Monday, August 31, 2020

Purpose of Fighting is to Win! No Victory in Defense!


Our Obligation to Fight

8/28/2020 - Jack Carr

“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.” -Archilochus, C. 650 BC

Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten.  A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle.  In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.” At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact.  Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack. 

Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy.  The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force.  We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life.  As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones.  In fact, that is our primary obligation.  

So, what do you do if you turn a corner and find yourself confronting an angry, violent mob?  Do you have anyone else in the car for whom you are responsible? Is your spouse in the car?  Is he or she armed?  Are they trained?  Do you have a baby in a child seat?  Do you have two kids in child seats?  A violent mob was recently caught on video blocking a Northern California freeway, moving from vehicle to vehicle smashing car windows as they went.  If you find yourself the target of the mob, stay in your vehicle.  Ensure the doors are locked and the windows are up.  It provides a level of protection, though not from everything.  Your vehicle is also a weapon.  If you cannot possibly avoid a violent encounter, then you fight.  When that times comes, you will want to be as prepared as you can be.  

A U.S. Army Special Forces Vietnam veteran and Los Angeles police officer once told me, “if it doesn’t look right, it’s probably not.”  TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS.  That sixth sense that kept people alive for generations still exists.  It does mean you need to pull your head out of your phone and pay attention.  If something doesn’t look right, turn around and get out of there.  If you are on foot, run.  Being aware will only get you so far.  It is possible to be aware of your imminent demise.  You also need to train for that worst-case scenario.  You need to be prepared to take action.  You need to be ready to fight. 

When contemplating the morality or ethics of defending your life, just remember that if you were to suddenly appear out of thin air and were violently attacked by another person or group of people, you would not need to have a piece of paper giving you permission to defend yourself. The Roman statesman and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote, “There exists a law…inborn in our hearts…by natural intuition…if our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies, any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.” Defending the most precious of all gifts is as natural as breathing. Defense of life is a God-given right, a natural right, one that is not “given” by government and therefore cannot be “taken” away. That is why it is guaranteed in our Bill of Rights. It is America’s First Freedom.  

Prior to summer, the coronavirus pandemic had prompted skyrocketing gun sales, as people came to the realization that a virus might prevent authorities from picking up the phone and responding if they dialed 9-1-1. When the riots started in late May there was a resurgence of interest in firearms and learning how to properly employ them in defense of life and the lives of loved ones.

If you have made the decision to invest in a weapon, get training with that weapon.  With the Global War on Terror creeping up on two decades of conflict, we now have highly trained veterans with extensive combat experience in the private sector passing on their skills and lessons learned. And, with police officers leaving their departments in droves, we are about to have a lot more trainers with law enforcement backgrounds available to teach weapons and tactics. You don’t have to come from a military or law enforcement background to be a fantastic instructor. When it comes to training, there are plenty of choices and they are only a web-search away. 

The coronavirus, compounded by a season of violent riots and looting, have resulted in an uptick in weapons sales, in hunting licenses, and a greater interest in preparedness in general. We are all here today because we had ancestors who were skilled at both hunting and fighting. They provided for and defended the tribe. Studying it from a historical perspective, it is only for the briefest of moments that one has been able to outsource those skills to others; grocery stores full of food and paid police departments are fairly recent phenomena in the human experience.  Having the skills to provide for and defend our families are hardwired into our DNA, primal instincts born of the need not just to survive, but to prevail.  

You may have seen the memes floating around that say, “Wait until those who just want to be left alone get involved.”  As with any good joke, the best memes have an element of truth.  Those who served the country in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and a multitude of other hot spots around the world, who saw friends die or forever maimed by an IED or sniper’s bullet, those people are out there. They know combat, and they are not going to let a mob surround their vehicle and pull them, their spouse, or their child from the car. They are not going to go quietly and allow themselves to be beaten to death without a fight. These are people who have a very close relationship with violence.  They are highly trained, and they are prepared. They just want to be left in peace to pursue their dreams and raise their families. If you happen to run into them and try to take their lives, well, you better bring your A-game.

“This is the law. The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain, all else is supplemental.” –John Steinbeck

Jack Carr is a former Navy SEAL Sniper.  He is the New York Times bestselling author of The Terminal List, True Believer, Savage Son, and The Devil’s Hand.  Visit him at and connect on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at @JackCarrUSA 



Saturday, August 29, 2020

Democrats = Party of Hypocricy


Wolves in Democrat Clothing

8/29/2020 - Susan Stamper Brown

Welcome, folks, to the new and improved Democratic Party. The party that dwells in the past--yet calls itself “Progressive.” The party that watches flag-burners, arsonists, murderers, rapists, rioters, looters and anarchists commit violent acts--and calls it “mostly peaceful.” And the party that burns down their own failed cities—and calls it “Trump’s America.”

That makes one want to be a Democrat said no normal person ever. Even still, Democrats continue with their party’s death march toward the abyss.

Democrat leaders have blood on their hands. All of them. Those who could stop the violence took a knee instead -- as if doing so would result in anything short of Third World chaos and destruction.

Consequently, they are wholly responsible for this season of darkness, all of them, including their shell-of-a-candidate, Joe Biden, and his soulless running mate Kamala Harris, who said nothing about the rioting during the DNC convention.

Or any time else, that is, until their poll numbers started dropping. Had their poll numbers remained positive, Democrats would’ve let the rest of America burn until it resembled the World Trade Center’s charred remains after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

And what is the Democrat’s solution? Elect “Not-All-There” Joe. Democrats should be charged with elder abuse for using Biden as their Trojan horse to usher in a cop-free, mob-ruled United States of Portland.

And Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi should be removed from office after suggesting Republicans in Congress were “enemies of the state” a few days before a massive mob of Democrat Party voters attacked Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on the last night of the Republican National Convention.

Let’s not forget Sen. Paul was previously hospitalized with six broken ribs and a punctured lung after a ravenous leftist neighbor attacked him from behind while mowing his lawn in 2017. Earlier that year, Paul suffered another attack on a baseball field when a crazy, gun-wielding Bernie Sanders supporter, James Hodgkinson, decided it was open season on Republicans. Hodgkinson nearly killed Congressman Steve Scalise in the process.

On Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” following the most recent attack, Paul said he believed the police presence nearby saved his life. One doesn’t have to let their mind wander far to understand why Democrats are defunding police departments in cities they control across America, meaning Democrats shouldn’t be trusted to care for a dog, let alone a major American city.

Speaking of dogs, a wise Alaskan once said, “If you tie a wolf to a sled dog team, there will be lots of activity but no forward progress.” Suppose America is the proverbial sled dog team; Democrats are the wolves who cause chaos while seeking to destroy what’s left of America’s goodness and keep her from greatness by removing all things rational, moral and right.

Ronald Reagan once said, “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so.” But, that was a long time ago, back when Democrats had a semblance of sanity, loved America and weren’t bat-crap crazy.

It was as if Reagan prophetically warned us about the dangers we currently face when he said: “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth…Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the ideals of the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.”

Reagan fought and won the Cold War against communism worldwide, not by containment, but by a “We win, they lose strategy.”

We’re fighting the same battle today, this time on domestic soil. We’re fighting for a nation’s soul once blessed by God, which seems so far away from the darkness in which we now stand, surrounded by ravenous wolves in Democrat clothing.

The only choice we have against Democrats in November is a Reaganesque strategy: We win, they lose.

©2020 Susan Stamper Brown. Susan is an award-winning columnist who lives in Alaska. She feels safer around the grizzlies which roam her property than the leftists roaming worldwide. She has written for scores of newspapers and media publications across the U.S., including USA Today, Townhall, The Christian Post, GOPUSA, BizPac Review, and Jewish World Review. Contact Susan at



Friday, August 28, 2020

Remember This: We're All Americans - NOT Party Members


Blaming the Violence on Trump Is a Bridge Too Far

8/28/2020 - David Limbaugh

Democrats can try but won't succeed at distancing themselves from the violence they have enabled on American streets. People surely know where the Democrats have stood on this, and that they're now backpedaling only because of polling data.

Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg outright blamed this anarchy on President Donald Trump. "The simple reality is that we are seeing more and more chaos and violence under the Trump presidency, and there's no reason to expect that it would get any different or better if he were reelected," said Buttigieg. "This is very much characteristic of living in Donald Trump's America, and I think we're going to see more and more of it as long as he's in charge."

To blame this violence on Trump because he's in office is like blaming him for the border wall not being erected fast enough. It's like blaming him for the economic slowdown caused by the coronavirus when, in fact, he has persistently tried, over strenuous Democratic obstruction, to sensibly and safely reopen our economy. It would be like blaming him for abortions because they have persisted during his first term despite his valiant efforts for the innocent unborn.

It is inconceivable that Buttigieg is unaware Democratic mayors and governors have all but encouraged this mayhem. Many have consistently rejected Trump's offer of federal law enforcement assistance to quell the riots. Many have cavalierly misrepresented the violence as peaceful protests. Democratic CNN has called the Kenosha riots "fiery but mostly peaceful," and the Democratic Virginia Senate just passed a bill allowing assaults on police officers to be mere misdemeanors, for crying out loud.

If Joe Biden or any other Democrat at the Democratic National Convention denounced the violence, I sincerely missed it.

Then, something happened. No, Democrats didn't all of a sudden become outraged at the criminal assaults and property destruction against people whose only sin was to own businesses in a convenient location for Marxist arsonists and opportunistic looters.

Democrats apparently discovered through internal polling and focus groups that most Americans are appalled by this leftist orchestrated breakdown of law and order, and that they actually care about safe streets. Shocker.

CNN's Don Lemon seems to have changed his mind on the riots -- but not because he has had a law and order epiphany. "The rioting has to stop," Lemon said. "It's showing up in the polling. It's showing up in focus is the only thing right now that is sticking."

"The problem is not gonna be fixed by then" -- the election -- "but what they can do -- and I think ... Joe Biden may be afraid to do it. I'm not sure. Maybe he won't; maybe he is -- he's got to address it," said Lemon. "He's got to come out and talk about it."

Lemon must be too obtuse to understand what he is telegraphing about Biden when he speculates that Biden might be afraid to address the violence. What possible reason could he have to be afraid to condemn it? What justification could there be for such wanton lawlessness?

One of Biden's handlers must have seen the polling data, too, though, for after months of silence on the matter, Biden finally faintheartedly denounced the chaos, saying: "Needless violence won't heal us. We need to end the violence now -- and peacefully come together to demand justice."

Well, Mr. Biden, why haven't you urged Democratic governors to take charge of this madness? Why haven't you encouraged them to accept President Trump's offers of federal assistance? And just what do you mean that we ought to all come together to demand justice? You know that Trump condemned the George Floyd killing within hours of its occurrence, yet some of your Democratic friends are acting like he kneeled on Floyd's neck himself.

It's not just Pete Buttigieg trying to pin the violence on Trump. I heard Fox News' Juan Williams make the same argument. Indeed, the entire Democratic Party apparatus, now that it has strategically decided it better shift gears and publicly oppose the violence, is poised to blame the anarchy on Trump, not just because it is happening during his presidency but also because Democrats claim he is an evil racist who engenders an atmosphere of racism in the country.

This cynical slander of Trump and his supporters as racists has got to stop. But it won't, because it still works for Democrats politically.

The Democrats' enabling of street violence is another matter. They obviously miscalculated and are now paying a steep price.

Republicans are the party of law and order, and Democrats are the party of lawlessness and disorder. Democrats own these riots. They own this endless leftist drumbeat of hatred toward America and everything it stands for.

Unhappily for them, people have awakened to just how far left Democratic leaders are willing to go, and it's not playing well for them, including in the precious swing states they need to win back the presidency.

They can now pretend to oppose the violence until they are as blue in the face as the uniforms of the cops they demonize, but it's too late. They chose the wrong time to side with criminals torching our cities -- a time when Americans are feeling particularly unsafe and insecure. No one is going to believe they didn't know exactly what they were doing, and few will buy that they've had a genuine change of heart.


David Limbaugh is a writer, author and attorney. His latest book is "Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Why the Democrats Must Not Win." Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at



Thursday, August 27, 2020

Anarchists = Envy Driven Power = Destruction of the Republic


What Is the Violence in American Cities All About?

8/27/2020 - Victor Davis Hanson

It is hard to tell what the current revolutionary violence in our major cities is all about.

So far, hundreds of police have been injured, dozens of people have been killed, and we have seen billions of dollars in property and collateral damage.

Ostensibly, many of the summer demonstrations were in protest over the gruesome detention and death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody on May 25.

Yet three months later, few of those trying to burn down a Portland police precinct -- with police barricaded inside -- or looting the high-end boutiques of Chicago's Magnificent Mile, or indiscriminately beating up innocent pedestrians, appear to be driven by Floyd's death.

Apologists argue that the perfect-storm furor of June, July and August was the dividend of a collective six-month fear over the COVID-19 pandemic that has, as of this writing, killed nearly 180,000 Americans.

The unprecedented national quarantine and the sudden, self-generated recession of a once-booming economy certainly added to the tensions.

Millions of youths were sequestered in their apartments and basements, unemployed, without school, and worried over their career prospects. Many simply wanted to vent their rage at the world and almost everything in it.

The media romanticized the "summer of love" unrest and downplayed the violence. Newspapers ran bizarre photo essays on the chic garb at the protests -- umbrellas, leaf blowers, wooden shields, armor and colored bike helmets.

Many in the street seemed as interested in taking selfies as they were in smashing windows.

Some cite furor directed at President Trump, the tensions of an election year and the weaponization of almost every current issue by both political parties.

Still others claim the violence is mostly careerist-driven. Demands are made to fire ideological enemies and hire partisan friends. If the old guard is banished, then their lucrative billets can be snapped up by a new woke generation. Demagogues see political careers birthed with the bullhorn.

None of these explanations are mutually exclusive. But all reflect confusion over why often senseless vandalism has been directed at statues of Ulysses S. Grant and Frederick Douglass, and at the World War II Memorial.

Why do liberal authors and artists fear there is a new McCarthyite cancel culture that threatens to take out even progressive sympathizers?

Why do city governments defund police departments at the very moment vulnerable residents are most fearful for their safety?

Note that there are rarely demands from antifa for new statues, given that the protesters' own heroes are often more flawed than the historical figures whose statues they deface and destroy.

What, then, is going on?

As with most cultural revolutions that wish to start things over at "year zero," the violence is aimed at America's past in order to change its present and future.

The targets are not just the old majority culture but also classical statues and buildings, hallowed institutions, religious icons, the renowned names of streets and plazas, and almost every representation of tradition and authority.

For the majority of Americans who do not buy into the revolution, it all seems so surreal -- and hypocritical.

Only a despised, dynamic American economy allows millions to divorce from it for a summer of protest.

A ridiculed U.S. Constitution ensures that looters and arsonists have due process.

The Bill of Rights guarantees peaceful assembly and electrically amplified profanity rarely protected elsewhere.

Affirmative action; federally ensured and subsidized college grants and loans; and cheap smartphones, headphones and laptops all give youth choices unimagined in the past.

No matter -- cultural revolutions are incoherent and nihilist.

Those who signed up for the Jacobin Reign of Terror wanted violence, not a constitutional republic to replace the French monarchy.

The Bolsheviks were less interested in substituting an elected prime minister for the Russian czar than in grabbling power and murdering millions of their enemies.

Mao Zedong did not just hate the warlords, landlords, Mandarins and Nationalists. He wished to reinvent 1 billion Chinese in his own narcissistic image by first killing millions.

There is, of course, reason to oversee the police more effectively.

Universities are partly culpable for a collective $1.4 trillion in student loan debt.

Globalization eroded the middle class. Inner-city America is far too violent -- and far too neglected.

But these are not the apparent concerns of those who carry off shoes and phones in U-Hauls, kick the unconscious on the pavement, destroy art and sculpture, or seek to torch public buildings with public servants inside.

The point of the mob is to wipe out what it cannot create.

It topples what it can neither match nor even comprehend.

It would erode the very system that ensures it singular freedom, leisure and historic affluence.

The brand of the anarchist is not logic but envy-driven power: to take it, to keep it, and to use it against purported enemies -- which would otherwise be impossible in times of calm or through the ballot box.