Saturday, December 26, 2020

Immigrant Voters - A Force of Importance


Immigrant Voters Trended Toward Trump

12/25/2020 - Michael Barone

Like Sherlock Holmes' dog that didn't bark in the night, so goes in politics: Uncharacteristic behavior can turn out to be crucially significant -- uncharacteristic behavior in politics being defined as one demographic group unexpectedly trending one way when most of the electorate trends the other.

Such behavior was the subject of The New York Times' graphic team's report headlined "Immigrant Neighborhoods Shifted Red as the Country Chose Blue."

Readers scrolling down through the story encounter maps of metropolitan Chicago, Miami, Orlando, Houston, San Antonio, Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles, San Jose and Phoenix, plus the Rio Grande Valley, with Latino and Asian neighborhoods clearly marked. Red arrows show election precincts that have shifted right since the 2016 election. Blue arrows sometimes show increased Democratic margins in areas with mostly affluent white voters.

The story highlights that the big Trump increases in the Miami area are people of Cuban descent -- a trend so large and so pivotal in giving Trump Florida's 29 electoral votes that it was noticed on election night. But what was considered an exception turns out to have been a particularly vivid example of the rule.

Trump still didn't carry most heavily Hispanic areas. But he got big percentage increases in almost all of them, from Los Angeles to the Rio Grande Valley to New York's upper Manhattan and the Bronx.

And, though it was not noticed at all right after the election, Trump also made gains among Asians -- Vietnamese in Orange County, California; people of Chinese descent in Silicon Valley and Brooklyn; South Asians and Arabs in Chicago's northern suburbs.

Almost nothing in preelection media coverage anticipated this countercyclical trend. One reason is that preelection polls typically understated Trump's support. Another is that subgroups in statewide polls have a big margin of error.

A third reason is that the mostly liberal press corps was confident that "people of color" were permanently alienated by Donald Trump's (usually unenumerated) "racist" remarks and his policies to restrict immigration.

Apparently, many voters of recent immigrant stock disagree. A large and increasing number apparently share Trump's view that heavy and often-illegal low-skill immigration has held down wages of people like them. Or they were convinced of that as immigration levels fell and low-credential workers' wages and incomes increased in 2017, 2018, 2019 and the first two months of 2020.

It may also be that new citizens don't see the United States as a nation whose central heritage is "systemic racism," as The New York Times' 1619 Project has insisted. Or that they haven't encountered discrimination and bigotry against "people of color" as their central and defining experience.

Fear of socialism, inspired by some Democratic candidates' calls for "Medicare for All" and the Green New Deal, may have played a role. More than most Americans, many Hispanic and Asian voters know how socialist regimes in Latin America and East Asia have restricted liberty and stifled economic growth. Asians especially may have watched China's clampdowns on Hong Kong and Xinjiang.

Governments' responses to the two major events of 2020 -- the COVID-19 lockdowns and the "mostly peaceful" Black Lives Matter protests -- may have differently impacted immigrants and the upscale whites in nearby affluent neighborhoods.

Gentry liberals have mostly been able to work from home offices or move to their summer homes, and they are mostly insulated against the sharply increased number of post-Memorial Day homicides and violent attacks.

Voters in heavy immigrant neighborhoods, in contrast, have been more likely to lose their jobs, to have their kids barred from school and to be at risk of violent crimes. Democratic governors' and mayors' lockdowns, Democratic teacher unions' demands for school closings and Democratic politicians' calls for defunding the police may not sound like such good ideas to them.

In the short run, immigrant voters' move toward Trump didn't prevent the election of Joe Biden (though it reduced his margin of victory in the three crucial states to 42,918 votes). But in the long run, it points toward a fracturing of the "emerging Democratic majority" predicted in Ruy Teixeira and John Judis's 2004 book and effectuated by former President Barack Obama's 2008 victory.

That was a top-and-bottom coalition of gentry liberals and "people of color," together with a remnant of blue-collar union members. That last group moved toward Donald Trump in 2016 and moved only a bit toward Democrats this year. Now, as The Times' article and graphics show, Hispanics and Asians and, to a lesser extent, blacks are voting like the "people of color" of 2008.

So, Democratic strategists, reports the Washington Post, "worry about the potential emergence of a mostly male and increasingly interracial working-class coalition for Republicans that will cut into the demographic advantages Democrats had long counted on." Sounds like they've heard the dog not barking in the night.

Michael Barone is a senior political analyst for the Washington Examiner, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and longtime co-author of The Almanac of American Politics.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Democrats Created Most Destructive Election Fraud in History


The Biggest Political Blunder in American History

By Steve McCann

If courts and state legislatures award Joe Biden the presidency, the anti-Trump cabal, driven by a four-year single-minded obsession to defeat President Trump, will have committed the greatest political blunder in American history -- the unabashed and overt theft of the 2020 presidential election. 

This myopic and oblivious group so misunderstood the depth and breadth of support for Donald Trump that their blatant manipulation of the election would fall monumentally short of the planned for and anticipated landslide defeat of the incumbent.  A landslide they needed in order to dominate the political arena for the foreseeable future and avoid any backlash from the electorate for their duplicity.

Thus, this cabal, which consists of the Democrat party establishment, Tech and Wall Street billionaires, the mainstream media and left-wing elitists, will find itself in a quagmire of being unable to govern.  The Democrat party’s dominant and radicalized left-wing base will revolt over failed promises and expectations while the extent of the fraud will inevitably be fully exposed, resulting in nearly half of the citizenry viewing the government as illegitimate. 

The unleashing of Covid-19 on the world by the Chinese Communists opened the door for massive voter fraud, primarily via mail-in ballots, to be introduced into traditional battleground states.  Operating on the four-year premise that the destruction of President Trump justifies any means, the Democrat party establishment extra-constitutionally imposed changes to election laws in a number of states. 

At the same time their cadre of co-conspirators were also mobilized.  The social media oligarchs and the mainstream media controlled and blatantly censored the flow of information.  The self-styled progressive billionaires, in violation of campaign laws, poured untold millions into so-called get out the vote campaigns.  And the left-wing elites mobilized their army of foot soldiers to intimidate state and local politicians as well as state and federal judges in addition to being frontline participants in various statewide voter frauds.

These conspirators smugly believed that they had successfully set up a scenario wherein Donald Trump would be defeated in such a massive landslide that a vast majority of the citizenry would never question the results.  Further, Donald Trump would be so marginalized that his future as the leader of a growing political movement would be rendered moot as he slunk, tail between his legs, back to Mar-A-Lago.  Thus leaving the political playing field in the hands of the established ruling class in near perpetuity.

Instead the worst-case scenario played out.  The election came down to four battleground states, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania with a total margin for Joe Biden of 120,000 out of 18,600,000 legally or illegally cast votes or 0.6%.  The question of fraud, despite the cowardice of the federal and state judiciaries, cannot be swept under the rug particularly as so many illegalities have already been exposed. 

Further, nearly half of all likely voters (75% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats) believe there was sufficient fraud in the election to ensure Biden won.  Despite the best efforts of both social and mainstream media as well as the Democrat party hierarchy, that perception will never dramatically change, as in a recent poll just 56% of Americans say Biden is their president.   Once in office, both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would be viewed by a significant plurality of Americans as transparent frauds and imposters thanks to an unabashedly fraudulent election.  A citizenry already consumed with contempt for the ruling class due to their ham-handed police-state tactics in dealing with the Chinese Coronavirus is now waking up to their duplicity and megalomania. 

Without the modicum of a mandate and open hostility towards a Biden/Harris Administration, there is very little the ruling class can do to enact their agenda with the specter of revenge in the 2022 mid-terms hanging over their heads.  However, there is a more pressing issue that will impact the nation.  The left-wing base of the Democrat party can rightfully claim that it was their grassroots efforts that pushed the Biden/Harris ticket over the top.  Had there been the landslide all had anticipated and planned for, then the left would have had no choice but to be satisfied with the crumbs from the executive table as their role in the election fraud would be downplayed.

But there will be no crumbs from the table, as many of the grandiose plans of the ruling class will have to be shelved.  This will not sit well with the rank-and-file left-wing radicals as they will realize they were mere pawns in the lawless seizure of power by their nemeses.  The billionaire class, the corporatists and the ruling elites and their collective self-interest runs counter to Marxist/socialist ideology of the left.  None of the promises made during the campaign season will be kept as these doctrinaire socialists and their leaders will be shunted to the side while their erstwhile allies focus on maintaining their stranglehold on the levers of power in the face of an aroused and determined opposition led by Donald Trump.

In the spring and summer of 2020, the ruling class, in a marriage of convenience, tacitly allied themselves with another anti-Trump faction, the left’s uncontrollable militant militias, Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  By their collective silence and capitulation in the face of ongoing riots, violence, intimidation and looting, they conveyed to these self-styled revolutionaries that they are spineless and easily intimidated.  When the radical left is ignored and marginalized by a Biden/Harris Administration and the frustration level reaches a boiling point, then these militants will again take to the streets in an even more violent manner. 

The bitter harvest of massive election fraud will be a government beset with an inability to govern, as it will have no good will with the bulk of the American people and a political base it cannot placate.  The perpetrators of this fraud are predestined to fail as well as hasten the ultimate demise of the Democrat Party.  The only issue outstanding is whether this nation will descend into chaos and bitterness as a result.


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Future Elections Are At Stake - Click on Important Links


2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand

By R.D. Wedge

Chief Justice Roberts’s Supreme Court is manifestly reluctant to fulfill its statutory responsibilities, despite overwhelming, and steadily accruing, evidence of significant fraud that the election outcome. However, in 2018, President Trump may have prepared a time bomb that can still save the day.

Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, filed a complaint asserting that election fraud disenfranchised Texas voters. Texas voting was done within the framework of the U.S. Constitution and battleground states strayed beyond legal boundaries, to put it mildly. The legal votes of Texans were nullified by the alleged fraudulent votes of those states.

Article III, section 2, of the Constitution states in relevant part, the Supreme Court “[J]udicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity . . . to Controversies between two or more states. . . .” (Emphasis added.)  Nevertheless, the Supreme Court has denied the Texas lawsuit challenging the election outcome in battleground states, asserting “lack of standing.”

Justices Alito and Thomas dissented from the majority opinion and wanted to hear the case. Alito wrote, “In my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of the bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction. I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint, but would not grant other relief, and I express no view on any other issue.”

Reading between the lines, Texas has standing under the Constitution. Hearing the complaint’s merits is warranted based upon the clearly expressed text. Further, SCOTUS could wisely have avoided picking winners and losers by disqualifying the election based upon malfeasance, which defers the matter to Congress as the Constitution mandates.

The only thing missing from their judgment is courage. To say that this is a disappointment would be an understatement.

The issue of election fraud is not new. The Heritage Foundation’s database on this issue shows 1,302 “proven instances of voter fraud” as of this writing. In 2020, issues of the deceased voting, non-citizens voting, and 120% of registered voter participation in certain counties are just a few examples of election corruption.

The convoluted nature of this election is by design. The progressive ruling class, under the guise of the coronavirus, flooded the country with unsolicited mail-in ballots. What could possibly go wrong?

There are times when the ruling classes show their hand. Remember when Rahm Emanuel said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that, it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Corporate media and Big Tech cover for these people all day long.

Crosscurrents of arrogance, power, and intimidation are at play here. If this corruption were to go unresolved, we would never have a free and fair election again. But, the American Spirit in pursuit of the truth, wherever the facts lead, is shining a light on this mischief.

Forensic Audit of Dominion Machines

The results of a forensic audit of Dominion tabulators in Antrim, Michigan have been released. This is the Republican stronghold that gave Biden a win by a few thousand votes. The 6,000 vote “glitch” was rectified, but further illustrates what appears to be a trend.

Proprietary coding has been redacted but the merits of the substance remain. According to the Washington Examiner, Allied Security Operations Group conducted the analysis. A synopsis of their findings is as follows:

  1. Dominion machines are intentionally designed to create fraud
  2. They are designed to manipulate data with no oversight
  3. Eliminating transparency is part of their signature
  4. They were intentionally designed to eliminate an audit trail
  5. The observable error rate is 68.05% when the Federal Election Comm. standard is 0.0008%
  6. Republican Clerk did not update software, exacerbating the situation
  7. Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan

Audit bottom line: Michigan’s election should not be certified.

Technology and Foreign Interference

Col. Philip Waldron (US Army Retired) has a 30-year career as an intelligence officer, specializing in cybersecurity relating to election fraud. He reflects the best and brightest of experts in systems analysis. As part of the White House team, he’s been looking into election trends and irregularities since August of 2020.

Our voting system is not supposed to be internet accessible, but he has confirmed that it is. He has identified a dozen different ways these voting machines can be hacked. He says that a top level DEF CON (Defense Readiness Condition: an alert system for national defense) hacker can hack this system in “less than two minutes.”

In his testimony, which is publicly available, he states, “The voting systems in the U.S. and in Pennsylvania were built to be manipulated.” He also states that election equipment like Dominion, ES&S, and many other systems all have similar codes and functions that are compatible with Smartmatic voting software. This would make it easy for a systems analyst or hacker to manipulate votes across multiple platforms and states.

The colonel testified that he personally witnessed a data transfer from a Dominion machine to Frankfurt, Germany, on November 3rd . . . Election Day!

Additional foreign involvement has been confirmed by the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe. He told CBS that China, Iran, and Russia had interfered with our election in November. His forthcoming report is in progress.

What we know, in such a short period of time, may be just the tip of the iceberg. Much needs to be unpacked and revealed.

It is this foreign involvement that sets the table for an ingenious move by the President.

The Trump Card

On September 12, 2018, President Trump issued an Executive Order that got little attention back then. Due to the toxic political environment, with adversaries both foreign and domestic, the president proactively put “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election” in play.

It states in relevant part:

In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

Under this EO, the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, is instructed to conduct an assessment of the threat within 45 days from the conclusion of the US Election. As one would imagine, this report requires specificity including means, methods, and principals involved.

Under the premise of a national emergency, the government is empowered to freeze bank accounts, impound voting machines, seize assets, etc. There is also language that targets those who would undermine public confidence via “covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.” Corporate Media & Big Tech, hopefully, some Karma coming your way.

Ratcliffe has been working behind the scenes for the past month on this report. He now says that he will not meet the December 18, 2020 deadline because his work is incomplete. The date for congress to certify the election is January 6.

Ratcliffe should lean on the investigators to complete the report ASAP, without any Deep State delays. The health and future of American elections are at stake.