Wednesday, November 30, 2022

'Bill Of Rights' - A Menace To The Woke Establishment -Thanks To Our Founders For 'The Bill of Rights'! Freedom and Liberty Are Worthless Without Them!


Sticks and Stones: ‘Words Can Be Weapons’?

11-30-22 Thomas Gallatin

The UN’s collection of despots and thugs attacks freedom of speech.

While many Americans may take it for granted, our First Amendment right to freedom of speech is a uniquely recognized and protected right when compared to history and the rest of the world. For much of the world, the right of any individual citizen to express ideas and opinions without fear of government retaliation is nonexistent. Of course, the inability to freely express one’s opinions and ideas necessarily restricts and limits the ability of the development of thought, both for individuals and for entire communities and nations.

Authoritarians hate free speech because it exposes them to not only criticism, but also challenges or reduces their authority. Throughout the COVID pandemic, this reality of the authoritarian mindset was on full display, as those in power sought to shut down the space for the airing of contrary opinions regarding their draconian decisions, such as lockdowns and masking mandates. They defended this abuse of power as all self-labeled “do-gooders” do, arguing that all they were doing was looking out for the people’s best interests.

Increasingly, as the radical Left has gained ground in governments throughout the West, the right to freedom of speech has become a problem they wish to remove. Hence the campaign not only to stop “hate speech” but also, even more dubiously, the Left’s latest aim to stop “misinformation.”

In this vein, the United Nations, an organization that, ironically, exists to protect and further human rights, recently jumped aboard the Left’s anti-free speech train. The UN posted a social media message ridiculously declaring that “words can be weapons.” The post advertises a new campaign against “hate speech,” further asserting, “Hate speech online can lead to cruelty & violence in real life.”

There are two degrees of separation, if not more, between words and actions. Furthermore, the legal standard for inciting violence is a clear and direct call to action, not merely the expression of “controversial” or even genuinely offensive opinions. Voicing objections to an individual’s chosen lifestyle, such as homosexuality, does not necessarily equate to hate. Refusing to celebrate such deviancy is also not an expression of “hate speech,” no matter how much the Left asserts otherwise.

Even indefensible speech, such as the racism spewed by many on the radical Left these days, is not necessarily violence. Neither was the racism of the Democrat Party of 50 years ago.

What the UN should be concerned about is the rising authoritarianism among liberal democracies in the West. Attacks on the individual right to free speech is a massive red flag that should have the UN crying foul from the top of its ivory tower. Unfortunately, the UN has repeatedly demonstrated that it is a feckless organization that caters to the whims of the self-assigned intellectual elites. Nowadays, the best that can be said of the UN is that it does little other than offer vacuous virtue signals to appease the self-righteous woke.


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Fraudulent Biden Administration Immigration Disaster Continues With Impunity!


Agricultural Groups, Lawmakers Scramble To Pass Key Farm Bill Before GOP Takes Over House

·John Hugh DeMastriContributor November 25, 2022 

Lawmakers and agricultural groups are racing to pass a bill that would alter the number and length of farmworker visas before the newly-elected GOP majority takes control of the House in January, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. 

The House bill would create 20,000 three-year H-2A visas permitting year-round work, and provide a path to citizenship for approximately one million farmworkers currently living in the U.S. illegally, according to the WSJ. Currently, H-2A visas only allow workers to remain in the country for up to 10 months, which has caused issues for some farms, such as dairy farms, that require workers year-round.

Despite requiring that farmers use an electronic verification system to ensure their workers are legally able to work in the U.S., a longtime Republican ask, the bill lacks provisions to strengthen the border, something that is expected to sink the legislation when the GOP gains control of the House, the WSJ reported.

Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, expected to be the next speaker of the House, has said that “a bill to control the border” would be Republicans’ first priority if they took control of the House. 

The American Farm Bureau Federation, an agricultural lobbying group, opposes the bill, arguing that the expanded protections for farm workers would dramatically increase farms’ exposure to frivolous lawsuits, the WSJ reported. Supporters, including the pro-immigration American Business Immigration Coalition Action, have said that the risks are being overblown considering that farmers are rarely the target of lawsuits under current protections.

The push comes as McCarthy said Tuesday that the GOP would begin looking for grounds to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, describing Mayorkas’ border response as a “dereliction of duty.”

More than a dozen Republican states wrote to Senior Judge Emmet Sullivan of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, requesting to intervene in a case that would end Title 42, a Trump-era policy that was used to expel more than one million migrants to blunt the COVID-19 pandemic, after the judge’s Nov. 15 ruling that would force the Biden administration to phase it out in December.

The American Farm Bureau Federation and American Business Immigration Coalition Action did not immediately respond to a Daily Caller News Foundation request for comment.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Now Is Not The Time to Shirk Your Duty - Get Educated, Inspired, Involved and Participate to Save Our Republic!


Some Will Run, and Some Will Stay

By J.B. Shurk

A lot of clear-eyed, hardworking, patriotic Americans are down in the dumps right now.  Understandably so.  The midterms were an utter disappointment.  Midnight mail-in ballot hauls have completely upended elections, transforming almost certain MAGA victories in Arizona and elsewhere into uphill legal battles likely to suffer slow strangulation in Establishment-coddling courts.  If America had properly functioning democratic elections where only legal citizens voted secretly and securely after first establishing their identification, Republicans would have a hundred-seat margin in the House.  Instead, centrist dullard McCarthy will "lead" a threadbare majority ripe for rancor and future Democrat flipping.  

In the Senate, globalist shill Turtle McConnell succeeded in manipulating Alaskan election law to ensure that despicable Democrat Lisa Murkowski — and not Alaskans' actual Republican nominee — retained her aristocratic sinecure in the U.S. Senate.  Predictably, after corporate Republicans' "little tent" electioneering shenanigans, a red state that President Trump won by over ten percent in 2020 now has a Democrat representing it in the House and Leftist Lisa reinstalled for six more years of conservative backstabbing in the Senate.  What fetid nonsense RINO, Inc. hath wrought!

In a remarkable display of chutzpah (even by their own insane standards), the same Uniparty Republicans that went out of their way to tank "America First" campaigns of outsider candidates by choking their funding and turning a blind eye to Democrats' extensive mail-in ballot manipulations then turned around to blame lackluster results on the energetic base of MAGA Americans who actually outvoted the Democrats by millions across the country.  When Paul Ryan (whose 2012 campaign ticket with holier-than-thou, prissy patrician Romney lost a winnable election to Obama by more than five million votes) argues that he and his kind of corporate sycophants should take back the party from Donald Trump and the New Republicans' MAGA coalition (who won fifteen million more votes than any other Republican candidate in history — and ten million more than Obama's 2012 total!), then Ryan's RINO rump obviously lives obliviously in cloud cuckoo land, where cuckservatives' delusions of stale grandeur still reign supreme!

Ryan, Romney, McConnell, McCarthy, RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, and all the other squishy, smarmy, two-timing Big Government hucksters and World Economic Forum lackeys who feign respect for limited government and Main Street markets while sticking it to the country's middle class have created an awful mess for patriotic Americans to clean up.  If the snake-in-the-grass Republican saboteurs of the Uniparty Club sport secret society rings "honoring" their public betrayals, surely the inside engravings all say "America Last," because no harm to our country seems off-limits for RINOs should they only be offered a high enough price.  Manchurian McConnell (China Joe's good friend!) could not stomach the likelihood of a Republican majority in the Senate, where MAGA-affiliated candidates would hold sway, so he worked diligently to make sure Chuck Schumer's Democrats retained control — it's the RINO way!

So I get why people are depressed.  These are not easy or pleasant times for good people.  Monsters prowl, darkness creeps, and peace slinks away.  I'm not here to give you false hope or abracadabra what's happened the last few weeks into a comforting and comfortable bed of fragrant roses.  Quite the opposite, in fact — I think you're alive today for a reason, and the faster you come to that realization, the faster our country can come back from the brink.  As Lt. Col. Frank Slade would say, "well, gentlemen, when the s--- hits the fan, some guys run, and some guys stay."  Guess what time it is!  Now think of the future you want for America, and steel yourself for the unavoidable pains coming our way.  

If you have ever had a good coach, mentor, or drill sergeant pushing you to succeed, then you have probably heard some variation of this advice: when you are not training, someone somewhere else is, and when you meet that person face-to-face, you will lose.  You can take that truth to the grave.  This world can be cold and unforgiving, and the only way to survive and persevere is to accept the reality that struggle is with us always.  Struggle, in fact, gives us tremendous purpose and personal meaning — and may, counterintuitively, put us on the surest path toward true happiness.  What we must work hardest to obtain, what comes at the stiffest cost, what causes us pain...also provides the purest reward.

There are a lot of evil, demonic people on the other side pushing their One-World-Government, Marxist-corporate, godless agenda down our throats.  They've been at this game for over a century — and many millennia longer, if we're being honest.  Do you think they give up when we win a battle or two?  Of course not!  They just keep on going — inflicting their cancerous sores of division and heartache wherever and whenever they can and salting the earth until good people finally fall down and give up.  Their endless march of misery is powered by their malevolent nature.  You know they are training every day, all day long to crush your will and enforce their totalitarian New World Order.

Is it reasonable to expect these Marxist marauders to surrender simply because we recognize their evil manipulations for what they are and desperately wish them to leave us alone?  Certainly not!  They will never, ever leave us alone in peace.  They will push and prod, take and steal, divide and conquer until they get what they want.  And if you are not training yourself to beat back their onslaught to the best of your abilities, when you meet these monsters face-to-face, they will succeed!

There is nothing more potent that you can do today than get your mind right for the road ahead.  You have to accept this civilizational contest as a war of attrition that cannot be won overnight or in one election.  This fight for individual freedom against State tyranny will remain a constant struggle testing our faith, courage, and commitment.

As is often the case, good training requires mentalphysicalemotional, and spiritual preparation.  You must keep yourself educated and remain situationally aware of what's going on in your community and broader surroundings.  You must strive to be healthy, plucky, intrepid, and strong.  You must gird yourself for tough losses, unexpected setbacks, and the certainty that things will not always go as planned.  And you must find a way to live beyond this material world by finding sustained meaning in the pursuit of reason, virtue, and truth — three blessings often granted when you simply listen to what God has to say.  If you do these four things each day, if you pursue them with full hearts and determination, I promise you that you will not lose.

Our enemies do not care that we are tired.  Our enemies do not care that we suffer.  Our enemies do not care that we are sad.  When they come knocking, you can choose to give them what they want or stand up and refuse to surrender.  Train yourself now for that day.  Find meaning in our current struggles.  Decide right now that when trouble comes, as it always does, others may run, but you will stay.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Judges Rule, Judges Legislate, Judges Enforce; What Ever Happened to 'The Three Branches of Government'!


Judge Blocks Title 42 in Midst of Border Crisis

 Rebecca Downs  |  November 15, 2022

As if the southern border were not experiencing enough of a crisis with the failures of the Biden administration and record-high border crossings, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan on Tuesday blocked the use of Title 42 to expel migrants at the border. 

As reporting from The Hill highlighted, Judge Sullivan found that Title 42 violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), "because CDC failed to adequately consider alternatives and the policy did not rationally serve its stated purpose."

"It is unreasonable for the CDC to assume that it can ignore the consequences of any actions it chooses to take in the pursuit of fulfilling its goals, particularly when those actions included the extraordinary decision to suspend the codified procedural and substantive rights of noncitizens seeking safe harbor," he also wrote. 

Judge Sullivan's decision comes after a lawsuit was brought by the ACLU, which celebrated the decision in a statement from Lee Gelernt, one of the attorneys. "Title 42 has caused grave harm to thousands of desperate asylum seekers. The ruling puts an end to a policy that misused the public laws as a pretext to abandon our commitment to provide a hearing to those fleeing danger," he said. 

There's no word in such a statement about how the United States is already facing a border crisis, though. 

Fox News' Bill Melugin, who often reports from the border, noted that "multiple Border Patrol sources" are expected even more crossings, on top of what they're already experiencing. 

Judge Sullivan's decision comes after Julio covered, also on Tuesday, that Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) has declared  there is an invasion at the U.S.-Mexico border on Tuesday, invoking the "Invasion Clauses of the U.S. and Texas Constitutions."

Stunningly, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to claim that "yes" the border is secured, as recently as earlier on Tuesday when testifying before Congress.