Facebook Incites Violent War on ICE
9/18/2019 - Michelle Malkin Townhall.com
Abolish ICE thugs in Colorado want
to see the homes and families of immigration enforcement officials set aflame.
Denver communists want alien
detention facility employees dead, swinging from nooses with broken necks.
Both groups are brazenly using
Facebook to spread their inflammatory and violent messages. So, where is
Silicon Valley -- whose top companies partner with the Southern Poverty Law
Center smear machine to de-platform conservatives, pro-lifers and Donald Trump
supporters -- to stop the open borders left's escalating hate?
On Thursday, Sept. 19, Abolish ICE
Denver and the Denver Communists are organizing a protest outside the house of
Johnny Choate, the warden of the immigrant detention facility in Aurora,
Colorado. Choate works for GEO Group, which operates the center. Instead of
laying blame at the feet of global profiteers who induce illegal immigrants to risk
their families' lives to trespass our borders, anti-ICE agitators are targeting
homeland security employees and contractors who simply enforce federal
immigration and detention laws passed by Congress.
The Denver Communists group shared a
poster on Facebook with Choate's face superimposed over a generic neighborhood
map with private residential homes. "CONFRONT LA MIGRA WHERE THEY
LIVE," the radicals urged members. The graphic describes Choate as
"warden of Aurora's notorious ICE concentration camp." That's the
same inflammatory and defamatory language popularized by Rep. Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez and used by antifa militant Willem Van Spronsen, who attempted to
firebomb the Tacoma ICE facility, also run by GEO Group, in July.
The protest announcement also
includes the phrase, "Chinga La Migra!" It's the slogan of Mijente, a
Latino activist group leading the Abolish ICE movement. Translation: "F---
the Border Patrol."
A commenter edited a distorted image
of Choate's face surrounded by flames, suggesting arson. His post was liked by
three other fans/followers/members of the Denver Communists' Facebook Group.
Another commenter leveled his own
explicit thread on the Facebook page targeting Choate and his family in his
"Reenact human rights abuses,
get hanged by the neck until dead. Simple."
As I report in my book "Open
Borders Inc.: Who's Funding America's Destruction?" this virulent hatred
for ICE and the Border Patrol traces its ideological lineage back to the
cop-bashing domestic terrorism of the 1970s that festered in academia and
resulted in bloodshed across the country at the hands of the Black Liberation
Army and the Weather Underground. Today's Abolish ICE extremists harbor the
same seething "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" contempt for
immigration enforcement as the "progressive" cop-haters of the 1970s
and their George Soros-subsidized heirs in the Bush-era A.N.S.W.E.R. and
amnesty coalitions, Code Pink, Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter
The underlying mission back then was
the same as now: Destabilization, disruption and destruction of civil order.
David Booth, who lives in Choate's
neighborhood, refuses to sit by while these bullies invade his community.
"I was shocked and surprised
when I found out there was going to be an 'ICE protest' in my
neighborhood," he told me Tuesday. Booth discovered that Abolish ICE
Denver used Facebook to spread information on how they will be "going door
to door in the neighborhood to let people know that a 'monster' lives among us."
Booth condemned the witch hunt
headed his community's way: "This policy of intimidation that we see the
left continue to use is not OK. ... I would like to see the neighborhood rise
up and support this man and his family."
I reached out to Facebook for a
response to these public safety concerns, but received no answer by my
deadline. For Coloradans, violent threats to law enforcement officials'
neighborhoods are especially disturbing given the chilling 2013 assassination
of the head of the Colorado Department of Corrections outside his home in
Booth will stand publicly in defense
of his community Thursday and says he has his neighbors' support. "I think
most of us, if not all, believe this protest is inappropriate regardless of
where we stand on the issue of immigration," said Booth. "Our
neighbor is just doing his job, and has done nothing wrong, or illegal, in
carrying out his duties."
Following Stand With ICE rallies in
Aurora, Colorado, and Montgomery County, Maryland, that have drawn nearly 1,000
citizens over the past two weeks, Booth decided he could not sit on the
sidelines. He is not alone, and we have only just begun. I will join Coloradans
again on Saturday, Sept. 21, when another Abolish ICE group marches to the
Aurora ICE facility where the American flag was torn down in July.
If not us, who? If not now, when?
Michelle Malkin's email address is
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