5/29/2020 - Pat Buchanan Townhall.com
his half-century in national politics, Joe Biden has committed more than his
fair share of gaffes. Wednesday, he confused Pearl Harbor Day, Dec. 7, 1941,
with D-Day, June 6, 1944.
more serious recent gaffe, a beaut, came at the close of a recent contentious
interview with black activist Charlamagne Tha God.
miffed Biden signed off, saying, "If you have a problem figuring out
whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
was saying that no self-respecting black American would vote for Trump over him
this November. Indeed, any such individual would have been labeled in the 1960s
with the slur Uncle Tom.
Biden put it, if you're for Trump, "you ain't black."
the damage he may have done with his own and his party's most loyal
constituency, which might object to being taken for granted as knee-jerk
Democratic voters, Biden's staff put in a hasty call to a gathering of the U.S.
Black Chamber of Commerce.
Biden burbled full apologies: "I would never take the African American
community for granted. ... I shouldn't have been such a wise guy. ... No one
should have to vote for any party based on their race or religion or
background." He had just been kidding.
as a gaffe, this was not of the magnitude of James G. Blaine's failure to
object when a friendly Presbyterian pastor, Rev. Sam Burchard, rose to
disparage the New York Irish Blaine had been courting as being "the Party
of Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion."
1884, that slur soured Catholics on Blaine, helping to cost him New York's
state's electoral votes and the White House. Thanks to Burchard, Grover
Cleveland would become the only Democrat to win the presidency in the
half-century between 1860 and 1912.
gaffe and Burchard's slur have this in common: Both manifest a measure of
condescension toward a large bloc of voters.
Clinton did something similar in 2016.
a closed-door gathering of contributors, she volunteered, to their amusement,
that half of all Trump's voters belong in a "basket of deplorables"
for being "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic."
pathologies are part of their character, Clinton was saying. And while many
were "irredeemable," fortunately, they are "not America."
the 2008 Pennsylvania primary, Barack Obama was guilty of the same elitist
condescension when he told a San Francisco gathering of gay right advocates why
he was not doing well in the Keystone State:
go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the
Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them.
it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or
antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or
anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
times have curdled the character of these folks, Obama was saying, turning them
into bigots and Bible-and-gun nuts.
people of whom he was speaking would deliver Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan
and the nation to Donald Trump in 2016.
for Biden's remark, "No one should have to vote for any party based on
their race or religion or background," it is surely true.
while not mandatory to support someone of the same race, ethnicity gender or
faith, it is naive to deny that identity and tribalism are realities in the
politics of this nation.
it not the possibility that he could become the first Catholic president why
JFK won four of five Catholic votes in 1960?
the 95-4 thumping of John McCain by Obama among African Americans not due to
the fact that Obama was the first African American nominated by a major party?
of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign focused on "shattering the glass
ceiling." Did not Clinton see her gender as a primary political asset in
winning "the women's vote"?
what, other than a naked appeal to gender, was behind Biden's declaration
during the primaries that, in picking a running mate, he would exclude all
white men, indeed, all men, and select a woman? And what, other than an appeal
to black and female voters was behind Biden's pledge to name a black woman to
the Supreme Court?
is now under pressure to choose not only a woman, but a woman of color, an
African American, such as Sen. Kamala Harris of California or Georgia activist
Stacey Abrams as his running mate.
tells us something about where American politics is going that, to win the
Democratic nomination and the presidency, Biden, a white male vice president,
like all his predecessors, has now ruled out any white man in selecting his own
vice president.
message to Middle America:
may have been your country, but no more. Get used to it. Which might explain
why Trump did so well with white men in 2016.
J. Buchanan is the author of "Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That
Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever." To find out more
about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and
cartoonists, visit the Creators website at www.creators.com.
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