5/27/2017 - John Hawkins Townhall.com
"We are living in
an interminable succession of absurdities imposed by the myopic logic of
short-term thinking." -- Jacques Cousteau
“Facts don’t care about
your feelings.” – Ben Shapiro
Like a crack addict who
can’t seem to think about anything other than his next fix, liberals can’t seem
to think about anything but spewing their emotions at the world. They may be
reflexively saying something that makes them feel compassionate, outraged,
sensitive or angry, but liberals usually seem to be caught in the grip of some
strong emotion.
Of course, it goes
without saying that emotion unmoored from logic produces a lot of warped views,
but it also mires a person in short term thinking….if you could even call it
that. Because when you’re emotional, most of the time you’re not thinking;
you’re reacting based on your “feels.” This is where a lot of liberals live 24
x 7 and so, it’s not shocking that their behavior is so thoughtless.
Take rock star Katy
Perry’s reaction to the Manchester bombing, "No barriers, no
borders, we all just need to coexist.” So, what does co-existing with
radical Islamic terrorists who want to kill you mean? Is Katy Perry going to
invite ISIS terrorists from Syria to bomb her next concert?
Can you imagine how
bizarre the typical liberal reaction to terrorism must seem to the terrorists?
Terrorist: We want to kill
you in the name of Allah because we’re good Muslims!
Liberal: No, you’re not.
That’s not what you believe.
Terrorist: Yes, it is.
Liberal: No, no…you’re
oppressed and probably upset about global warming.
Terrorist: Wait, what?
Liberal: Let’s all
Terrorist: How did you miss
the entire, “We want to kill you in the name of Allah” thing? What is wrong
with you?
Then there are the
Trump Administration leaks. Undoubtedly, some of the leaks inside the Trump
Administration are coming from his staff, but others appear to be coming from
the “deep state.” In other words, Democratic holdovers in the government
bureaucracy are leaking information to the press in order to attempt to
sabotage a rival political party. Obviously, these leakers are so consumed with
their hatred for Trump that they feel politically motivated leaks are
justifiable. Except what’s going to almost inevitably happen once a Democrat
gets back into office? Republicans in the deep state are now going to leak
things in an attempt to embarrass him.
Liberals are so
overwrought with emotion that they don’t get the idea that they’re setting precedents
when they do these sort of things. It’s like the shock and surprise they
experienced when they used the nuclear option to keep Republicans from blocking
Barack Obama’s cabinet appointments, only to find that it also meant they
couldn’t stop Trump’s cabinet appointments. Wait, you mean that applies to
liberals, too? Yes, and those leaks? The next Democrat President is likely to
be undermined in exactly the same way.
Look at the liberal
threats and violence at universities that have become a regular occurrence. At
worst, liberals riot when people they disagree with speak on college campuses
and at best, they make threats and do everything they can to rob conservative
speakers of their First Amendment rights. Liberals are so supportive of this
kind of thing that the police in liberal cities or on liberal campuses refuse
to stop the rioting or disruptions.
In other words,
conservatives no longer get the same protection from the police. Even illegal
aliens are treated better by the police on campuses controlled by liberals. So,
when that’s the case, is anyone surprised to see that someone like Based Stick
Man was warmly received by conservatives for breaking
a stick over a violent ANTIFA protestor’s head? It wouldn’t
surprise me if we start seeing armed gangs of conservatives policing marches to
protect other people on the Right from armed gangs of liberals since the Left
has convinced the police not to do it. This is the world liberals are creating
with their short term thinking: one where both sides of the political argument
will have armed factions at political rallies. How healthy does that sound for
the country?
Liberals do the same
thing on the deficit. “Supporting that program makes me feel good! Spend
somebody else’s money on it and I don’t like thinking about the debt; so just
ignore that.”
They did it with
Obamacare. They lied about the bill, assumed no one would recognize they were
misled to when the bill became law and cared nothing about creating an
expensive new entitlement program when the country is drowning in debt.
They get upset that
Trump actually told NATO that if we’re going to be in a military alliance, then
the nations involved will have to spend enough on their militaries so that they
field an effective military force. How dare Trump try to make NATO useful
They’re so blinded by
their emotions that they’ll even rank Hillary Clinton as the 6th most beautiful woman on the planet.
It is impossible to
competently govern a nation based on pure emotion and short term thinking.
Additionally as a practical matter, it’s impossible to cut a deal with people
whose entire rationale for doing things is, “A celebrity told me what I should
believe and now I have to do it” or “I heard a sad story yesterday; so
everything has changed.” At some point, liberals have to engage in some long
term thinking that goes beyond, “As long as we’re in charge, everything we do
is okay,” or our country is going to get dragged down the tubes along with