Thursday, May 30, 2024

Illegal immigration has plagued our once great Republic for decades! The fraudulent Biden administration has increased this tragic national destruction a hundred fold.


Trump is Correct About Deportation

By Warren Beatty

Regarding the issue of deportation, The New York Times published an opinion piece titled 'Trump's Taste for Tyranny Finds a Target,' by Jamelle Bouie. In it Bouie wrote:

"Among the worst episodes in American history are those moments when the federal government deploys the full weight of its power against the most vulnerable people in the country: the Trail of Tears and the Fugitive Slave Act in the 19th century and Japanese internment in the middle of the 20th [century] (all implemented or enacted by Democrats). If he is granted a second term in the White House, Donald Trump hopes to add his own entry to this ignominious book of national shame."

According to Kelly Lytle Hernandez, deportation (what she calls immigration control) is both unconstitutional and racist: "immigration control is one of the least constitutional and most racist realms of governance in U.S. law and life."

Fiona Harrigan, in her Reason article 'Trump's Mass Deportation Plan Is Anti-American,' wrote, "...his most extreme proposal is to carry out 'the largest domestic deportation operation in American history. Trump's mass deportation plan isn't just anti-immigrant. It's anti-American."

None of the above authors ever addressed 'the root cause' (as our esteemed Vice-President is wont to say) of this entire issue – illegal immigration.

As reports Chris Matthews, 'the removal of one million immigrants would cost the federal government between $40 billion and $50 billion over 10 years (according to a Penn Wharton Budget Model -- yep, that's the same Penn that received a $54 million donation from China and the home of the UPenn Biden Center).' Trump estimates the deportation of 15 million to 20 million illegal immigrants, so taking his highest estimate and Matthews' highest estimate (which is certainly suspect), the total cost will be $1 trillion over ten years.

However, according to David Zimmermann in a National Review article, illegal immigrants cost the U.S. taxpayers $450 billion each year. A report by the House House Committee on Homeland Security reports that figure. Let's see, $450 billion times ten years is $4.5 trillion. Kinda puts Matthews' estimate in perspective, doesn't it?

As Miriam Jordan wrote in her New York Times article '8 Million People Are Working Illegally in the U.S. Here's Why That's Unlikely to Change,' "They make beds in inns across the country. They pick oranges in Florida, strawberries in California and vegetables in Ohio. And they have built new subdivisions in Phoenix, Atlanta and Charlotte. But the economy has grown to rely on them. Employers want cheap labor, benefit tremendously from illegal immigration. Companies that rely upon unskilled labor are primarily food processors, cleaning companies, and agriculture. They always want more laborers because more means less pay."

Remember when Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) chimed in, tried to justify illegal immigrants? Pelosi said, "We have a shortage of workers in our country, and you see even in Florida, some of the farmers and the growers saying: 'Why are you shipping these immigrants up north? We need them to pick the crops down here.'" She agreed that U.S. has a responsibility to secure the border, but didn't stop there. She said the U.S. should "recognize the importance of newcomers to our nation." She created a euphemism for illegal immigrants by referring to them as 'newcomers.' She, however, failed to refer to them as 'illegal newcomers.'

Not wanting to be outdone, Rep. Jared Nadler (D-NY), the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee at a Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement hearing, said, "We need immigrants in this country. Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants -- many illegal immigrants. The fact is the birth rate in this country is way below replacement level which means our population is going to start shrinking."

The U.S. receives a million legal immigrants per year, and the vast majority of them enter the labor market competing with Americans for jobs. Why would we want millions of illegal immigrants, most with no job skills? The Department of Labor has said for more than twenty years that America has an ample supply of unskilled labor.

What would occur if all illegal immigrants were deported? Dr. Steve Camarota, research director at the Center for Immigration Studies, believes that wages would rise and motivate many chronically unemployed Americans to get back to work.

This situation is, in my opinion, the strongest argument for deportation of illegal immigrants. The District of Columbia approved the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act in 2022, which cleared the way for noncitizen residents to vote in local elections (see § 1-1001.02. 2(B)) starting in 2024. The House of Representatives passed HR192 that would nullify a law in Washington, D.C. which permitted noncitizens to vote in local elections by 262-143. Fifty-two Democrats joined a solid block of Republicans in passing HR192, which is not expected to be considered in the Senate or get President Biden's signature.

"Allowing noncitizens -- including illegal aliens and foreign agents -- to vote in elections dilutes the voting power of the citizen voter." said Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX), the bill's sponsor. Voting against Pfluger's bill were 143 Democrats. In effect 143 Democrats voted to let noncitizens vote in a U.S. election.

Step One for the Democrats -- noncitizens voting in local elections in D.C. -- was blocked. But, as we well know, they never quit. New York City, San Francisco, and College Park, Maryland, now allow illegal immigrants to vote. More than a dozen California municipalities permit illegal immigrant voting.

Chairman of the House Administration Committee Rep. Bryan Steil (R-WI) said during a hearing, "American elections are for American citizens, and we intend to keep it that way." Democrats on the committee castigated their Republican colleagues for focusing on what they called a 'nonissue,' arguing it was a strategy for Donald Trump to challenge elections this fall. Is this Step Two, Democrats dismissing Republican arguments?

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), at a House Leadership Press Conference, discussed Democrats' ultimate goal. Johnson said, "Many leading Democrats here in Washington want illegal aliens in our country. Why? So they can become voters, and they can affect the outcome of the census in six years to affect reapportionment in Congress. Now, if you want example of that, look at the District of Columbia, that's what Leader Scalise was mentioning. The city council has decided they want noncitizens and foreign actors deciding who will serve as mayor and local attorney general here."

Bottom line: Trump is correct.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Every once in a while we need a good 'history lesson'. This article provides a clear and descriptive representation of a 'global tyrant'!


Karl Marx is alive and well in 2024 America

By Vince Coyner

Marxism was easily the most destructive political theory ever to be put into practice. Over the course of the 20th century, it was responsible for purposefully killing well over 100 million people. To put that evil into context, the slave trade into the United States was 400,000 people, the number of Congolese dead during the reign of King Leopold II of Belgium is estimated as high as 10 million, and the total number of deaths during WWII was 73 million. But communism beats them all combined. And most of those numbers came from governments killing their own citizens! I mention all of this because the father of Communism, Karl Marx, has been on my mind lately.

Marx was a despicable human being. It’s often said that he never had a job in his life. That’s not technically true. Although he had a doctorate, his radicalism kept most universities from hiring him. He was a writer and editor for several publications, most of which went bankrupt because no one was reading them or were shuttered by governments seeking to quell what they saw as sedition. He wrote for the New York Daily Tribune for a decade and later for the New York Sun. None of these jobs paid particularly well or consistently (other than the Tribune), and what they did pay Marx often spent on alcohol and tobacco.


Image courtesy of Vince Coyner

Marx’s family lived in poverty and debt his entire life and, often, they went hungry and were evicted several times. This was despite Marx having received substantial inheritances from his parents and taking numerous “loans” from friends. He fathered at least seven children with his wife, but only three survived to adulthood, in part due to the family’s poverty and its consequent malnutrition. But Marx never once took a job that would economically support his family and give them sufficient sustenance. In reality, Marx spent most of his adult life supported by his friend, co-author and de facto vassal, Friedrich Engels, the son of a textile manufacturer.

Aside from being a hypocrite, arrogant, condescending, and violent with words and sometimes deeds, Marx was also a slovenly man. He drank to excess, smoked, and almost never bathed. A German spy, after visiting Marx, reported, “[Marx] leads the existence of a Bohemian intellectual. Washing, grooming and changing his linen are things he does rarely, and he is often drunk.” He was a racist and an antisemite as well, despite his Jewish heritage (his father converted to Christianity for political and economic reasons).

Marx spent virtually his entire adult life decrying the inequality and “failures” of capitalism and proffering communism as the replacement for capitalism and democracy, a theory he and Engels outlined in The Communist Manifesto. But the thing is, Marx had no direct connection to actual capitalism other than taking the money it produced to support him and his family. He had no experience starting a business, building a business, managing payroll, insurance, suppliers, customers, employees, unions, or anything else. No, he learned everything he knew about business and economics from reading.

It’s not impossible to learn about economics from reading. I’ve read Thomas Sowell’s books and feel better informed for having done so. But unlike Marx, Sowell actually worked in the government and observed the real consequences of government programs. In addition, he directly ties his work to specific data from a wide variety of real-world sources. He cites specific companies, government programs, economic measures, and studies when he writes.

Marx does none of that. Most of the information Marx gathered during his career was that of various philosophers, political, economic, and otherwise. These included, among others, Adam Smith, James Mill, Robert Owen, Charles Fourier, and, of course, Friedrich Hegel. But he never visited a factory, a mill, or a mine, nor did he interact with the proletariat he championed. He did interact with one virtual slave, however—his lifelong family maid, whom he never paid and with whom he fathered a child he refused to acknowledge.

Engels, on the other hand did have experience in his family’s manufacturing business. In 1842, his German father sent him to Manchester, England, to get the impressionable lad away from the radical politics infecting Prussia. It was too late, however, as Engels was already radicalized and headed on the path that would define his legacy.

Engels would visit the most downtrodden slums of England and would share his observations with Marx. He left his family company in 1844 and would not return until 1850, two years after the publication of The Communist Manifesto. Much of what Engels would write however was either embellished, taken out of context or an outright lie, a characteristic he and Marx shared.

Although Engels had limited experience with the proletariat, Marx had none and wanted none. He demurred when Engels invited him to visit factories with him, nor would he query his merchant uncle about business other than on a single family matter. However, the lack of actual evidence or experience with anything outside of reading didn’t stop Marx from writing about the destruction of the entirety of Western civilization.

Individual liberty and private property would be gone, while the government would control the means of communication, transportation, and production. It would simultaneously undermine the family and dictate where citizens would live. Marx proffered a communist world with no understanding of how the world actually works. In doing so, he ignored the lessons from New Harmony, Indiana, Robert Owen’s failed attempt to build a socialist nirvana in America, a topic about which Marx would most certainly have known.

Marx understood that, to achieve his preferred goals, democracy wouldn’t work, but violence would. In 1848, he wrote, “there is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror.”

That commitment to violence brings me to why Marx has been on my mind. Does any of the above sound familiar? A vile, self-centered, and arrogant individual with poor hygiene, highly educated, with little or no experience doing anything resembling productive work, while spending his time railing against society and advocating for its violent overthrow?

It should, because we’re seeing thousands of individuals—many highly educated (including lawyers!) and most with no experience in producing anything in the real world—violently demonstrating for the overthrow of the United States as we know it. From Portland to New York to Atlanta to Tampa every time we get the mugshots and reports from the police of the arrestees, they look exactly like you would expect: unkempt, modern-day wannabe Karl Marxes. A majority are professional agitators, going from place to place causing trouble.

While Marx had a vision (albeit an absurd and impossible one) with which he wanted to replace democracy and capitalism, today’s agitators are nihilists with no plan beyond destroying America. They, like Marx, are parasites who do nothing productive for society. They don’t know how the world actually works or how to build anything productive. All they know how to do is throw fists, stones, and Molotov cocktails while complaining about the society that nourishes them.

But then, that’s the beauty of the left: There never needs to be a connection between ideas and reality. It’s enough to criticize, theorize, and legislate, with no proof necessary, and then let the chips fall where they may.

With Marx humanity paid a terrible toll for such folly. You’d think Americans would have learned something from that history. Sadly, however, looking at the support the Democrat party maintains—and make no mistake, the Democrat party of today is a modern incarnation of Marx’s theory—many apparently haven’t.


Illegal alien voters has always been the major pursuit of the fraudulent Biden administration. Because of this horrific policy - the USA will never be the same!


Schumer: Yes, We Want to Make All Illegal Migrants Into Voters

Jazz Shaw May 28, 2024


When we review the history of the 2024 election cycle, this moment may be remembered as the ultimate case of a Democrat "saying the quiet part out loud." For more than three years now, it's been common knowledge in conservative commentary circles that Joe Biden's decision to immediately open the southern border upon taking office was a deliberate choice and it had nothing to do with helping the teeming masses yearning to breath free. The Democrats want to flood the country with millions of illegals so they can eventually grant them citizenship. Then, the presumably grateful invaders wearing their "Biden, please let us in" shirts will repay that generous invitation by voting for Democrats. Of course, the Democrats never admit this, or at least they didn't until a few days ago. On Friday, Chuck Schumer addressed a group of reporters and the subject of the border crisis inevitably came up. Rather than mouthing the usual platitudes about needing a "legislative solution" or even blaming Trump, Schumer ripped off the bandage and admitted the truth. The "ultimate goal" is to grant all of these people citizenship. At Townhall, our colleague Sarah Arnold has the details

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) revealed the Democrat Party’s plans to open the door for every illegal immigrant entering the United States to receive citizenship. 

On Friday, while addressing reporters, Schumer said that “our ultimate goal” is to grant U.S. citizenship to every illegal alien in the country. 

Many speculate the reason Democrats don’t want President Joe Biden to secure the border is because they need their votes for the 81-year-old geriatric president to win another four years in office. 

Secretary of State Michael Watson (R-Miss.) insisted that leaving the border wide open is all about “control” and “power” that is used to get illegal immigrants registered to vote and cast their ballot for Biden. 

When I first saw this story, I immediately wondered if this was some sort of AI trickery, making it sound as if Schumer had made such an admission. It didn't seem possible. After all, if you're trying to scam someone out of their life savings, you don't wander up to them and express your hopes that they fall for your plan because you could really use the money. But it turns out that the video is real.

You will note that Chuck Schumer didn't actually use the word "illegals." As usual, he said, "undocumented." But this was not a fake video. He clearly states that the "ultimate goal" is to allow all of the migrants to stay permanently and grant them citizenship. You can watch the video and listen below from Wall Street Silver.

Of course, Schumer never mentions the idea of all of these illegals voting or speculates on who they might vote for. But the ability to vote is baked into the cake with citizenship. Schumer tried to place the blame on a need for more workers and America's declining birthrate. It's true that birthrates are declining in all Western nations, but ours isn't slowing down nearly as fast as the army of invaders settling in our country. It's not even close. 

The problem that Schumer and his party have is that actual Americans are not falling for this. We've seen numerous Democrats going out on legacy media outlets and trying to scare voters by saying that Donald Trump will begin mass deportations if he's elected. For once they are telling the truth because Trump has promised to do so repeatedly. What the leftists fail to realize is that most Americans don't see that as a "threat." That's what we want to see happen. In fact, we desperately need it to happen, though it would take a generation to fully undo all of the damage that Joe Biden has inflicted on the United States in less than four years. But if we don't get started, we're going to lose our country.

I suppose I should close by offering some thanks to Chuck Schumer, particularly since he's one of my senators. Honesty in politics is roughly as common as hen's teeth. But now, Chuck Schumer has admitted to the scheme that we all knew was unfolding all along, even if he did so unintentionally. Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud, Chuck. Now we can get on with the crucial task of running Joe Biden out of Washinton on a rail.