10/31/2018 - Michelle Malkin Townhall.com
We live in bizarro
times. Suddenly, it is controversial to state obvious, neon-bright truths. This
week, it has become newsworthy to observe that illegal border-crossers who
circumvent required medical screenings are a threat to America's public health
and safety.
Just look at these
hyperventilating headlines and tweets.
From Newsweek, which is
supposed to, you know, report actual news of the week: "'We don't know
what people have': Laura Ingraham calls migrant caravan a health issue."
And from The Daily
Beast: "Fox & Friends Host Brian Kilmeade Fears 'Diseases' Brought By
Migrant Caravan."
This is not
"news." It's propaganda recycled and regurgitated by lazy political
operatives masquerading as journalists. At least the Newsweek writer gave
credit to his zealous hitmen sources: "Ingraham's comments," he
dutifully wrote, "were first highlighted by Media Matters for America."
MMfA is a militant
left-wing oppo research outfit funded by progressive billionaire George Soros.
Somehow, not-really-Newsweek forgot to mention this fact. (Alas, mentioning
Soros subsidies has also become a forbidden act this week, but that's another
story.) The determined intent of these "news" pieces is not to inform
readers but to inflame them with the dog-whistle assumption that conservatives,
Fox personalities and ordinary Americans who worry about diseases from
immigration are de facto racists.
On cue, tennis star and
celebrity leftist Martina Navratilova barked at Fox News' Kilmeade on Twitter:
"YOU ARE THE DISEASE! the migrants are not the problem, trump and his
sycophants, like you, are the problem. Stop spewing fear and prejudice."
Comedian John Henson
tweeted: "Brian Kilmeade is spreading the disease of intolerance every
single day..."
And former Clinton
press flack-turned CNN hack Joe Lockhart wrote: "This is the disease Fox
News spreads every day. They are complicit with Trump in trying to change the
character of our country."
Newsflash, fake
newsers: It's neither racist nor xenophobic nor hateful to discuss the impact
of unfettered mass immigration and unvetted caravans of illegal border-crossers
on our public health. My parents, legal immigrants from the Philippines, were
screened for a panoply of communicable and infectious diseases.
My husband's
great-great grandparents and their relatives from Ukraine underwent thorough
medical and physical exams at Ellis Island immediately after disembarking from
their arduous transatlantic journeys. A team of doctors checked for everything
from eye disease and muscle weakness to heart conditions, ringworm and mental
deficiencies. Those who failed were rejected and ejected. No appeals, no
apologies, no amnesty.
I find it especially
bizarre that some of the same outspoken, big government advocates for
vaccinating every American citizen, young or old, against every possible
condition, from the flu to chickenpox to HPV, are the same types now howling
over the commonsense idea that we should protect ourselves from foreign
diseases. It wasn't Trump's idea to build a wall against microscopic invaders.
The Immigration and
Nationality Act mandates medical screening exams for legal immigrants and
refugees from around the world. The tests are performed by authorized
physicians in either the applicants' countries of origin or in the United
States. The process includes "a physical examination, mental health
evaluation, syphilis serologic testing... and chest radiography followed by
acid-fast bacillus smears and sputum cultures if the chest radiograph is
consistent with tuberculosis (TB)."
Legal immigrants and
refugees must provide mandatory proof of vaccination for measles, mumps,
rubella, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis A and B, rotavirus,
meningococcus, chicken pox, pneumonia and seasonal flu.
Moreover, the Centers
for Disease Control, not Fox News or the Trump White House or any other evil
conservatives, reports that "most experts agree that testing for TB,
hepatitis B, and HIV should be performed for most new arrivals to the United
States. Clinicians should also make a habit of ensuring that this screening has
been done for every new non-US-born patient they see, regardless of time since
the person's arrival."
Actual public health
experts across the Southwest have reported rises in drug-resistant TB and
dengue fever. In June, Australian public health researchers reported that
"scabies, long considered a disease of the past in the developed world, is
making its way back." The scientists pointed to mass global migration as a
leading factor, noting scabies outbreaks among refugees to the European Union
and along America's southern border.
And in Germany, federal
epidemiologists reported that since opening the floodgates to migrants in 2015,
data show "increased incidences in Germany of adenoviral conjunctivitis,
botulism, chicken pox, cholera, cryptosporidiosis, dengue fever,
echinococcosis, enterohemorrhagic E. coli, giardiasis, haemophilus influenza,
Hantavirus, hepatitis, hemorrhagic fever, HIV/AIDS, leprosy, louse-borne
relapsing fever, malaria, measles, meningococcal disease, meningoencephalitis,
mumps, paratyphoid, rubella, shigellosis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis,
trichinellosis, tuberculosis, tularemia, typhus and whooping cough."
It's simply insane to
argue we should turn a blind eye to the health status of law-breaking aliens.
And it's treachery, yes, treachery, for so-called journalists to use their
platforms to blithely smear those who dare to question open borders orthodoxy
or report the highly inconvenient facts.
Michelle Malkin is host
of "Michelle Malkin Investigates" on CRTV.com. Her email address is