By Darrell Robbins
Peter Sutherland is a big-time globalist. He's also a big-time immigration pusher.
In the current Gang of Eight Amnesty debate, it is important to consider the issue from the globalist perspective.
Why? Because globalist influences on the debate are out of view, but may be a powerful force pushing for U.S. amnesty and other immigration changes.
In a 2012 BBC article, "EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief," Mr. Sutherland made some interesting comments. Among them are his claim that individuals not the receiving nations, should be the ones with the right to determine what country they live in. Mr. Sutherland, for instance:
"...called on EU states to stop targeting "highly skilled" migrants, arguing that "at the most basic level individuals should have a freedom of choice" about whether to come and study or work in another country."
The European problem, according to Mr. Sutherland, seems to be that European countries don't see themselves as "migrant societies." They need to give up this notion, embrace multiculturalism, and abandon the idea of population homogeneity:
"He told the committee: "The United States, or Australia and New Zealand, are migrant societies and therefore they accommodate more readily those from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others."
"He told the committee: "The United States, or Australia and New Zealand, are migrant societies and therefore they accommodate more readily those from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others."
The article then adds this zinger from Mr. Sutherland:
"And that's precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine."
"And that's precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine."
Notice that he didn't say France should decide for itself if it wishes to flood its nation with immigrants. Nor did he declare that Germany, Italy, Sweden, or any other European Union member, should decide what it wants to do regarding immigration. He said the European Union, as a supranational entity and as a matter of policy, should be undermining the idea of homogeneity of its member nations in order to promote immigration.
It's not an easy thing to analyze globalist writings and statements - as they tend to be a mix of truth and propaganda. Sifting through the information in order to get a sense of what the real goals are, i.e., the ones that are central to the globalist fixation with supranational governing structures, is a difficult process. But, it seems clear that promoting mass immigration into certain nations is one such goal. Couple this with the globalist view of national sovereignty as an impediment to their project and we can surmise that immigration is being used as one mechanism to attack national sovereignty.
In fact, in a 2008 article of an interview with Mr. Sutherland, the author refers to Mr. Sutherland as "a champion of a border-lite world."
How many immigrants does Mr. Sutherland have in mind?
In the same 2008 interview with Mr. Sutherland, he gives us a view of the masses he is talking about:
"There's an inevitable need for many hundreds of millions of people to move from one part of the world to another, sometimes incited not merely by poverty but by poverty which itself could be the result of climate change. It is also realistic to expect that there will be huge movements of people because of the differences in GDP per capita. While globalization has lifted some parts of the world, there are others where it has had little or no impact."
"There's an inevitable need for many hundreds of millions of people to move from one part of the world to another, sometimes incited not merely by poverty but by poverty which itself could be the result of climate change. It is also realistic to expect that there will be huge movements of people because of the differences in GDP per capita. While globalization has lifted some parts of the world, there are others where it has had little or no impact."
An inevitable need for many hundreds of millions of people to migrate around the globe?
Mr. Sutherland did not specify how many "hundreds of millions" he meant or where exactly they might be headed - but it seems reasonable to conclude that many of this large non-specific number will be heading to the U.S.
Mr. Sutherland did not specify how many "hundreds of millions" he meant or where exactly they might be headed - but it seems reasonable to conclude that many of this large non-specific number will be heading to the U.S.
Mr. Sutherland doesn't see this as a problem, because he has "never seen immigration and the multiculturalism of a society as a threat to the identity or values of the host community."
On the contrary, globalist insiders must know that these levels of immigration will certainly impact the nations that undergo such levels of mass migration - that's the point in the globalist worldview. Supranational power structures can't grow sufficiently in strength when people have a strong sense of attachment to their nations and resist internationalist encroachments on their sovereignty. Changing the demographics of a nation is one way to change the political perspective of that nation and to suppress and diminish the political role of those who oppose the increasing stranglehold of supranational governance over their nation.
Directly addressing problems around the world, which are put forth as reasons for migration, seems a more reasonable and effective avenue than having people moving all over the place in such large numbers. An approach that seeks to aid nations in solving their problems, while preserving their sovereignty, is one that is oriented towards finding effective solutions. However, when creating supranational governing structures is the goal, then actually finding solutions to problems becomes secondary to the power project. Aggregating more and more power into a handful of international organizations leads to a place far from the political roots of our nation - the roots designed to discourage tyranny. If one truly cares about people and their well-being, about cultures, about history, about nations, and about finding solutions to the world's problems, one must reject the globalist power drive.
Each nation should be free to determine what immigration policies are congruent with its national goals and interests.
But who is Peter Sutherland and should we take him seriously?
According to the two articles already referenced, Mr. Sutherland is or has been:
- special representative on migration for the United Nations
- director-general of the World Trade Organization
- a European Union commissioner
- chairman of British Petroleum
- chairman of the London School of Economics
- non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International
- head of the Global Forum on Migration and Development
- attended meetings of the Bilderberg group
- former Attorney General of Ireland
To this impressive list, we should add that Mr. Sutherland is also a prestigious member of the Trilateral Commission - where he is also listed as having received 15 honorary degrees and an honorary knighthood in the United Kingdom. The Trilateral Commission's short biography also tells us that Mr. Sutherland "was presented with the Robert Schuman Medal for his work on European integration." That's an interesting award. He has also been honored by the Trilateral Commission with its David Rockefeller Award. Within the Trilateral organization, he is a former European Chairman and currently an Honorary European Chairman.
I would say that we should take Mr. Sutherland very seriously.
We should also take the globalist approach to the world and immigration seriously.
Doing so will add a dimension not generally considered publicly in our immigration debates.
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