Tuesday, March 30, 2021

U. S. Immigration Policy in Chaos - Proof From Someone Who Knows


If you want border security, forget about Mexico

By Carlisle Johnson www.americanthinker.com

A third-grader with a more or less straight ruler, a crayon, and a map could recognize that the U.S. Executive and its press allies are barking up the wrong tree in trying to stem  the refugees at the U.S.-Mexico  border.

The correct interdiction-turnaround border is about a thousand miles south, between Mexico and Guatemala.  The third-grader would simply draw a line from the Caribbean/Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.  Nobody else from the three Northern Tier Honduran/El Salvador/Guatemala countries can cross. Nobody else from South America, Asia, or Africa?  Yep.  They're in the northward flow through Guatemala.

One of the "fers" Obama assigned his gofer V.P. Biden was the Alliance for Progress, a $4- to 5-billion job-creation stay-at-home program in the Northern Triangle.  The three N.T. countries sport seven presidents convicted (sums in the hundreds of million dollars), in jail, or under suspicion of corruption.  It will take a brave or illiterate congressperson to send more green via that turnpike.  All three have dismal scores under the 180-nation Corruption Perception Index.

I've been living in Guatemala since the 1960s — so long that I'm probably the dean of journalists there, an unenviable distinction.  I've published a newspaper, written op-eds, and hosted a popular radio show, Good Morning Guatemala.  I've spent time in the refugee camps across the border in Mexico, been offered the Chinese discount for being smuggled into the U.S., and talked with scores of deportees and wannabe former or would-be illegal northbound refugees.

It has never been like this.



Monday, March 29, 2021

It's An Illegal Alien Invasion - The Destruction of Our Republic


Migrant border crisis about to get worse

By Monica Showalter ww.americanthinker.com

Already Joe Biden has botched it at the border.

After issuing a series of executive orders designed to dismantle President Trump's border stabilization, tens of thousands of migrants are pouring in, and thousands of kids are in cages. The Bidenites are claiming it's no crisis, just seasonal movements. The migrants wearing Biden t-shirts know different. The coyotes enticing illegal migration in exchange for millions in smuggling 'fees' know different. And the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador knows different too, stating that Biden is the one who caused the border crisis. Facts are facts, and the interested parties know.

That's why the Biden administration is trying to muzzle the press, block photos, and keep inconvenient congressional members away. They know, too. They can read the polls.

But incredibly, it's going to get worse. According to this alarming report from Rick Moran now at PJMedia (Hat tip: Instapundit), more migrants are on their way, and the forecast is for bigger numbers.

According to the administration’s own estimates, the number of unaccompanied minors who are apprehended at the border will rise sharply in April compared to March.

Wall Street Journal:

As of Thursday, the Biden administration reported more than 18,000 immigrant children in its custody, with roughly 12,500 of them in government child shelters. About another 5,500 are being held in temporary Border Patrol holding facilities waiting to be transferred to shelters.

A senior Border Patrol official told reporters Friday morning that the number of children has continued to rise in recent days and that children were routinely being held in the agency’s stations and tent facilities for an average of about 90 hours but that some had been there for as long as 100 hours. The longest they are allowed to stay by law is 72 hours. The official said children were staying in Border Patrol facilities longer than allowed because the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement doesn’t have enough space to house them all.

Each kid requires housing, medical care, entertainment, transport, and food, and a lot of time from someone to make phone calls. After the phone calls are made about where to take the kids, apparently no one is being vetted. Some kid being delivered to a 'parent' might easily be delivered at taxpayer expense to sweatshop traffickers or sex traffickers, a grotesque form of modern-day slavery. Apparently, there is no time for background checks, so off they go. And more than hundred are known to have been infected with COVID. These days, they don't even ask and they sure don't test. Most aren't even getting asylum court dates, they're just in an out, until the lawmen can make their arrangements. The dangers of this practice to the kids and the public is obvious.

And now it's getting worse. Biden is attempting to spin the whole crisis as a non-crisis on the border. The New York Post correctly calls that and other claims -- "ba;d-faced lies."

Biden is trying to make you think he's got it under control. He's diverting the subject to other topics. He's blaming President Trump. The grim reality, though, remains: It's going to get worse. And he's not making it better, he's making it worse even as he offers ever more implausible explanations. His solutions are not working. His narrative is defective. He's going to keep lying. And for the public that has to endure this, it's going to start wearing thin.



Sunday, March 28, 2021

Obama Total Transformation of the U. S. A. Continues With Biden Policies


Is Joe Biden using illegal aliens to destroy American as founded?

By Patricia McCarthy www.americanthinker.com

Joe Biden has pledged $86M to put up migrants in hotels.  The captive National Guard was deployed to D.C. on the phony pretense that members of Congress were in danger of attacks by right-wing extremists, even though there was never a credible threat.  Those soldiers in service of their country were made to sleep on the ground of a parking garage and fed contaminated food.  Meanwhile, there are 552K homeless Americans.  Los Angeles has 66K+ homeless people living on the streets without any of the assistance the people flowing over our southern border are receiving at taxpayer expense.  If this does not strike all Americans as obscene, well, they are not thinking rationally.

The Biden administration and the far-left radicals within it have turned this country upside-down; Americans bad, migrants are all good.  We native-born or naturalized citizens must be punished for our privileges; illegal migrants are victims of America’s success.  Kamala Harris has long wanted to decriminalize illegal entry into the country.  She has compared ICE and the Border Police to the KKK!  That is how the left thinks, how the Biden administration operates.  And they think we are all going to sit still for this grisly policy. 

The Biden “team” apparently think we don’t know that it is the Mexican cartels who control the border and have leapt at Biden’s invitation to surge across it in order to re-establish their oh, so profitable enterprise of trafficking in people, especially women and children.  Trump had severely interdicted their use and abuse of the victims they traffic.  Biden ended Trump’s Operation Talon his first week in office.  Now the cartels control who comes, who crosses into the U.S., and where they go, and they are getting fabulously wealthy doing it.  The minor children arrive with phones or phone numbers in their pockets.  Most of those contact numbers are not family members in the U.S.; they are cartel contacts.  The journey north for these women, girls, and young boys is treacherous.  The smugglers brag about “rape trees.”  Women and girls are routinely gang-raped, their undergarments tossed into trees then so named.  This is what Biden’s call for all comers to “surge the border” has set in motion.  And, as he reiterated at the not-press conference on Thursday, he thinks he is the nice guy, the moral guy.  But he has created a massive humanitarian crisis that is characterized first and foremost by vicious cruelty.  This is what the left, the Biden administration has set in motion.

In the meantime, while ignoring the major crisis on the southern border, our DHS, FBI, DOJ, and military have been tasked with purging all federal agencies, especially the military and law enforcement, of any and all conservatives and censoring all conservative voices.  The Los Angeles Police Department will no longer hire Christians or conservatives; they are deemed “domestic terrorists.”  While Biden gives carte blanche to China, Iran, and Russia to do whatever they will to weaken America, this administration is concerned only with a Stalinist/Maoist form of criminalizing dissent within our borders.  The new president is intent upon moving the U.S. toward an oligarchical totalitarianism.

Joe Biden owes his and his family’s wealth to China and Ukraine.  That acquired wealth was due to the Biden family’s wholesale corruption that rivals the Clintons’ financial profiteering in scope.  Biden is bought and paid for and will always defer to China.  He will never cross the Chinese in our interests.  He just won’t.  He cannot.  He owes them; they own him.  And do not forget what China has on Hunter Biden, the pedophile drug addict who got rich via Ukraine and China as those two nations bought the leverage they now can use to their benefit.  You can be sure they will use that leverage. 

Biden’s disastrous plan to orchestrate a humanitarian crisis and invite migrants to surge the southern border will only further prevent the re-employment of all those who lost their jobs due to the unnecessary COVID lockdown.  The Trump administration had achieved nearly max employment, especially among minorities, which is why more of them voted to re-elect him in greater numbers than for any other Republican in U.S. history.  Now we have Biden, who, by opening the border to anyone and everyone, will insure that those minority workers that had jobs before COVID will have to compete for work with the tens of thousands of illegal migrants now flowing into the country.  They are largely untested for COVID, sent on to the cartel smugglers who got them over the border, drugs and all.  Predictably, along with the tens of thousands of migrants, fentanyl and meth are again flowing into the U.S.  Biden surely knows this but does not care.  The “unaccompanied minors” are often mules for the cartels, then trafficked for sex and gang business.

Thus far, Biden as president is dangerously close to being a Castro, Venezuela’s Chávez, and then Maduro.  The Democrat party as currently constituted is an enemy of America.  If that is not clear to the American people, they are simply as uninformed as the media intends them to be.  If they have submitted to the fear-mongering about COVID, they are already submissives to a false narrative.  COVID, and all its attendant restrictions on our daily lives, is, like the open border scam, part of our self-appointed ruling elites’ plan to implement their "Great Reset."  We had all better stand up and fight back, or this is the end.  We will all be rendered citizens of the world, no longer individual humans, but mere chattel to our overseers.



Saturday, March 27, 2021

Biden Southern Border Immigration Policy - An Absolute Nightmare!


President Biden's Border Crisis Borders on Treason

3/26/2021 - Ted Harvey Townhall.com

The U.S.-Mexico border is in shambles. Once again, America has an illegal immigration crisis on its hands, and there’s only one person to blame: President Biden.

The Biden administration knows exactly what is going on. President Biden had a front-row seat to the disastrous policies of the Obama administration, and he has purposely chosen to double down.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, federal authorities are encountering an average of nearly 600 unaccompanied migrant children per day—up from 313 children a day last month. In 2019, barely 200 unaccompanied migrant children were crossing the border daily on average—a more than twofold increase between the Trump and Biden administrations. Southwest border crossings are now on pace for the highest levels in two decades.

It gets even worse. Under the Biden administration, Border Patrol agents are now considering releasing illegal immigrants who claim asylum without issuing a “Notice to Appear.” In other words, illegal immigrants may depart custody without a court date. Put another way, they are invading the United States without repercussions. All the while, caravans of illegal immigrants continue to make their way to the southern border, overwhelming federal authorities who are desperate for any semblance of help from President Biden.

The current border crisis can be traced directly back to the open-border policies of President Obama. For eight years, large caravans of illegal immigrants flooded across Mexico from South America resulting in a humanitarian crisis on the southern border. The Biden administration fully understands the consequences of repeating President Obama’s dangerous policies, but Biden officials don’t care. 

The Democratic Party no longer believes in a sovereign United States of America. Today’s Democrats are wholly committed to a world without borders

On the campaign trail, then-candidate Joe Biden often promised a “fair and humane” immigration system, calling for a “a clear roadmap to citizenship” for the more than 11 million people living in the United States unlawfully.

And the Biden administration acted on those promises. In February, Customs and Border Protection allowed the vast majority of migrant families it encountered on the U.S.-Mexico border to stay in the country, pending a decision on whether they will be allowed to stay permanently. Not surprisingly, illegal immigrants took Biden’s words and ran with them. According to one illegal immigrant who was interviewed in Arizona, he crossed the border illegally because Joe Biden was elected president. When asked if he would have made the illegal crossing under President Trump, his response spoke volumes: “Definitely not.”

The situation is so disastrous that even the left-leaning mainstream media—normally an extension of the Democratic Party—has called out President Biden. Just read a recent Washington Post headline: “Inside the Biden administration’s failure to contain the border surge.” When the likes of ABC’s Martha Raddatz leave your corner, the border crisis must be too scandalous to ignore.

And how does President Biden respond? By continuing to dodge the liberal media’s questions. On Monday, the Biden administration called a lid for the day before 2 pm, opting for a closed press event with Senate Democrats instead. Yesterday, President Biden held his first press conference — after more than two months in office. For “Sleepy Joe,” it’s more of the same: For months on the campaign trail, he spent much of his time cowering in the basement, avoiding press events and refusing to answer questions for American voters.

Can you imagine if the same standard was applied to President Trump?

This is beyond unacceptable. After years of appeasing illegal immigrants at the expense of American citizens, President Biden is now presiding over the worst immigration crisis of the last 20 years. Leading up to the 2022 elections, Republicans cannot hold back their criticism. They should not allow the Biden administration to receive a pass, when the U.S.-Mexico border and rule of law have effectively been rendered irrelevant in the span of two months.

As President Trump often said, a nation without borders is not a nation. Moreover, a president who fails to defend and secure his nation’s borders is no longer worthy of the title. President Biden has abdicated his moral authority to represent American citizens and lead this country.

The Biden administration’s current immigration agenda is bordering on treason. It is a national disgrace, and must be defeated.