9/26/2019 - Victor Davis Hanson Townhall.com
The American founders
institutionalized the best of a long Western tradition of representative
government with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. These contracts
outlined the rare privileges and responsibilities of new American citizens.
Yet the concept of citizenship is
being assaulted on the premodern side by the legal blending of mere residency
with citizenship.
Estimates of the number of
undocumented American residents range from 11 million to more than 20 million.
The undocumented are becoming legally indistinguishable from citizens and enjoy
exemption from federal immigration law in some 500 sanctuary jurisdictions. An
illegal resident of California will pay substantially less tuition at a
California public university than a U.S. citizen of another state.
Multiculturalism has reduced the
idea of e pluribus unum to a regressive tribalism. Americans often seem
to owe their first allegiance to those who look like they do. Citizens cannot
even agree over once-hallowed and shared national holidays such as Christmas,
Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July.
It is eerie how such current
American retribalization resembles the collapse of Rome, as Goths, Huns and
Vandals all squabbled among one another for what was left of 1,200 years of
Roman citizenship -- eager to destroy what they could neither create nor
Citizenship has always been
protected by the middle classes -- on the idea that they are more independent
and self-reliant than the poor, but can stand up to the influence and power of
the elite.
Yet until recently, we had seen a
decade of stagnant wages and entire regions ossified by outsourcing, offshoring
and unfair global trade. Historically, with the demise of the middle class so
follows the end of constitutional government.
But citizenship also faces a quite
different and even greater postmodern threat.
Many of our coastal elites see
nothing much exceptional in America, past and present. They prefer the culture
and values of the European Union without worrying that the EU's progressive
utopian promises have been wrecked by open borders, economically stultifying
regulations, and unapologetic and anti-democratic efforts to curb free
expression and local autonomy.
Often, such "citizen of the
world" mentalities fuel shame over the origins and traditions of America.
Transnational organizations and accords on climate, criminal justice and human
rights are seen as superior to their American counterparts. A new progressive
iconoclasm seeks to destroy statues, rename streets and buildings, and wipe
away art that does not reflect more global values.
Does voting -- the bedrock right of
the democratic citizen -- matter that much anymore? In California, tens of
thousands of votes were "harvested" by paid campaign operatives.
There was also abuse in state agencies in sending out voter registration forms
to those who were not legally entitled to vote.
Lone activist federal judges
frequently overturn legislation and referenda they find contrary to their own
political take on legal theory -- without worry that the votes of millions are
canceled in a nanosecond.
Meanwhile, the proverbial
"swamp" of the bureaucratic, administrative and regulatory state is
so vast and unaccountable that a few clerks can harass entrepreneurs, issue
edicts with the force of legislation that ruins lives, or indict, regulate or
audit a targeted individual into legal bankruptcy.
In recent years, we have seen a cake
maker, a video maker, and a national security adviser so hounded by federal
bureaucrats that they either were nearly bankrupted, ended up in jail or were
reduced to penury through legal costs.
We still have a Bill of Rights, but
many of our constitutional protections are being rendered impotent. If a rural
family cannot find ammunition at the local Walmart or gun store due to
organized boycotts and threats to such establishments, then the constitutional
right to bear arms is not always exercisable in a practical sense.
Brett Kavanaugh was nominated,
audited and confirmed by the Senate as a Supreme Court justice. But if The
New York Times and cable news can relentlessly charge without proof that
nearly 40 years ago he was a teenage sexual pervert, then a distinguished judge
can be rendered impotent without legal impeachment.
If a student cannot safely express
opposition to abortion on demand, question the global warming narrative, or
object to safe spaces, trigger warnings and race-based theme houses on
campuses, does it matter that there is in theory still a First Amendment?
We are unwinding at both ends.
Tribalism, the erosion of the middle class and de facto open borders are
turning Americans into mere residents of a particular North American region
between Mexico and Canada.
Yet even more dangerously, thanks to
the fiats of unelected bureaucrats and officials, along with the social media
lynch mobs who boycott, harass and shame us, our constitutional rights are now
increasingly optional. They mostly hinge on whether we are judged worthy by an
unelected, politically correct and morally righteous elite.
In theory, American citizenship
remains the same; in reality, it is disappearing fast.