Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Western Hemisphere is in Chaos! This insanity must stop!


The bad guys in Mexico are shooting, not hugging

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

Down in Mexico, President López-Obrador is committed to his "hugs, not bullets" policy.  He looks to the camera with a straight face and doubles down on the approach.  In the streets and neighborhoods, his citizens are hearing something like "shoot them, shoot them" as cartel gangs fight one another for territory.

According to Mark Lorenzana, the AMLO years will go down as the bloodiest in Mexican history:

In just over four years, and with still 17 months to go, the administration of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) is on track to be the bloodiest six-year presidential term in the history of Mexico.

To date, there ha[ve] been 154,000 homicides under López Obrador's watch, practically the same number registered in the previous six-year term of former President Enrique Peña Nieto, which registered 157,158 murders between 2012 and 2018.

"During the government of Felipe Calderón, during the so-called Drug War, the country had experienced 121,613 homicides, then the bloodiest six-year term at that time," wrote journalist Héctor de Mauleón, in his Wednesday, April 26, opinion column for Mexican daily newspaper El Universal.

Needless to say, murders under López Obrador's watch have already exceeded Calderón's entire six-year term by a whopping 22 percent.

"The figures presented by the National Citizen Observatory (ONC) are devastating," continued De Mauleón. "According to Francisco Rivas, director of the ONC, in this six-year term 'all records were already broken for the majority of violent crimes.'"

The numbers are awful, but there is a larger question.  The bulk of this violence is cartel-oriented, and López-Obrador continues to avoid the problem.  His approach toward drug cartels leaves many Mexicans, and I assume many in Washington, asking questions about his intentions.  It's obvious that engaging criminal groups isn't reducing violence.  In other words, he is avoiding the subject and letting hundreds of Mexicans die.

And killing they are!


Saturday, April 29, 2023

"...the greatest threat facing America is unlike any other in history: itself" Get educated, inspired, involved and participate to save our Republic!


The Greatest Threat to America

By Matt Kane

While still early, this primary season is already turning out to be unlike any other.  It is not uncommon to see both parties experience a competitive primary with numerous candidates, however, that usually only occurs when the sitting president is concluding his second term in office, making him ineligible for another election.  Yet Biden already has two declared challengers seeking the Democrat nomination.  On the Republican side, President Trump is seeking to become only the second president in U.S. history to win a non-consecutive term.  Because of that, there are essentially two candidates in the race that, to some extent, hold an incumbency advantage.

As always, candidates will attempt to separate themselves from the pack by informing the electorate about the greatest threats facing America, while also trying to convince voters that they have better solutions than their opponents.  However, the greatest present threat facing America is unlike any other in history: itself.

While this is an inconvenient truth, America was warned about this long before any of us were born when our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, stated: 

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected?  I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us.  It cannot come from abroad.  If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.  As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

If America is to be fundamentally destroyed, it will come from the people within, as opposed to enemies abroad.  Furthermore, Lincoln suggests that we must actively work together and remain united and strong as a nation to prevent our demise, or else it will surely happen.  This unfortunately sounds like a strikingly realistic possibility at this current time.

So yes, the greatest threat to the United States of America right now truly is those within government implementing the destruction we have witnessed for two-plus years, both at home and abroad.

To understand this, one must compare previous eras in our history to the current one.

From the time Donald Trump announced his candidacy all the way through his first term in the oval office, career politicians and media worked in lockstep, parroting the same talking points.  They repeatedly warned that Trump was a threat to American democracy, a maniac who was going to get us into nuclear war, provoke Kim Jong Un, embolden Putin, wreck our economy and become a tyrant.  Everybody would agree that if those things were to occur, whoever presided over such destruction would undeniably be the greatest threat to a nation, and that includes foreign threats.  Those things did not occur under Trump, but interestingly enough, many of the people warning about the dangers of Trump are now in power, and as a result, their warnings are coming to fruition under their own tenure.

In 2019, Kim Jong Un welcomed a sitting U.S. president onto North Korean soil for the first time in history. Kim agreed to work towards complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.  Fast forward to the present day and Kim has begun to increase North Korean nuclear capabilities, just a few short years removed from a promising period of peace.  The key change between then and now?  American leadership.

Putin has been emboldened, but by whom?  Prior to this administration, Americans constantly heard about the Russian president.  However, much of that coverage concerned the now-debunked Trump-Russia collusion narrative, as opposed to issues of substance.  In fact, as the collusion story dominated the news, the U.S. was hitting Putin hard by upholding previously imposed sanctions and placing additional ones that prevented U.S. banks from making loans or issuing credits to the Russian government after their role in a near-fatal poisoning was revealed. But recently, likely after seeing American weakness on full display abroad, Putin resumed expansion efforts by invading Ukraine after a rare hiatus from 2017-2021.  The key change between then and now? American leadership.

Tyranny is a universal threat to any country. Tyrants are cruel and oppressive rulers who use their power to strip individual liberties from citizens and make their lives worse in all areas, including financially.  By that definition, America is currently under tyrannical rule.  While the previous administration protected religious liberty, free speech on college campuses, granted farmers financial freedom during a trade war, created a middle-class-benefitting economy, and further lightened the burden on the middle class by repealing the unconstitutional individual mandate portion of Obamacare, the current administration is a stark contrast.   

America has recently witnessed an assault on freedom of speech, watched the White House send condolences to the trans community after one of its members murdered innocent children at a Christian school, and learned of a proposed tax plan that would hurt the finances of millions of Americans by adding four trillion dollars in new taxes.

But perhaps most indicative of a threat from within, this administration has ushered in a period of unprecedented domestic chaos by attempting to forcefully vaccinate citizens, prioritize DEI over equality and common sense, and crater military enlistment by promoting wokeness.  Every administration presides over some level of disagreement on issues amongst the general public, but nothing compares to the confusion they are causing young American children to endure, especially during such a crucial time in life for a child’s development.

All these problems will have a devastating impact on America’s long-term future if not stopped dead in their tracks.

Damage to the state of the country since the current administration took power has occurred at such an alarming rate that even the most pessimistic citizen has a hard time coming to terms with what they are witnessing. This is not to say threats outside of the U.S. are nonexistent by any means.  However, when America had strong leadership in power, those threats were only potential, now they are active.  

If after being previously restrained, our present threats only acted following changes in our government, the greatest threat truly is those in power that allow these crises to occur.  As this election cycle unfolds, it will be important to note which candidates grasp this.  And looking to better days, when governmental authority returns to righteous leadership, we will quickly see once again that the active foreign threats currently facing America will return to dormant ones.


Friday, April 28, 2023

Aiding and Abetting Illegal Immigration is a Federal Crime - 8 USC Sec 1325.


Biden's new immigration plan: Letting them all in -- without the border photos

By Monica Showalter

Want to apply for asylum in the U.S., but don't want the hassle and expense of a costly border crossing?

No worries, Joe Biden will accommodate. He's bringing the asylum applications to the migrants. No need to travel. Get your asylum application in, in the convenience of your own country and step right into the states on "parole" to await several years for its adjudication, complete with welcome packets telling of all the "free" U.S.-taxpayer paid social services you can get.

According to Politico:

The Biden administration on Thursday announced plans to establish immigration processing centers throughout Latin America to help slow down the number of migrants coming to the U.S.

The regional processing centers in Guatemala and Colombia should be up and running in the coming weeks, senior administration officials told reporters on a press call previewing the announcement. The officials said additional details will be announced in the coming weeks about how many centers they will set up as they negotiate with additional countries. A memo obtained by POLITICO suggested that other hubs could be in Ecuador and eventually Costa Rica.

The U.S. will screen migrants at these centers and determine if they qualify for entry before the migrants can try to move on to the U.S. southern border. If eligible, migrants will be referred for refugee resettlement or other lawful pathways such as parole programs, family reunification or existing labor pathways. Migrants will also receive local information about host countries and available social services.

Obviously, this is Joe Biden's response to his lifting of Title 42 restrictions on May 11, which permit immediate expulsion of illegally crossing migrants based on pandemic concerns. Migrants know this and are massing on the U.S. border already, marching in without authorization, each bearing the open-sesame word "asylum," and in an election year, Biden is very determined to see that there is no politically inconvenient film footage surrounding his effectively open border policy. With this plan, he avoids the public relations nightmare but nevertheless lets all comers in.

In the past, refugees were processed in a third country, and asylum claims could only be made from the first safe country of refuge. Now with Joe Biden bringing the asylum to them, no need to worry about a first safe country of refuge; the world's migrants are free to country-shop for the best deal, some of them having already been granted asylum in Brazil, Chile, and other places, but would prefer to get into the states, based on its better benefit packages and economic opportunity, which is not what asylum is for.

It shows the extent to which Biden has twisted asylum law from admission for those rare defectors who have escaped from their governments for challenging their tyrannies, to a full blown poverty importation program, made a mockery of by the migrants themselves, with their plans to fly back and forth to the country they supposedly fled in terror from, and their inclination to move into ethnic neighborhoods in the states that are just as dangerous or more dangerous than ones they supposedly fled. There's also the flag-waving we see in a lot of them, waving the flags of the countries they desperately don't want to be sent back to, which rounds out the mockery that Joe Biden has made of his new mass-asylum system.

As for actual legal immigrants, waiting in line, paying the thousands in fees, while "asylum-seekers" get in for free, it's likely to make them feel they've been had.

Now Joe is industrializing phony asylum claims and illegal migration, creating a migrant conveyor belt that pretty much anyone can apply to, allowing them to be let into the U.S. on catch and release "parole" instead of the legally required detention as they await an activist known as an "asylum officer"'s word that their asylum application is accepted, making it easier than it ever for illiterate shantytown dwellers with zero social capital and very little to contribute to the U.S. except for that highly valued Democrat vote, to get in, same as if they'd crossed the open border. Everyone who would have been "illegal" would now have "papers" and the NGOs who service these people in getting their asylum claims through will call it a legal process.

Never mind the gross distortion of the law.

Known illegal border crossings number about five million since Joe Biden's administration, and the number of "gotaways" who are often criminals and terrorists or victims of child slavery rackets and human traffickers, is around 1,600,000, although the true number is not actually known.

If that number looks big, wait till Joe's migrant conveyor belt, conveniently scattered around the hemisphere, in places reporters don't go to, such as Ecuador, gets going.