6/26/2020 - Josh Hammer Townhall.com
so than at any time in at least a half-century, and possibly at any time since
Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox, the American system of governance and
way of life is under existential duress. As one astute remonstrator observed on
Twitter, what we are now witnessing is an attempt at regime change in the
United States of America.
may well come across as embellishment at best and disingenuousness at worst.
But nothing could be further from the truth. How else to interpret the mass
anarchy and callous disregard for the rule of law now wreaking havoc upon
America's greatest cities? How else to assess the destruction wrought by the
scofflaws and ingrates who patrol the land on a never-ending hunt to vandalize
and topple memorials erected in honor of our noblest statesmen, such as George
modern left, in thrall to the anarchists of antifa and the Marxists of Black
Lives Matter, has positioned itself as a political movement that stands athwart
the American regime. At an institutional level, Democratic Party leadership is
increasingly a dog wagged by the tail that is antifa and Black Lives Matter.
And that tail, as is openly conceded in moments of candor, is resolutely
opposed to the idea of America itself. There is no alternative way to
comprehend the ardent desire of those insurrectionists who, channeling the very
worst of Mao's Cultural Revolution, would deface and demolish societal tributes
to the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence (Jefferson) and the man
who brought to fruition its ideals (Lincoln). Could we ask for a more clarion
demonstration of the dripping disdain with which the left views the entire American
are now in the midst of a cold civil war between Americanists, proud defenders
and preservers of the American regime and way of life, and the civilizational
arsonists who seek to burn that regime and way of life into the ether. Yes, we
are in a fight for America's soul -- but we are also in a fight for America
our current doldrums, in the dog days of an election year, and staring at
foreboding poll numbers this November, Republicans face a crossroads. On the
one hand, the president and his party can continue the status quo, which
entails rhetorical paeans to both law and order and "criminal justice
reform" and "police reform." On the other hand, Republicans can
boldly rise up, paint a stark and unequivocal contrast with the civilizational
arsonists, and offer a compelling defense of the moral primacy of the rule of
the law and the American way of life.
must choose the latter course. From here through November, President Trump and
Republicans must present themselves, as their partisan forebear Lincoln once
did, as the defenders and preservers of the American regime. They must call out
the radicals of the modern left for what they are: unmitigated foes of an
American order predicated upon the Declaration's truths about human equality,
the Constitution's structural safeguards for ordered liberty, and the wisdom
embodied in the Judeo-Christian moral tradition undergirding our entire
governmental edifice.
single day until Election Day, Trump and Republicans should frame the choice
facing the American people as between the American regime and insurrectionism.
But to credibly do so, Republicans must immediately pivot to a full-throated
rhetorical and substantive defense of why the American regime is worth
trail speeches, congressional bills, and everything in between ought to revolve
around unabashed assertions of America's inherent worth and dignity. The New
York Times' "1619 Project" should be denounced as a monstrous,
ahistorical mendacity -- and the spirit of 1776 should be channeled and lauded.
The rule of law, as well as law enforcement itself, must be heralded as
indispensable elements of a just society conceived centuries ago and still
worth defending today.
president's current poll numbers do not inspire confidence. If the election
were held tomorrow, Joe Biden would all but assuredly prevail. But there is
still time to make the case. That case must be a forceful and unrelenting call
to preserve the American regime and way of life against the threat posed by
those seeking to destroy it -- and celebrate in its burnt ashes.
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