Sunday, March 31, 2024

His Way - The Only Way - Every American turn your eyes on Jesus!


The Season of Life

By J.B. Shurk

As the Christian world celebrates Resurrection Sunday, the Northern Hemisphere is springing with new life.  Buds on trees are visible, and baby animals are moving around for the first time.  It is a season of rejuvenation.  These sights are pleasing reminders that physical death is insignificant next to the prospect of everlasting spiritual life.

Farmers are counting down the days until the final frost and the opportunity to plant new crops in warming soil.  Growing food teaches that, as in our individual lives, timing is often critical.  If you plant corn too early, seedlings will die; if you plant too late, an early autumn frost can kill the crop.  Sweet corn needs both a lot of sun and sufficient moisture.  Heavy rains can drown young plants before they have time to strengthen their roots.  When stalks are growing tall in harsh summer heat, though, a good rain can make the difference between a bountiful harvest and a desiccated field.  A gentle breeze is helpful for pollination; strong winds, however, might break stalks in half.  Seeds should be sown close to each other but never too close — or you’ll end up with tiny ears!  Sweet corn plants grow well together, but they also need their space to produce delicious, milky kernels.

Think about those lessons in the context of human life.  Sometimes we need temperate weather to survive; at other times, we need intense heat, wind, or rain to grow as individuals.  We must learn to endure harsh conditions.  Sometimes we must even seek out dangerous storms.  If a young child is made to suffer too early or for too long, the damage can cut short an otherwise healthy life.  If a young adult suffers too little, however, then he may never grow strong enough or wise enough to truly live.  To find joy, we must experience disappointment.  To be whole, we need other people.  To be our best, though, we need the space to become the people we are meant to be.  As on a farm, sometimes violent storms weaken us; sometimes they make us remarkably resilient.  Such is life.  Timing is everything.  

Each ear of corn is created through beautiful complexity.  Every single kernel is attached to a silk strand that protrudes from the top of every single ear.  For germination to occur, pollen from the plant’s tassel must land on each silk thread, transfer genetic material down the length of a tunnel inside the thin strand, and reach the individual kernel.  Every silk strand must successfully go through this process, or there will be gaps on the ear.  Because every corn tassel has thousands of pollen-bearing structures that produce millions of pollen grains, a single competing corn plant from a neighbor’s field can release enough of the wrong pollen into the wind to contaminate entire acres.  Likewise, if beetles or other pests feed at the silk, individual kernels will never get properly fertilized.  It’s a magical dance affected by temperature, sunlight, drought, thunderstorms, soil quality, fungal disease, insects, and roving animals.  With so many variables in play, looking at a beautiful ear of sweet corn is nothing short of amazing.

Now consider what it takes to produce a beautiful life.  From the day we’re conceived, we have our own kind of silk strands collecting information from the outside world.  To become fully functioning human beings without any debilitating gaps in our souls, we must somehow distinguish what is harmful from what is healthy.  If we’re lucky, we have parents and loved ones to guide us along our journey — especially when we are too immature to choose wisely.  Even the lucky ones, though, are constantly bombarded by contaminants that threaten their existence.  For every field filled with virtue, there is a neighboring field filled with vice and sin.  It is difficult to attach ourselves to what is important when both good and bad pollens blow in the same winds.  And when we do choose correctly and live well, there is still no shortage of pests or parasites working to weaken or destroy us.  Roving animals surround us with ill intent.  Rejecting temptation and battling evil is not easy.  Perfection is not possible because we are all sinners.  Building a beautiful and virtuous life nonetheless is nothing short of amazing.

Unlike the life of a corn plant, these physical lives of ours are just the beginning.  As is written in John 17:3, “And this is everlasting life, that they may know You, the only true God, namely Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”  Jesus tells us that everlasting life in Heaven begins with our salvation.  Likewise, our salvation begins by “knowing” God and seeking a personal relationship with Christ.  Our physical lives are just tiny seedlings.  We endure the harsh weather and unexpected turmoil of this world as we grow.  We do not live to die.  We die so that God can sow and harvest redeemed souls.

The trials we experience today are blessings because they allow us to see how barren the world is when humans forsake God.  Those who have turned their backs on Him are weak and fragile crops.  Too many humans alive right now are missing kernels from their souls.  They’re blighted by sin, parched from refusing the Holy Spirit’s life-giving water, and breaking in the softest winds because they do not believe.  Believers, on the other hand, are being tested and growing stronger.  Heat, drought, wind, and storms can destroy a field of sweet corn.  Those same conditions can also yield an abundant crop.  Look around today and you will see two farms: one that is producing inedible rot and another that is producing vibrant life.  It is not difficult to understand which one will provide God’s harvest.

If the world feels more daunting today than just a decade ago, do not despair.  Just as a farmer must rotate different crops in the same field to make sure nitrogen, phosphorus, and minerals make their way back into the soil, human society must rotate through cycles of abundance and collapse while God separates the wheat from the chaff.  

Difficult times allow both crops and people to bloom in unexpected ways.  There is a kind of fungus that infects corn kernels and turns them into bulbous, purplish monstrosities.  American farmers call it “corn smut.”  Chefs in fine dining restaurants call it “huitlacoche,” and it is considered a delicacy.  Sometimes adversity creates surprising outcomes. you’ve seen enough harvests, another lesson stands out.  Even spectacular growing seasons produce failed plants, while awful growing seasons can leave you with a small but beautiful harvest.  Sometimes a wonderfully ripe ear of sweet corn grows in the middle of several rows filled with small, dried-out plants.  What conditions allowed for such unexpected growth in the middle of nothingness?  That’s what every good farmer tries to find out.

When we spot another human being living a virtuous and meaningful life in the middle of a spiritually barren world, we owe it to ourselves to understand such growth, too.  Following another’s good example tends to spread like seeds blowing through an open field.  Eventually, dead and forgotten lands become teeming with life.

This Easter, do not worry about what we have lost.  Look at Jesus Christ.  Contemplate the significance of His resurrection.  From His example, we have so much to learn.  Following in His footsteps, we have everlasting life to gain.


Saturday, March 30, 2024

We digress from national suicide to an article of positive action! Take Heart America - we must get educated, inspired, involved and participate to save our Republic!


We Must Have Courage To Take Back Our Country

By Allan J. Feifer

The America that I knew regularly performed miracles. We put men on the moon, dug the Panama Canal, invented the atomic bomb, and created the transistor. There was no limit to what we could do. Nothing seemed impossible.

Fifty years ago, the seeds of our destruction were planted with the beginning of the social justice movement, the anti-war movement, identity politics, and alternatives promoted as equal to or superior to intact nuclear families. We were told, “Do your thing,” without regard for society’s needs. A new version of communism stormed our shores, led by teachers’ unions, free love, and blaming whites for every wrong imaginable.

We must scream against this lie at the top of our lungs before, collectively, we forget who we are. No one will be able to skirt unscathed what’s coming.

There’s an undeniable feeling among conservatives that we lack the necessary will to retain our Republic. J6 demonstrated the unrestrained power of government to assert supremacy over its citizens. Millions have been cowed from speaking out against the gathering darkness, and our government shows little regard for respecting the Constitution.

What’s happening to Trump in Manhattan is breathtaking. Yet, as far as Democrats are concerned, this is only the beginning. The invasion across our borders reflects the inaction we see in Congress, coupled with an empowered bureaucracy and the hard left-leaning Marxist progressive press, which is louder and more activist each day. Our defenses have crumbled. In a 60-Minutes interview this week, the President of Mexico threatened America, saying he’d send even more migrants to the border if the U.S. does not do what he says:

The U.S. must commit $20 billion a year to poor countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, lift sanctions on Venezuela, end the Cuban embargo, and legalize millions of law-abiding Mexicans.

Immigration, primarily illegal, has profoundly affected us. Too few of us can see how fast our standards, laws, customs, and beliefs are changing. Powerful forces chip away at our foundations, beginning with education. Each year, the number of Americans who consider themselves patriotic falls in lockstep with these fundamental changes imposed on us by the Marxists/communists embedded in our society. Their deep roots have been cultivated over two generations.

The whole country hasn’t followed this downward path. There are still plenty of Red areas around the country, but they, too, are under assault from federal mandates, anti-American laws, and taxes we must pay that go to policies and actions we despise. Even the hardiest of us see the ground we stand on shift beyond our power to control or comprehend.

How many readers dream about severe punishments for those who try to sexualize children? How many truly despise AOC as she screams at white people, calling them slaveholders? How many feel sick when they hear our so-called leaders on TV tell you that you must give up your “white privilege”? Or even worse, powerful radicals who unabashedly state that they want to destroy you in the same manner and with the same xenophobic fervor they’re using against Trump. How many can see they are next up on the chopping block?

Our Constitution’s ability to defend us from tyranny can’t be assumed. Progressives have radical leftist judges on speed dial to intercede at a moment’s notice. Thankfully, a relatively conservative Supreme Court has mostly done the right thing, but not always. And who is to say what will happen to the Supreme Court’s originalist leanings should Biden get a second term? Remember that the Supreme Court takes a limited number of cases each year, and you can see why we can’t rely on them to keep the darkness at bay.

The mainstream media say that violent white extremists are the real danger. They urge us to ignore the rampant crime, burning cities, and hundreds of thousands of drug-addicted and mentally-addled who have taken over our streets and cities. Much violence goes unreported.

God forbid any white person strays off the straight and narrow; that’s world news to them. In fact, whites are passive, not violent. We are constantly admonished that there must be no violence in politics, except we see examples every day coming from the Progressive left.

Communists are relentless, directed, powerful, and without mercy. They want you dead or subjugated. America is the last line of defense that restrains them. World socialism, a.k.a. communism, is staging a comeback, and America is the single nation that threatens its success. Obama, Biden, and a staggering number of educators, government workers, and our elected Senators and Representatives are gunning for traditional America, particularly white America.

Politicians, even the most conservative of them, will not be able to save us. I believe America is ripe for a new kind of revolution of ideas, re-engagement, and pushback.

My friends ask me if it is too late. Are we too tired or disorganized to turn the tide? My answer is always the same. We don’t need everyone to grow a spine to find our way back. We need three things to win:

1.    Within the rule of law, we must do whatever it takes to control the megaphone of the media. Control means we must tell the truth and distinguish between people who report the news or push a narrative. Today, that’s hard to discern. James Carville is now our unwitting friend, saying that “preachy females listening to NPR“ are the Democrat’s problem. In actuality, they are conservative’s problem and have been for years!

2.    White people must come out of their coma and stop burying their heads in the sand as they are demonized across mass media and social media. We need leaders who can explain that this is a zero-sum game: the bad guys win, or we win. If we lose, our families and our nation fall. This must be believed and understood.

3.    We must have a charismatic leader who can speak the truth regardless of the consequences. I think we have that person in Trump. Who else is there? Without such a leader, no one will inspire us to be more than the pawns we are today. And, yes, this leader will inevitably be more authoritarian than we might want, but that’s what we must have today.

Not everyone has the strength to be a soldier in the war of ideas. Still, there should be enough Americans who will courageously speak out, who understand the stakes, and who have a vision of a nation in which our officeholders are not our enemies. That’s the fight, the proposition we face, and the task ahead.

God Bless America.


Friday, March 29, 2024

Another example of the devastating consequences of the fraudulent Biden immigration policy!


Mom Of Boy Killed By Illegal Border Crosser Speaks Out: ‘His Life Was Taken Way Too Early By Someone Who Shouldn’t Be Here’

By: Jordan Boyd March 28, 2024

Not even the most heartfelt gestures from the community can take away the pain a mother feels after her son’s preventable death.

MIDLAND, Texas — Alex Wise Jr. would have turned 11 years old in May, but he won’t be at his birthday party this year. Instead of celebrating another trip around the sun for Wise, his extended family will gather without him to honor his 10 short years on Earth.

“I wish he was here. I really do wish I had him here. But unfortunately, his life was taken way too early by someone who wasn’t even supposed to be in the country,” Sykia Benson, Wise’s mom, told The Federalist.

Wise became one of the many victims of the ongoing border invasion in February, shortly after he was struck and killed by an illegal border crosser as he headed home from school. The elementary school student used to ride the bus, but after his family moved apartments, he was asked to walk.

Thursday, February 8 was Wise’s first and last day to walk his new after-school route. Before the 10-year-old could even make it to the stop sign where someone was waiting to meet him, Wise was hit by a truck driven by an illegal border crosser.

“Everybody else let [Wise] cross the street but this car was so impatient that it went around. And he was almost on the grass, like a step away from being on the grass when he got hit,” Benson said.

Rogelio Ortiz Olivas, a 50-year-old Mexico native who re-crossed President Joe Biden’s open border after facing deportation at least five times previously, was registered as intoxicated at the time of the crash. He fled the scene but was later arrested after an officer at a traffic stop noticed his damaged truck hood bearing an “impression of a skull.”

Ortiz Olivas faces a third-degree felony of “hit and run, accident causing death” charge for “driver negligence” and failing to stop and render aid. Local arrest records confirm that, to this day, the Midland County Sheriff’s Office is holding Ortiz for “collision involving serious bodily injury,” “driving while intoxicated,” and an immigration detainer.

Benson says police told her Ortiz Olivas had a New Mexico driver’s license and the vehicle he drove was in his name.

“Somebody helped him get identification,” Benson said. “Somebody helped him in New Mexico get an ID.”

The Midland Police Department did not immediately respond to The Federalist’s questions about this alleged driver’s license and whether it was still valid at the time of the incident. It wouldn’t be impossible, however, for an illegal border crosser like Ortiz Olivas to have obtained a standard license at some point under New Mexico’s lax ID laws.

‘The Sweetest Kid’

Benson received the devastating call that her son was injured and would be life-flighted to the nearby city of Lubbock for medical care as she was picking up her father from the local airport. By the next day, Benson’s “sweet,” “helpful,” and “friendly” boy was gone.

“He was a kid. He got into things,” Benson recalled. “But he was still just a sweet, sweet person.”

Wise wasn’t just sweet, he was also smart, making mostly A’s and B’s in school. When he wasn’t learning math, his favorite subject, Wise was playing sports with friends

“He loved football, basketball, soccer. He loved it all. He was about to start playing football. He already played basketball and soccer,” Benson said.

Wise also loved playing with his one-year-old sister. Benson said her daughter doesn’t quite understand Wise’s absence but she recognizes it.

“I don’t think she knows too much now but you can definitely see a void where she’s used to running to him, running in his room,” Benson said.

As for Benson, she’s taking things “day by day.”

“I feel like I’m at a standstill because it’s surreal that he’s gone,” Benson said through tears.

A Preventable Death

Since Wise’s passing, Benson and her family have received an outpouring of support from their church, friends, and Wise’s school, which promised to erect a park bench in her son’s name. But not even the most heartfelt gestures can take away the pain she feels when she wakes up early to take her son to school only to remember he’s not there.

“It’s been hard. Trying to get used to him not being here, it’s been really, really difficult,” Benson said.

One of the most unexpected parts of her grieving process, Benson said, is her concern that a tragedy like the one her son endured could happen again. She said her son’s death could have been prevented if the United States had better deportation enforcement and border security.

“There should be laws put in place where if you’re deported one time and you get caught a second time, it should be mandatory automatic jail time. So you keep sending them back and they keep coming over and they’re getting over some kind of way. It’s no control over the border,” Benson said.

Currently, Benson does not know when legal justice against her son’s alleged killer will be served.

“I actually haven’t heard anything from anyone,” Benson. “Nobody’s been informing me about anything. I’ve been going to them and they still don’t know too much.”

The Midland County District Attorney’s Office confirmed to The Federalist on Wednesday that there are no scheduled court dates for Ortiz Olivas.

No matter how long the wait, Benson hopes justice will come for “the sweetest kid ever.”