Saturday, October 30, 2021

Just When You Thought 'I Could Not Get Any Worse' -- It Does!


The true heinousness of the proposed $450,000 payments to illegal aliens

By Ed Sherdlu

No, this is not a sick joke. The Biden administration, in cooperation with the American Civil Liberties Union, is preparing to excavate your wallet because some illegal immigrants were separated from their families for a short time when they criminally crossed our fenceless Southern border.

Biden and his socialist sycophants want you to make amends because the onslaught of illegals overran existing detention facilities. In a small percentage of the hundreds of thousands of cases, Big Bad Orange Man separated children, including teenagers, from their parents for a short time. In many cases, the children and adults were not really part of the same family. The adults simply rented the children from Mexican professional human-smuggling “coyotes” so the illegals could fake the special immigration status reserved for families.

Of course, even though everything the immigrants did was totally illegal, the ACLU found a welcoming administration in the Bidenistas. According to the lawyers, the children suffered from heat exhaustion and malnutrition in the cages the Obama Administration built.

It does not matter that the heat exhaustion and malnutrition resulted from the kids’ extended trek across the blazing hot Mexican desert with no food or water. Once the young people crossed the border, they were put into air-conditioned detention centers, received three full meals a day, medical attention, and everything else you would expect in a typical government giveaway.

It does not matter to the ACLU lawyers that the Border Patrol (and your tax dollars) saved these children from dying from that heat exhaustion and malnutrition. According to the ACLU lawyers, the children had these problems while in the United States, at least until U.S. taxpayer dollars solved the problem, so of course, let’s sue! The administration is settling the case for $450,000 per kid, plus the same for those suffering mamas and papas.

The ACLU also claims these illegal children have lasting mental health problems due to being separated from their “parents” for a short time. The supposed mental health problems read like the typical lawyer’s laundry list of self-reported psychological problems that cannot be proved by any medical examination or clinical test.

The lawyers say the illegal immigrants have what looks like generic anxiety, fear of strangers, and nightmares, etc. Of course, the ultra-liberal lawyers cannot substantiate any of it, but who cares. Pay them off to the tune of what the federal government admits will be about $1 million per family.

The fact these families are now reunited in a taxpayer-supported paradise they never dreamed about two years ago matters not. The Washington bureaucrats writing the checks out of your bank account also do not care that many of the illegal teenagers have continued their criminality by joining gangs because we taught them crime pays!

So, you and I pay but Biden benefits—and the Dems instantly have a whole new cadre of bought and paid for permanent Democratic voters. When you remember the Biden administration wants to give away almost half a million dollars, per “child” and “parent,” out of your wallet to supposedly traumatized border jumpers, ask yourself the next question:

What are they going to do to us next week, next month, next year? After all, just for starters, we’ve been hearing for months about the appalling conditions in which the Biden administration has been keeping 2021’s tsunami of illegal aliens. Quite frankly, I worry that awful prognostication is beyond the imagination of any rational American…except Biden, Harris, Pelosi, AOC, and the ACLU!



Friday, October 29, 2021

Parents Have Control of Their Children - NOT Government


Who Decides What Kids Should Be Taught?

10/29/2021 - Pat Buchanan

Virginia is a newly blue state, with a Democratic governor and two Democratic senators, that Joe Biden won by 10 points.

Hence, former Gov. Terry McAuliffe was an early and solid favorite to regain the office he vacated in 2017. But if McAuliffe loses Tuesday, the defeat will be measured on the Richter scale.

For if he does lose, it will be because of an elitist belief McAuliffe blurted out during a debate with Republican rival Glenn Youngkin:

"I'm not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions. ... I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."

Yet, during his own term as governor, one Virginia school district pulled copies of "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Huckleberry Finn" out of the schools because of the books' use of racial slurs.

What McAuliffe was saying was that the knowledge, truths and beliefs imparted to children in public schools are to be determined by school officials and teachers alone. Parents have no role and should butt out.

His dismissal of any parental role in education did more than cause a backlash against McAuliffe. It put on the national agenda an issue that will be engaged and fought long after this Virginia governor's race is over.

Former President Barack Obama was not amused at Virginia's reaction to McAuliffe's rejection of any parental role in education.

"We don't have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars," said Obama during a campaign stop for McAuliffe.

But to the voters of Virginia, who have been moving to Youngkin since McAuliffe made his now-famous remark, these are real issues.

For what their children are taught and not taught in the public schools to which parents consign them from age 5 to age 18 are matters of grave concern for those parents. For it will affect the kind of adults and citizens their children will become.

"Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man" is a saying attributed to the Jesuits' founder St. Ignatius of Loyola.

These schools are helping shape what children come to believe about the moral, social and historical issues tearing our country apart. These schools are helping shape the men and women these children will become.

Consider. Under the landmark Supreme Court rulings in Roe v. Wade and Obergefell v. Hodges, abortion and same-sex marriage have been made constitutional rights. Yet both decisions contradict biblical truths, Catholic doctrine and natural law.

While both decisions are today the law of the land, have parents no right to object if public-school teachers instruct their students that these decisions were right, moral and just? Do students and parents have no right to dissent, both inside and outside the classroom?

According to the New York Times' "1619 Project," American history began when the first slaves arrived in Virginia, not when the colonies declared independence in 1776 or when the Constitution was ratified.

Do parents have no right to object if the tenets of critical race theory -- that America is shot through with "systemic racism," that whites are privileged from birth and blacks oppressed -- are taught as truth about the country to which they have given their loyalty and love?

For generations, statues to Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson stood on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia. Now that the statues are torn down, both are reviled as "traitors."

Yet, until he was 40 years of age, George Washington was a loyal British subject. But when Virginia rose up against the British Crown, Washington joined the rebellion. Robert E. Lee was also a loyal U.S. soldier and hero of the Mexican War, until his home state Virginia seceded.

Both men were slave-owners. The great difference: Washington was victorious at Yorktown, and Lee surrendered at Appomattox.

President Dwight Eisenhower regarded Lee, whose portrait he hung in the Oval Office, as among the greatest of all Americans.

Whose view of Lee should be taught? Eisenhower's or Harvard's?

The question raised by McAuliffe is: Who decides? Who, in the education of America's children, decides what is historically, morally and socially true? And who is allowed to participate in those decisions?

The nation is today divided over whether America is a good and a great country, or whether it has been irredeemably stained by its sins against the indigenous peoples and slavery. As the Dutch historian Pieter Geyl said, "History is indeed an argument without end."

Again, the question: Who decides which version is taught in the public schools that are paid for with the tax dollars of the parents who send their children there?

Middle America's view of the country is more than a little distant from the Ivy League's, and somewhat closer to Merle Haggard's. "When you're running down my country, you're walking on the fighting side of me."

Whatever happens Tuesday, "the McAuliffe issue" will be on the table in the elections of 2022.


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Take Notice Everyone This is Downright Lawlessness!


Biden Wants to Give Illegals $450K

10/28/2021 - Spencer Brown

(Click Title to Read Tweets)

New reporting on Thursday revealed President Biden's latest border policy idea: Direct payments to illegal immigrant families who were separated at the southern border during the Trump administration. 

According to The Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration "is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation" to the tune of total payments totaling "$1 billion or more."

Via WSJ:

The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child, the people said. Many families would likely get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances, the people said.

The lump-sum payouts, according to some attorneys who spoke to The Wall Street Journal, could mean that illegal immigrants get more compensation from the Biden administration than some families of 9/11 victims received. 

The potential for illegal immigrant families to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars from the federal government while Americans continue to struggle under the Biden administration's inflationary economic policy is not a great look ahead of the 2022 midterms. 



If Lies Are A Burden - WDC Should Sink To The Bottom Of The Potomac


The Ignoble Lie

10/28/2021 - Victor Davis Hanson

In a controversial passage in Plato's "Republic," Socrates introduced the idea of the "noble lie" ("gennaios pseudos").

A majestic fiction, he says, could sometimes serve society by persuading uninformed citizens of something good for them.

Ever since, many prevaricators have used the excuse that they lied for the common good.

Take Dr. Anthony Fauci, our point man on the COVID-19 epidemic.

Fauci misled the country about mask-wearing during the pandemic by claiming they were of little use. But he argued that he lied so the public would not make a run on masks, deplete the supply, and thus rob medical professionals of protective equipment.

Fauci also told "noble" lies about the likely percentage of the public needing to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. He kept raising the bar -- from 60 percent to 70 percent to 75 percent to 80 percent, to 85 percent.

Apparently, Fauci feared a lower figure, even if accurate, might lull people into complacency about getting inoculated.

Fauci also lied about his own role in routing U.S. aid money to subsidize gain-of-function viral research at the Wuhan virology lab -- the likely birthplace of COVID-19.

Either Fauci was hiding his own culpability, or he believed the American people might not be able to fully accept that some of their own health officials were promoting the sort of research that was partially responsible for more than 700,000 American deaths.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has serially lied about the number of undocumented immigrants who have crossed into the United States. He falsely claimed mounted agents were whipping migrants. He fibbed about the purported lack of federal data of apprehensions, detentions, and deportations. His assertion that the border is secure was a joke.

Apparently, Mayorkas believes the public would go ballistic or his own administration would be roundly despised, if he told the bitter truth about the border: by intent, the Biden administration has apparently deliberately left it wide open.

And it will likely allow 2 million undocumented immigrants into the country in the current fiscal year.

Lots of other unelected federal officials lied over the past five years by claiming or implying that harming the Trump administration was in the public interest.

Former FBI directors Andrew McCabe and James Comey likely misled the nation. McCabe admittedly lied that he did not leak FBI information to the media.

James Comey lied under oath on multiple occasions in congressional cross-examinations and claimed he did not know or could not remember basic facts about his own role in promoting the Russian collusion hoax.

Apparently, Comey and McCabe believed that by being less than truthful, they might better emasculate Donald Trump. And that result would be beneficial to America.

Our former intelligence leaders may have been the most brazen liars. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied to Congress about the NSA surveillance program, though he denied it.

When caught in the untruth, Clapper reverted to the noble lie that he gave the least untruthful answer, apparently on the pretense that he did not wish to damage the reputation of an important intelligence agency.

Ditto John Brennan, the former head of the CIA. On two occasions he lied under oath about the agency's monitoring of Senate staffers' computers and the deaths of civilians caused by U.S. drone assassination missions along the Afghanistan border.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley lied for days about the details of an accidental drone strike that killed innocent women and children in Afghanistan.

Either Milley is now lying when he says he warned Joe Biden about the disasters to come in Afghanistan or Biden is lying when he denies hearing any such advice.

Many of the details of Milley's conversations with authors Bob Woodward and Robert Costa as reported in their recent muckraking book were abjectly denied by Milley.

The list of such lies could be vastly expanded.

IRS functionary Lois Lerner never told the whole untruth about weaponizing the IRS.

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch spun an implausible yarn that she accidentally bumped into Bill Clinton on a tarmac in Phoenix and never discussed the then-current FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton.

Special counsel Robert Mueller told a whopper under oath, claiming to know almost nothing about the Steele dossier and the misadventures of Fusion GPS. Both were the two catalysts that prompted his entire investigation of "collusion" in the first place.

In some of these cases, when caught and exposed, the liars will hedge by claiming temporary amnesia.

But sometimes they admit they lied but suggest they did so for higher purposes like national security.

In truth, in most cases there was nothing noble at all in their lying. They simply spread untruths to protect their own endangered careers by masking their own wrongdoing or fobbing it onto others.

In other words, "noble lies" are rarely spun for anyone's interests other than those of the liars themselves.