Mark Lowry American Chronicle Part IV of IV
Americans have been polite. We have demonstrated class, character, compassion, kindness and giving that separates
America from all other countries. Invading Mexicans are party crashing visitors in our home who don’t flush after using the toilet and complain they don’t like the free toilet paper’s rough texture while they shove two extra rolls in their pockets for future use.
We are the most: liberal in legal immigration in the world, giving of international aid, supportive in crisis, and caring for the world’s downtrodden masses and quickest to defend the weak. There is however a limit to abuse of our compassion.
America is a special place, a melting pot of diverse communities, races, and heritages that came together to form a most unique social fabric with common love for our country and broad freedoms we cherish. Americans are more than willing to share that greatness with newcomers but on American terms, not those of some invading bully from
Mexico or international corporate terrorists.
There is a boundary to the abuse we will take that can not be crossed without great anxiety, trepidation and dire consequences. That boundary was crossed just like the Mexican military has crossed our border with drug traffickers almost 300 times in the last decade.
Ungrateful demanding invading Mexican populations disgraced
America’s flag in our streets and schools while our treasonous leaders stood idly by and did nothing. Our many grievances have been made known to our representatives and they continue to refuse to honor our will.
Foreign invaders illegally living off American’s good graces have no right to disrespect their host country and desecrate the flag Americans have fought and died for over 200 years. They spit upon it; threw it to the ground and cheered as they disgraced memory of everyone who protected and are still protecting that flag and this land while they demand more handouts and rights.
A similar invasion by any other country and comparable demonstrations would lead to war between
America and the invading country. War would be immediate if Communist China or
Iran chooses to do what
Mexico has done with help of corrupt American politicians. We have no leadership in this country that recognizes serious nature of these events shaping
America’s future and possible destruction.
We are approaching the end of American patience. There is no room for compromise. Nothing will assuage the American public short of withdrawal of all foreign invaders from our beloved land.
America can not afford more time before laws of the land are enforced. America can, on our terms, and based on American needs not corporate greed, allow citizens of all nations’ opportunity to become members of this great social experiment but only if they embrace a new heritage and new beginning in the most special country of the world. We demand unity, duty and service citizenship not benefits citizenship dictated by corrupt politicians, corporate global terrorists, and foreign governments.
We demand respect for
America and American citizens. We demand no Amnesty. We demand no Amnesty for our children.
They deserve a better future than what you have planned for them.
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