Sunday, May 29, 2011

GOP Organizing Convention

Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
Two subjects of interest come to mind today.
*  I have attached a few articles about the recent SCOUS ruling in favor of the 2007 Legal Arizona Workers Act, providing three eastern news reports about the SCOUS ruling in favor of the Arizona law.
Following is a pasted section of our power point slide presentation from our last public meeting about the ruling:
SCOUS - Ruling on Legal Arizona Workers Act, HB2745 "Legal Arizona Workers Act", Effective January 1, 2008.
Intended to ensure no businesses knowingly or intentionally hire or employ illegal aliens.
Business owners risk losing state & local licenses if they knowingly or intentionally hire undocumented workers after that date.
Licenses can be suspended for 10 days or longer for a first offense and revoked altogether for a second offense.
Employers are required to check the legal status of their new hires using E-Verify.
How Supreme Court Justice Voted:
Justice voting FOR the ruling on Legal Arizona Workers Act: Justice Roberts, Justice Alito, Justice Kennedy, Justice Scalia
Justice Thomas
Justice Voting AGAINST the ruling on Legal Arizona Workers Act: Justice Breyer, Ginsberg, Sotomayor
Reclused from voting: Justice Kagan
*  The second item of interest involves the GOP Organizing Convention taking place next Saturday June 4th at the Gardner Center DSC. It begins at 9:00 AM. Click on items on the left side of the home page to find the agenda, candidates, rules and resolutions. I am providing this information about the Washington County GOP because that is the party of which I have the information available. If any of you wish to distribute information about other parties, send links and we will do the same for your party. 
Every one is welcome to attend the Convention, only County Delegates are authorized to vote. It's an interesting event, I recommend you attend and become an active citizen. Couch potatoes accomplish nothing.  
CCII does not support any particular party, nor do we endorse any particular candidate. We do however, encourage each and every one of you to engage our Action Plan to become more involved in the political process. This is our nation, our government, our way of life and we must do all we can to do our part to keep it that way.

WSJ Justices Uphold Immigrant Law 5-11.doc
WP Supreme Court upholds Arizona Law 5-11.doc
NYT SCOUS Upholds Arizona Employment Law 5-11.doc

Stay involved, do something every day, Jim Flohr VC CCII

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