7/15/2020 - Bob Beauprez Townhall.com
The Supreme Court recently ruled
that the Trump administration cannot move forward with its previous plan to end
DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program. Chief Justice John
Roberts called the administration's attempted 2017 rescission of the program
"arbitrary and capricious" in his 5-4 majority opinion.
But the only thing "arbitrary
and capricious" is the ruling itself. DACA was illegal from its inception
-- something the Court even implied, yet refused to take into account. Instead,
the Court chose to focus on whether the administration had properly justified
the attempted rollback, as supposedly required by the Administrative Procedure
The majority's reasoning is beyond
shoddy. As Justice Clarence Thomas correctly noted in his dissent, blocking the
rollback of an illegal program on a technicality is nothing more than "an
effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision."
Thankfully, all nine justices agreed
that the administration has the authority to roll back the program, provided it
explains its reasoning. And President Trump has already promised to do so. This
time, let's hope his administration dots its I's and crosses its t's.
In 2012, President Obama created
DACA via an executive memorandum. It prevents the deportation of nearly 700,000
illegal immigrants who arrived in the United States as minors. It also grants
these individuals -- most of whom are now adults -- work permits and government
In 2016, Donald Trump campaigned on
ending DACA. And in September 2017, he issued his own executive order rolling
back the program, after his attorney general concluded it was illegal.
Numerous legal scholars have reached
that same conclusion. Consider the analysis of one former Harvard Law Review
editor and constitutional law professor who concluded that the idea that a
president "can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's
just not the case," he noted.
That former professor, of course,
was none other than Barack Obama himself, speaking in 2011. The president can't
"just bypass Congress and change the law . . . That's not how a democracy
works," Obama explained on a separate occasion.
Yet just a year after making those
remarks, Obama caved to pressure from Democratic activists and rammed through
the DACA program. He justified the flip-flop by claiming he wasn't permanently
suspending deportations -- he was merely directing Immigration and Customs
Enforcement to prioritize the removal of adult illegal aliens who deliberately
broke our laws. Presidents do have the authority to tweak ICE's priorities, but
they can't give out hundreds of thousands of work permits to people who, by
law, are not eligible to receive them.
Indeed, Chief Justice Roberts noted
that DACA isn't a mere question of executive discretion -- as Obama claimed --
since the "benefits attendant to deferred action provide further
confirmation that DACA is more than simply a non-enforcement policy." He
even strongly implies that DACA's work permits are unlawful since only Congress
can grant legal status and work eligibility.
Nevertheless, he blocked the
rollback on the grounds that the administration explained its rationale for
suspending work privileges, but didn't adequately explain its decision to
reverse Obama's policy on deferred deportations.
Taken to its logical conclusion,
Robert's opinion would prevent any administration from reversing its
predecessor's policies -- even if they're illegal -- unless it provides a
rationale in excruciating detail. The majority opinion is nothing more than
legal gobbledygook. Unfortunately, at least for now, it leaves in place a
program that continues to harm American citizens.
Thankfully, the president has
pledged to try again. That's the only way to follow through on the promise he
made in 2016 -- to always put American workers first. At a time when 21 million
Americans are searching for work and another 10 million part-time employees are
looking for full-time jobs, there's no justification for an amnesty that offers
lifetime work permits to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens while the
American people -- in this case, particularly minorities and legal immigrants
-- are left standing in the unemployment line.
Yes, our immigration system is
broken. Congress is woefully delinquent in fixing it. Until they do, the rule
of law and the interests of American workers must prevail. Many DACA recipients
have sympathetic stories. But letting them stay and work -- without even
discussing related policies such as mandatory nationwide E-Verify -- would be
terrible policy. It would do nothing to secure the border, prevent illegal
hiring, or end chain migration. And it would only encourage future amnesties.
Americans can't afford to continue
with an immigration system that was designed to benefit employers looking for
lower-wage workers. One in four U.S. workers has filed for unemployment
benefits since the pandemic began. Millions more have seen their hours cuts.
And there's little end in sight -- the Federal Reserve estimates the
unemployment rate will remain above 9 percent until at least 2021.
American workers need all the help
they can get. President Trump can overcome this setback with a new-and-improved
plan to end DACA.
Bob Beauprez is a former United
States Representative, representing Colorado's 7th congressional district from
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