Monday, January 23, 2012


We're Enforcing Federal Immigration Law

Alabama Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard, R-Auburn.

Since Alabama passed a law cracking down on illegal immigration, special interest groups and the Obama Justice Department have misrepresented facts about the law in an overt effort to generate fear and anger. They do this because it is difficult to convince reasonable Americans that it is somehow unfair to require proof of legal residency from those wishing to receive public benefits, or that it is somehow discriminatory to require employers to hire only legal, documented workers.
What they won't tell you is that our law's most ballyhooed provisions are virtually identical to federal law. Current federal immigration law penalizes employers for hiring undocumented workers; requires non-citizens to carry documentation; and prohibits conduct that aids and abets federal immigration violations.
Rather than resist federal laws, as was unfortunately the case in the 1950s and 1960s, Alabama today is insisting that federal law be enforced, by state officers if necessary. That's because, in Alabama, we believe obedience to law ensures fairness and protects the rights of everybody.
Conversely, the federal government, particularly the Obama administration, has discouraged fairness and endangered the rights of Americans by refusing to deal with the nation's illegal immigration problem.
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It's past time to secure this country's borders and build an immigration system that works. Until the president and Congress get serious and take action, more states will join Alabama, Arizona, Indiana, South Carolina, Utah and others to take it upon themselves to ensure the current law is enforced.
In Alabama, we're focused on making our law work better, clearing up misconceptions and correcting any portions that might be vague or require additional definitions. We seek to ensure more efficient and less burdensome application of the law for businesses and local governments. Lawmakers are right now working with business leaders to see what updates might be necessary to maintaining what we believe is the most business-friendly environment anywhere in America.
Alabama wants a positive work environment, and we welcome legal residents to be a part of it. We can have a thriving business environment that rivals any in the world while also shutting off the magnet drawing illegal immigrants to our state.

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