Tuesday, June 29, 2021

..."He has exposed his dark and toxic soul." - Absolute true statement!


Mitt Romney's malicious envy

By Patricia McCarthy www.americanthinker.com

Mitt Romney prides himself on being a thorn in President Trump's side, but he is just a gnat buzzing about the left media that now revere him.  He's become a joke but has yet to realize that.

Romney wins the prize among the pathetic group of RINOS who think they can vanquish Trump by treating him and his supporters like pond scum.  The problem with the left and the RINOS is that they assume, with no hint of irony, that they are smart and the rest of us are not.  Actually, it is they who are blinkered to the point of blindness.  

They take for granted their revealed conviction that Trump-supporters and the American citizens of our middle and working classes are unworthy of respect, as are all those migrants they've invited to cross our border without regard for the horrific indignities they must endure on their journey north.  The Biden/Harris administration knows full well that those women and children are subjected to all manner of abuse and torture, that each migrant must pay the cartels and can enter the country only with their paid permission and wearing a bracelet to confirm that permission.

But Romney now seems to love Biden and endorses his destructive policies all around.  He loves to show up on the Sunday shows and condemn President Trump.  The man has no scruples, no core values.

Had Romney won the presidency in 2012, he may have been marginally better than Obama, but, like Biden, he would never have put America first.  He's a born globalist, which explains his affinity for Biden and the leftmedia.  He hates Trump more than he loves America.

Romney is fawned over by the hapless Chuck Todd and venal Jake Tapper, two of the most radical non-journalists who have doled out carefully constructed fake news on a daily basis for years.  No wonder their ratings have crashed.  Romney is happy to be one of their stooges.

Todd and Tapper (and Wallace, Stephanopoulos, Williams, Maddow, O'Donnell, etc.) are long-term de facto activists for the Democrat party and do their bidding without regard for the truth.  They now embrace the vacuous Mitt Romney.  He's a traitor to his declared party and to the values of the Latter-Day Saints he has long espoused: the primacy of family and country.  He's a nasty piece of work.

Romney voted to expel President Trump twice — over the phone call with the new President of Ukraine and then over the possibly FBI-instigated demonstration at the Capitol on January 6.  This is why he was booed at the Utah GOP convention in May.  He is the Liz Cheney of Utah.  He has nothing to say about the damage Biden has done so far and is doing to our country in order to please Putin and the CCP.  He dismisses the notion of election fraud, made a point on Sunday to insult the great and magnanimous patriot Mike Lindell and the best mayor N.Y. ever had, Rudy Giuliani, a man whose shoes Romney is not fit to shine. 

Romney is a little man, not in stature but in spirit.  He is a toady of the left.  How the voters of Utah fell for his conservative act is a mystery.  He is as transparent as Jen Psaki, superciliously venal.  As for the people and businesses the Biden administration is destroying?  Pierre Delecto, his once-upon-a-time Twitter handle, does not care; he's got his massive wealth and only means to protect and grow it.

On Sunday, he said, "There is a battle going on in the world right now between the nations like China and Russia and nations that believe in democracy.  If the autocratic nations can point to United States which is the birthplace of this modern democracy and can say, look, they can't run an election there that is not fraudulent, how can you possibly run it in your country?"

He seems not to realize that (1) we are a republic, and our states have rights, and (2) by supporting the Biden agenda, he is supporting China and Russia.  Biden is a bought and paid for tool, a puppet of both.

Like the rest of the left and the anti-Trump RINOs, Romney made a decision to dismiss any and all evidence of election fraud early on — fraudulent ballots, ghost voters (dead or nonexistent), machine tampering, not to mention the Soros-funded Transition Integrity Project , Perkins-Coie's successful plot to alter election law in all the swing states, and Molly Ball's gleeful confessional in Time Magazine.  He clearly chose as well not to read the Navarro Report or the volumes of evidence and/or sworn affidavits Giuliani has made public; thousands of people have sworn under penalty of perjury that they witnessed election fraud in numerous states.  Romney blissfully ignores any information that does not comport with his certainty that the election was fair, even though Biden could not muster a crowd anywhere throughout the campaign and Trump drew multi-thousands. 

There was an article about Ghislaine Maxwell where she is quoted as saying about the young girls she provided (pimped) to Jeffrey Epstein: "These girls are nothing."  That is exactly how men and women like Mitt Romney, Chuck Todd, Jake Tapper, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, et al. consider those of us without massive wealth and power: irrelevant, unworthy of notice, let alone concern.  They are authoritarians at heart, which explains their absurd and overly aggressive campaign to vaccinate every single person without regard for the too often catastrophic consequences.  Romney is of course part of the vax-everyone crowd.  Unsurprisingly, he's on the global warming hoax bandwagon, too; anything goes when it comes to controlling the masses.  As with COVID, fear-mongering is the name of their game.

Romney wanted to be President Trump's secretary of state, but he was not selected because he has virtually no knowledge of foreign policy.  Neither he nor any of his five sons has ever served in the military.  He was not qualified for that job.  But he has had it in for Donald Trump ever since he failed to get the Cabinet post he wanted, and he has exposed his dark and toxic soul. 

He should beware; "it is never wise to seek or wish for another's misfortune.  If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang." —Charley Reese


Sunday, June 27, 2021

Democrat Immigration Policy - An Exercise in Futility


Democrats go left, but Hispanics are not rushing to join them

By Silvio Canto, Jr. www.americanthinker.com

In a couple of recent posts, we've discussed how Republicans in Texas won elections in areas with significant Hispanic populations, from McAllen to Fort Worth to Arlington to that special election in the 6th District.  In other words, those areas are rich in Hispanic votes, but the Democrats were not the ones partying on Election Night.

Who spoiled "la fiesta"?

This analysis confirms what I've been seeing.  This is from Roll Call:

The 2020 election was a surprise on many levels. President Donald Trump got much closer to reelection than most pundits predicted. The blue wave turned out to be a figment of the media's and Democrats' imagination. And Republicans did far better than expected down ballot and across the country. 

There have been plenty of autopsies done by partisans and academics, and plenty of interesting takeaways from the election, particularly on what happened with Hispanics and why. The answer is ideology. Today, Hispanic voters tend to be slightly center-right, ideologically, and closer to independents at a time when the Democratic Party is heading further and further left.

In one post-election report, a consortium of Democratic groups acknowledged what they called "campaign misfires" in the way Democrats engaged Hispanic and Latino voters. 

Specifically, the report says, "Latino and Hispanic voters were broadly treated as get-out-the-vote targets rather than audiences for persuasion." It went on to say, "Campaign messaging didn't always reflect the different values and priorities of urban Hispanic voters vs rural Hispanic voters, much less account for what would persuade Hispanic men in the Rio Grande Valley, oil and gas workers in New Mexico or Latinas in South Florida."

In a recent New York Magazine interview, Democratic pollster David Shor weighed in on his party's performance in the 2020 election. Based on the interview, it appears that Democrats continue to interpret 2022 in the context of demographics, race and class and less about voters' belief systems and positions on issues. 

It's a long analysis but let me give you the short version: the party lives in San Francisco, and Hispanics live in Texas.

We saw this recently with the "heartbeat law."  The Texas Democrat party does not endorse the law on the grounds that it takes away your "reproductive rights."  On the other hand, most Hispanic women are probably saying, don't you hear a baby's heartbeat inside that "mami"?

We will see in 2022.  I will go out and predict that Democrats have left the Hispanics behind on many issues, from abortion to border control.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Great Question - Where Are They?


‘Where Are The Admirals? Where Are The Generals? Where Are the Veterans?’

By Jeff M. Lewis www.americanthinker.com

On 17 August 1955, President Dwight D. Eisenhower prescribed a Code of Conduct for members of the Armed Forces of the United States. The purpose was to inform each service member in a combat unit about their basic responsibilities when engaged in combat or if they were captured by enemy forces. Of the six articles, the first and sixth articles are particularly powerful reminders about the Armed Forces’ mission and the dedication each member requires to complete that mission:

Article 1

I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

Article 6

I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.

It’s a matter of primary importance when recruiting a skilled and talented all-volunteer military force that the institution and its members, along with the desire to serve our country, firmly believe in America’s unique and moral character and the freedoms from which we all benefit. Along with these beliefs and desires, each member of the military must also develop a strong loyalty to his or her brothers and sisters in arms.

These tenets are foundational to a purposeful, effective fighting force. To go into combat, one must fully believe that the United States’ cause and purpose are just and morally upright. The mission must be clear: To fight and win.

Each person serving must see fellow service members as integral and necessary parts of this mission. Studies of 20th-century wars, especially the experiences of those captured and held as prisoners of war, have repeatedly shown that this foundational relationship between fellow service members, their belief in the cause for which they are fighting, and their belief in the United States of America are all vitally important to survival.

As a 20-year veteran of the United States Navy, I was taught this Code of Conduct and instructed in the responsibilities that accompanied my service. These Core Values enabled me to develop attitudes and behaviors that embody and represent the best of America’s values and founding principles. During my time in the Navy, fairness, equity, and equal opportunity were integral to the service and were relentlessly instilled in the military’s culture. Perhaps just as importantly, I have seen the concomitant diversity that is the natural by-product of this culture, because it rewards hard work, talent, and ability for their own sake, for their undeniable merit, and for the betterment and preservation of America itself.

Given the inherent and undeniable virtues of this colorblind, merit-based system based upon shared values, the Armed Forces of the United States travel a pernicious and destructive path if they embrace Critical Race Theory, with its core belief that America and her citizenry are irredeemably racist, along with the tenets of “white supremacy,” “whiteness,” “white privilege,” “white fragility,” and “systemic” or “institutional racism.”

Critical Race Theory does not build up, it tears down. There is nothing aspirational or uplifting about it. And as a springboard to establishing “diversity” as a goal unto itself, as its own concurrent priority, inculcating those values into troops will not equip the military to succeed at its first, and most important goal, which is to fight and win in armed conflict.

Critical Race Theory is antithetical to the principles each military branch teaches, particularly in “boot camp” or “basic training.” This entry-level training -- and the arduous nature of the entire indoctrination into military service -- must necessarily diminish each recruit’s or candidate’s individual identity and replace it with the aspirational goal of becoming part of a successful, elite team with its own service’s unique culture and esprit de corps.

Critical Race Theory, by contrast, undermines the necessary team building and teaches that all interactions with others will be based solely according to race. Nothing could be further from reality when each branch of service in the Armed Forces properly acts in accordance with its core values and the guiding principles that have made America truly exceptional in human history.

So, given this deviation from core principles, I must ask: “Where are the Admirals?” “Where are the Generals?” Just as importantly, where are my fellow veterans, and why are we allowing what all should recognize as a crass, purely political, fraudulent, and destructive ideology to erode the foundations of military service and success? Why are we silent while these toxic and corrosive ideals are taught to our Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guards?

The Armed Forces have an undeniable history of equal opportunities for advancement and achievement for all who serve. Therefore, Critical Race Theory has no value as a course of instruction for the military services because this history proves that neither America nor her military are “irredeemably racist” cultures or institutions. To the contrary, our already diverse military’s undeniable success provides its own irrefutable testimony to the greatness of the nation the military’s members take an oath to defend -- with their own lives, if necessary.

My “real-world” experience has shown me that all unit commanders who consistently enforce Constitutional principles and sticks strictly with the core values and guiding principles that define their branch of service will avoid any race defining or determining outcomes. The United States military’s command structure and meritocracy -- the merit-based system of performance evaluation and promotion – have guaranteed in the past, and will continue to guarantee in the future, an overwhelmingly “color-blind” system of achievement that benefits not only the individual, but the Team, and our country.

If the American military, in connection with its primary mission to fight and win, desires to field a military force (and promote leaders from within its ranks) that reflects more closely the racial distribution in America, it must begin now, with young people, to recruit and inform America’s youth about the high calling and the unique opportunities associated with military service.  Our children must know they have a Future Story. That story leads to hope and aspirational goals that are greater than themselves.

They must be taught why America is exceptional, making it a beacon of freedom in the world, and why we as a nation have the high calling to actively advocate -- and sometimes to fight -- for the freedoms we hold so dear. If America expects to continue to field a military force that is second-to-none in its talent, technology, and ability to win, America must raise up the patriots who will be willing to serve the nation and serve alongside their brothers and sisters from all walks of life, from every corner, every avenue, hill, and dale of the nation.

Critical Race Theory, which is predicated on misrepresenting America’s history and culture inter-changeably as “systemically racist” or “institutionally racist,” and which blames these factors for every societal ill and unequal outcome, is a divisive and destructive lie. There is nothing inherent in these ideologies, these attitudes, and the hatred for America they espouse that is beneficial to anyone, much less to the United States military.

So, again I need to say it…I need to ask: Where are the Admirals? Where are the Generals? Where are my fellow Veterans? Why are we allowing this racist cancer to infect the ranks of the most educated, most talented, and most lethal military to ever exist in human history?

Jeff M. Lewis is a retired Commander who served in the United States Navy for 20 years, flying the A-6E “Intruder” and the FA-18 “Hornet.” He is a self-employed small business owner and resides with his family in South Texas.