Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The previous fraudulent administration certainly left us with a sorry mess! But we will clean it up one way or another!


How not to protest for ‘immigration reform’

By J.B. Pensyltucky

The president’s approval ratings are up, arrests of illegal aliens are way up, government accountability is being regained, and most Americans and noncitizen residents of the United States are happy about the crackdowns.

But the troglodytes of the left cannot stop their self-destructive meltdowns, as evidenced in so many videos online documenting the utter stupidity of the protesters against ICE or government accountability.  Even the legacy media talking heads are spinning, with some getting downright bitchy.

It’s Stupid Human Tricks time, and the entertainment value is in seeing the fools the people make of themselves while championing indefensible causes.

I’m not saying you should troll, or go out there in a tie and jacket and white Stetson and shout, “Protect big booty, Latinas!,” because that would be too on the nose.

But this is America.  Fly the flag of Scotland, the Constitutional Colors, the Gadsden flag, the Irish flag, but please never fly the flag of Mexico!  It’s a hate symbol (if you believe in that sort of thing).

One of the glaring facts seared into my mind about immigration from reading Ann Coulter’s Adios, America! is that a third of Mexico’s populace had immigrated to the United States, according to the limp-wristed Pew Research Center.

Those figures are dated (no offense, Ann — you still look good).  Are we now at 45 percent of Mexicans having immigrated here, thanks to Basement Joe Biden?

The Mexican Flag now is certainly an expression of defiance toward the laws of the United States (with a heavy tinge of Brown Supremacy, too).  La Raza is a passel of white-hating, culture-thieving racists.

Normal Americans of Latin descent are appalled at the behavior and say, “You guys are embarrassing us!”

The leftists can't help their raving, which is good for us, but their daggone shrieks are pretty annoying.

Remain calm, lefties — we will get you gurrls all the tampons you could possibly need.

Naturally, Rand Paul is a voice of reason amid the clamor: “It’s about [the fact that] we have laws, and enforcing them,” he says.

The Dems don’t seem to be listening.

Still, Americans of many stripes are helping out.  The Babylon Bee is being a good media steward and offering helpful tips for illegal aliens to avoid deportation, like Tip 1: “Go back to your home country.”

These foolx are simply too whacko to realize how terribly bad they look, and how they are hurting their cause.  Can we hope to possibly see even stupider behavior in the coming days?

ֵ¡Sí se puede!


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