Friday, September 28, 2018

European Muslim Migration Coming to America

9/23/2018 - Adm. James A. Lyons

It has been 17 years since the Islamic jihadists conducted their terrorist attack on America, 11 September, 2001, killing almost 3,000 innocent Americans who were doing nothing more than going to work.  What was the ideology that drove these Islamic jihadists to carry out such atrocious acts?  Our political and military leadership who have been thoroughly indoctrinated in “political correctness” still remain incapable of identifying the ideology and the enemy.  Clearly, the plague of jihadi terrorism has its roots in Islam.  However, due to our former president’s obfuscation of the scriptures of Islam found in the Quran and Shariah law, which drive jihadi terrorism, he has facilitated the spread of Islam and its supremacists’ ideology. 

Continuing the use of terms like “countering violent extremism and work place violence,” is nothing more than perpetuating the Obama administration’s propaganda, which only confuses the American public’s understanding of the true nature of the threat.  The jihadists have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the core canonical beliefs of Islam as written in the Suras (chapters) of the Quran, which drives their violence.  It certainly is not for a lack of a job or educational opportunities, which is part of the progressives’ nonsense propaganda.   Further, using the term “radical Islam” to describe jihadi terrorism implies that there is some “moderate” form of Islam.  Regrettably, that is not the case, nor have the jihadists hijacked Islam. 

The Islamic leader of Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said it best when he was Prime Minister: there is no “moderate Islam.”  Islam is Islam!  Democracy is the train we ride to achieve our ultimate objective, which is a world dominated by Islam.  He couldn’t have said it any plainer. 

To further complicate matters, another part of the problem can be traced to respected religious leaders like Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama, who continue to promote the Islamic propaganda through their vast communication networks that “authentic” Islam is opposed to terrorism and that Islam is a religion of peace!  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The worst six words President G.W. Bush ever uttered were, “Islam is a religion of peace.”  There are 109 verses in the Quran where Muslims are commanded to engage the infidels in combat.  It is an obligation for all Muslims to conduct jihad against the infidels.   No appeasement or civil works project will change that obligation.  We have wasted billions of dollars on such projects, but it has no impact on the core jihadist’s outlook. 

The second reason lies in the successful propaganda campaign led by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and their front groups, e.g., the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), et al, which have penetrated most of our government security and intelligence agencies, including the White House.  The so-called progressives continue to ignore the MB creed which was exposed in the Dallas 2008 Holy Land Foundation Hamas terrorist funding trial.  In short, the MB creed is to conduct silent jihad (non-violent) as the primary means to destroy America from within by our own miserable hands, and replace our Constitution with Shariah law.  Under both the G.W. Bush and Obama administrations, they have been most successful in silencing anyone, especially our military, who tried to expose Islam as the ideology that jihadists follow in carrying out their terrorist attacks by calling them racists or Islamaphobic, a term conjured up by the MB. 

The senior jurist of the Muslim Brotherhood, cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has stated that neither the Quran nor Shariah law can be amended to conform to changing human values and standards.  His view is that the Quran and Shariah law present the absolute norm to which all human values and conduct must conform.  The late political scientist, Samuel Huntington, pointed out that Islam is totally incompatible with Western culture and traditions.  They can never “co-exist.”  Islam is at war with the West.  It is a clash of civilizations.

Even Alexis de Tocqueville, the French philosopher, commented after studying the Quran in 1838 that it not only encourages but commands a holy war against all infidels, as well as the necessity for obeying the Prophet Mohammed.  This is what drives the Islamic State and its splinter groups today.  Its members believe everything should be done as it was during the reign of the prophet, the perfect man.

If Alexis de Tocqueville were able to see what is happening in Europe today, he would be rolling over in his grave.  He would not understand today’s leaders in Europe, or for that matter in North America, with their appeasement and leftist ideology.  He would see the acceptance of millions of Muslim refugees, most of whom are males of military age, into Europe as a “Muslim invasion.”   Very few of these Muslim refugees assimilate into their host countries’ customs or traditions. 

We have experienced a similar situation in the United States.  We have witnessed the impact of Muslims forcing the tenets of Islam into our education system while at the same time degrading our customs and heritage.  Clearly, this must be stopped.  Our borders must be made secure and a moratorium placed on further Muslim immigration into the United States.  Our training manuals for both our military and law enforcement agencies that were previously purged under the Obama administration must be restored so that military and law enforcement personnel properly understand the threat and the enemy.  It is Islam, which is a totalitarian ideology bent on world domination masquerading as a religion.  Until this is understood, we will not be successful in defeating the enemy.

James A. Lyons, U.S. Navy retired Admiral, was commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Republicans Cruising For a Bloody Nose

9/20/2018 - Derek Hunter

Forget a wounded animal, there is nothing more desperate and vicious than a Democrat on the verge of losing a political battle. So when California Senator Dianne Feinstein released a vague statement implying some sort of criminal activity in Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s past, it was not surprising. Republicans did what they always do – they tried to make nice. But this isn’t your father’s Democratic Party, appeasement isn’t possible when they will only accept capitulation. How do you find common ground with someone who wants to destroy you? Do you offer to be half destroyed? One-quarter? No. In fact, Hell no. It’s time for Republicans to grow a pair and govern like they won.

As I’ve written before, there is no bottom for the Democrats to hit. Feinstein, being challenged from her left in her reelection bid, lowered the “Democrat dirty tricks” bar to the point that you’d need a shovel to get under it. But mark my words, they are not done yet.

One thing that differentiates Democrats from Republicans is Democrats will do anything to advance their agenda, whereas Republicans might hold a vote. With Obamacare, many Democrats knew they were committing political suicide, but they wanted to advance the ball toward socialized medicine so desperately that dozens did it anyway. They were slaughtered at the polls. After campaigning for years on it, Republicans held a vote on repeal. After months of trying to figure out how to do it and what to do next, the half-measure failed because Republicans were afraid to do what they were elected to do.

Now comes the most important battle any Republican senator will cast a vote on, the main reason to have voted for a Republican senator, and they’re risking caving to the left yet again.

I don’t know what happened at a lame party 36ish years ago (the story is only 6 people were there), but neither, apparently, does the accuser. Somehow she remembers Judge Brett Kavanaugh allegedly attacking her, something so out of character for him that not one other single person has ever experienced anything remotely similar, but she can’t remember where it happened or even the year. She knows the county, that just so happens to be the county they both lived in. It’s a story that would be tossed out of any court.

 So, when I saw so many elected officials take her story seriously when it first emerged, I was certain Republicans were going to cave again.

The narrative was perfectly constructed – a reluctant witness who just wanted her story to be heard standing up to a big, bad…nerd. Yeah, I just couldn’t really buy it from the start.

That the story didn’t come out until the Democrats had no cards left to play told me all I needed to know.

I don’t know what happened to Christine Blasey Ford when she was a kid, but reading her account as it evolved, I’m not sure she does either. I do know I don’t believe her allegations against Kavanaugh.

It’s unpopular, even dangerous, to say that (politicians always walk a delicate line) especially in the age of #MeToo, but nothing about her story makes any sense.

At 15, your world is very small. You can’t drive, you presumably have a curfew, and you spend most of your time with friends. If she were attacked in a home with only 6 people in it, the likelihood of no one noticing her shattered state afterwards is minimal, loud music or not.

Plus, and this is very odd, she claims to be unable to recall the only 2 details Kavanaugh could use to clear his name – the where and when. If we knew where we could find out who owned the house and whether or not any such event took place there or if they had kids who might’ve had teens over drinking when adults weren’t home. If we knew when we might be able to find out if the Kavanaugh family were on vacation at that time, or he were somewhere else. Those are the only ways he could clear his name and they’re missing, she doesn’t even remember the year.

More curious is how this was all handled by Ford as an adult. In addition to not telling anyone at the time, or for decades, the original story was she only told her therapist, who claimed there were 4 boys in the room during the attack, which is now down to 2. The other, along with Kavanaugh, both say it didn’t happen and they were never at any such party.

Then she allegedly told a friend she had her own #MeToo story a while ago. How do you forget telling a friend, even years later, till people wondered why she never told anyone?

But the weirdest part is how her Internet footprint was scrubbed, she hired a liberal DC attorney to represent her, and allegedly took a polygraph test. She did all of these things before Feinstein released a vague statement about an anonymous allegation against Kavanaugh she’d held back for 6 weeks because the accuser didn’t want to be identified.

If she had no intention of coming forward, why prepare for coming forward by taking a lie detector test in August? If Feinstein wanted to respect her wishes, why release any statement at all? If she were going to “betray” the promise of anonymity, why not do it earlier?

Nothing else stuck, Kavanaugh withstood everything Democrats threw at him during his hearing. They were desperate and about to lose. And Democrats can’t lose when it comes to the Supreme Court – the courts are how they advance their agenda these days. They rarely pass legislation, they sue and have the courts declare parts of their agenda to be so, to be “rights.” If they lose the courts they have to try to convince voters, to sell their unpopular ideas AND, worst of all, make sure they’re actually constitutional. That terrifies them.

Democrats demanded Ford be allowed to testify, and Ford’s lawyer said she was ready to do so. Republicans agreed almost immediately, delaying Thursday’s committee vote to hear from the accused and the accuser on Monday.

After getting everything they wanted, Democrats and Ford then moved the goalposts, demanding an FBI investigation before anyone testifies. But the FBI doesn’t investigate these sorts of allegations. That didn’t matter, they wanted it and Ford said she wouldn’t testify until she got what Democrats started demanding first, conveniently.

Thankfully, Republicans appear to have had enough of this circus. Even fence-sitting Republicans have said if Ford refuses to tell her story at a hearing on Monday that the committee should move to vote the nomination forward.

Giving Democrats all they want is never enough, as soon as they and Ford got it they immediately wanted more.

This is the lowest of the low, at least so far. There are still 5 more days for the left to cook up something else. But an allegation almost 40 years old where the only 2 aspects that could be used to disprove it – the where and when – are not known should never, ever be acceptable in politics or anywhere else, no matter how serious the charge. If nothing else, Republicans need to stand up to this, strongly, to make sure it doesn’t become the new normal.

I detail how liberals use emotion to manipulate the public in cases like this in my book, “Outrage, INC.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood.” I discussed the book with Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center, on CSPAN’s Book TV. You can watch the discussion here. And subscribe to my podcast to hear daily dissections of the news, how the left is doing whatever it takes to win in November, and why that would be devastating to the cause of liberty.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Politicization, Polarization, Balcanization = 'Stasis'

9/20/2018 - Victor Davis Hanson

Americans keep dividing into two hostile camps.

It seems the country is back to 1860 on the eve of the Civil War, rather than in 2018, during the greatest age of affluence, leisure and freedom in the history of civilization.

The ancient historian Thucydides called the civil discord that tore apart the fifth-century B.C. Greek city-states "stasis." He saw stasis as a bitter civil war between the revolutionary masses and the traditionalist middle and upper classes.

Something like that ancient divide is now infecting every aspect of American life.

Americans increasingly are either proud of past U.S. traditions, ongoing reform and current American exceptionalism, or they insist that the country was hopelessly flawed at its birth and must be radically reinvented to rectify its original sins.

No sphere of life is immune from the subsequent politicization: not movies, television, professional sports, late-night comedy or colleges. Even hurricanes are typically leveraged to advance political agendas.

What is causing America to turn differences into these bitter hatreds -- and why now?

The internet and social media often descend into an electronic lynch mob. In a nanosecond, an insignificant local news story goes viral. Immediately hundreds of millions of people use it to drum up the evils or virtues of either progressivism or conservatism.

Anonymity is a force multiplier of these tensions. Fake online identities provide cover for ever greater extremism -- on the logic that no one is ever called to account for his or her words.

Speed is also the enemy of common sense and restraint. Millions of bloggers rush to be the first to post their take on a news event, without much worry about whether it soon becomes a "fake news" moment of unsubstantiated gossip and fiction.

Globalization has both enriched and impoverished -- and also further divided -- America. Those whose muscular labor could be outsourced abroad to less expensive, less regulated countries were liable to lose their jobs or find their wages slashed. They were written off as "losers." Americans whose professional expertise profited from vast new world markets became even richer and preened as "winners."

Geography -- history's intensifier of civil strife -- further fueled the growing economic and cultural divide. Americans are increasingly self-selecting as red and blue states.

Liberals gravitate to urban coastal-corridor communities of hip culture, progressive lifestyles and lots of government services.

Conservatives increasingly move to the lower-tax, smaller-government and more traditional heartland.

Lifestyles in San Francisco and Toledo are so different that it's almost as if they're two different planets.

Legal, diverse, meritocratic and measured immigration has always been America's great strength. Assimilation, integration, and intermarriage within the melting pot used to turn new arrivals into grateful Americans in a generation or two.

But when immigration is often illegal, not diverse and massive, then balkanization follows. Currently, the country hosts 60 million non-natives -- the largest number of immigrants in America's history.

Yet unlike the past, America often does not ask new immigrants to learn English and assimilate as quickly as possible. Immigration is instead politicized. Newcomers are seen as potentially useful voting blocs.

Tribalism is the new American norm. Gender, sexual orientation, religion, race and ethnicity are now essential, not incidental, to who we are.

Americans scramble to divide into victimized blocs. Hyphenated and newly accented names serve as advertisements that particular groups have unique affiliations beyond their shared Americanism.

America is often the target of unrealistic criticism -- as if it is suddenly toxic because it is not perfect. Few appreciate that the far worse alternatives abroad are rife with racism, sexism, civil strife, corruption and poverty unimaginable in the U.S.

The last few elections added to the growing abyss.

The old Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton is now trending into a radical democratic socialist party. Meanwhile, the old Republican Party is mostly gone, replaced by tea party movements and the new Donald Trump base.

Former President Barack Obama came into office from Congress with the most left-wing voting record in the Senate. Trump was elected as the first president without either prior military or political experience.

Obama issued dozens of controversial "pen and phone" executive orders, bypassing Congress. And Trump is systematically overturning them -- doing so with similar executive orders.

Will America keep dividing and soon resort to open violence, as happened in 1861? Or will Americans reunite and bind up our wounds, as we did following the upheavals of the 1930s Great Depression or after the protests of the 1960s?

The answer lies within each of us.

Every day we will either treat each other as fellow Americans, with far more uniting than dividing us, or we will continue on the present path that eventually ends in something like a hate-filled Iraq, Rwanda or the Balkans.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Nation's Problems: Multiculturalism, Apathy, Talk But No Action

6/13/2018 - Ann Coulter

Now that Trump has solved Northeast Asia's problems, maybe he can get to a problem in our country -- in fact, within 10 miles of the White House. For some reason, The Washington Post recently ran an article on something important -- the MS-13 gang presence at a public school on the outskirts of our nation's capital, William Wirt Middle School in Prince George's County, Maryland.

The media's usual approach to the diversity being inflicted on us is: Don't report this! It's better if no one knows. Maybe the left has decided it's too late to do anything about the transformation of our country into a Third World hellhole, and Trump couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

The Post reported that, like many schools up and down the East Coast, MS-13 has turned Wirt into a battleground. There have been near-daily gang fights, rampant drug dealing, one reported rape, gang signs on the walls, one shooting -- more in nearby schools -- and teachers afraid to be alone with their students. At least two students are required to have security officers assigned to them, walking them from class to class and watching them during lunch hour, on account of MS-13 threatening to kill them.

How many different categories of immigrants require special law enforcement officers devoted to them? Thanks to mass Muslim immigration, the FBI has terrorist watch lists in ALL 50 STATES. That's why whenever there's a terrorist attack, the FBI says, Oh yeah, we were watching that guy. And now we have police bodyguards for kids at schools wherever "unaccompanied minors" have been dumped by our government.

In addition to the free school lunches, transportation, housing and health care to pay for all this wonderful diversity, immigrants are also massively ratcheting up law enforcement costs.

It would be enraging enough if bad things were happening to our country and the immigrants were paying for it. But we're paying for it. Wait -- you are offering to bring gang warfare, drug cartels and terrorism? We'll go top dollar for that! Put your wallet away! Your money's no good here!

Having made the odd decision to report factual information about immigration, The Washington Post was careful to include the gigantically irrelevant, painfully idiotic cliche: The "vast majority" of poor Latin Americans pouring into our country "enroll in school and stay out of trouble."

Yes, and the vast majority of boa constrictors stay out of trouble too. Let's put them in our schools! In fact, far fewer boa constrictors kill Americans each year than Latin American immigrants do. Less than one a year. And boa constrictors don't undercut you at the construction site.

We never hear that "vast majority" argument about the policies that liberals like. The "vast majority" of gun owners never shoot up a school. The "vast majority" of smokers will never get lung cancer. The "vast majority" of Americans do not benefit from Wall Street profits.

Why are we subjecting ourselves to mass immigration at all?  Hey, everyone, let's all get an HIV injection! Don't worry, the vast majority of us won't get AIDS! 

We're certainly not doing it to be nice to Hispanics. They've been polled and polled and polled, and it turns out they DON'T want more people being brought in to take their jobs and drive down wages. Recent immigrants probably don't want their useless brother-in-law from Chiapas sleeping on the couch either.

In the 2012 presidential campaign, Obama's Spanish language ads didn't make a peep about immigration. Instead, he bragged about giving everyone free health care. (Sidebar: Unmentioned were the millions of people who lost their health care, thanks to all that free health care for immigrants.)

Less than two years ago, Republicans watched the most anti-immigrant politician in a century be elected president, with every major institution in America against him. Trump won more of the Hispanic vote than any Republican in a generation.

The Chamber of Commerce knows that Hispanics didn't come here to have their wages driven down by an unending stream of unskilled workers just like themselves. Republicans and Democrats know it. The only people who don't know it are Americans who don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by opposing the constant importation of unskilled, poverty-stricken immigrants.

The reason for this transformation of our country, our culture and our politics is to flood the market with low-wage workers and Democratic voters. Obviously, those are losing arguments, so the beneficiaries of mass Third World immigration lie. They claim that anyone who doesn't want to supply the rich with cheap labor must hate Hispanics.

Trump thought North Korea was hard? With immigration, we have all of the most influential forces in our culture on the same page. Immigration is a great unifier of the rich and powerful.

The rich are like sharks -- all appetite, no brain. With their cheap labor voting 7-3 for the Democrats, it won't be long until Democrats have a lock on government. What do you think they'll do then, Business Roundtable? Answer: Make it impossible to do business. Google "California."

With the Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and the Koch brothers' incessant lobbying for more and more cheap labor, we see exactly what Lenin said about the capitalists: They will sell us the rope with which to hang them.

The rich don't care. They can't think beyond next quarter's earnings.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Beware! Socialism - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

9/6/2018 - Kurt Schlichter

Socialism’s legacy is heaps of bloody corpses scattered across a landscape of hunger and despair, but the youthful neo-commie hipsters infesting our colleges and coastal cities want to give it another try here and now since they’re smart and they won’t screw it up this time. Uh huh. Because when I look at millennials, I see a generation of achievers – achieving unbroken eye contact with their iPhones, achieving hitherto unimagined heights of undeserved self-regard, and achieving convincing their parents to support them into middle age. If anyone can make socialism work – by which I mean the pipe dream of it not being a slaughterhouse of soul crushing tyranny – it’s these winners. At least that’s what Chet thinks.

Chet’s my unicorn.

Me? I think I’d prefer freedom. Yes, I definitely prefer freedom. And I think that if they want to take away my freedom, they should be ready to fight to the death. I’m not super butch warrior guy, but still I’d rather bleed out on a pile of hot brass than live as the slave of a Chardonnay-swilling socialist ruling nomenklatura based in Brooklyn. 

Oh, I’m not kidding. I walked around in the ruins of socialism overseas. My wife’s family escaped it. When you talk about a socialist revolution, you better be ready to bring one because I and a couple hundred million other patriots are not having it.

Are. Not. Having. It.

Now, the cool new socialism of the hipster class glosses over the problem that we Normals and our uppitiness pose to their utopian scheme, and it’s a pretty big problem. Let’s see what some of the man-children at whatever the Chapo Traphouse podcast is say about our bright, shiny future under socialism:

After setting everyone on equal footing (by seizing the billionaires’ money, socializing their wealth, and handing the keys of production over to workers), you’re looking at an economy that requires something like a three-hour workday, with machines taking care of most of the drudgery; and—as our public fund pays for things like health care, education, scientific research, and infrastructure—all this technology actually makes work quicker, easier, and more enjoyable.”    

That’s a lot to unpack, so let’s seize on just one aspect. “Seizing,” are we? Now, these sorry cheese weasels do look exactly like you would expect: Stupid beards, skinny jeans, soft hands, and dull eyes. But they don’t look much like dudes who are likely to seize anything besides the nearest locally-sourced muffin. Who, exactly, do they expect to do all the seizing that will facilitate “handing the keys of production over to workers?” Now, I use to specialize in commanding hundreds of guys with guns who actually could seize stuff, and I have to say that I don’t think my troopers would be down with doing the dangerous bidding of a bunch of geebos who look like they’d be blathering about their fourth-level elf warrior with a +1 sword Dungeons & Dragons character if they weren’t quoting selections from Marxism 4 Dummies.

They seem to be saying, “Don’t worry, we’re only going to mess with those Monopoly men with the monocles and top hats!” You could ask your local kulak about how that turns out for folks like you and me, but since the socialists murdered them all I’ll need to demonstrate why Normals are the real target in another way. Allow me to unleash that which leftist nincompoops fear the most, besides gainful employment and their mom walking into their room at night unannounced while they are interacting with their computer/girlfriend. 


Let’s take the richest man ever was, Jeff Bezos. He’s got a net worth of at least $150 billion. It not in actual dollars, though, unless he has the world’s biggest mattress. It’s mostly in Amazon stock. We’ll just leave aside the inconvenient issue of what would happen to Amazon’s stock value if it were “seized” and nationalized and just assume he’s got a big pit full of dollar bills. We take all that and split it among the 330 million Americans and everyone gets…$454.55. Congrats. Everyone gets one payment on their 2015 Toyota Camry. That is, unless we’re decreeing that all consumer loans are forgiven, which is probably on the socialists’ to-so list and would mean many fewer consumer loans going forward, but again I digress.

 Divvying up the cash seems…unhelpful. How about we put all the money toward government spending? That would never be dropping it down a rathole because the government is awesome. Let’s see, the 2019 U.S. budget is $4.407 trillion – with a “T” – so all of Bezos Bucks would be about 3.4% of that. Yes, all of Bezos’s money would run the federal government for 12.4 days.

So, after about two weeks we’re going to need some more cash. There appear to be about 560 billionaires in the U.S. They all have less than Jolly Jeff – everyone has less than him – but let’s count each one as having $5 billion to simplify things. That’s $2.8 trillion. A lot of dough. But even assuming the entirety of their assets could be converted to cash, you could fund the government at present levels for … 232 days. That’s at present spending levels, without all the bells and whistles and free college and doctors and kale smoothie-makers everyone will get from Uncle Santa.

Remember, under socialism we aren’t minting any new billionaires, so where do we go for the money once the low-hanging billionaire fruit is picked clean? Millionaires!

A 2017 report says there are probably 10.8 millionaires in what would be the People’s Republic of America: “In 2016, there were 9.4 million individuals with net worth between $1 million and $5 million, 1.3 million individuals with net worth between $5 million and $25 million, and 156,000 households with more than $25 million in net worth, the report says.”

Now we’re hitting regular folks. If you have a house in Los Angeles or Washington, welcome to millionairehood! Or a small business – lots of us are rich on paper. Well, what’s ours is…theirs. The fact is our socialist pals are going to have to reach way down below the 1% to find enough stuff to redistribute so that everyone can have everything they want (but not enough to work for) while robots mop out the toilets.

They want your stuff. The stuff you spent years working for, saving for, sacrificing for. All gone, to someone else, because some neck-bearded Gender Studies grad decided he and not you should choose what happens to your property. All that effort, all those years you spent gainfully employed, being responsible, working while other folks played? 

 Too bad. 

Everything you worked for is gone, because they want it and you have it and, well, they and their buddies got together and voted to make what’s yours theirs. You should have thought of doing that yourself before you put in all those years working to achieve your dreams. You should have just gotten the government to make your dreams come true by stealing stuff from the guys who were dumb enough to work for theirs.

The socialists seem to assume that there’s not going to be any pushback from all these millions of Normal Americans who are going to fund this latest socialist experiment (Remember, this time, under these geniuses, socialism will totally work – it’s due for a win!). We’ll sort of shrug and just give up our stuff, and our freedom, to a bunch of 20-something adolescents because…the 20-something adolescents really want us to. 


I’d rather fight, if they make me. And I bet you would too. As my upcoming book Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracyexplains, we’re done with the endless cycle of leftists failing, blaming us for their failures, taking our money and liberty, failing again, then announcing that it’s our fault they failed again, and that the solution is another round of taking our money and liberty. 

I’m just not convinced that we should give up the fruits of our decades of labor and our individual freedom to these doofuses because they really want us to. Instead, they’ll have to impose it on us by force, if they can. That whole thing about 300 million guns in the hands of free Americans makes it tricky. Now do you get why they are so intent on stripping guns from law-abiding patriots like you instead of scummy thugs in Democrat blue cities who are actually murdering people? 

You’ll be a lot easier to rule if you’re disarmed. I wrote about what armed Americans can do to radicals who want to crush them under the Birkenstock heel of leftist tyranny in my novel Indian Country. Spoiler: A nation full of armed American citizens conducting a decentralized insurgency resisting a centralized leftist force attempting to oppress them has the advantage. 

But it’s unlikely to come to that. Since killing me and probably you and probably a couple hundred million other armed and militant Normal Americans would be a lot of hard work, I think we’re pretty safe. These people aren’t much on actual effort; they prefer to pose and whine. If they’re going to kill us and seize our stuff, they’ll have to get off their mom’s couch and go farther than the kitchen, and that’s a fridge too far.

But you never know, so keep in mind, when choosing how to spend some of that money you earned working, that no one in history who has ever faced a foe that wants him dead or enslaved has ever had too many guns or too much ammunition. 

Saturday, September 1, 2018

One of Many Devastating Consequences

8/29/2018 - Walter E. Williams

The Immigration and Nationality Act mandates that all immigrants and refugees undergo a medical screening examination to determine whether they have an inadmissible health condition. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has technical instructions for medical examination of prospective immigrants in their home countries before they are permitted to enter the U.S. They are screened for communicable and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis, polio, measles, mumps and HIV. They are also tested for syphilis, gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases. The CDC also has medical screening guidelines for refugees. These screenings are usually performed 30 to 90 days after refugees arrive in the United States.

But what about people who enter our country illegally? The CDC specifically cites the possibility of the cross-border movement of HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis and syphilis. Chris Cabrera, a Border Patrol agent in South Texas, warned: "What's coming over into the U.S. could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chickenpox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections and different viruses." Some of the youngsters illegally entering our country are known to be carrying lice and suffering from various illnesses. Because there have been no medical examinations of undocumented immigrants, we have no idea how many are carrying infectious diseases that might endanger American children when these immigrants enter schools across our nation.

According to the CDC, in most industrialized countries, the number of cases of tuberculosis and the number of deaths caused by TB steadily declined during the 100 years prior to the mid-1980s. Since the '80s, immigrants have reversed this downward trend in countries that have had substantial levels of immigration from areas where the disease is prevalent. In 2002, the CDC said: "Today, the proportion of immigrants among persons reported as having TB exceeds 50 percent in several European countries, including Denmark, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland. A similar proportion has been predicted for the United States". The number of active TB cases among American-born citizens declined from an estimated 17,725 in 1986 to 3,201 in 2015. That was an 80 percent drop. Data reported to the National Tuberculosis Surveillance System show that the TB incidence among foreign-born people in the United States (15.1 cases per 100,000) is approximately 13 times the incidence among U.S.-born people (1.2 cases per 100,000). Those statistics refer to immigrants who are legally in the U.S. There is no way for us to know the incidence of tuberculosis and other diseases carried by those who are in our country illegally and hence not subject to medical examination.

This public health issue is ignored by all those Americans championing sanctuary cities. The public health issue is also ignored by Americans clamoring for open borders, and that includes many of my libertarian friends. By the way, in the late 19th century and early 20th century, when masses of European immigrants were trying to enter our country, those with dangerous diseases were turned back from Ellis Island. Americans hadn't "progressed" to the point of thinking that anyone in the world has a legal right to live in America. Neither did they think that it was cruel or racist to take measures to prevent our fellow Americans from catching diseases from foreigners.

But aside from diseases, there is the greater threat of welcoming to our shores people who have utter contempt for Western values and want to import anti-Western values to our country, such as genital mutilation, honor killings and the oppression of women. Many libertarian types make the argument that we would benefit from open borders when it comes to both people and goods. That vision ignores the important fact that when we import, say, tomatoes from Mexico, as opposed to people, to the U.S., they are not going to demand that we supply them with welfare benefits.

The bottom line is that we Americans have a right to decide who enters our country and under what conditions. If we forgo that right, we cease to be a sovereign nation. But that may not be important to some Americans.