Saturday, April 27, 2013


We are out here.  We are reading, studying, involved and participating as we listen to the elected dudes and dudettes. 
Along with 38 years of flying Army, I spent a quarter of a century in law enforcement in southern California.  I watched the deterioration of California first hand, as the invasion of my jurisdiction and the jurisdictions around us collapsed into crime, poverty, and "White Flight." 
I went face to face with the political leaders who wanted to be PC and manipulate the so called humble illegal aliens who were destroying our cities and counties both physically and economically.  Because they did not come to the crime scenes, talk to the victims, or see the deterioration of neighborhoods in the many aspects created by illegal aliens, they ignored my information.  We lived in a beautiful neighborhood in San Bernardino for 20 plus years. You know the current status of that city.

I did 8 years of title 32, law enforcement on the Army's dime, working the border defense project from 1998 to 2006 as a safety officer and flight supervisor/ instructor.  My jurisdiction was the entire state of California.  I had access to all the major marijuana grows and the border fence issues in the Southern California - Mexico sector.  Just like intercity and county law enforcement, we get tough for a while, then we let the pressure up and the problems worsen. 
Well, the problems worsen every day while we express our negative opinions of the loss of this country as we, the old guys know it.  There is a lot of money in not solving the problem, but just reporting it and begging to the feds for more money.  "Squeaky wheel gets the grease."  And, the most dependent areas vote for democrats to get the grease.

The politicians have different views than we the people mostly revolving around their egos, economic well being, and beating other people at elections.  Their entire decision making process and the crap they spew revolves around themselves and the input of the inner circle. 
I know we are on our own, lots of us, but we are not financial fit or particularly influential in buying and selling elected folks.  We are just voices in the wilderness in the forest of humanity.  So, it is incumbent upon us on a day to day basis to deter the influx of all types of undesirables every day through every contact. 
I talk and awaken our local men and women with guns, law enforcement, at every turn about the impending doom of our area if they are not vigilante and aggressive.  Some think I am a bubble head, some listen.  I personally, risky but gets the adrenalin going, contact all who I feel are recalcitrant and my negatively affect my preplanned future in this beautiful part of America.  The morning booking photos tell me I may be effective.

We may be in a two man war, but we can be effective without the self serving minds of our professional self centered individuals in elected office, sitting on their hands until they are defeated by the coming generation of parasites called the "undocumented democrats”, first by Rush Limbaugh and most recently by Jay Leno.  It is frustrating, but it is what it is. 
Most of today's 20 year olds think this is normal and have the Alfred E. Newman attitude of "what me worry."  I suppose I was the same way when the two G's, Gas and Girls motivated me. 
Stay positive, keep up the good work, we truly do live in paradise in Washington County.

Roy Lineberry

From the ramblings of a retired hired gun, Supporter of CCII and a Friend

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