Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Senate MUST NOT Pass This Destructive Legislation!


Biden's 'Build Back Better' Fraud

11/30/2021 - Oliver North and David Goetsch Townhall.com

No president has ever proposed a more egregiously misnamed piece of legislation than President Joe Biden's so-called Build Back Better plan. The label "Progressive-Democrats" chose for this European-style socialist legislation is an example of their favorite ploy: semantic subterfuge -- assigning an appealing name to an appalling concept.

In reality, the plan is a socialist wealth redistribution ploy to erode America's free market economy and replace it with government control, burdensome regulations and even higher taxes. When it comes to building back better, what Biden and the Democrats need to rebuild are the successful policies of the previous administration they destroyed in less than a year.

If Biden and his socialist puppet masters want to build America back better, they should start by cleaning up the mess they made of the booming economy they inherited. Biden and company could revive our now heavily inflated, failing economy by eliminating hundreds of burdensome regulations he imposed during his first days in office. Allowing our fossil-fuel infrastructure to restore energy independence would ease our "pain at the pump." Protecting Americans from patent and intellectual property theft would help American businesses thrive.

Building back better should also include restoring America's credibility. Biden's callous, incompetent surrender in Afghanistan means we must urgently refocus our military on real threats from Communist China and Iran and cease force-feeding our troops a diet of social-justice tripe.

We must also reestablish our southern border. Sequestering two million illegal immigrants in our country by year-end is an enormous economic burden. It also makes us a global laughingstock.

The best way Biden and his leftist fellow travelers can build our country back better is to stop pushing socialist policies, continually expanding government, raising taxes, increasing regulations, encouraging unemployment and running small businesses out of business. Unfortunately, none of this will happen.

The House of Representatives passed the misnamed Build Back Better Act on Nov. 19 by a vote of 220 to 213. The legislation should be more appropriately labelled the Build Up Government Act.

On the day Build Back Better passed in the House, the federal government cost taxpayers $2.13 million per minute. This cost grows every day Biden is in office. The Congressional Budget Office estimates Build Back Better will increase America's burgeoning federal deficit by $367 billion.

Dan Mitchell and Robert O'Quinn, writing for the Club for Growth Foundation, make additional points about the Build Back Better plan:

The actual cost will be $5 trillion, not the $1.75 trillion claimed by Biden and company.

The plan is financed by punitive, class-warfare taxes undermining savings, investment and entrepreneurship while diverting badly needed resources from the productive sector of our economy.

Over the next 10 years, the plan will cost Americans $3 trillion in economic output, $1.6 trillion in worker pay, a decrease of more than $10,000 in per-worker income and a 4% decline in Americans' standard of living.

Biden's Build Back Better plan is a massive socialist fraud perpetrated by leftist ideologues who must believe Venezuela, where inflation is now more than 1,000% and people fight over scraps of food from garbage cans, is a Utopian paradise rather than a dystopian disaster.

We warned this would happen in a Biden administration in our book, "We Didn't Fight for Socialism -- America's Veterans Speak Up." Biden accepted the socialists' "green game plan" of Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and added to it.

If this bill passes the U.S. Senate, our grandchildren will be forced to endure a diminished quality of life unseen in America since the Great Depression. We The People must tell our U.S. Senators, "Vote No!"

Oliver L. North is a combat-decorated U.S. Marine, No.1 bestselling author, founder and CEO of Fidelis Publishing LLC and Fidelis Media LLC. Find out more about him at www.olivernorth.com. David Goetsch is a Marine Corps veteran, member of the Florida Veteran's Hall of Fame, professor of business, Christian counselor, and author of 77 books. Find out more about him at www.david-goetsch.com. Order their new book, "We Didn't Fight for Socialism" at www.olivernorth.com or Amazon.com.


Monday, November 29, 2021

Canvassing Organizations Are the Minutemen of this Generation!


Meet the Technology That's Uncovering 2020's Voter Fraud

By Jay Valentine www.americanthinker.com

The search for phantom voters is over.  Phantom voters are sitting next to you at the restaurant or standing next to you at the bank.  They are your friend and neighbor.  You may be a phantom and not know it.

Phantom voters, the definition, is morphing from fake voters hiding in UPS boxes to people who advanced computer models predict will not vote.

Don't get me wrong — there are thousands of phantom voters living in churches, R.V. parks, cemeteries, homeless shelters, hotels, and virtual mailboxes.  It's just that there are as many, perhaps more, who live active, healthy, honest lives on voter rolls.  They just don't know they voted.

You've heard the stories, denied by the mainstream press and almost every secretary of state: there is no significant voter fraud.  Why not say that?  There is no way you can check.

Now there is.

After the 2020 election results stopped in the middle of night and vote trajectories magically changed when they fired up again, thousands of people, just like you, didn't buy it.  They formed armies of canvassers in 35 or more states.  They did something that has not been done at scale in the history of the country: they started checking voter rolls.

They did more.  They filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests at unprecedented levels.  Secretary of state offices, once a murky sinecure, had to answer real questions about what was going on. 

Here's what popped out.

Leftists are different from you and me.  Unlike us, they care that every vote is cast, and if you do not cast your vote, they will do it for you.  And they did.  At scale.

In one midwestern state, voter rolls costing tens of thousands of dollars were bought by a billionaire leftist every month for over a year.  Why would someone buy a list that doesn't change much?

Voter lists show people who move.  They show people who never or seldom vote. 

The white hat canvassing team built a query for one state: "voters who voted in 2020 who never voted before."  Guess what!  265,000.

In the same state, thousands of people came forward with stories that when they showed up to vote, they were told someone had voted for them.  Get the picture?

In a southwestern state, in its second largest city, there was a 21-day daily tabulation of cast ballots.  Once a ballot is cast, it should not be changed.  Not here.

When the millions of cast votes across over 21 snapshots were compared, thousands of ballots had been altered.  Some were minor alterations, like a slight name change.  Others were more interesting — like when someone voted in person, but his vote was later changed by an absentee ballot.

It gets better.

Those FOIA requests are mining gold.  Our midwestern state has documents showing that the state election organization gave online access to a leftist group for weeks during the voting.  Citizens had to pay over $20,000 for one shapshot of the voter roll.  Leftists could, and did, access it online throughout the process.  For free.

And access it they did.  Witness statements are being gathered, lots of them, that in the largest city, election officials were trading cell calls about how many votes were needed, and someone was then providing the phantoms to meet the quota.

They knew the names of the phantoms — they had direct access to who voted, who didn't, and who was likely to never show up.

This is not exclusively a blue-state phenomenon.  

In a deep red state, canvassers found more traditional phantoms. 

There were the 21 people at the fraternity house.  Nothing to see here — until they sorted them by age.  All these kids were active voters, many voted, and their age range was from 115 to 57.  Some frat house.

These red-state canvassers went deeper.  They showed that the phantoms did not vote en masse in the 2020 presidential election.  Phew!  Feeling better.  But wait.  They vote in droves in state, county, municipal elections.

Aha — here was another interesting pattern, never seen before.

This deep red state that voted for Trump by double-digit margins did not call out its phantom army when it could not move the needle.  When local, state elections were up, well, those people voted — even the 21 at the county jail and the 41 registered at the Recreation Commission.

In earlier American Thinker articles, we created the phrase "sovereign fraud."  That means your government is in on it.

As more than 35 state citizen organization now are using the most advanced search and big data technology to look into voter rolls, and cross-check them with churches, R.V. parks, fictitious street locations, they are concluding the office of secretary of state is corrupt, incompetent, or often both.

Let's take incompetent.

In about every state, there are voters old enough to have fought in the Civil War, and they still vote.  In one state, there are voters -- a bunch of them older than Julius Caesar — the Roman guy.

States have voter rolls with multiple people using the same voter ID.  When pressed, they have some screwy excuse that it's a sequencing anomaly.  At least one state adds every new voter to the end of its voter ID sequence, as one would expect.  Except when it doesn't.  These people have numbers that skip by two and later ten, and they insert voters there, not at the end. 

There are hundreds I have personally seen, thus thousands in every state — examples of 16 people, with different last names, living in that one-bedroom, 876-square-foot house.  Really?

Let's go to corrupt.

Secretaries of state, when pressed to cough up those voter rolls, after the confiscatory price is paid, change the data in such a way that it cannot be searched with traditional technology.  Tough luck for them; our canvassing friends have search technology five generations ahead, so it gets done.

Canvassers in 35 or more states are digging, and the more they find, the more relentless they become.  We are pleased to provide technology that runs a thousand times faster than anything available to any secretary of state or leftist voter fraud group.

These canvassing organizations are the Minutemen of this generation.  They come from every background, organize with no central leadership.  They blindly figured out how phantom voting was happening, and they are forcing states to audit their voter rolls.

They aren't blind anymore.  They are organized.  They have resources and technology, and things are about to change in a big way for phantoms.

You can now see if you have been "phantomed."


Sunday, November 28, 2021

Senate Republicans MUST Hold Firm to Defeat This Destructive Legislation


Democratic Lawmakers Sign onto Letter to Ignore Parliamentarian, Ram Through Immigration in Reconciliation

11/27/2021 - Rebecca Downs Townhall.com

Earlier this month, the House voted to pass President Joe Biden's reconciliation spending bill, which now heads to the Senate. As Jordain Carney highlighted for The Hill on Saturday morning, however, it is expected to go through several changes.

Carney references Medicare expansion, inclusion of paid family leave, changes to the SALT deduction cap, potentially more cuts to climate change proposals, and immigration.

The only reason Democrats have a shot of passing this spending bill is because they are complying with the reconciliation process so that they will only need 50 votes for it to pass. 

One specific provision where the Senate parliamentarian has had to weigh in on is on the immigration issue. 

As Carney reported:

...Senate Democrats previously pitched the Senate parliamentarian on two plans that would provide permanent residency to millions of immigrants, but they were rejected for not complying with the rules for what can be included in legislation passed under reconciliation.

Still, House Democrats and some immigration groups are urging Senate Democrats to add the broader policy back into the legislation when it hits the Senate floor. Nearly half of the House Democratic Caucus signed on to a letter urging their counterparts to add a pathway to citizenship in the bill, arguing the “role of the Parliamentarian is an advisory one, and the Parliamentarian’s opinion is not binding.”

Senate Democrats don’t have the votes to formally overturn the parliamentarian, but advocates instead are urging them to put someone in the chair who would ignore the parliamentarian. Senate Democrats could also try to add the immigration language back into the bill as an amendment, but that would likely fall short.

Not surprisingly, House Democrats in question include squad members like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

New: @AOC + 89 House Democrats sign a letter calling on Senate to reinstate a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants in the Build Back Better. They ask Schumer/Durbin/Leahy to disregard parliamentarian, calling her role "an advisory one" and "not binding." pic.twitter.com/afsaJnzrJb

— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) November 22, 2021

The letter emphasizes that the current proposals are only forms of "temporary" relief.

Lest one think that the Democrats do not have radical tricks up their sleeves, the Biden administration, and not without much confusion, has indicated illegal immigrants who crossed the border during the Trump administration and were separated from family members may be awarded up to $450,000, each. 

Stephen Miller has been warning about the Democrats' immigration plans for some time now, too, especially as it applies to this bill. 

Dems’ response? Mass amnesty, tax credits for illegals and uncapped chain migration in BBB.

CC: @SenMarkKelly https://t.co/vjlbsuVIoa

— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) November 24, 2021

Every action Biden takes on illegal immigration is designed to accelerate, accommodate & facilitate the entry of illegal aliens into the United States. He’s not failing to secure the border but succeeding in abolishing it. That’s why BBB gives illegals mass amnesty & tax credits. https://t.co/9gIvT4vqmq

— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) November 22, 2021

Every House Dem (save 1) just voted to grant history’s largest amnesty during history’s worst border crisis; to impose crippling tax hikes on US-made goods, sending our jobs to China; to raise taxes on home heating & the middle class (while giving tax breaks to their donors)…1/4 https://t.co/qKLkCFgv1P

— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) November 19, 2021

Biden’s agenda is maximum migration: illegals, refugees, Afghan nationals, guest workers (esp.H1Bs), LPRs, low-wage foreign workers for corporate donors, etc. The Dem budget is central to realizing this agenda, showering the world with US green cards. Screenshots to follow. 2/11

— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) September 15, 2021

It's also worth mentioning that another change the bill is likely to go through, which Carney did not mention, is the Hyde Amendment, which protects taxpayers from having to fund elective abortions. The budget rider has passed every year with bipartisan support since 1976. Democrats cannot afford to lose any members and if they want support from Sen. Joe Manchin, a moderate, pro-life Democrat from West Virginia, it will need to be included. It was purposefully left out of the House version.