Sunday, February 28, 2021

Overwhelm, Collapse, Rebuild - Hegelian Dialectic in All Its Glory


The Communist Takeover of the United States

2/28/2021 - Wayne Allyn Root

This is part deux of my series on the communist takeover of the United States. Part one, last week's column, centered on the real new president: Barack Obama. I do believe the new president is, in fact, the old president. This is the third term of Obama.

The first time around, Obama tried his best to destroy America, American exceptionalism, our Judeo-Christian values, our capitalist economic system, our health care system (17.7% of the U.S. economy in 2019) and the great American middle class.

Obama gave it his best shot. He crippled America, but he couldn't quite finish the job. He needed Hillary Clinton to be elected to do that, but we all know how that turned out. Former President Donald Trump managed to bring out the biggest turnout of white middle-class voters in history for the 2016 election. Obama vowed to never let that happen again.

Hence the election of the old, weak, feeble, brain-dead Basement Biden, who's clearly hopelessly lost and confused with dementia. He's fallen, and he can't get up. Obama likes it that way. Joe Biden is Obama's puppet and front guy. Obama can now finish the job and do it under the cover of darkness. He can carry out his plan more ruthlessly than he ever could when he was the first black president and wanted to convince American voters he wasn't "radical" or "extreme." Back then, Obama had to move with caution; he had to boil the frog slowly, as I warned in my 2013 No. 1 national bestseller, "The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide."

All that is history. No more moving with caution. See Biden's record-setting executive orders. They are as radical and Marxist as anything ever seen in America's history.

Here in part two, I will explain Obama's actual plan. I learned it at Columbia University from 1979 to 1983. I was Obama's classmate at the Ivy League college where Marxism and the destruction of America were taught in every classroom. The plan was called Cloward-Piven, named after a husband-wife team of Columbia professors.

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven created the perfect Marxist plan: Get every American possible on welfare and other government handout programs in order to overwhelm the system, bring the national debt to levels never imagined, bankrupt America and bring business owners to their knees when the economy collapses. Then you've got a socialist country.

I recognize exactly what's happening today in America with Biden as the PINO (president in name only). Obama is using a modified Cloward-Piven plan.

Democrats (aka socialists and Marxists) have tried to get everyone on welfare for the past 38 years, since Obama and I graduated from Columbia. They came close, but they could never quite overwhelm and collapse the system. The success of capitalism and former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump got in the way.

But now Obama has modified the plan. He is going to use the next four years to open the borders and MAFA (Make America Foreign Again). If you can't get every American on welfare, then change the composition of America.

Open the borders and recruit millions -- eventually tens of millions -- of foreigners who don't speak English; who know nothing about American history or the U.S. Constitution; who have no education, talent or skills; who require cradle-to-grave welfare; who will vote Democratic forevermore in order to keep the welfare checks coming.

Soon America will be so filled with foreigners that America will become foreign to Americans. And those foreigners will tip the scale and overwhelm the system with all their welfare, food stamps, free health care, free education and a thousand other needs.

Have you seen Biden's executive actions? Have you closely watched Biden's first five weeks in office? It's all dedicated to open borders. It's an obsession. It's all about illegal aliens. It's about giving them every form of welfare imaginable. It's about giving them rights, privileges and advantages American-born citizens don't have.

This is the Cloward-Piven plan Obama and I learned at Columbia, modified by Obama. He's overwhelming the system and collapsing the U.S. economy by flooding our nation with illegal aliens. The floodgates are open. The disaster has begun.

In part three, next week, I'll identify every detail of this plan.

Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, entrepreneur, best-selling author, nationally syndicated talk show host on USA Radio Network at 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST/3 p.m. to 6 p.m. PST.



Saturday, February 27, 2021

Biden Immigration Plan in Absolute Chaos


Biden Admin Will Pay to Fly Unaccompanied Minor Illegal Immigrants to Stay with Relatives Inside US

2/26/2021 - Guy Benson

According to the Washington Post, the Biden administration's Department of Health and Human Services will use taxpayer money to fly unaccompanied minors who illegally cross the border to their relatives inside the United States.  This move comes as the White House is under fire for its new 'kids in cages' policy, under which detention centers are again housing 'migrant children,'  Progressives are furious that such facilities exist, while conservatives are eagerly leveling allegations of hypocrisy and recalling that candidate Biden stated, "we don't need them," in reference to immigration detention centers.  In addition to the possibility of opening more shelters to help handle the influx of new arrivals, here is the new administration's latest effort to navigate the politics of this issue:

HHS confirmed last night the Biden admin will pay airfare for unaccompanied minors to expedite their release from shelters and send them to relatives who might not be able to afford travel.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement email obtained by The Washington Post shows that the administration has already entered crisis mode on the southern border. “We need to prepare for border surges now,” Timothy Perry, ICE’s new chief of staff, wrote in a Feb. 12 email. “We need to begin making changes immediately.” The Biden administration is so worried about running out of shelter space for teenagers and children who cross the border without their parents that shelters have been authorized to purchase airplane tickets and cover other transportation costs for minors whose relatives are already living in the United States, according to an email from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement — which runs the shelters — that was obtained by The Post. HHS confirmed the policy change late Wednesday.

Could the growing surge correspond with a widespread perception among foreign nationals that the new president will be much more permissive on illegal immigration?  That seems highly likely.  Here's another vignette from the same Post story:

Biden’s 2020 election victory drew cheers from migrants stranded in squalid, freezing refugee camps in Mexico, and some rushed across a bridge in the border city of El Paso while chanting his name. Unlike Trump — whose tough talk of an immigration crackdown led to record-low border crossings in his first months in office — Biden has arrived as the numbers are rising. And because the Trump administration issued a public-health order effectively blocking migrants from crossing into the United States, Biden inherited an infrastructure ill-prepared to handle a big influx in the middle of the pandemic. Federal agents have taken into custody more than 70,000 migrants a month for each of the past four months, the most for that period in at least 10 years.

Rhetoric and policies have consequences.  According to a 2018 PBS report, under the system, unaccompanied children are held in federal custody for a period of time as the immigration adjudication system does its work.  Illegal minor entrants from our immediate neighbors can be rapidly screened and deported, but the process takes longer for other foreign nationals.  These kids are sometimes placed with relatives or other sponsors who care for them pending deportation proceedings.  As for the new development described in the tweet above, it's understandable why some may view this as humane, sensible and cost-effective.  But incentives matter.  What message would it send for the US government to announce that it will use taxpayer dollars to fly children who arrive in our country illegally -- often after very dangerous journeys -- to be with their relatives across the country?  That policy would create an even stronger magnet to attract more crossings.  These crossings are illegal and treacherous, and must not be encouraged.  

We know that even inaccurate rumors of amnesty for children has helped fuel previous surges of unaccompanied minors flooding into America.  Bad incentives drive crises.  And while it may be true that flying a child to meet her aunt in Chicago might be cheaper than holding her in a shelter, what's the calculation of costs associated with incentivizing many more illegal border crossings?  It's just not sustainable.  Offering such accommodations while also sending very clear signals about deportations -- attempting to pause them altogether, and suspending or de-prioritizing them for various additional crimes -- is a recipe for disaster.  Recall also that Biden supports taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants, and most Congressional Democrats favor direct 'COVID relief' payments to illegal immigrants.  And don't forget that in their myopic rush to signal anti-Trumpism, Team Biden has eliminated sensible and successful Trump-era agreements with Mexico and three Central American countries that alleviated core components of the border crisis that was overwhelming our system and personnel:

Once again demonstrating Democrats’ obsession with undoing all things Trump, the Biden team is unilaterally canceling US agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras that helped rein in the surge of illegal crossers at the US-Mexico border — with no plan in place for what else to do. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the move over the weekend, basically admitting the administration doesn’t actually have an alternate plan yet as he cited a belief that “there are more suitable ways to work with our partner governments to manage migration across the region,” including efforts to reduce the poverty and fear that prompts flight to America. Right: Just cure the ills of the countries these people are fleeing — a goal that has eluded Washington and the region for roughly five decades. Blinken’s mixed message: “These actions do not mean that the US border is open,” but “we are committed to expanding legal pathways for protection and opportunity here and in the region.” This, after the new president already paused deportations and suspended the Trump “remain in Mexico” policy that required asylum applicants to wait outside the country while their cases were processed.

Most Americans are in favor of a humane immigration system, and support significant reforms to the broken status quo.  But any 'fixes' that encourage more illegal immigration, especially if they're not backed up with serious new enforcement, are unacceptable and irresponsible.  

UPDATE - Yes, incentives matter:

New @StefWKight - A Customs and Border Protection staffer told top administration officials Thursday the agency is projecting a surge to 13,000 unaccompanied children crossing the border in May, sources directly familiar with the discussion told Axios.

— Jonathan Swan (@jonathanvswan) February 26, 2021



Thursday, February 25, 2021

H. R. - 1 Must be Defeated!


Why H.R. 1 Must Be Defeated

2/25/2021 - Jenny Beth Martin

If House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have their way, competitive elections to determine the political leadership of our nation will be a thing of the past. Voters whose experiences in the 2020 elections have left them with major concerns about election integrity would see their concerns raised to new heights, were the new Pelosi-Schumer election law reform scheme to become law.

That’s the virtually inevitable outcome of enactment of H.R. 1, the inappropriately named “For the People Act.” After even just a quick glance, one can see it would be more accurate to have named the bill the “For the Politicians Act.”

If enacted into law, this legislation would overturn more than two centuries of American political tradition and practice, and would practically invite voter fraud. Rather than use the Constitution’s framework, outlined in Article I, Section 4 – which grants to the many and varied state legislatures the authority to prescribe the “Times, Places, and Manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives,” which, by decentralizing election administration among the various states, makes voter fraud more difficult – H.R. 1 would overturn that by essentially federalizing the vast majority of election law.

Worse, if enacted, H.R. 1 would virtually codify almost all the problems we saw in the 2020 elections.

Across a wide variety of states in various parts of the country, voters were left wondering about the fairness of the rules and their applications. Overturning current law by enacting H.R. 1 would result in even more doubts in future elections.

Section 1004 of the bill, for instance, would prohibit states from requiring more than a signature to verify an individual’s eligibility to register to vote. That is, no longer could a state require presentation of some form of government-issued photo identification to confirm his identity before an individual would be allowed to register to vote.

Section 1903 would prohibit states from requiring voter identification at the polls before an individual is given a ballot to vote. Instead, an individual would only be required to sign a paper attesting that he is who he says he is.

I need to present a government-issued photo identification card of some kind before I get on a plane to travel. Is it too much to ask that I do the same before I register, or cast a vote?

Section 1012 automatically registers to vote eligible “individuals” whose names and addresses appear in certain state and federal government databases, like recipients of food stamps or welfare. Note the language – it specifically uses the word “individuals” instead of “citizens.” Why? Because several of those databases in question include individuals who are not citizens, and the authors of the legislation would rather register everyone, including non-citizens, than allow some individuals to choose to remain unregistered.

Section 1071 prohibits states from rejecting any voter registration application, by criminalizing the refusal to accept a voter registration application. Read that again, slowly. If enacted, H.R. 1 would criminalize the act of refusing to accept a voter registration application, even if the application does not meet the requirements.

Given that the new law would criminalize the refusal to accept a voter registration application, it should be no surprise that Section 1201(d) of the law would also criminalize challenging any registrant’s eligibility to register or to vote. Violating this provision would carry with it a fine, and imprisonment up to one year.

Section 1621 overturns many states’ laws by requiring all states to allow registered voters to cast an absentee ballot by mail without providing a reason for doing so. Section 1621(e) takes it even further – this provision requires states to accept as valid, and count, mailed-in ballots that are postmarked before or on Election Day, so long as they are received up to 10 days after the election.

Democrats who proposed this law also try to exploit young people’s support for liberal politicians by adding provisions allowing 16-year-olds to register to vote. Because the bill makes it a crime to challenge any registrant’s ability to register or to vote, it's possible those 16-year-olds could vote, because we won’t any longer be requiring proof of identification on Election Day – and, even if a 16- or 17-year-old were challenged, all he would have to do is sign a statement declaring that he is eligible to vote.

Other provisions in the legislation would have the effect of requiring that all states allow all felons to vote; would force states to extend periods of early voting; would mandate same-day and online voter registration; would make it a crime to “discourage” anyone from voting; and would reduce states’ ability to remove voters from their rolls.

Finally, this bill contains a Trojan horse – it’s an incumbent protection scheme camouflaged as a liberal “share the wealth” contraption. If certain thresholds are reached, it offers candidates for federal office a six-to-one match on contributions up to $200, so a $200 contribution magically becomes a $1,400 contribution. That must look very attractive to the kind of candidates who believe they’ll have a hard time raising money. What they may not realize, though, is that in order to receive the matching funds, the candidate also must agree to limit his fundraising threshold to $1,000 per individual, rather than the current individual contribution limit of $5,600 per cycle. So some candidates will find it much easier to raise money, but, because they’ve agreed to limit their ability to raise money, they won’t be able to raise enough to win.

H.R. 1 would virtually nationalize our election system. It would make voter identity verification more difficult, not less; would vastly expand the voter rolls; make proper maintenance of those rolls more difficult; and would remove local control and accountability. It goes in the exact opposite direction of the way we need to go. It must be defeated.



Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Wake Up USA - Time is Short!


The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway

2/23/2021 - D.W. Wilber

If I told you that a Marxist infiltration of every aspect of American life has been taking place, and that it’s been underway for decades, would you believe me? If I was even more specific and said that the Chinese Communist Party was primarily behind it, would you believe that as well? If I told you that our educational institutions, our colleges and universities, high schools, and even elementary schools were targets for Marxist indoctrination, would you believe that? 

Well to not believe it would be at your own peril. Having been involved in intelligence work for over 30 years, I’ve seen these efforts firsthand. The facts are that the Communist Chinese have been infiltrating our country for decades. Chinese intelligence agents are working overtime trying to steal our technology, our government and military secrets, but more importantly they have been and continue to operate as agents of influence.

Popular culture has become a useful tool for the Communist Chinese to use.  Much of our society revolves around what we see on television, in movies, and what we listen to.  Sadly far too many people, especially young people, take at face value anything they see on the Internet, in social media, or the pronouncements of popular entertainment figures.

Unions have been infiltrated as well to the point that they no longer exist to protect the rights of and benefit American trades and workers, but to support a leftist political agenda instead.

The Communist Chinese have been subtlety indoctrinating young impressionable minds here on school campuses all across America with their Marxist ideology. An effort that’s been underway for years. And an effort that has had a great deal of success, considering the level of self-loathing about America that they have been able to instill in a great many of America’s youth for a couple of generations now.

American youth have been taught to hate our founding fathers, and to view our Constitution and other founding documents as impediments to achieving a promised Marxist Utopia—an ideology that they were fed while attending classes at American universities by Marxist indoctrinated professors. Despising the very country that has provided them the freedom to enjoy all of the modern conveniences that those same students and professors rely upon and have grown accustomed to.   (Most are being made in China, much with slave labor by the way).

All across America statues of military leaders, former presidents, and our founding fathers are being defaced and torn down, schools are being renamed.  A full scale assault on our history and national heritage has been underway for decades, but has kicked into overdrive in more recent years. ‘Cancel culture’ is fully engaged and nothing is immune. All part of the Communist Chinese effort to undermine and overthrow our country from within.

After all, it’s much easier to recruit followers to your cause if you are able to establish a false impression, and create internal dissension by pitting traditional patriots who love America while recognizing her faults and past mistakes, against others who see America as nothing but an oppressive nation founded on slavery and ethnic cleansing.

Creating a false narrative that America is systemically racist, white supremacist, and a hateful nation is just one part of a multifaceted effort undertaken by the Communist Chinese regime to destroy our country.

Indeed, the Communist Chinese have been hard at work and they are quite satisfied with their level of success so far. Particularly now that they have the political party and leaders in control of our government that is especially malleable to the Chinese strategy.

Over the next two years they will increase their attacks against us, intending to take full advantage before the 2022 elections.  Keep the pressure up and don’t allow your adversary to catch their breath is all part of the Chinese plan.

If Republicans can gain back control of even part of the government they can implement some roadblocks into the Chinese achieving their goals.  And believe me, the Chinese feel very close to completing their takeover of this country.  They can almost taste it.  They will not be letting up the pressure.

We certainly have our work cut out for us.  But education is the key.  The more Americans know and understand what’s going on the better our chances of fending off the assault on America.  The Chinese have no intention of giving up, so we have to fight back.

This is America after all, an idea worth fighting for.