10/7/2019 - Terry Paulson Townhall.com
This dirt-digging, impeachment
inquiry searching for any allegation to justify their coup d'état of a duly
elected president has turned up the heat in an already divided Washington. It's
also making those who elected and support President Trump fighting mad.
When former Immigration and Customs
Enforcement acting director Thomas Homan recently testified to a House
committee, he said what has been building among many previously polite
conservatives. After watching those testifying against border wall funding
being given extra time to make their point, Holman wanted his time to counter
their statements.
When Democratic Congresswoman Pamila
Jayapal tried to cut off his comments for exceeding his allotted time, Holman
continued anyway, "Children are dying, cartels are getting rich. Why am I
angry? Because you haven't done anything to fix it-nothing. There is no
downside in securing our borders. There is no downside in illegal immigration
being decreased. There is no downside in less drugs in this country."
When Jayapal tried to stop him
again, "The time of the gentleman has expired," Holman continued his
protest, "I've asked you politely to go beyond my time. You let other
people go beyond their time. You work for me, I'm a taxpayer. I'm a taxpayer
and you work for me."
Later on Fox News, Holman expanded
his position to a rallying cry: "I'm not going to let them sit there and
tell lies about my President, tell lies about the men and women at the border
with ICE. It was lie after lie. It's my responsibility to set the record
straight because they are out-and-out lies. They are not going to shut me down
and not let me respond. No, I am not going to shut up. You lied. I'm under
oath. You should be under oath. Just because you have a gavel doesn't make you
queen for the day. It doesn't allow you to lie to the American people."
Silent no more! Like many who voted
for Trump, we're tired of the mainstream media parroting democratic talking
points and fake news on social media being peddled as truth. We're tired of
being told our conservative views offend them as they demand safe spaces on
their college campuses. Every day, they blatantly offend all who voted for
President Trump.
We're not dumb or bigots. We're not
racist or fascists. We're patriotic Americans who work hard, support our
communities, give time and money to charities, and vote for politicians
committed to keeping America America. We're polite. We prefer dialogue over
attacks, but we're tired of turning the other cheek while watching our elected
President trashed, lied about, and trying to be impeached without evidence.
The Democrats have started what Rush
Limbaugh has called a "cold civil war," and it's time to take a stand and
fight back. As one voter said, "I would walk through broken glass to vote
for Trump next November!" The silent majority is motivated.
As with Wendy's old ad,
"Where's the beef?" When faced with the actual transcript of
President Trump's conversation with the Ukrainian President, Representative,
Adam Schiff was left with having to make up a parody of what he hoped Trump
actually meant. They called an impeachment party and forgot to bring any
evidence worthy of consideration. Now, they're left with frantically searching
for anything to justify their miscalculation.
In fact, by taking a shot at Trump,
they ended up hitting Biden. Trump defenders are fueling outrage at Vice
President Joe Biden who publicly bragged about threatening to withhold funds
from Ukraine if they did not fire the prosecutor, the prosecutor potentially
looking into Hunter Biden? Where is their public investigation into "Quid
Pro Joe" and the Democratic Senators who threatened to withhold funds
unless Ukraine continued to help in the Russian collusion case against Trump?
Where is the investigation into Rep. Schiff discussing a fake offer to provide
non-existent compromising nude pictures of Trump?
Why do we like Trump? He doesn't
take any of the Democrat lies sitting down. He fights for what he believes he
was elected to do. He's making a difference instead of cowering in the face of
their continuous assaults and three years of calling for his impeachment.
It's time to do everything we can to
defeat every Democrat who votes to impeach. The gloves are coming off. Get
every one of them out of Washington the old-fashioned way-by beating them at
the ballot box. It's time we fight back as Trump is fighting back-with a
passion and commitment to keep America great. Thank you for attempting to
impeach our president; you've provided all the motivation we need to re-elect
Trump and sweep Democrats out of House control.
Good point he made: Those testifying before Congress are under oath, while the members of Congress are free to lie - and do.