3/1/2016 -
Robert Knight Townhall.com
Does it seem to you as if America is in a desperate race?
On one side are those who want to flood the United States with
illegal aliens and refugees, get them hooked on welfare, and convert them to be
Free Stuff Army voters.
On the other side are “ordinary Americans” who see their country
being transformed into a Third World socialist regime in which they are
chickens plucked for tax money and targets for abuse by an ever growing number
of subsidized identity groups.
Anyone raising objections to this grand scheme to fundamentally
transform America – morally, culturally and economically – is denounced as
racist, sexist, xenophobic or homophobic.
Allied with the politicians in this transformative scheme are the
educational establishment, leftwing foundations, corporations seeking cheap
labor, most of Hollywood and nearly all major media. They know that sheer
numbers could eventually flatten any native objections to seeing America become
a top-down, crony capitalist/socialist state that benefits the ruling elites.
The White House Task Force on New Americans has been working
overtime since 2014 to turn immigrants into “new Americans” who will vote
Democrat. This would include tens of thousands of recent Muslim migrants that
the Obama Administration has been importing as fast as possible.
One of the main cogs in the “New American” machine is the
D.C.–based Migration Policy Institute, whose supporters include George Soros’
Open Society Institute, the Carnegie Corp. of New York, the Ford Foundation,
the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the JM
Kaplan Fund of New York, according to Discover the Networks.
Last April, MPI hosted former National Council of La Raza (“the
Race”) Executive Director Cecilia Munoz, who as Obama’s domestic policy
advisor, unveiled the task force’s blueprint for easing the path to citizenship
– and voting – for millions of immigrants.
One immigrant pressure group, Mi Familia Vota, which has ties to
the leftwing Service Employees International Union, is holding monthly
citizenship workshops through May in key states “to ensure individuals complete
the several-month naturalization process in time for November,” according to
the Wall Street Journal.
But here’s a bit of good news. In a slap down of Obama
administration lawlessness, federal district court Judge Richard Leon on Feb.
22 rejected a request by liberal groups and the U.S. Justice Department for an
injunction halting laws in Alabama, Georgia and Kansas requiring proof of
citizenship when registering to vote.
Denying the bid by the NAACP and the League of Women Voters for a
temporary restraining order against the U.S. Election Assistance Commission,
which is instructing voters to follow citizenship laws, Judge Leon called the
Justice Department’s siding against a U.S. government agency “unprecedented”
and “extraordinary.”
The Justice Department is supposed to defend federal agencies, not
attack them.
“Americans believe overwhelmingly that only citizens should be
voting in American elections,” said J. Christian Adams, an American Civil
Rights Union (ACRU) Policy Board member whose Public Interest Legal Foundation
intervened in the case on behalf of the states.
What a concept – making sure that voters show proof that they are
really American citizens. It’s shocking that not all 50 states and U.S.
territories require this.
Speaking of voter registration, more than 200 counties around the
nation have more than 100 percent of their age-eligible population registered
to vote. We’re talking about people who have moved away, died, are non-citizens
or are double-registered.
Here’s more good news. In the Lone Star State, where the Soros-backed
group Battleground Texas is working to “turn Texas blue” by flooding the rolls
with recent immigrants, two recent court actions may help restore election
Terrell and Zavala counties, which are in the Rio Grande Valley,
recently entered consent decrees in a federal court to clean up their voter
rolls. Election officials did so after the ACRU filed lawsuits similar to ones
in nearby Mississippi that yielded court decrees to police dirty voter rolls.
The corruption runs deep. In Crystal City, which is Zavala’s
county seat, all city councilmen except one, including the mayor, plus the city
manager, have been arrested on various charges, including bribery, illegal
gambling and human smuggling.
It’s one thing for legal immigrants to come to America because
they love liberty. The nation clearly has been enriched by millions of such
people, who are sometimes more patriotic than U.S.-born citizens who take their
good fortune for granted.
It’s another thing to discourage assimilation by rejecting English
as the common language and winking at immigration laws in order to swell the
ranks of Free Stuff Army voters.
That’s what worries many Americans of varying ethnicities and
faiths. They see their country slipping away and they want someone, anyone, to
do something about it.As Mi Familia Vota operative Pamela Zamora boasted to the Wall Street Journal, “We have the numbers to shape the election.”
It’s a race, all right, whose outcome will determine whether
America will still be America.
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