Friday, March 31, 2023

A New word - 'pusilanimous' to describe a Republican. Let's hope Republicans do not remain 'pusilanimous'.


The indictment of President Trump: A test of the Republican Party's resolve

By Timothy Jankowski

For several years now, people on the political right have been warning those on the left not to keep poking the bear or they would find out the hard way what happens. Well, so far all that has happened is that, after repeated poking, the bear has learned how to put on a pink tutu and ride a unicycle. Democrats have weighed and measured the Republicans and found them wanting. They now know it is a hollow party of frightened men and women who invoke “principles” to cover for their cowardice and inaction and know they can do whatever they want without fear of retribution.

Republicans weren't always pusilanimous

The indictment of President Trump by the Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg will determine once and for all whether the Republican party is willing to fight to preserve our country, or will tell their friends to “hold them back” as they pretend to throw punches at a much bigger foe.

Republican reaction to this indictment should be swift and it should be substantial. The most immediate step they could take would be to have the House impeach one or more federal judges. Ideally it would be a judge from the Southern District of New York, one friendly with Chuck Schumer, or one of the judges presiding over the January 6th trials. No need to worry about the charges, for as Democrats explained during the first Trump impeachment, “high crimes and misdemeanors” can be whatever Congress decides it is.

In the case of a judge like Emmet Sullivan, for example, he could be impeached for “obstruction of justice” for failing to drop a case that the DoJ indicated they were not willing to prosecute.  But something like failure to file paperwork on time, not clearing a docket in a scheduled period, or not being able to meet staffing levels necessary to process cases would work equally as well. Once impeached they can then be pressured to step down from the bench because of the black mark on their resume whether they end up acquitted in the Senate or not. These federal judges want to believe they can play politics with the laws of our country. It’s time to show them there are consequences for doing so.

A second option would be to immediately impeach Christopher Wray as FBI Director. No one has worked harder than Wray to cover up the crimes of the FBI, so he would make a fitting high profile target. He could be impeached for lying to Congress for saying that releasing the Nunes memo would be harmful to national security when in fact what it did was expose FBI wrongdoing. Again the charges aren’t really important. We’re not trying to disguise the fact that this is political payback; we want to make it very clear that it is.

The Republican Congress should also subpoena all of Hunter Biden’s email records from his e-mail provider to determine whether they pinged off any servers based in red states or cities before reaching their final destination, which would mean any possible crimes could be potentially prosecuted locally under “conspiracy” laws.

They can also let President Biden know that debt ceiling increase talks are over. Period. End of story.

Next, let’s keep in mind that the Attorney General of Virginia is a Republican. This means that thousands of federal employees and retirees live under his jurisdiction. Under Bragg’s theory that federal crimes can be prosecuted at the state level, that provides a cornucopia of opportunities to investigate crimes that take place on Virginia soil by Virginia residents that affect Virginia taxpayers. The Pentagon, located in Arlington, VA can’t account for billions of dollars in any of the audits? That’s now an open invitation for the state to investigate individuals who live in its borders for any possible wrongdoings.

Let’s also consider that cities like Houston, Dallas, Atlanta and Miami are loaded with Democrat politicians and big money donors. The Attorneys General of those states might want to look into whether they’ve committed any crimes. All it takes to initiate a criminal investigation, as we saw in the case of the Milwaukee, WI DA’s John Doe probe into then Governor Scott Walker, was an “anonymous tip”, no evidence needed. Do I have reason to believe that any one of them has committed a crime? No, but what I do know is that there are thousands of laws on the books in these states and Democrats aren’t exactly known for their fealty to them. And by launching investigations into them and seizing their communications as part of those investigations, who knows what actual crimes we might find?

Republicans in West Virginia can also make Joe Manchin’s life a living hell by ringing his office phones off the lines and protesting around the clock at his local offices in West Virginia where Donald Trump won about 70% of the vote in 2020.

Now many of you may read this and say things like “But the law says…” or the “The court’s jurisdiction is limited…” to which I say, “So what?” Do you want to fight back or do you want to find reasons to do nothing? If the latter is your chosen path, fair enough, just stop complaining about how liberals are never held accountable for their actions, put on your tutu and get on the unicycle.


An 'Outstanding' article describing our fateful condition and the last paragraph outlines solutions!


Finance and the 'Great Reset'

By Scott S. Powell

As we connect the dots and put together the puzzle of what is going on in the world and here in the USA, first we must get out of denial, overcome the normalcy bias, and recognize that everything is different now than it has been at any previous time.

A very real war is being waged to destroy the United States from within, not from a foreign invasion firing bullets and missiles. In the crosshairs is the U.S. Constitution and the people’s rights and freedoms which it protects. There are also external actors in this war against the U.S. that include Russia and Iran. But China and its Communist Party (CCP) is the most formidable, and has a large presence within the United States.

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army manual Unrestricted Warfare stresses the importance of defeating the United States by working through supranational bodies such as the United Nations, the WTO, WHO, IMF and the World Economic Forum (WEF), to name a few.

Through cultural transformation and elite capture, the CCP has also established beachheads which are internal fronts of the war to undercut the U.S. The cultural revolution within America has turned its universities, colleges, and many historical museums into centers of anti-American influence. Cultural revolution has also politicized federal government agencies over the last two generations. And then there is the influence of a myriad of protected activist 501(c)3 and (c)4 NGO groups such as Bill Gates and his family foundation, George Soros and his Open Society Institute, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and many more, whose programs and activities are more aligned with enemies of the United States than the American people and the Constitution that protects their rights.

We know we are in a communist-type revolution because we are being deceived by our government and legacy and social media, which are largely captured. And the deceit concerns the very things that are vital to our nation’s welfare and survival:

  • Lies about our insecure southern border facilitating an explosion of illegal immigrants, terrorists, criminals, and Chinese agents coming into the U.S.
  • Lack of transparency behind the dangerous biological gain-of-function research funded by the U.S. that hatched COVID-19.
  • Lies from U.S. public health care agency administrators, who imposed mandates on face masks, social distancing, lockdowns and then the untested “emergency use authorization” vaccines on the people.
  • Attempted denial of the rights of parents in  the care and education of their children.
  • Censorship, FBI harassment, and political demonization of anyone questioning, discussing, and investigating vote and election fraud and its effect on the stature and legitimacy of our present government.

Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Academia, Big Government, and its Media Complex have all failed us. Now Big Finance, which is made up of “too big to fail” banks -- such as JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo -- appear ready and willing to help the Fed roll out a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

CBDCs will be presented as a technological development that provides more convenience and security than physical currency. But make no mistake a CBDC is more social control than currency. A CBDC would end freedom and the privacy of consumer choice in the U.S. It would politicize the economy -- distorting and undermining the efficient allocation of resources by directing capital to government-favored sectors and defunding out of favor industries.

Just two weeks after the failure of two major banks -- Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, and the forced bailout of a third, First Republic Bank -- the second largest cluster of bank failures in American history, the Fed undertook “stabilization” measures that will benefit large money center banks at the expense of smaller banks.

One thing is certain, socialization of failure through bailouts and forced mergers weakens accountability and invites more trouble, failure, and consolidation. And that surly plays upon peoples’ fears and may prompt their moving money to the large “protected” national banks, which paves the way for the rollout of a central bank-controlled currency.

When the government, its spokesmen or agencies and deep state NGOs use fear to justify new policy actions that violate your constitutional rights, tell them it’s a non-negotiable hard “no.” 

Remember the course we’ve been through:

We witnessed the hyped fear about COVID-19 used by big pharma and health care agencies such as  NIH, CDC, FDA, to strip the American people of their constitutional rights and submit to lockdowns, mask, and social distancing mandates and finally to a risky vaccine as the only solution to “stop” the spread of COVID.

Fear was used to change voting laws to help Biden gain ballots in 2020 and then fear was used again by the FBI to intimidate, silence, and stop citizens from investigating the ensuing vote fraud and election irregularities in multiple states.

We can see that the DHS does nothing to staunch the flow of illegal and criminal aliens across the southern border into the United States, which brings fear to affected communities across the country, who then may succumb to new policies that chip away their constitutional rights.

The FBI has used fear to intimidate parents protesting school boards promoting harmful critical race theory and sex and gender indoctrination to their children.

Fear is again being used by the government-banking complex and the media it controls, along with credit rating agencies such as Moody’s, which just lowered its outlook for the entire U.S. banking system to “negative.”

However, people should not overreact. Say no to fear and moving money from well-managed small community and regional banks and credit unions to large money center banks.

U.S. government debt and the Federal Reserve bank system truly need a “great reset,” but not one that surrenders U.S. national sovereignty or strips citizens of their Constitutional rights. The most important reforms should start with cutting the size of the federal government and returning to a gold and silver-backed currency. Then systemic reform should be undertaken that increases and protects transparency, property rights, and promotes individual and corporate responsibility and ensures equal protection under the law.


Thursday, March 30, 2023

Hurrah! For Senator Cruz! DHS Mayorkas has been and continues to be a complete failure - just part of the Fraudulent Biden Administration.


Sen. Ted Cruz rips Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas a new one

By Monica Showalter

For a while now, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has been gaslighting Congress and public with lizard-like calm about the U.S. border being secure, even as news reports all around him demonstrate with cameras that it's in ever-growing chaos.

Now Sen. Ted Cruz has effectively called bee ess.

According to the Washington Examiner:

The secretary of the Department of Homeland Security blasted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for unleashing a "revolting" series of accusations against him during a public hearing that descended into chaos over his handling of the border.

Cruz and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faced off Tuesday afternoon in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about oversight of DHS.

"Mr. Secretary, I want to say to you right now — your behavior is disgraceful. And the deaths, the children assaulted, the children raped. They are at your feet, and if you had integrity, you'd resign," Cruz said in his final statement.

"And I will tell you, the men and women of the Border Patrol, they've never had a political leader undermine them. They despise you, Mr. Secretary, because you're willing to let children be raped to follow political orders," Cruz continued. "This is a crisis. It's a disgrace. You won't even admit this human tragedy is a crisis.

Deaths at his feet? His own men and women despise him? "That answer is laughable." "You have just testified you are incompetent."

Those are tough words, but perfectly accurate.

Cruz asked Mayorkas one 'yes or no' question after another and not once did Mayorkas answer 'yes' or 'no' to any question about murderers released, deaths of aliens, children trafficked, numbers crossing, numbers of getaways or any other known border statistic. Mayorkas couldn't even bring himself to admit the most basic facts on the books for all to see. Almost every time, Mayorkas attempted to preface his claim, with a political speech, beginning with: "That is why..."  

Mayorkas appeared to be taken aback when Cruz wouldn't take those answers and loudly interrupted him. As he built his case brick by brick like the prosecutorial ace that he is, laying the migrant deaths at his feet, Mayorkas smirked a couple times, and then put on that unflappable tone again as if he were always a mild mannered bureaucrat, responding to the call to respond with a haughty declaration Cruz's statement was "revolting" as if he were a lady at high tea forced to listen to the little people, so he wouldn't respond.

Naturally, this will please his masters back at the White House, given how they talk in private, but it did give the impression that he had nothing to say for himself and his sorry record any more than the Biden administration did.

After that. Sen. Tom Cotton, Sen. Josh Hawley, and Sen. John Kennedy gave him comparable hell ("Did you just parachute in from another planet?" the deceptively folksy Kennedy asked), focusing on Mayorkas' failure to implement sensible policies and his two years of doing nothing, but Cruz was the one who brooked no guff, interrrupting Mayorkas every time he failed to answer simple questions with the 'yes' or 'no' Cruz was asking for. Cruz's charts and graphs were devastating, too.

The message sent from this encounter is that easy street is over for the Bidenites. Nonsense is going to get interrupted. Talk straight or face humiliation.

It's the best approach. The border is out of control, Mayorkas is not trying to resolve the border crisis, and the pat answers are not being accepted anymore.

Cruz spoke for many with his harsh line of questioning, but it was obvious that he was dealing with a weasel who's gotten away with it for too long. Given that an impeachment of Mayorkas is probably not going to happen, Cruz has done the U.S. a public service, putting himself out there and exposing Mayorkas for the incompetent fool he is. May it happen to him again and again until he either wises up, or gets out.

Party's over, pal.


Another horrific consequence of a Fraudulent Biden Border Policy. When will this insanity stop?


About that migrant mattress fire in Mexico...

By Monica Showalter

Media accounts are busy blaming everyone but the people who lit their own mattresses on fire for an immigration detention center fire that killed 38 people in Juarez, Mexico.

According to USAToday:

The fire broke out when migrants fearing deportation set mattresses ablaze late Monday at the National Immigration Institute, a facility in Ciudad Juarez south of El Paso, Texas, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said.

Authorities originally reported 40 dead, but later said some may have been counted twice in the confusion. Twenty-eight people were injured and were in “delicate-serious” condition, according to the National Immigration Institute.

The most recent reports blame the guards, who apparently walked away without freeing their charges as the unit burned. If so, yes, blameworthy indeed, assuming there were no union rules requiring that they not do that, nor government orders suggesting the same, nor impossible-to-surmount danger to themselves. The investigation will reveal the problem. Common sense holds that if they couldn't secure their charges during a fire, their only moral obligation would be to free them and let what happens happen. For whatever reason, they didn't and the result was terrible.

But there are other excusemakers whose excuses aren't so impressive.

Start with Joe Biden's U.S. ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, who was johnny-on-the-spot with the featureless cliche that the problem was the U.S. and its "broken" immigration system:

The fire serves as a "reminder to the governments of the region of the importance of fixing a broken migration system," said Ken Salazar, U.S. ambassador to Mexico, in a Twitter statement.

So his solution is to open the border and hand out U.S. citizenship to all comers?

They never say what they mean by "broken." Apparently at least some of the denizens of the center, according to NBC News, were people who had been deported from the U.S. That takes a lot of doing to get that result, given the numbers being allowed to waltz in without papers. If someone's being deported, it means the political risk of keeping them here, usually because they are criminals, outweighs the risk of sending them back. That doesn't sound like a 'broken' system, it sounds like one that is working. 

Does Salazar want to un-deport them, to prevent fires at migrant centers and let them all in, America atoning for this wrongdoing?

The cynicism here is astounding.

Others blamed the concept of detention centers:

The “extensive use of immigration detention leads to tragedies like this,” Felipe González Morales, the United Nations special rapporteur for human rights of migrants, said in a Twitter statement. He said immigration detention "should be an exceptional measure" and not generalized.

Once again, an argument for open borders? We've seen what that looks like. Bzzt! Wrong!

Then there are those who went full frontal to blame the United States:

On March 9, more than 30 advocacy organizations and migrant shelters wrote an open letter denouncing the criminalization of migrants and asylum seekers in Ciudad Juarez and accusing authorities of excessive force in detaining migrants.

Mexico's migrant facilities have seen protests from time to time as the American government has pressured the country to ramp up efforts to reduce the number of migrants coming to United States.

Not a hint of criticism for the human smuggling rackets which drive, entice and organize this inhuman trade, leading to the overcrowding in the detention centers. Not a hint of blame for the cartels as U.S. calls to Mexico to not allow their country to become a cartel doormat get some kind of action.

The blame goes to the migrants who set the fire, at least some of whom did it because they were facing deportation.  What did they do to get their first deportation order from the U.S. in the first place and then their Mexican one? Were they somehow entitled to stay in the U.S. as a matter of entitlement, the refusal of which entitled them to set fires? It all makes no sense.

Mexico's president said that the migrants did it unintentionally but that's more excusemaking.

What kind of people would set a mattress on fire in an enclosed space full of people thinking it will stop a deportation? It actually sounds like one of those prison fires one sees throughout Latin America, which are often done by prisoners as authorities stand by and let the unit burn with the aim to get rid of the prisoners in nations without the death penalty.

What kind of people? Prisoners? What kind of people inhabit prisons? Well in most places, it's criminals.

Do they sound like model immigrants the U.S. should automatically be letting in, as Salazar alludes to? The U.S. should insist on rule of law at its borders so that migrants don't even think of it, but even as things stand now, the U.S. isn't the bad guy -- whoever lit the mattresses ablaze, is.