Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Illegal alien voters has always been the major pursuit of the fraudulent Biden administration. Because of this horrific policy - the USA will never be the same!


Schumer: Yes, We Want to Make All Illegal Migrants Into Voters

Jazz Shaw May 28, 2024


When we review the history of the 2024 election cycle, this moment may be remembered as the ultimate case of a Democrat "saying the quiet part out loud." For more than three years now, it's been common knowledge in conservative commentary circles that Joe Biden's decision to immediately open the southern border upon taking office was a deliberate choice and it had nothing to do with helping the teeming masses yearning to breath free. The Democrats want to flood the country with millions of illegals so they can eventually grant them citizenship. Then, the presumably grateful invaders wearing their "Biden, please let us in" shirts will repay that generous invitation by voting for Democrats. Of course, the Democrats never admit this, or at least they didn't until a few days ago. On Friday, Chuck Schumer addressed a group of reporters and the subject of the border crisis inevitably came up. Rather than mouthing the usual platitudes about needing a "legislative solution" or even blaming Trump, Schumer ripped off the bandage and admitted the truth. The "ultimate goal" is to grant all of these people citizenship. At Townhall, our colleague Sarah Arnold has the details

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) revealed the Democrat Party’s plans to open the door for every illegal immigrant entering the United States to receive citizenship. 

On Friday, while addressing reporters, Schumer said that “our ultimate goal” is to grant U.S. citizenship to every illegal alien in the country. 

Many speculate the reason Democrats don’t want President Joe Biden to secure the border is because they need their votes for the 81-year-old geriatric president to win another four years in office. 

Secretary of State Michael Watson (R-Miss.) insisted that leaving the border wide open is all about “control” and “power” that is used to get illegal immigrants registered to vote and cast their ballot for Biden. 

When I first saw this story, I immediately wondered if this was some sort of AI trickery, making it sound as if Schumer had made such an admission. It didn't seem possible. After all, if you're trying to scam someone out of their life savings, you don't wander up to them and express your hopes that they fall for your plan because you could really use the money. But it turns out that the video is real.

You will note that Chuck Schumer didn't actually use the word "illegals." As usual, he said, "undocumented." But this was not a fake video. He clearly states that the "ultimate goal" is to allow all of the migrants to stay permanently and grant them citizenship. You can watch the video and listen below from Wall Street Silver.

Of course, Schumer never mentions the idea of all of these illegals voting or speculates on who they might vote for. But the ability to vote is baked into the cake with citizenship. Schumer tried to place the blame on a need for more workers and America's declining birthrate. It's true that birthrates are declining in all Western nations, but ours isn't slowing down nearly as fast as the army of invaders settling in our country. It's not even close. 

The problem that Schumer and his party have is that actual Americans are not falling for this. We've seen numerous Democrats going out on legacy media outlets and trying to scare voters by saying that Donald Trump will begin mass deportations if he's elected. For once they are telling the truth because Trump has promised to do so repeatedly. What the leftists fail to realize is that most Americans don't see that as a "threat." That's what we want to see happen. In fact, we desperately need it to happen, though it would take a generation to fully undo all of the damage that Joe Biden has inflicted on the United States in less than four years. But if we don't get started, we're going to lose our country.

I suppose I should close by offering some thanks to Chuck Schumer, particularly since he's one of my senators. Honesty in politics is roughly as common as hen's teeth. But now, Chuck Schumer has admitted to the scheme that we all knew was unfolding all along, even if he did so unintentionally. Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud, Chuck. Now we can get on with the crucial task of running Joe Biden out of Washinton on a rail. 


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