recently, an incredulous professor of philosophy wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times titled "Why Our Children Don't Think There Are Moral Facts." In it he noted, "Without fail, every value ‎claim is labeled an opinion".This extends to assessing the most glaring of evils.Since the Nazis thought killing Jews was right, there is no way to know for sure whether it was wrong; it's the Nazis' opinion against that of the Jews and anyone else who objects. I have heard this sentiment from American high school students - including many Jewish ones - for 30 years.
The End of Religion: There are no moral truths because there is no longer a religious basis for morality. More than the Enlightenment, it was the Bible ‎- especially the Hebrew Bible (which was one reason America's Christians were different from most European Christians) that guided the Founders' and other Americans' values. Not anymore. Instead of being guided by a code higher than themselves, Americans are taught to rely on their feelings to determine how to behave. Instead of being given moral guidance, children are asked, "How do you feel about it?"The End of Beauty: Just as morality is subjective; so are beauty and excellence. There is no good or bad art or literature. You like Beethoven; I like rap. You like Shakespeare; I like Batman. "Street art" (aka graffiti) is worthy of museum exhibition; paint thrown by an "artist" from atop a ladder onto a canvas is considered high art and fetches over $100 million; and a giant sculpture of a dog with lifted leg urinating adorns the front of the Orange County Museum of Art in California.If you acknowledge that American society is in decay, it is your obligation to fight to undo it. If you can’t acknowledge that American society is in decay, you are providing proof that it is. —Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His book, The Ten Commandments: Still the Best Moral Code, was published last month by Regnery. He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at

Friday, April 10, 2015

Misplaced Compassion is a Deceiver

How “Compassion” and “Inclusion” Become a Near Occasion of Sin

By John Zmirak March 1, 2015

The rhetoric surrounding immigration presents a persistent temptation for Christians to embrace false compassion that violates justice.

Likely Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, who two years ago was part of the Senate “Gang of Eight” pushing for a form of amnesty, has admitted it was a serious mistake to push for “reform” before securing the border. It’s now time to get serious about real immigration reform, rather than the version that passes for clear thinking and compassion among so many policy makers, pastors and priests.

All human beings are created in God’s image. That doesn’t mean that we should favor the poor who have immigrated here illegally over our least fortunate fellow-Americans. American citizens are our political family. They fight in our country’s wars, pay its taxes and sit on its juries. Homeless shelters, public schools and hospitals for the poor across America are overwhelmed and underfunded. Taxes are high and budgets are bleeding.

In the face of all this, a majority of Americans favor a much more cautious approach to immigration. They want our borders secured and our country’s workplaces staffed with verified, legal workers. They want visitors who overstay their visas (such as the 9/11 hijackers) found and deported. In other words, Americans want to see our country’s just immigration laws enforced. If we’re serious about solving our immigration crisis in a way that most Americans will support, why are we avoiding these commonsense actions?

No one in the mainstream of this debate proposes that we deport eleven million illegal immigrants who have been here for years. Obviously we need to exercise mercy, but that is what it will be — mercy, not a requirement of justice. And border security and enforcement must be in place before we reach any permanent settlement. To grant amnesty otherwise would not only be unjust to the poorest Americans, it would create a massive run on our borders and a humanitarian disaster.

Unfortunately, powerful elites in both political parties, across major media and in leading Christian churches are working hard to prevent real reform. One of their most powerful weapons is distorted Christian rhetoric of compassion and social justice.

The Devil Exploits Our Virtues

I don’t mean to imply that the religious leaders calling for amnesty are duplicitous. I assume they believe their rhetoric. But the impulse behind the call for immediate amnesty is an example of virtue distorted.

Dorothy Sayers said, the devil “is much better served by exploiting our virtues than by appealing to our lower passions; consequently, it is when the devil looks most noble and reasonable that he is most dangerous.”

We see this law of spiritual warfare in effect throughout Christian history. Satan fastened on Judas’s prudence — Jesus had made him treasurer for a reason — and blew it up into stinginess, then greed to the point of betrayal. In subsequent centuries, the Enemy found some men with a zeal for eternal truth, and goaded them to persecute Jews, “heretics” and “witches.” He found men who loved the poor, and convinced some to go a little further and hate the rich. As St. John Paul II observed in Memory and Identity, some of the worst crimes in Western history were committed in the name of “liberty, equality, and fraternity” — secular knockoffs of faith, hope, and charity.

This same dynamic, albeit in a subtler form, is behind the drive among religious leaders for amnesty now.

True Compassion

Today America’s safety and solvency are being threatened by a counterfeit form of compassion. Real compassion “suffers with” a person in need; it does not recruit him in a political crusade to transfer the pain to innocent others. The Good Samaritan did not cheat the innkeeper or steal the Levite’s gold to aid the victim he’d found on the road. Christ did not tell the rich young man to seize his neighbors’ wealth and give that to the poor.

Here are some key questions to ask any church leader who champions amnesty for illegal immigrants:
  • Has your church or charity received money from federal contracts or grants in the past five years for “helping” illegal immigrants? If so, how much?
  • Does your church provide attorneys for immigrants fighting the U.S. government’s attempts to enforce its laws?
  • Does your church favor IRS rebates of up to $35,000 to amnestied immigrants who can prove that they were working in the U.S. through felony identity theft (using stolen Social Security numbers)? Should these immigrants be exempt from prosecution for these felonies? If so, why?
  • Does your church “sponsor” legal immigrants entering the country? If so, do you fulfill your legal promise to prevent such immigrants from becoming a “public charge”? Or do you refer them to tax-funded welfare programs? How much have you spent financially supporting such immigrants last year, to save taxpayers’ having to subsidize them?
The way many of these religious leaders speak and behave, one would think the Christian tradition condemned the idea of borders, border security and the application of the rule of law to people who violate immigration laws. That tradition calls us to a loving concern for all humanity, yes; but neither the Bible (see relevant verses here) nor the Catechism of the Catholic Church (see pertinent passages here) offers any support for the notion of open borders. Instead, Christian churches have always taught that a citizen owes his country the duty of patriotism, and that each of us must work for the common good of our given community.

If someone today wants to offer properly Christian aid to an immigrant, the existing law offers him an ideal way to do that: He may sponsor a legal immigrant, promise not to allow that immigrant to become a “public charge,” then honor that promise by providing the migrant financial support until he gets on his feet. To do all that at one’s own expense is truly to “welcome the stranger.” As to those who shunt that responsibility onto others, then “announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do” (Mt 6:2). . . . They already have their reward

Monday, April 6, 2015

Lawlessness Encourages More Lawlessness

Conservative Daily April 6, 2015 Fellow Conservative,

It is bad enough that we are facing such an unprecedented surge at our southern border. We’ve barely started April and already, tens of thousands of illegal aliens have been caught crossing our border. Many more have crossed undetected. By Summer, that number will skyrocket.
When President Dwight D. Eisenhower faced a similar surge of illegal border crossers, he responded as any President should: he mobilized government forces to stop illegal aliens from entering the country.
It was 62 years ago that Eisenhower deployed 1,075 Border Patrol agents to the US-Mexico border. That’s less than 1/10 of our present-day Border Patrol force.
Eisenhower acted quickly and decisively and he had to. There were 1,000,000 illegal aliens crossing the border every year.
That is what true leadership looks like. Now, fast-forward six decades to the Obama Presidency. Not only are illegal aliens being welcomed across the border, but now the administration is using YOUR tax dollars to start flying illegal aliens here directly!
This is how the program works. Illegal immigrants cross our Southern border and then turn to the government for help bringing their children here as well.
The Obama administration doesn’t want illegal alien children risking the perilous journey across Central America, so instead they are buying them one-way plane tickets to the United States… all using tax-payer money.
They’re able to accomplish this by redefining these foreigners as “refugees.” Instead of treating them as lawbreakers, this reclassification frees up Federal funds to relocate them here.
There isn’t another country on earth that lets people just wander across their borders. And there certainly isn’t another country on earth that will pay to have these illegal aliens’ families flown in as well!
There are so many more qualified people out there we should be taking in as refugees.
These Central Americans aren’t fleeing war or pandemics… they have realized that life is better in the United States and they believe they are entitled to live here and that they are entitled to government benefits.
Right now, the State Department is coordinating with illegal aliens and spending your tax dollars to fly their children to the United States. This is a despicable use of taxpayer money.
How about instead of flying in Central American children, why don’t we extend refugee protection to the Christian survivors from the recent Kenyan university terrorist attack? Muslim terrorists just killed 147 students and many of them were Christians.
How about we extend refugee status to Christians in Iraq or Syria who are literally staring down the barrel of a gun as ISIS forces rape and pillage their way from village to village?
How about we work to make sure that ALL of the Iraqis and Afghans that risked their lives to help American and NATO forces are brought here before the al-Qaeda and the Taliban kill them and their families?
If we are going to have a refugee program, it should cater to people who love this country, not those whose first actions are to break our laws!
If we are going to have a refugee program, it should cater to people who share our values, not those who believe they’re entitled to American citizenship simply because they found a way to sneak into the country.
I’m telling you, this is just the latest of the President’s attempts to radically transform the United States of America. The President and his allies see every illegal alien as an opportunity to create generations of Democrat voters.
When asked how much it would cost to fly illegal alien children into the United States, the State Department refused to answer. They said we would get a price tag when the program is finished. No, that is not a joke.
Never before has a President conspired with illegal aliens to help their family members come to the United States as well. And there is absolutely no limit to how many illegal Obama might fly into the country!
Only Congress can stop this. Every CENT that the Obama administration spends has to be approved by Congress. All it takes is for Congress to pass a law clarifying that importing illegal aliens into the country is NOT an approved expenditure!

With Easter now over, it is time to put a stop to this madness once and for all, and that starts by you DEMANDING that Congress make this a top priority!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Unprotected Borders Creates a Culture Shock!

Conservative Daily April 1, 2015 

Fellow American,

Well, winter is over. That means that a new border surge is upon us. Illegal aliens have begun crossing the border again in record numbers and the Obama administration is once again refusing to turn them away.

We went over this last year. The administration wants you to believe that these are just small children who are coming across the border. I guess the illegal alien “children” with tattoos and facial hair didn’t get that memo.

The fact is that we are facing an invasion on our southern border for the second time in as many years and it is only just starting to build up. We’re not even into April yet and Border Patrol has already “caught” 12,509 illegal aliens. This is the second largest border surge in our history!

I use the word “caught” loosely because that implies that the government is actually going to do something about this clear violation of our sovereignty. The reality is that only 1 out of every 6 of these illegals caught end up being turned away. The Obama administration is laying out the red carpet for the rest of them!

I want to stress that these 12,509 new illegal border crossers only represent the people that got caught. Countless other illegal immigrants have crossed the border without being noticed.

When President Obama announced his executive action on amnesty last November, he promised that it would “stem the flow of illegal crossings and speed the return of those who do crossover.” Well, the data shows that only 17% of these new border crossers are being immediately turned away. Is that border enforcement?

Last month, Federal Judge Andrew Hanen issued an injunction ordering the federal government to immediately suspend implementing Obama’s amnesty executive directives.
Well, the administration lied to the judge and secretly processed more than 100,000 amnesty applications.

On top of that, Border Patrol agents are being told to avoid arresting and deporting illegal aliens all together. Border Patrol Division Chief Kelly C. Good sent a secret email to border agents earlier this year that has only recently been leaked. It instructs Border Patrol agents to stop issuing NTAs (notices to appear in court) to illegal aliens that they capture.
This is treasonous. For the past months, we have been hearing about just how few illegal aliens are actually showing up for their court hearings. Unfortunately, that was predictable. Once in the country, they simply disappear. But no one could have imagined that Border Patrol, the law enforcement agency charged with enforcing our immigration laws, would stoop so low as to stop telling illegal aliens to appear in court all together!

So not only is the Obama administration letting CONVICTED illegal alien criminals out of prison, but they have also stopped even charging illegal aliens with crimes when they get caught entering the country! Out of all of the unconstitutional policies enacted by this administration, this one definitely takes the cake. Not only has the President circumvented Congress by trying to change our immigration laws, but now he is deliberately undermining the Judicial Branch by releasing illegal aliens without even charging them!

This has to stop! It’s not even April yet and we’ve already had 12,000+ illegal aliens cross our borders. These are just the ones that were caught. But that doesn’t even matter because Border Patrol isn’t issuing them orders to appear in court.

If this dangerous and unconstitutional is not stopped, we could see ten times as many illegals crossing the border by the summer’s end!