Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Japan's Choice - No Immigration - No Crime

2/28/2017 - Dennis Prager Townhall.com
I am writing this column in Japan, a country whose crime rate is the lowest among countries with large populations. I asked my Japanese translator, a middle-aged woman, what she thought.

"Why is there is so little crime in Japan?" I asked.

Without taking a moment to reflect, she responded, "Because we don't allow immigration."

Anyone who visits Japan is struck by the ethnic homogeneity of the nation. If you meet a Caucasian, a black or a Hispanic in Japan, you can be all but certain that the person is visiting or studying there, not a citizen.

Likewise in the United States, there is direct correlation between ethnic homogeneity and low levels of violence. According to 2016-2017 data, the four states with the lowest percentages of violence are:

  1. Vermont -- where 95 percent of the population is one race (white).
  2. Maine -- where 95 percent of the population is one race (white).
  3. Wyoming -- where roughly 93 percent of the population is one race (white).
  4. New Hampshire -- where roughly 94 percent of the population is one race (white).

Sweden, which for much of its modern history has had among the world's lowest rates of violent crime, was almost always as homogenous as Japan. Now that it has admitted hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, it is no longer a homogenous country, and its levels of violence have increased dramatically.

All this leads to a particular rule, which is, in order to maintain a low crime rate and social stability, a country has only two choices: Do not allow immigrants into the country, or allow immigrants into the country, but be certain to assimilate them into the native population as quickly as possible.

The second choice has been America's choice throughout most of its history, and it has been uniquely successful in shaping people from all over the world and from every background into one nation known as Americans. One of America's three fundamental principles has been e pluribus unum, or "out of many" (the other two, as our coinage testifies, are liberty and In God We Trust). And that is precisely what America has done.

But since the 1960s, the left has supplanted e pluribus unum and its national American identity with the antithetical doctrines of diversity and multiculturalism.

Diversity and multiculturalism celebrate the national/ethnic identities of the nations from where American immigrants came instead of celebrating the American identity and traditional American values.

The result is the beginning of the end of the United States as we have known it since its inception.

The left constantly repeats "we are a nation of immigrants" without citing the other half of that fact -- "who assimilate into America." The left mocks the once-universally held American belief in the melting pot. But the melting pot is the only way for a country composed of immigrants to build a cohesive society.

America was never just "a nation of immigrants." America was always a nation of immigrants who sought to become -- or at least were taught by American public schools and by the general American culture to become -- Americans.

If America becomes a nation of nonassimilating immigrants, or a nation consisting of nonassimilating ethnic, racial and national groups who are already here, it will cease being a glorious idea and become just another nation torn by conflicting interest groups. These various groups will fight one another -- first verbally and then, perhaps, violently (and America will see more and more violence) -- just as France, Sweden and Germany have seen since they began taking in millions of immigrants, many of whom have no intention of becoming Frenchmen, Swedes or Germans.

Contrary to one of the left's more mendacious claims, diversity has not been America's great strength. America's great strength has been forging an American identity out of diversity.

But the left, with its identity politics and commitment to multiculturalism -- as expressed, for example, by ballots in dozens of languages, the proliferation of ethnic studies departments at universities and the allowance of all-black dorms and graduation ceremonies -- is undoing that.

If you want to understand the immigration crisis, just know that because the left has undone the second choice, it has made the first choice -- Japan's choice -- look tenable to many for the first time in American history.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

ID Theft To Work Commits 3 Felonies - Theft, Perjury, Fraud

2/23/2017 - Victor Davis Hanson Townhall.com
Activists portray illegal immigration solely as a human story of the desperately poor from south of the border fleeing misery to start new, productive lives in the U.S. -- despite exploitation and America's nativist immigration laws.

But the truth is always more complex -- and can reveal self-interested as well as idealistic parties.

Employers have long sought to undercut the wages of the American underclass by preference for cheaper imported labor. The upper-middle classes have developed aristocratic ideas of hiring inexpensive "help" to relieve them of domestic chores.

The Mexican government keeps taxes low on its elite in part by exporting, rather than helping, its own poor. It causes little worry that some $25 billion in remittances sent from Mexican citizens working in America puts hardship on those expatriates, who are often subsidized by generous U.S. social services.

Mexico City rarely welcomes a heartfelt discussion about why its citizens flee Mexican exploitation and apparently have no wish to return home. Nor does Mexico City publicize its own stern approaches to immigration enforcement along its southern border -- or its ethnocentric approach to all immigration (not wanting to impair "the equilibrium of national demographics") that is institutionalized in Mexico's constitution.

The Democratic Party is also invested in illegal immigration, worried that its current agendas cannot win in the Electoral College without new constituents who appreciate liberal support for open borders and generous social services.

In contrast, classically liberal, meritocratic and ethnically diverse immigration might result in a disparate, politically unpredictable set of immigrants.

La Raza groups take it for granted that influxes of undocumented immigrants fuel the numbers of unassimilated supporters. Measured and lawful immigration, along with rapid assimilation, melt away ethnic-based constituencies.

Immigration activists often fault the U.S. as historically racist and colonialist while insisting that millions of foreigners have an innate right to enter illegally and reside in such a supposedly dreadful place.

Undocumented immigrants themselves are not unaware that their own illegal entry, in self-interested fashion, crowds out legal immigrants who often wait years to enter the U.S.

Increased demands on social services often affect Mexican-American communities the most grievously -- a fact that explains why sizable numbers of Latinos support border enforcement.

What does all this complexity mean for the Trump administration's plans to return to the enforcement of existing immigration statutes?

There is one red line to Trump immigration policies that otherwise are widely supported.

Most Americans want the border enforced. And, depending on how the question is worded, most voters likewise favor the completion of a wall on the southern border and an end to all illegal immigration.

There is little public support for sanctuary cities. They are seen as a form of neo-Confederate nullification -- insurrectionary and unsustainable in a republic of laws.

Where controversy arises is over the more difficult question of the fate of at least 11 million foreign nationals currently residing illegally in the U.S.

Most Americans agree that if such immigrants are able-bodied but have no work history and are on public support, have just arrived hoping for amnesty, or have committed crimes in the U.S., they should be deported to their countries of origin. Nearly 1 million such people were already facing pre-Trump government removal orders.

Yet for those undocumented immigrants who are working, crime-free and have established residence, the Trump administration will learn that the public supports some sort of accommodation that might lead to a fine, followed by the opportunity to apply for a green card.

Given those realities, the next immigration fault line will hinge on the definition of a "crime."

For most Americans, identity theft, falsification of government affidavits or trafficking in fraudulent Social Security numbers are the sort of violations that would end their own careers and unwind the very cohesiveness of government.

Rural or inner-city poor American citizens would go to jail for identity theft or lying on state and federal documents. Yet immigration activists sometimes seek to downplay these sorts of crimes as simply inherent in the desperate plight of the immigrant.

In sum, after the border is closed, and as long as the Trump administration does not summarily deport employed, crime-free, undocumented immigrants who have lived here for years, its reform agenda will quickly win the debate and at last return immigration to a legal enterprise.

In turn, Trump opponents will discover that while a small percentage of the undocumented have committed violent crimes, a far larger percentage than is commonly reported may have committed identity theft or falsified government documents.

Arguing to Americans that these are neither real crimes nor deportable offenses will prove no more a winning message for Trump's critics than would deporting productive and law-abiding residents who entered the U.S. illegally win support for Trump himself.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Clear The Swamp of Alligators And Soon!

2/17/2017 - David Limbaugh Townhall.com
Please don't tell us conservatives that we need to find common ground with the left during this era of Trump. That would only advance liberals' cause, because they have no intention of working with President Trump. They are conducting an all-out war against him and his administration, and appeasement efforts wouldn't change that.

What the naive among us need to understand is that the left plays hardball. Liberals subscribe to an end-justifies-the-means philosophy. They are not fair. They don't intend to be fair. They believe they are entitled to advance their America-transforming agenda whether in or out of power, and no amount of wishful thinking can alter that reality.

They will say and do practically anything to further their vision for America, and it doesn't matter if they did the opposite yesterday. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little conservative minds.

The leftist machine purports to be opposed to Trump for his allegedly dastardly actions, but he has barely had time to get started (though he deserves great credit for what he has done so far). Truth be told, liberals' opposition springs not from what he's done -- other than the travel ban -- but from who he is and the threat he represents to their agenda.

They told us he would be a tyrannical autocrat, and just four weeks into his term, they claim to have him dead to rights on the charge. Yet Trump has not engaged in any illegal conduct or committed any lawless overreaches. President Obama, on the other hand, was habitually lawless, and the left, far from being concerned, reveled in it. Ends and means.

Understand this: The left has no evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to affect our election. It is absurd that we are even forced to talk about this. Smear with innuendo and slander -- that's liberals' MO.

In case you haven't noticed, these professional malcontents have organized throughout the nation, with more than a little help from the community organizer in ex-chief, Barack Obama. They have placed themselves throughout the nation to make mischief -- not the kind you smile at but the kind designed to bring down a duly elected president.

With remarkable foresight and patience, progressives have conspired for decades to plant themselves in America's important institutions, from the universities to the halls of government in secure civil service jobs. Many of these people are working overtime inside and outside government to undermine, scandalize, sabotage and ultimately bring down the Trump administration in its incipiency. That tactic is a lot easier than trying to block his desperately needed reform agenda on the merits.

I strongly suspect that leftists within our intelligence agencies criminally leaked classified information to corroborate their claim that Trump colluded with Russia to interfere with the presidential election. They thought they'd hit pay dirt with reports that before Trump took office, his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, had conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak allegedly about reviewing the recent sanctions Obama had imposed on Russia.

Can you imagine the salivating? Here's the smoking gun. Flynn talked to Russia. Trump likes Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russia hacked the United States. Trump won the election. Therefore, Trump colluded with Putin to engineer his election victory over Hillary Clinton. That is one convoluted syllogism, isn't it?

The left doesn't care about the truth of the matter. Once liberals obtained what they considered a colorable morsel of damning evidence, they insisted their fears about Trump were already vindicated. He was guilty as charged. Except that he wasn't.

Flynn has stated that his conversation didn't touch on sanctions. The New York Times, in its story reporting that Trump campaign aides had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence agents, admitted it had seen no evidence of cooperation or collusion between the Trump team and the Russians regarding the election. That little tidbit has not found its way into any headline in the mainstream media.

Liberals hate Trump, and they hate that they lost the election, and they are not going to tolerate it. I hope the rest of America understands that.

They are not only disgracefully pretending they have hard evidence of misconduct leading directly to Trump but also ignoring the egregious misconduct of the leakers and the real threat that poses to national security.

Trump got off to an incredibly impressive start, but liberals have now delivered a blow to his momentum, and they are poised to finish the job. They are strategically placed in our cultural institutions and throughout our vast bureaucracy and are coordinating in every state to stage planned protests that look spontaneous. Richly funded by George Soros and other like-minded America haters, they are inspired by the shadow leadership of former President Obama and his activist organization formed for this very purpose.

I will not defend misconduct on the part of elected officials and their appointees -- if it actually occurs -- just because they are Republicans. But I am not going to sit by silently as the left continues to smear and sabotage this newly inaugurated president based on shards of facts that don't prove their allegations.

I realize that nothing we do will stop the left or dampen its single-minded determination to destroy Trump and preserve Obama's radical agenda, but we can prevent the left from succeeding if we fight back with equal energy and commitment. But that will be impossible unless we fully recognize what's going on -- the tactics of the left and liberals' ruthlessness. We are, in effect, in a war that we didn't start.So please keep your eyes open and prepare to fight back.

In the meantime, let's pray that President Trump will not be unduly distracted by these efforts and can focus on advancing an agenda that will restore economic growth and shore up America's national security. His news conference on Thursday gives me great confidence that President Trump fully understands what the left is doing. He is undeterred and undistracted -- and pressing forward with his agenda. The left, in turn, probably now understands that it has unleashed a tiger.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Telling It Like It Is - Profound And True!

2/13/2017 - Arthur Schaper Townhall.com

I have waited for this moment for two years.

US Senator Jeff Sessions has become our chief law enforcement officer. In his own right he will stop illegal immigration and right our country’s national interests in full. Sessions would have been a great Senate Majority Leader.

But Attorney General is just fine.

What a fight it has been. Of course, the Democrats wasted themselves trying to stop Education Secretary/Reformer Betsy DeVos. They could not stall our nation’s top law enforcement officer next.

My pro-immigration enforcement colleagues here in California can’t wait for Attorney General Sessions to get busy.

Since August 2015, we have hammered the Huntington Park, CA City Council, a decrepit region in Southeastern Los Angeles County. In brazen disregard of federal immigration laws, four of the city councilmembers appointed two illegal aliens to city commissions.

At state level, Demagogue Governor Jerry “Barrio” Brown has transformed California into a “sanctuary state” for illegal aliens. Sanctuary cities abound, inviting more crime—including senseless deaths. Kate Steinle was murdered in broad daylight on the San Francisco Pier 14 boardwalk … by a five-time deported illegal … with a stolen firearm.

Her last words? “Daddy, help me!”

Senators Feinstein and Boxer’s last words? None, because they said nothing. They and their shameless Democratic colleagues have politicized our borders, our national security, and our citizenship.

Infuriating beyond belief!

I have witnessed this appalling perversion of our nation’s charitable nature. A list which ranks cities based on quality of life often contains five cities in the LA County as the worst of the worst: high crime, few job opportunities, trash in the streets, rampant corruption. And the dark element binding all of it together?

Illegal immigration.

In California, illegals can vote: it’s possible and very likely. California’s automatic motor-voter law all but assures that illegals seeking driver’s licenses will get a ballot along with their license. Miscreants from any corner of the world can register to vote in California online, too. No vetting, no assurance, no integrity. I don’t care how loudly the SJWs and the loony left-wing donors scream about Hillary’s popular vote victory. Voter fraud in broken inner city hellholes like Detroit and New York City cannot compare with the ballot stuffing throughout the once Golden State.

Besides, four million of us Californians supported Donald Trump, and don’t regret it! And we were honest about it!

This post, this article is a fervent call to action to our new Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

This honor, this opportunity exceeds anything that I can express in 1,000 words or less.

So, let’s make it simple.

AG Sessions, please do the following now:

1. Direct all connected federal departments to cease and suspend all DACA applications. Obama’s executive order is pure folly. No one in this country illegally, regardless of their age, should be getting a free pass for documents and temporary worker status. Show your true independence. 20% of illegals are in California, and this simple directive will have them retreating.

2. Order the seizure or suspension of all federal monies to criminal state and municipal governments which refuse to comply with our federal immigration laws. There are least 40 (and growing) in California—including Huntington Park, despite their constant protesting that they are not a sanctuary city.

3. File a civil rights lawsuits against the Secretary of State Alex Padilla. He is willfully ignoring the evidence of voter fraud in our state. Demand a full stop to the automatic motor-voter law, which is undermining the integrity of California’s voter franchise. While Voter ID requires action from the state or federal legislatures, I believe that the vote of Hispanic and African-American residents has been undermined with the dilution of illegal votes in our state. This is discrimination against legal residents and must be stopped.

4. Issue writs of mandamus against rogue governors, county leaders, and mayors who have doubled-down on their sanctuary city insanity. Why not go one step further? Issue arrest warrants to any elected official who brazenly defies Title 8, Section 1373 of the U.S. Code.

If you need a list to start the process, allow me to assist:

a. Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles.

b. Ed Lee, San Francisco--please, take him away! Do it for Kate Steinle.

c. Hilda Solis, the Mayor of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. Lock her up!

d. Bill De Blasio, New York City--this man is just evil, defending the right of illegal aliens to commit crimes in his city without fear of deportation.

e. Rahm Emmanuel, Chicago—this is a crisis you cannot let go to waste, Attorney General! Arrest him NOW!

f. Graciela Ortiz, Karina Macias, Jhonny Pineda, and Marilyn Sanabria, the four corruptitos of Huntington Park, CA.

g. Chris Garcia, former mayor of Cudahy, CA, and his three other corrupt colleagues Cristian Markovich, Baru Sanchez, and Cristian Hernandez.

Put these federal criminals behind bars. Every other rogue politician will shape up and ship out illegal aliens in their jurisdiction, with time and resources to spare.

And if all else fails:

5. Authorize the National Guard to restore order in key California jurisdictions. We need someone to inform the degenerate Democratic supermajority in Sacramento that they cannot hide behind Eric “Fast and Furious” Holder for special legal counsel, or amnesty-pandering newly-appointed Attorney General Xavier Becerra, or his anchor-baby peers Anthony Rendon (Speaker of the State Assembly) and Kevin “Fake ID” De Leon ( the officious State Senate President).

Please do not delay, AG Sessions. California’s Trump-supporting, law-abiding citizens have been crying out for law and order in their state, and for enforcement which will restore justice and peace long overdue.

Does you need any further prodding from us?

Arrest. Convict. Incarcerate, and Deport.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

California is not just on life support, AG Sessions. Let’s cut the crap and tell it like it is. Our state is dead. We need revival, we need life. And for these, we need the restoration of the rule of law in our state.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Sanctuary Cities - Insanity Must Stop!

2/12/2017 - Matt Vespa Townhall.com

Liberals have long claimed that sanctuary cities are a law and order mechanism aimed at allowing those here illegally to report crimes without fear of deportation. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Nancy Pelosi reiterated that point in a CNN town hall event. Mayor Bill de Blasio reiterated this point to Jake Tapper and added that when illegals are caught drunk driving, they’re not deported as long as it doesn’t “lead to any other negative outcome.” Whatever that means.

Sheriffs from across the country met with President Trump last week and told The Washington Examiner that not only is the liberal talking point about sanctuary cities wrong—there’s not even anecdotal evidence to back it up:

National Sheriffs' Association executive director Jonathan Thompson, who represents a wide geographical range of law enforcement officers, said he has never seen any statistics indicating that illegal immigrants are a significant source of information for police.

"I've not even seen anecdotal evidence," Thompson told the Washington Examiner. "The sad thing is that [the Democratic claim] suggests that people here are aware of criminal activity and are not reporting it. We have to give them specific dispensation so that they're reporting crimes? ... I find the irony thicker than anything I can cut with a knife, that somebody here illegally is going to report a crime." […]

Sheriff Chuck Jenkins of Frederick County, Md., who was called last April to testify in a House of Representatives hearing on the effectiveness of immigration policies, said he's heard the Democratic argument many times over the years. Jenkins, in his 12th year as mayor in Maryland's largest county, said he doesn't buy it because his experiences on the job point to a different reality.

"I believe the illegal alien community is smart enough to know that there are protections in place that if they are victims, not to put them into removal custody," Jenkins said. "They can request a U-visa — basically gives them asylum from any deportation or removal."

Jenkins added that most jurisdictions do not actively try to identify the immigration status of someone who comes forward, "so the whole argument doesn't really make sense." So, there’s another shoddy liberal talking point you can throw in the garbage.

Frankly, arguments that support law enforcement being barred from enforcing federal immigration protocols are ridiculous. We shield people who have broken the law to come here illegally so they can report crimes. That’s rich.

Also, Mothers Against Drunk Driving ripped the mayor over his remarks—and rightfully so.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

California Land of Fruits & Nuts -It's Obvious

2/9/2017 - Victor Davis Hanson Townhall.com
Over sixty percent of California voters went for Hillary Clinton -- a margin of more than 4 million votes over Donald Trump. Since Clinton's defeat, the state seems to have become unhinged over Trump's unexpected election.

"Calexit" supporters brag that they will have enough signatures to qualify for a ballot measure calling for California's secession from the United States.

Some California officials have talked of the state not remitting its legally obligated tax dollars to the federal government. They talk of expanding its sanctuary cities into an entire sanctuary state that would nullify federal immigration law.

Californians also now talk about the value of the old Confederate idea of "states' rights." They whine that their state gives far too much revenue to Washington and gets too little back. Residents boast about how their cool culture has little in common with the rest of the U.S. Some Californians claim the state could easily go it alone, divorced from the United States.

Sound a bit familiar?

In December 1860, South Carolina seceded from the Union in furor over the election of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln did not receive 50 percent of the popular vote. He espoused values the state insisted did not reflect its own.

In eerie irony, liberal California is now mirror-imaging the arguments of reactionary South Carolina and other Southern states that vowed to go it alone in 1860 and 1861.

Like California, South Carolina insisted it could nullify federal laws within its state borders.

Like California, South Carolina promised to withhold federal revenues.

Like California, South Carolina and other Confederate states bragged that their unique economies did not need the Union.

They boasted that "King Cotton" had created the wealthiest class in the United States. Silicon Valley now often assumes that Google, Facebook, Apple and others are near-trillion-dollar companies that are a world unto their own.

Slavery and the extravagant income from cotton warped the Southern economy and culture. A wealthy plantation elite, with its millions of exploited slaves, ensured that there would be virtually no middle, working or small-business class.

Huge estates were surrounded by the impoverished shacks of servants. Hardscrabble farmers or small businessmen often fled westward to escape the shackles of wealth disparity.

The export-dependent Southern elite demanded unfettered free trade. It offered bitter resistance to Northern protectionism. South Carolina elites were opposed to federal infrastructure projects such as the building of roads, canals, bridges and reservoirs, and other such unwelcome "progress."

Confederates boasted that their antebellum culture was more romantic, natural, pristine, healthy and moral than was the bustle, grime and hyper-capitalism of Northern industrialism. Southern aristocrats believed that they were culturally superior -- in terms of music, art and literature -- to other Americans.

Of course, this is 2017, not 1860, and California is super-liberal, not an antebellum slave-owning society. Nonetheless, what is driving California's current efforts to nullify federal law and the state's vows to secede from the U.S. are some deeper -- and creepy -- similarities to the arrogant and blinkered Old South.

California is likewise becoming a winner-take-all society. It hosts the largest numbers of impoverished and the greatest number of rich people of any state in the country. Eager for cheap service labor, California has welcomed in nearly a quarter of the nation's undocumented immigrants. California has more residents living in poverty than any other state. It is home to one third of all the nation's welfare recipients.

The income of California's wealthy seems to make them immune from the effects of the highest basket of sales, income and gas taxes in the nation. The poor look to subsidies and social services to get by. Over the last 30 years, California's middle classes have increasingly fled the state.

"Gone With the Wind"-like wealth disparity in California is shocking to the naked eye. Mostly poor Redwood City looks like it's on a different planet from tony nearby Atherton or Woodside.

The California elite, wishing to keep the natural environment unchanged, opposes internal improvements and sues to stop pipelines, aqueducts, reservoirs, freeways and affordable housing for the coastal poor.

California's crumbling roads and bridges sometimes resemble those of the old rural South. The state's public schools remain among the nation's poorest. Private academies are booming for the offspring of the coastal privileged, just as they did among the plantation class of the South.

California, for all its braggadocio, cannot not leave the U.S or continue its states'-rights violations of federal law. It will eventually see that the new president is not its sickness, nor are secession and nullification its cures.

Instead, California is becoming a reactionary two-tier state of masters and serfs whose culture is as peculiar and out of step with the rest of the country as was the antebellum South's. No wonder the state lashes out at the rest of the nation with threatened updated versions of the Old Confederacy's secession and nullification.

But such reactionary Confederate obstructionism is still quite an irony given California's self-righteous liberal preening.