6/25/2017 - Matt Vespa Townhall.com
Tax season
may be over, but next year’s taxes will be due before we know it—and at least
1.4 million Americans won’t know that their Social Security numbers are being
used by illegal aliens.
An Internal
Revenue Service report that this is roughly the number of illegal aliens who
are impersonating citizens when it comes to file taxes. To make things more
maddening, they’re not allowed to work with the Department of Homeland Security
on finding the identities of these people. Stephen Dinan at The
Washington Times had
Most illegal immigrants who pay taxes have stolen someone else’s
legal identity, and the IRS doesn’t do a very good job of letting those
American citizens and legal immigrants know they’re being impersonated, the tax
agency’s inspector general said in a new report released Thursday.
“Cases of employment identity theft can cause significant burden
to innocent taxpayers, including the incorrect computation of taxes based on
income that does not belong to them,” said J. Russell George, the inspector
It’s long been a conundrum in the federal government.
The IRS knows of 2.4 million people a year who file taxes using an
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, which is generally given out to
immigrants who aren’t authorized to work. But the IRS is not allowed to talk
with Homeland Security to help agents identify who and where those taxpayers
The migrants file their forms with their ITINs, but the W-2 forms
they submit show valid Social Security numbers that they fraudulently gave to
their employer to clear an initial work authorization check.
A staggering 87 percent of forms filed online using ITINs showed
income credited to a Social Security number. More than half of forms filed by
paper also showed that same fraudulent behavior.
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