New job for the Border Patrol: Shooting bandits
By Monica Showalter
As if the Border Patrol doesn't already have enough to do changing diapers and 'processing' tens of thousands of illegal border crossers to their destinations of choice in the U.S., now somebody's got bandit duty.
According to Fox News:
Border patrol agents in California shot and killed a bandit who was robbing other migrants as they crossed into the U.S. from Mexico.
Multiple U.S. Customs and Border Protection sources confirmed that a criminal migrant who crossed the border in the San Diego sector was shot and killed by a member of the Border Patrol’s elite Border Patrol Tactical unit, or BORTAC, early Sunday morning.
The incident happened in a remote area where the bandits had been seen crossing into the U.S., robbing migrants and returning to Mexico.
Border Patrol agents responded to "bandit activity" on Sunday morning, when they came across a small group of bandits who were robbing migrants as they were walking to an area where migrants surrender to agents so they can be processed.
So, bandits are now becoming a problem at the border, a problem we didn't have much of until Joe Biden opened the border.
It's shocking stuff, pretty much like the Wild West now, except that banditry isn't the only illegal thing going on at the U.S. border -- the crossings themselves are illegal, but those doing it are viewed as now entitled to a safe illegal crossing, not an unsafe one, complete with security guards, still illegal as heck, though and more service with a smile.
Now, there wouldn't be any bandit activity if there weren't fat, juicy, easy targets for bandits to rob to begin with. Bandits could just as easily rob people in cities and plenty of them do. But they know that most designer-dud-clad illegal migrants, some with suitcases, carry a lot of money. And so long as those illegal crossings continue and migrants know that if they can get in, they can stay, the bandit harvestings will be ample.
So much for the myth perpetrated by the Biden administration and the NGOs that all migrants are utterly penniless, pitiful refugees, and therefore in need of full lifetime services, to be administered by them by the government. Actually, the illegals have got a lot of money and can pay for their own transport food, and hotels, but why pay it when the U.S. is handing it out for free? Under Biden's catch-and-release, no I.D., no questions asked, they can always get it for free. Studies have shown that it's not the very poor who make long journeys to the U.S. for illegal border crossings, it's the lower middle classes of middling third world countries, who frequently exploit the very poor on their way (as I wrote about here) and who have plenty of money to pay for human smugglers and cartel "crossing taxes."
Bandits can see what's going on with
this human trafficking trade and are taking their opportunities.
Now the Border Patrol has shot one.
Good luck to you, the U.S. citizen, if you shoot an illegal migrant on your border ranch robbing you in this supposedly "non-violent" crime, but the Border Patrol did what the Border Patrol needed to do in Wild West conditions, same as was done in the previous Wild West. Too bad about the Americans who have been told by judges they cannot defend their property from illegal border crossers, some of whom are coming to rob them and virtually all of whom are littering and doing property damage. Some of them are in the San Diego area, and one rancher in Arizona is on trial for murder for shooting an illegal migrant on his own land who was threatening his wife.
Illegal border crossers are apparently the only ones entitled to state protection from bandits and criminals.
What it highlights is illegal border crossing is creating its own universe of special interests and services. The illegal migrant conveyor belt has not only marketed illegal aliens as being in need free food, clothing, housing, transport, and legal assistance, forging a vast NGO empire of special interests with a vested interest in illegal border crossings, it's also sprung up "needs" for new services, such as full security for migrants from bandits in order to make every illegal border crossing a safe illegal border crossing. Guess who pays for that additional institution of new services for migrants?
This far from the only one. Yesterday, CBS8, a local television channel in San Diego, reported that the biggest state university hospital system, U.C. San Diego Health, has encountered so many migrants injured from falls that it's been compelled to set up a new migrant border-wall-fall injury unit, serving some 400 migrants who refused to respect that a wall was there and decided to try their luck climbing over. Some of these falls and injuries are severe, and many of these injured migrants will require a lifetime of care. The Border Patrol should start posting photographs of illegal border-wall jumpers in wheelchairs as a warning to those who plan to jump, but that probably won't happen. The U.S. will just be forced to pay for their lifetime of care.
They could solve this in two minutes by shutting down the border and sending to jail anyone who crosses into the U.S. outside a valid port of entry. Instead, they'd rather extend the empire of services to migrants -- and hand the dirty, dangerous job of hosing out bandits to the Border Patrol. The Border Patrol shouldn't have to be dealing with this kind of threat at all on a regular basis, but a steady stream of illegal border crossings is now demanding it.
Shut it down now.
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