Biden’s Six Months In Office Have Us On The Road To Communism
By Frank Liberato
Capitalism, with all its warts and pimples, is the way people organize themselves of their own volition. It is economic freedom. Socialism and its children – communism and fascism -- can only be foisted on a population through tyrannical coercion and brute force. Dean Koontz, in Icebound, summed up communism, writing,
This was senseless, pointless lunacy…but nothing the communists had ever done made sense, not anywhere in the world.…Their ideology was nothing but a mad hunger for unrestrained power, politics as a cult religion divorced from morality and reason and their bloody rampages and bottomless cruelty could never be analyzed or understood by anyone not of their mad persuasion.
We’re not there yet but, as our friends from Venezuela have tried to warn us, we’re well on our way and following closely in their footsteps. We’re now immersed in “senseless, pointless, lunacy,” while our politicians dabble in “a mad hunger for unrestrained power.”
America’s southern border is open. According to the US Customs and Border Patrol, close to 190,000 people crossed into the United States in June alone, and that number has been accelerating in the six months since the Biden administration reversed all the Trump-era policies and refused to enforce existing immigration law.
At this rate, it’s not inconceivable that we’ll have absorbed another 30 million illegal immigrants, or about 10 percent of the current U.S. population if Joe Biden serves two terms. That is an invasion. The US military should be lined up virtually shoulder to shoulder along the entire length of the southern border.
But then who would vote for Democrats? The only immigrants crossing into this country from the south who would not eventually vote for Democrats in large numbers are Cuban refugees. They are also, by and large, the only group with legitimate asylum claims -- and they are the only group Biden’s government is turning away. Their fate is something you probably don’t want to think about, but it serves the purposes of the Biden administration, whose goal is to import as many future Democrat voters as humanly possible.
The Canadian border is now closed due to COVID but illegal immigrants streaming across our southern border with their ten percent covid infection rate are being transported at taxpayer expense into the U.S. interior. If this doesn’t qualify as senseless, pointless, lunacy, I don’t know what would.
The people pulling the strings on this insanity may well be communists, but they’re often dressed up as something else. Once they’ve wrecked the Constitution and the middle class, then immigration will certainly dry up. If it’s bad enough, a mass exodus will begin and that is when the left will take off the masks and finish Trump’s border wall.
Where are the Republicans? I know they didn’t sign up for this. “Congressman” is supposed to be a pretty cushy gig. An upper-class salary for life, the best healthcare the country has to offer, and their own police force with a budget now over half a billion dollars a year to protect a few hundred people. Is anyone trying to defund the capital police budget? On the contrary, it is increasing.
Unfortunately for the pampered egotists in Congress, the good times can’t keep rolling. Leftists want to burn the country down and then rebuild it as a third-world communist hellhole, as they’ve done in so many other places around the world. Republicans must start earning their overinflated paychecks or they will be responsible for a great nation’s demise.
We’ve been waiting a long time for them to grow a backbone and start standing up to the left. Some, having gauged the gravity of the moment, are pushing back against the Democrats, but most are still sitting on their hands or actively opposing any effort to rein in all the madness.
Leftists have long known that they can only enact their utopian dreams with an endless parade of existential crises. Global warming was just such a crisis, virtually brimming with potential until all the dire predictions came up woefully short. People in the north still know what snow is like though it should have disappeared off the scene twenty years ago. We don’t hear much from Al Gore anymore. Having made his fortune selling carbon indulgences, he’s retired to enjoy his massive carbon footprint, which likely exceeds that of many small nations.
AOC’s 12-year doomsday scenario will come and go, and nothing will have changed. She will claim that Democrats fixed the problem just in a nick of time and the new class of public-school automatons will burst into tears, saying, “Thank Gaia.”
If her Green New Deal goes into effect, or the Paris climate hoaxers manage to siphon off American wealth, we may see doomsday for America but the world will be just fine. Poorer and much less free, but otherwise just fine. Cubans average $17 dollars a month but their “wonderful” healthcare and “fabulous” government housing are free, so there’s that to look forward to.
The change from “global warming” to “climate change” was devised to save the crisis. Thinking people have been scratching their heads ever since. The climate has been changing for as long as there has been an earth. A mere 12,000 years ago, much of the planet was shrouded in ice. A thousand years ago, during the little climactic optimum, average temperatures were much higher than today’s. We should be thanking our lucky stars for climate change, but the left has taught our kids to hate America and capitalism because we are the ones driving this non-existent problem. More lunacy.
If we ignore, for just a moment, all the obvious fraud involved in the last election, then you could easily make the case that COVID cost Donald Trump the 2020 election. As we entered the 2020 political season, we went from the lowest unemployment rate in generations to one of the highest on record. Basically, the economy tanked thanks to the COVID lockdowns.
It now appears that the people recommending lockdowns to Trump were complicit in the dangerous research taking place in the Wuhan labs. The NIH, the WHO, and the CCP have all been behaving as though they have a great deal to hide and it’s not unreasonable to believe that they do.
It might sound like a “bridge too far” to think that the entire episode could have been orchestrated to bring down the president of the United States, but yesterday’s crazy conspiracies keep turning into today’s insane reality. Who would have believed that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats could fabricate phony evidence, present it to the media, and that the DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA would spend three years trying to oust Trump while knowing full well that the case was built on lies. It turned out to be worse than the wildest conspiracy theory but to this day nobody has been held responsible.
Even if you can’t believe the whole thing was a setup, it’s obvious that, once the COVID ball started rolling, the media and Deep State used it to destroy Trump. I guess a setup conspiracy is probably a bit of a stretch. That would, after all, be “senseless, pointless, lunacy,” and “bottomless cruelty.”
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