Friday, April 1, 2022

Terminating Title 42 Will Cause the Total Destruction of United States Soveriegnty!


Biden's border surge plan is worse than it looks

By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden knows there's a border surge coming. He's planning to drop Title 42 COVID restrictions on illegal entrants as of May 23 and the human waves are expected to at least double from what was seen last year. And he knows it.

Some two to three million illegal border crossers are forecast to make landfall in the United States and with no fear of deportation, and establish themselves in the states permanently.

Right now, in just one Texas corridor, at Eagle Pass, some 7,000 illegal border crossers from 157 countries are rolling through daily. That number is expected to soar to 18,000 a day once Title 42 is gone. Democrats in those affected districts are alarmed and asking Biden not to do it. The coming surge is to make the past surges look like play waves in the kiddie pool.

Biden knows they are coming has no intention of enforcing U.S. border law, or even trying to stop it. 

Instead, he and his minions have a plan that they aren't telling us about, yet news leaks coming out suggest that it's worse than it looks. things stand out:

First, Biden has a plan for border surgers who will inevitably need medical care, given the incentive to migrate for "free" gringo health care is bound to motivate the sick to come, and for those who make arduous journey itself. The customer service standards of Mexico's human smuggling networks are likely to create many who need medical care who didn't before they set off.

Leaked reports suggest that Biden plans to address it this way:


He's going to steal medical personnel from VA medical centers and their veteran clients to tend to illegals?


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