Sunday, January 15, 2023

Tens of Thousands Dead in Mexico and AMLO Has No Recourse - Cartels Run the Country!


Many dead in Mexico

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

The summit is over, and it's time to take review of AMLO's "hugs not bullets" policy.

The policy is failing big time.  This is the story:

According to a report from Mexico's Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) leaked to the public by Guacamaya hacktivists, organized crime groups and cartels operating within Mexico have been directly responsible for 64,910 deaths across the country since Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) assumed the presidency in 2018, the highest number of organized crime-related deaths seen in Mexico since it began keeping track of cartel killings in 2007.

Someone did not get the "hugs" memo because the bullets keep flying! 

The real problem is that Presidente AMLO cannot stop the violence.  It's out of his control because of Mexico's fragile rule of law.  In other words, AMLO has to know that the criminal elements run the streets and will get their way.  This is why he loves to talk about the change of presidents in Peru or talk generalities with his amigos Biden and Trudeau.

It's Chicago times one hundred!  It's what everybody is talking about in Mexico.  Let's look at last week.  This is from The Guardian:

On Tuesday a shooting near a kindergarten in Sinaloa state left two dead; a video shared on social media showed children cowering under their desks as their teacher tried to comfort them with the music of Taylor Swift.
On Wednesday morning another shootout between the military and members of an organized crime gang in the border city of Nuevo Laredo left seven people dead, just over a week after shootouts forced schools in the city to cancel classes.
Preliminary figures from the Mexican government show that there have been an average of 78 murders a day this month in Mexico – about three killings an hour.

It will be another brutality next week.  That's Mexico today, and that's not something that I enjoy writing.  I lived and worked in Mexico in the 1980s.  I cannot believe how much the country has deteriorated, especially crime.

AMLO is failing.  More specifically, Mexico is failing.

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