Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Illegal Immigration Insanity - Continues

Conservative Daily August 22, 2015 Fellow Conservative,

It isn’t often that you find someone more liberal than President Obama on the topic of illegal immigration, but Judge Dolly Gee might take the cake.

Late yesterday, she released a decision ordering the Obama administration to release illegal alien families detained after ILLEGALLY crossing the border.

Do you see what this is? It is the death of our country. Donald Trump is right: without a border, we can’t have a country. This Judge has ruled that it is illegal for the Obama administration to detain captured illegal aliens in secure facilities. No, that’s not a joke.

Believe it or not, the Obama administration is actually fighting the judge on this. Administration lawyers claim taking detention off the table will lead to an unprecedented increase in illegal border crossings. The judge said that is nothing but “fear mongering.”

I don’t care who these illegal aliens are. They have no business being here. When it comes to illegal immigrants, there are way too many and there shouldn’t be any. Period.

This judge’s radical ruling will make border patrol detention facilities nothing but a revolving door. Border Patrol is now powerless to detain captured illegal alien families. They have to process them and just let them go, hoping that they’ll show up for their deportation hearing.

That almost never happens. More than 90% of released illegal aliens NEVER show up to their deportation hearing. They just disappear into American society and, as Donald Trump points out, they give birth 300,000 children every year. Illegal alien pregnancies account for 7.5% of all births in the United States. This is absolutely unsustainable.

These are called “anchor babies.” I don’t care if that’s not politically correct. If an illegal alien gives birth on US soil, many people believe that child is automatically a US citizen. When that child reaches 21-years old, the illegal alien parent(s) are eligible for amnesty.

This anchor baby practice is based on a flawed interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Even when the amendment was being debated, its authors explicitly said that birthright citizenship would not apply to illegal aliens. But a century and a half of liberal interpretation has allowed illegal aliens to completely invade this country. There are 300,000 illegal alien births every year and this judge just opened the door for thousands more. All in an attempt to fill Democrat voter rolls. It’s just shameful.

Are you ready to put a stop to this?

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