Who’s REALLY Behind the Border Crisis?
3-17-22 Lewis Morris patriotpost.us
A Heritage Foundation investigation reveals a stunning degree of U.S. governmental coordination in transporting illegal immigrants to all parts of the country.
As we noted Wednesday in our report on the Tillis-Sinema immigration bill, President Joe Biden and the Left are deliberately deconstructing America’s borders to flood the country with illegal immigrants. This massive influx of people gives Democrats a reason to call for an expansion of entitlement services to support the new arrivals, thus growing the size and power of the federal government. These new arrivals can then be converted to loyal Democrat voters who will support even bigger government.
And, of course, it also gives the Left a fresh crop of folks to brainwash into supporting its anti-American agenda.
Biden, from his first day in office, has systematically rolled back funding for border security, reduced the number of agents on the ground, canceled building the border wall, and sought to strike down the rules put in place to protect our borders and the American people.
With the release of a report by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, new evidence has emerged to prove the complicity of non-governmental organizations in the facilitation of Biden’s border crisis. The report reveals data tracking the movements of massive numbers of illegal immigrants to NGO facilities along the border and subsequently into the interior of the United States.
This information was obtained through an investigation that tracked approximately 30,000 unique and anonymous mobile devices that were geofenced to 20 NGO locations along the border. (Geofencing is the use of a GPS or radio frequency ID to define a virtual geographic perimeter and trigger an alert when a mobile device enters or leaves that perimeter.) The locations were chosen based on human source information indicating that they may be involved in helping illegal immigrantps travel from the border to the various points inside the country.
During this past January, the investigation tracked 22,000 unique mobile devices at these NGO locations. These devices were later traced nationwide to 431 of the nation’s 435 congressional districts.
In a separate phase of the investigation, another 13 NGO facilities near the border were geofenced. More than 5,000 unique mobile devices were identified as being at these facilities and were later traced to 434 congressional districts.
The Heritage investigation revealed that several NGOs are accepting overflow from Customs and Border Protection stations and assisting illegals in traveling to various far-flung parts of the country. This mass resettlement not only makes a mockery of our nation’s immigration laws but it also aids and abets human trafficking, sharply increases the amount of deadly fentanyl coming across the border, and allows untold numbers of terrorists, criminals, and foreign agents to infiltrate the entire U.S.
It’s time to make the public more aware of this intentional invasion and put an end to Joe Biden’s willful border catastrophe.
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