- Paul Curry Townhall.com
As anyone paying attention to American politics for the past
50 years can attest, the left has abided by one basic principle from which they
never waver. Such is, when you can’t make a rational argument for or against
something, make a racist or sexist one. Identity politics and perceived
victimhood are the preferred weapons of the modern Democrat party and they
wield them in defense of their positions more viciously than a mama grizzly
protecting her cubs.
It’s hard to forget Joe Biden’s famous 2012 shot
at the Republican Romney/Ryan ticket to a mostly black audience, “They're Going
To Put Y'all Back In Chains!” Since the Obama ticket was in a virtual toss-up
with Romney at the time, it was time for Biden invoke slavery rather than stand
on his ticket’s economic policy. This past 4th of July celebration,
a celebration of our national unity, saw Colin Kaepernick, the one-time NFL
quarterback continue his assault on all things American that cost him his once
truly mediocre career. After the public reaction to his hatred of this country
(along with his QB rating and overdeveloped sense of self-worth) cost him his
ability to publicly kneel for the anthem, Kaepernick determined the planned
Nike “Betsy Ross Flag” shoe was just too racist to stand, or kneel, for. Yes,
Betsy Ross, abolitionist, Quaker, and alleged designer of the flag, apparently,
was a racist. Kaepernick couldn’t persuade with his kneeling argument, so he
launched a racist attack on sneaker.
The current debate over the constitutionally mandated decennial
U.S. Census has led to Democrats in Congress charging that the simple inclusion
of the question, “Is this person a citizen of the United States?” is
fundamentally and inherently racist. That question has been asked in one form
or another since
1820 save for 2010 under President Obama. Further, the very same question is
asked annually by the American Community Survey, under, yes, the Census Bureau.
Even the United Nations, in their Principles
and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, encourages asking
the question. The “citizenship question” is necessary for the allocation of
resources, fair allotment of Congressional seats, and to understand our
immigration situation.
Yet, since Congressional Democrats can’t refute these
fundamental truths, they are compelled by both necessity and tradition to denounce
the very question as racist. Nancy Pelosi recently, and absent any support,
declared the question was part of President Trump’s effort to “make
America white again.” Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, never one to
sit out a fake race war, chimed in with,
“It's about reducing the number of people of color being counted in the census.
That's exactly what it's about.” No substantive arguments, again. No rational
argument, so just a racist one.
Amusingly enough, prominent Democrats have now turned their
racist firing squad into a circular one. An assault typically reserved for
Republicans and independents who might dare to disagree, has now become the
attack of choice in the ongoing Democrat civil war. Last month’s Democratic
Debates saw California Senator and identity politics warrior Kamala Harris
attack frontrunner Joe Biden for his past associations with segregationists.
She also attacked him for, believe it or not, having remarkably
similar positions to herself on school busing. Substantive arguments be
damned, let the racist missiles fly.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s very public, and rather
entertaining, feud with Nancy Pelosi has seen the same deranged disintegration
into racist attacks. AOC’s Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabarti, in a since
deleted tweet, denounced blue-dog moderate Democrats as, basically,
segregationists, saying, “They certainly seem hell-bent to do black and brown
people today what the old Southern Democrats did in the 40s”. The Speaker reportedly
fired back behind closed doors. That, coupled with Pelosi’s public dismissals
of the extreme left of her party such as “that’s
like five people” and, “They’re
four people and that’s how many votes they got.”, has really got AOC’s
racial fire raging.
Responding to Pelosi, AOC quickly
declared, “But the persistent singling out ... it got to a point where it
was just outright disrespectful ... the explicit singling out of newly elected
women of color”. Wait, what did anything Pelosi said of any of her even more
left flank have to do with race or gender? Nothing, but it was the very first
instinctive response from someone raised on identity politics.
The Democrat establishment relies on identity politics
attacks for three simple reasons. They are accustomed to it, they believe that
it works, and they have very little else with which to advance their agenda. It
will also ultimately prove to be their downfall for three simple reasons. The
American people are tired of it, it doesn’t work, and it is now destroying the
left from the inside. This is a train wreck that one cannot look away from.
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