Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Do It! Until Order is Restored!


Can Americans still beat Democrat voter fraud?

By Robert Curry www.americanthinker.com

The Democrats are the party of voter fraud.  This is the basic fact of American politics.  Republicans know it, and so do Democrats.  We all know that the dead who vote always vote for the Democrat and that those voting enthusiasts who vote early and often can also be counted on to vote for the Democrat.

Consequently, the rule in America has long been that to be elected, a Republican must win beyond the margin of theft.  But the margin is changing.  It is changing because the Democrats are getting bolder and more brazen.  The extent of this brazenness is soon to be unveiled in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania as their state audits unfold.

In 2020, the Democrats went wild.  It was a voting fraud lollapalooza.  The Republican candidate for president trounced the Democrat candidate — and yet the Democrats got away with stealing the election.  This was not the relatively genteel theft on the margins that took the election from Nixon and gave it to Kennedy in 1960.  Twenty twenty was huge.  And it was more than a decisive Republican victory; it was one of those realigning presidential elections, one that signals a shift of dominance from one party to the other. 

This is why H.R. 1 and H.R. 4 — the voter fraud bills — are such a big deal.  The Democrats are grabbing the opportunity to make voter fraud perfectly easy for the voter fraud party everywhere in America, as easy as they have already made it for themselves in California.

But wait, there's more.  The voter fraud party got away with picking the perfect candidate for their purposes.  They put a man in office who was unelectable.  This truly is amazing.  Biden's many tries for the Oval Office had always been spectacular failures.  That alone makes him the perfect puppet for the interests that control the voter fraud party.  In addition, he was never an intelligent man, and, even better for his controllers, he is now in steep mental decline.  Also, he and his whole family are in the awkward position of being bent over a legal barrel for blatant corruption should it ever become necessary for his controllers to enforce a little discipline on him or his family.

The reality is that you can't trust the polls.  Any person of common sense understands that the purpose of opinion polls is to encourage the voters of the voter fraud party and to discourage the voters who might not vote for the candidate of the voter fraud party.  But the most important effect of opinion polling is to provide cover for voter fraud at polling places.  Americans wouldn't walk across the street to attend a Biden rally, but fraudulent opinion polling gives the voter fraud party and its mainstream media propaganda wing talking points to "explain" the outcome of fraudulent elections whenever necessary.

If the ongoing efforts by American patriots to establish honest elections come to fruition before we lose our country, I predict we will be in for a big surprise.  Honest elections will reveal a whole new political landscape.  It will be revealed that voter fraud has enabled the minority party to rule American politics, that it has enabled the militant leaders of a minority to function as the majority.

So American patriots and Americans who simply don't want to live under unelected tyrants like Fauci or be "defended" by the anti-American geniuses at the Pentagon must turn out to vote in numbers that are simply overwhelming, undeniable.  We must do this until order is restored.  And we must do this because the cabal of anti-American Americans is in the process of taking our country away from us once and for all.



Sunday, August 29, 2021

Afghanistan - A Catastrophic Tragedy We Will Suffer for Another Two Decades


Treason: Afghanistan Disaster Is More Proof Biden Is Owned Lock, Stock and Barrel by China

8/29/2021- Wayne Allyn Root Townhall.com

The tragedy and catastrophe that just happened in Afghanistan is more proof positive of my contention -- President Joe Biden, his family and his Democrat puppet handlers are China-owned. They are doing China's bidding.

The Biden crime family is owned lock, stock and barrel by China and the Chinese Communist Party. Biden's stolen presidency is the best thing to ever happen to China.

I don't need to remind all of you of what just happened in Afghanistan. Everyone saw it. The question is, can you believe your own eyes? How could this happen? This is the worst debacle in U.S. foreign policy history. And it threatens to become the worst catastrophic failure in U.S. military history. Why? Because it was all foreseeable and preventable.

If only Biden and the Democrats were as good at foreign policy as they are at rigging and stealing elections. We'd be ruling the world, not taking orders from the Taliban.

But all those American GIs dead and wounded (and all their devastated parents) don't even represent the worst-case scenario. Biden is leaving Americans behind to fend for themselves. There is no way out. How many will be murdered? How many will be tortured and raped and starved? How many will be held hostage for a billion-dollar ransom? This is like shooting fish in a barrel. This is potentially the greatest public-relations scenario ever for the Islamic State group.

I've warned for many months now that Biden is the most corrupt president in history. I believe he and his family are owned lock, stock and barrel by the Chinese Communist Party.

Everything Biden has done, every action, every statement and every policy since his inauguration has weakened America and enriched China. None of this can be a mistake or coincidence. Biden and his puppet handlers are beholden to China.

Let's examine the "mistakes" of Afghanistan. A picture emerges. These aren't mistakes.

First up, who evacuates the military first, leaving thousands of American citizens unprotected from bloodthirsty savages? Everyone knows you evacuate the citizens first, then the equipment and lastly the military. No one could be stupid enough to send the military home first. This was no mistake. This is TREASON.

Second, who leaves $85 billion of military equipment on the ground? Overnight, we just made the Taliban the 26th most powerful military in the world -- with your taxpayer money. Who does that? No one is this stupid. This was no mistake. This is TREASON.

Third, who puts the Taliban in full charge of security for American citizens? This is pure insanity. That would be like putting the Gestapo or SS in charge of getting Jews safely out of Germany. No one could be that naive. This was no mistake. This was TREASON.

Everyone involved in this decision should be arrested or court-martialed. Tragically, our Obama- and Biden-appointed military leaders are too focused on COVID-19 vaccines for an illness with a 99.7% survival rate; critical race theory; climate change; purging all white conservatives from the military; and paying for sex reassignment surgeries.

Biden trusted the Taliban to protect our soldiers and citizens? Aren't they the enemy? Aren't they radical Islamic terrorists? Don't they execute people in the street? Don't they steal little girls to rape, enslave and marry? Wasn't all of Afghanistan running for their lives a few days ago from the vicious, bloodthirsty Taliban? But Biden made them our partners?

But wait, it gets worse. Biden gave the names of our citizens and Afghan allies to the Taliban to allow them through the gates of the Kabul airport. That's a "Kill List" for the Islamic State group to hunt down all our people. The U.S. government has officially named the Taliban "terrorists." And Biden is handing the names of our citizens to terrorists? This is no mistake. This is TREASON.

What president would even consider leaving Americans behind to be murdered or held hostage for ransom? This is no mistake. This is TREASON.

Who spends 20 years, trillions of taxpayer dollars and American lives and limbs, then just runs away so China can waltz right in and take possession of all the lithium and rare-earth minerals? No one is this dumb. This is no mistake. This is TREASON.

Every action Biden takes weakens America and enriches China: The open border and shipping COVID-19-infected refugees all over our country; vaccine mandates; the budget-busting green infrastructure deal; killing our energy industry; and paying millions of Americans to not work. Now disaster in Afghanistan. Biden is destroying America and helping China become the dominant force in the world.

These aren't mistakes. This is TREASON.


Friday, August 27, 2021

We Have Said It A Million Times -- Government MUST Enforce Its Own Immigration Laws!


Invasion By Any Other Name

8/5/2021 - Cal Thomas Townhall.com

Semantics are important for how we communicate and define issues. One who controls words controls the narrative.

So, take the words migrant and invader. Is there a difference? It's all in how they are perceived by some, and the effect their illegal border crossings have on the U.S.

One definition of invasion should focus our attention: "The entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful..."

Does anyone want to argue that the tsunami of humanity coming across our southern border overwhelming border patrol is not troublesome or harmful? Two motels in La Joya, Texas, are housing migrants who have tested positive for COVID-19. Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley is paying the bill and insists the migrants are being kept in isolation, though many report seeing them wandering outside of the motel. Many migrants are even getting bus tickets to fan out across the country. How many of them are carrying the virus?

Instead of securing the border, the Biden administration's Justice Department sued Texas and its governor, Greg Abbott, "seeking to block an executive order that restricts the transport of migrants through the state and authorizes state troopers to pull over vehicles suspected of doing so." On Tuesday, a federal judge temporarily blocked Abbott's order. Is the administration trying to encourage more migrants to come? And coming they are by the tens of thousands. Is there to be no end?

What about the rights of American citizens and their property along the border? Texas rancher Brent Smith, who is also an attorney for Kinney County, told Fox News he sustained thousands of dollars in damages to his property from trespassing migrants. The administration has money to help the migrants. Who will help Smith and other property owners who suffer damages?

Gov. Abbott has ordered state police to arrest migrants as trespassers, but they are likely to have only minimal success due to the overwhelming numbers. He also has ordered a chain-link fence to be erected along some of the most porous sections of the border, but experience shows those can be easily traversed.

The problem as well as the solution begins at the top with the Biden administration. Despite Biden's claims that entire families who seek to cross the border illegally are being turned back, most are not.

It's no accident. By now it can only be called administration policy. The Biden administration appears to want to flood America with people from other countries - Central America, Mexico, even Africa. Isn't Vice President Harris supposed to be in charge of resolving the problem? Where is she?

How much more - how many more - can we take? All presidents swear an oath to uphold the Constitution and the laws of our country. President Biden is not enforcing immigration laws passed by previous congresses and signed by former presidents of both parties. If he were a Republican, especially if Donald Trump was still in office, Democrats would likely be clamoring for impeachment. With Biden, Democrats barely give lip service to the invasion and then change the subject, speak talking points, or lie.

A rose by any other name is still a rose. And an invasion by any other name is still an invasion. We cannot sustain a country with what amounts to an open border no matter what it is called.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Afghanistan Debacle is Proof Positive Biden Administration Has Been Successful in Debasing America


Does America Still Work?

8/26/2021 - Victor Davis Hanson Townhall.com

For nearly two years, Americans have engaged in a great woke experiment of cannibalizing themselves. American civilization has invested massive labor, capital and time in an effort to constantly flagellate itself for not being perfect.

Yet America's resilience and its resources are not infinite. We are now beginning to see the consequences of what happens when premodern tribalism absorbs Americans.

There are repercussions when ideology governs policy or when we take for granted the basics of life to pursue its trappings.

Who cares whether the blow-dried media is woke if it cannot report the truth and keep politicians honest? Once journalists became progressive poodles rather than the watchdogs of government, the Biden administration had no fear of audit. It took for granted that its disasters, from the southern border to the chaos in Afghanistan, would be excused by toady reporters.

Government-engineered "equity" has replaced the goal of equal opportunity. But such utopianism births popular anger when personal initiative, excellence and performance do not count as much as virtue-signaling groupthink.

The United States just suffered a terrible and shameful defeat in Afghanistan. The catastrophe reminds us that the Biden administration had its politicized military and bureaucracy mostly fixate on diversity, equity and inclusion, and to root out supposed internal enemies.

So, our top brass and functionaries talked of redirecting the military to every possible woke agenda -- except ensuring military superiority and the safety of the United States.

The result is the horrific mess of a premodern Taliban army routing the most sophisticated military in the history of civilization. We shudder when America begs premodern tribes not to murder our citizens whom we abandoned in full retreat.

Airline CEOs virtue-signal their wokeness by damning voter ID laws -- though such identification is required to board their airplanes. The new normal for U.S. airlines is woke delays, woke cancellations, and woke anarchy in the skies.

Some universities now subject their admissions, their hiring and their research to race and gender directives. There is less concern about the collective student debt of $1.7 trillion. College students may graduate woke, but they do so with far less impressive reading and writing skills than their less politically correct predecessors a half-century ago.

Are college administrators really so virtuous when they boast of improving diversity, equity and inclusion? Why, then, do they ignore indebted and poorly educated graduates -- veritable serfs who cannot afford homes, put off raising families and prolong their adolescence rather than becoming autonomous citizens?

We know from centuries past which policies ensure public safety and which guarantee crime. All laws must be enforced equally. Yet now, suicidal legal and critical race theories sometimes govern which laws are enforced and which are ignored.

If a state attorney prosecutes crimes -- or chooses not to prosecute them -- on the basis of ideology and race rather than on questions of impartial law, then who would obey, much less honor any of them?

The police must not just be monitored, but respected and supported. Today they are defamed and defunded. If those who commit crimes do not expect to be arrested and punished, then crime pays. And so we get more of it.

Cries to empty the jails and prisons and pull back on police might sound neat on Twitter. But lots of innocent Americans will suffer the deadly consequences of someone else's virtue-signaling.

Before a country can conduct cancer research, explore outer space or defeat its enemies thousands of miles away, its citizens must have access to affordable fuel, food and shelter.

But ideologues now restrict irrigation water, gasoline supplies, power generation and timber production. They may seem woke and enlightened to each other, but they are indifferent to the exorbitant cost of living, the growing shortages of necessities, and the hundreds of thousands of homeless living amid filth, excrement and disease on the nation's urban sidewalks.

Social media fights, the cancel culture wars between celebrities and elites, the virtue-signaling of academics and actors -- all of it means nothing if Americans do not have safe roads; viable travel; affordable gas, food and housing; and safety in their homes.

Increasingly, they do not have these things. Woke leaders are losing the ability to do the hard and essential work of civilization, largely because they are obsessed with the dispensable.

We live in a world of cellphones, Skype and Zoom. But high tech has become a mere veneer pasted over medieval urban streets and Depression-era highways. It is more dangerous to walk the nighttime streets of Chicago than those of war-torn Kabul.

Until our officials can ensure a humane and sustainable standard of living, we have no business lecturing others abroad, much less conducting endless witch hunts of our own at home.