Mark Lowry American Chronicle Part II of IV
Politicians tell us to embrace diversity and learn Spanish to accommodate our new “hard working” residents when over 75% of both American spouses have to work multiple jobs to survive. Only 50% of both Hispanic spouses work. Many more are unemployed living on welfare. An estimated 15% in
We are told invaders are “hard workers” doing jobs no American is willing to do. This lie is the most insulting and offensive racist comment Americans have uttered about any race of people that sends resentment and hatred boiling through working America. How can invaders “work all the time” and yet have time to protest benefits of living in this great country during a workday while Americans work. Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) indicate “28.6% of all immigrant-headed households use at least one major welfare program compared to 18.2% for all native households.” Americans have a long history of doing back breaking work of highest quality and level of productivity in the world. We work in sewers, garbage, dig ditches, mine, pick crops, and do roofing, construction, oil rig, meat packing, chicken processing, charcoal plants, steel mills, loading docks, and any other dirty job imaginable. 97% of illegal aliens take jobs Americans want and need.
High school and college students find it more difficult to finance higher educations with part time work because Mexican invaders have taken their jobs. Baby boomers that lost pensions to corrupt corporations have difficulty finding even most menial types of work. The lie about taking jobs Americans won’t do has done more than most lies to hurt credibility of people who have dumped invasion on us. It assumes Americans are too lazy to work and more interested in drawing welfare (like our crooked jailed politicians,) which was reduced or cut off for Americans while generously giving benefits to foreign invaders without asking their citizenship status.
Our taxes are increased to pay for illegal alien health care, educational tutors, school health care programs, higher education opportunities, legal aid, and finally respect and dignity for Mexican invaders not available to us. Invaders go to the hospital, scream “free baby no money, no comprehend English” and get free delivery and post natal care without providing identification, if they work or not and if they are citizens or not. Anchor babies are given automatic citizenship and government assistance while their parents maintain Mexican citizenship illegally in this country.
Infertile Mexicans are given fertility clinic treatments at taxpayer expense. Many are unemployed, speak no English and only want an American citizen baby so they can get benefits.
Then we are accused of being heartless if we want illegal invader parents to leave, with or without the children. We can adopt if they don’t want them.
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