Mark Lowry American Chronicle Part I of IV
Americans who disagree with immigration policies forced on us by corrupt politicians, terrorist corporations and foreign governments are attacked with charges of racism without consideration for objective data measuring injury we suffer as a result of criminal policies that rob American citizens of jobs, wages, educational opportunities and the American Dream they worked lifetimes for.
American summary rejection of amnesty for illegal alien invaders arises from real injustice and inequity for American citizens. Americans are sold out by tyrannical political alliances between politicians, international corporate terrorists and foreign governments.
We have lost jobs; wages are depressed; taxes increased at all levels; we have lost entitlement benefits we paid into for years Medicare and Social Security; government confiscates our assets if we are unfortunate enough to use programs we paid into “backed by word and honor” of the U.S. Government and its politicians; medical insurance is widely unavailable; and quality of life in general for many middle income and low income Americans has degenerated while corrupt employers and invader illegal aliens, breaking our laws daily, illegally get benefits we bought for them without question.
Center for Immigration Studies “Immigrants at Mid-Decade report dated December 2005 indicates in table 13. “Percent using welfare programs and EITC by household-Head by country of birth” that 43.4% of Mexican immigrants legal and illegal receive some form of welfare. Public assistance 2.8%, SSI 2.7%, food stamps 11.1% Subsidized housing 4.6%, Medicaid 37.3% WIC 16.1% and EITC 49.9%. This comprehensive report indicates massive usage of government assistance that is taking money away from American citizens. American benefits are cut by Legislators to subsidize illegal cheap labor for international corporate campaign contributors and lobbyists; the global elite.
Political (co-conspirators) refuse to obey or enforce existing laws prohibiting use of government funds to hire aid and abet illegal immigration. They adopted specific illegal strategies to attract illegal invaders one neighborhood and city at a time over two decades. They are responsible for the invasion and can fix the problem or get out of office. A lot of republicans chose to leave during the last election, now it is the democrats turn to see if they will comply with the law and get rid of illegal aliens.
Elected officials disenfranchise American voters while they “embrace diversity” of invading unskilled workers. We are told they are good for the economy when every economic theory indicates economic prosperity is driven by educated work forces not unskilled low wage workers. If unskilled workers are key to prosperity why not send those “hard working” Mexicans to
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