Elections: Speaking of foreign intervention...
By Monica Showalter www.americanthinker.com
When leftists complain and warn of foreign intervention in U.S. elections, Russia and China are always brought up as the usual suspects. They're the big bad foreign meddlers, and all the organs of state must be revved to watch out for them.
But there's far more evidence of another country getting active already in U.S. elections — and it's one that lectures the U.S. a lot about "non-interference" in its "internal affairs."
If you guessed "Mexico," you're right.
Here is the press release from an NGO called "Mi Familia Vota," a leftist NGO that has been loudly praised and honored by the Obama administration, that just came in the email:
Mi Familia Vota Enters Into Important Partnership With Embassy of Mexico to Advance the Well Being of Mexican and Immigrant Communities
Washington D.C. — Mi Familia Vota and the Embassy of Mexico
are proud to announce that we will be working together for the well-being of
the Mexican and Immigrant community in the United States through strategic
services and collaboration.
Héctor Sánchez Barba, the CEO and Executive Director of Mi Familia Vota, stated:
"We are excited to partner with the Embassy of Mexico and its consular network on this strategic collaboration to empower the Mexican and immigrant communities in the United States on central issues of civic participation, resources, and information. We will ensure that they know their rights and take advantage of the available opportunities in terms of immigration regularization, the DACA program, as well as on issues related to COVID-19. The historical contributions of the Mexican community have been central to the advancement and well-being of our nation. I take great pride in this partnership and look forward to the work ahead."
About This Partnership:
Mi Familia Vota has long conducted informational and educational campaigns on resources to combat COVID-19, as well as on citizenship and the DACA program. The Embassy will use its structure, consular network, and social networks to promote the Mi Familia Vota 1-800 hotline to help the Latino community obtain up-to-date information and resources on COVID-19 vaccines. The community will also be able to request appointments to receive the vaccine through that line.
We will promote the delivery of informative workshops in the Mexican consular network on the following topics:
· Citizenship - To provide information to permanent residents about the mechanisms and processes of naturalization in accordance with the laws of the United States.
· Know your rights - To provide information about the constitutional rights of each individual, regardless of their immigration status, as well as in case of detention.
· DACA Program - To provide information on how to apply for or renew membership in the program.
· COVID - Educational campaigns on resources to combat COVID-19.
Mi Familia Vota is a national civic engagement organization that unites Latino, immigrant, and allied communities to promote social and economic justice through citizenship workshops, voter registration, and voter participation. Mi Familia Vota has operations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and Texas.
You read that right: the unioned-up "Mi Familia Vota," which bills itself a voting advocacy group that focuses on registering Latino voters for U.S. elections, has partnered with the Mexican consulate to get Mexican nationals to change their citizenship in order to vote in U.S. elections. Despite the euphemistic language now being employed by the writers of the P.R. release about this being all about "civic participation, resources," blah, blah, blah, the NGO is focused almost exclusively on registering Mexicans to vote in U.S. elections, presumably through the vehicle of changing their citizenship, although one shouldn't count on that as the only thing that may be going on within this group's ecosystem. In recent years, a study has shown that illegals are believed to have cast 5.7 million ballots in U.S. elections, with even greater numbers of them illegally registered to vote.
This also is not the first time they've done it. Here's an example of their doings in in 2017, where they partnered with Mexican consulates to get Mexicans to change their citizenship to American, as Mi Familia Vota wrote it up. The Mexican consulate of Tucson noted that they hosted four such workshops that year, not just one. There were several in Las Vegas, too, partnering with the Mexican consulate, as well as Hermandad Mexicana Transnacional, which has pulled stunts like this and been accused of registering 600 illegals to vote in a hotly contested 1997 Orange County election.
The aim of getting all these foreign nationals into U.S. citizenship is never love for America. "We must use every tool at our disposal, including naturalization and voter registration, to exert our power as a community every day," Mi Familia Vota explains.
Now they're back at it, in what appears to be a desperate bid to swing the Latino vote back into the Democrat camp, which has seen severely eroded support from American citizens of Hispanic descent, who are fleeing to the Republican Party now.
Now, why would Mexico do that? Mexico has diplomatic offices all over the world — to represent the specific interests of the Mexican state.
Why would it be in the Mexican state's interest to have Mexican nationals dump their Mexican citizenship in favor of the citizenship of a rival country? Why would Mexico be so convinced that that would advance their national interests? And what business is this of theirs in how American elections go at all?
Obviously, it's to influence the election in a direction that Mexico would find conducive to its national interests, which is to say, by electing Democrats. They don't allow themselves to host these workshops out of the goodness of their hearts, despite their treacly propaganda. Although we know they don't like Joe Biden, and they certainly have used illegals as a cudgel on Biden to teach him who calls the shots at the border, we also know that they don't mind a weakened, enfeebled America, where rule of law no longer matters much and citizenship gets increasingly cheaper.
So they are back in the business of electing Democrats, the kind who seek to make America a pushover for Mexican foreign policy goals, whether on immigration or remittances or investment. They're hosting new voter-making forums with the open-borders groups, perhaps because there are so many new entrants into the States and they'd like to make them loyal voters to themselves. Whatever it is, it's something in their interest, which isn't the same as something in America's interest.
Foreign meddling in elections? It doesn't get more meddlesome than this.
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