Saturday, December 28, 2024

Deportation is cruel - what is extremely cruel is th Biden/Harris open border policy - that is what is evil and cruel!


WaPo: Deporting families together is ‘ugly’ and ‘cruel’

By Olivia Murray

A large part of Trump’s appeal to the common man, even the moderates and many people who have always been reliably Democrat, is that he’s not pro-crime. And, after four years of the Biden Crime Family and all his progressive cronies laying waste to a functioning society, the American people had hit their limit; in November, a majority of the nation showed up to re-elect Trump, delivering a soaring electoral victory and the popular vote. While I wish it were a referendum on abortion, or federal usurpations, people obviously showed up for two reasons: the economy and the crime rate, both of which were negatively (and seriously) impacted by a massive influx of third world foreigners who have no right to be here.

Now, any leftist movement throughout history bears a shared characteristic, and that is that it uplifts evil, and trods on good; villain becomes victim, and the innocent become the enemy. So naturally, it’s only consistent that the leftist, pro-crime media follows suit—the criminal illegal alien, violating American law and sovereignty, is now a victim of “right-wing” xenophobia and hate—and Eugene Robinson’s new piece at The Washington Post displays the fallacious appeal to emotion in an effort to subvert the will of the people that we can expect in the coming months:

Donald Trump has promised the mass deportation of undocumented migrants, and now we know how that will look: ugly, wrenching, heartbreaking and cruel.


Migrants without papers who have built new lives in this country will be apprehended in their homes and at their workplaces. National Guard troops likely will not be used to conduct these raids but instead transport detainees to the centers where they will be held.

You know what’s “ugly” and “cruel”? Abortion, and all that goes along with it… a retiree on social security only receiving a 2.5% increase because a federal government artificially deflated the inflation numbers… stealing the work and wealth of one person and giving it to another by the barrel of a gun (taxation)... mutilating the bodies and  healthy sexual organs of children to “trans” them… providing support to terrorist groups for politically expedient purposes….

(Clearly, I cannot begin to do this list any justice.)

Per Robinson, “family separation” is ugly and cruel… but so is deporting them together—ipso facto, Robinson wants mass amnesty. (This is also assuming that these “family units” are in fact related and these children aren’t being trafficked by strangers and bound for sale at a brothel which is, quite a presumption. Don’t forget, there are still hundreds of thousands of migrant children unaccounted for due to the chaos and incompetency of the last four years.) 

You can’t win with these people, so if, but hopefully when the time comes, I urge you to stand your ground, don’t give in to emotional arguments, and see to it that we get our nation back.

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