Sunday, October 23, 2022

Southern Border IS a War Zone - Deliberately Caused By Democrat Lawlessness!


Biden squelches migrant emergency declaration for the city of El Paso, council members say

By Monica Showalter

If anything tells us of the callousness of the Biden administration, it's news from the El Paso city council, which found that Joe Biden told the city's Democrat mayor to not declare a emergency over the thousands of illegal migrants flooding the city.

According to the New York Post:

The White House pressured the Democratic mayor of El Paso, Texas, to not declare a state of emergency over the city’s migrant crisis due to fear it would make President Biden look bad, The Post has learned.

At least three of the El Paso City Council’s eight members have urged Mayor Oscar Leeser to issue an emergency declaration in response to the thousands of migrants who’ve filled the city’s shelters and are being housed in local hotels, sources familiar with the matter said.

But Leeser admitted during a private phone conversation last month that he’d been directed otherwise by the Biden administration, one of the officials told The Post.

“He told me the White House asked him not to,” Councilmember Claudia Rodriguez said.

It wasn't just the city council members who'd been told this about Biden putting the kibbosh on the declaration. Rep. Tony Gonzalez, through his channels, said he'd heard the same thing from other city officials, according to the Post.

El Paso, an orderly, low-crime city of 684,000 on the western end of Texas, has been flooded with illegal immigrants, often from Venezuela's crime-infested, gang-plagued, Chavista-cheering shantytowns (see the Fox News/Getty picture here) to the tune of 1,000 people a day. Most are illiterate, have no skills to speak of, and will have to be taken care of by the taxpayers as permanent welfare cases.

An emergency declaration would have freed up federal and state funds for housing the migrants so that they wouldn't end up on the streets, which is what has happened. To try to stanch that, the mayor of El Paso, Oscar Leeser, has been busing them out to sanctuary cities such as New York and Chicago on a voluntary basis, mysteriously taking no flak from the press for doing so, quite unlike Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas's Gov. Greg Abbott, who have done the same thing, even as the mayors of the receiving cities of New York and Washington scream emergency.

Now that word is out that Joe Biden insisted that El Paso not declare a migrant emergency, what we know is that the entire scenario was probably planned out. You withhold the declaration, I'll keep the press at bay, or something of that sort. There also could have been muscling political threats of some kind.

What we really know from this is that Biden couldn't care less about what happens in El Paso to the citizens of El Paso, let alone the migrants. Biden's prime concern regarding the open borders crisis that he created is that no bad publicity come to him from that, and never mind what El Paso might need. It's all about him and his political needs. It bears the fingerprints of whoever it was who engineered the Biden administration's secret midnight flights of migrants to various cities around the country, without warning to local officials, in order to keep the cameras off. The result for El Paso has been migrants flooding the streets, an upsurge in crime, and the busings to get at least some of them out of there. The entire Biden approach to the open-borders crisis has been one of managing the optics, not the human waves.

Now we learn that Biden has been pressuring the mayor of El Paso, apparently pretty successfully, to not declare an emergency, no matter what happens, even as the city gets flooded by migrants. What a guy. 

He doesn't care about the citizens of El Paso, or for that matter, the citizens of any other part of the country. He cares about himself.



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